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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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crispy, crispy, aromatic, somewhat reminiscent of shrimp, but with a creamy aftertaste, it sounds appetizing, but it doesn’t look very good, eating insects is a new world trend. m south. east asia, for example, was initially one of the pillars of national cuisine, but little by little it is becoming part of the diet of residents of other regions of the planet, including europe, and these specific innovations are actively welcomed by the united nations organization, what is prepared from insects and in the name of which the progressive west decided suddenly turn own population in entomophages in our review. a new restaurant in london opened only this year, small but cozy, serving salads. there is no feeling that you are eating
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crickets, it’s like something between mushrooms and meat, somewhere in the middle, a pleasant texture, here we are eating crickets like snakes, amazing, insects are rapidly crawling around... according to supporters of non-traditional protein, classical animal husbandry puts too much pressure on the earth's ecosystem and is one of the main drivers global warming. it would be nice to cancel it. everything that is connected with
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livestock farming today, their carbon dioxide emissions are 0.1% of the total volume, as they say - there physicists, as statisticians say, this is much less than the statistical measurement error, these are all the stories about carbon dioxide, the greenhouse effect, that vegetarian food is needed there, and meat is not needed, these are all stories for, well, the masses of the population, but not for the leaders of these countries, they themselves eat meat, drive gasoline cars and don’t even have them switched off for days on end. the greens have influential supporters, including the world economic forum and the united nations. for more than 10 years, the un has been actively promoting food made from insects, but it serves everything with a different sauce. the world's population is growing, but hunger has still not been overcome. according to recent estimates, more than 300 million people are hungry in the world now; cheap food is needed to feed them.
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russia, unlike europe, does not rush headlong into the excitement of new gastronomy; in our country, insects are not yet included in the list permitted food ingredients, but things may change. right now, the safety of the food of the future is being checked by specialized scientific organizations. there is no way to ignore where to put a comma. insects are beneficial or at least not harmful. does russia, following the example of the west, plan to switch from traditional food to very unconventional food? which ones are useful? there are harmful substances in beetles
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and larvae, this is a question of science, i’m pavel toropov, associate professor of the faculty of geography of the lomanosov imsu, our guest is nadezhda tyshko, head of the laboratory for assessing safety, biotechnology and new food sources of the federal research center for nutrition and biotechnology, doctor of medical sciences, nadezhda, good afternoon, hello, you know, everything that comes from the un, i , frankly speaking, have already worked out immunity, at least for the last 20-30 years. if the un promotes something, then it’s for russia, well, at least it’s not very good, as a rule, after all, the discussion around these insect food, it’s something akin to war between pointed and blunt-pointed, like janathan swift, from which end is typogo or from the island, that is, some kind of disembodied discussion, or is there really something to talk about here, here is your opinion, are you still for or against? there is something to talk about here, all asia-pacific countries.
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region, africa, south america, they have a history of safe use of insects for food, you need to understand that insects are a resource, they are a resource, they are a source of... indeed the basis of the diet in a number of countries, but if we talk about the temperate climate zone, especially the subarctic, in the russian federation itself, northern europe, well, our insects, firstly, have a significantly smaller species composition, and secondly, probably, the amount of protein in
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them is less, that is, in russia, why do this, if we have insects, and of course there are a lot of them, but somehow they are not the same as in south-east asia, and still, something can also happen. we understand that there is nothing mosquito there, a fly or something, that is, this is some kind of edible beetle or type of insect, with which in particular you work, which are promising,
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exactly in russia, the so-called flour beetle, what grows in flour, well, you can probably imagine what it looks like, they are little black bugs, sometimes they look like, if they are larvae, then they are worms. it’s generally quite safe, it’s clear that it feeds on flour, and it’s just one of the species that is now allowed in the european union, and somehow they don’t even look very disgusting, especially since no one actually eats them , as i understand it, there won’t be any of them already something is being done, here in the world there is some kind of classic set of these insects, well , some of the most popular ones, in other regions, if we talk in principle about the number of species that can be used for food, somewhere on the order. 2000, even a little more, if we talk about countries that do not have a history of safe use, that is, european, north american, we, then the most popular now is this mealworm, yeah, grasshoppers, house cricket, black soldier fly,
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here these are the most popular types insects that are considered for use as food, are they used to prepare something, or do they also just secrete some substances? as i saw the products, at least they are already available on european marketplaces, for example, flour beetles are available in ready-made form, there are these larvae, dried, they are intended for use for breakfast, at least in this form , but from the fact that we are now with the knowledge of already four years of studying this object, we understand that most likely we we won’t use insects in their entirety. be considered for use in food, most likely the approach will be the same as for soybeans, that is, we will separate them, separately isolate the protein, separately separate the chitin, separate the fat, in general, the potential is quite high for this product, because really it has complete
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protein, because insects are animals, that is, it will be complete protein of animal origin, it can be used. nadezhda, here’s a question: proteins... extracted from the same flour beetle and those found in meat, bull or poultry, are they the same thing, or are they some completely different things, to what extent will this replace, for example, the proteins that we get from when we ate meat, we conducted a study of the biological value of protein, this is what our research dealt with, it was the protein of the black soldier fly, and we conducted research, a biological experiment on rats, that is, we and...
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we have an opinion, but the opponents, it means that this whole story, there is an opinion that this harmful, which can be toxic, either chitin or some other substance, well, that’s why. we are now conducting all these full-scale studies, now we are considering the possibility of using this, whether it cannot be used, in what form it can be used, it is clear that this should immediately say that insects belong to a new type of food product, this is according to our legislation, that is , such products must undergo mandatory safety studies only after once safety for the health of consumers is fully proven, then only after this... research, we are just looking at what
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is there, how they can be dangerous, what potential there is, what potential harm can be caused, now we are still studying, well , of course, you now have such a peak in scientific research, that’s all the grants and work is going on, that’s what i imagine, in general, and how many more years is it approximately, that’s how you estimate approximately, of course, from your current stage of research to this is already...
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but in southeast asia, nevertheless, even though we have already said that it is part of the culture there and this has been happening for thousands of years, a whole insect is eaten without any of these ingenious divisions that you are talking about , it seems like this is nothing, so you have come to the conclusion that dividing is still correct, in our tradition there is still no such thing in our culture to eat whole insects, of course, we probably won’t be able to overcome ourselves, maybe get the valuable ingredients that are needed, and it's still, well
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enough, if you compare the environmental and economic feasibility, for example, getting a kilogram of protein from insects and a kilogram of beef, then in general insects win here in terms of what is simpler, cheaper, faster, but again this is an erroneous message that i often hear now, in general, i absolutely disagree with him, but... this is that someone wants to replace meat with insects, no, there is no talk about this here at all, some kind of radical, no, here we are talking about expanding the resource base food industry, that is, give us more tools with which we can already work, well, of course, safe tools, well, it’s clear that in this regard, of course, it’s better in the form of some kind of separate protein, which is simply understandable, but
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i still understand that what you are doing, it looks very civilized, divided into components, but still, is there any fear that the psychological barrier that most people probably have will be difficult to overcome, people will not, well you know what this means... there is flour there or isolated from some kind of worms, beetles, and so on, so they won’t buy it, won’t eat it, or is it all getting used to it, i think it’s getting used to it, on the contrary, there are people who like to try they are looking for something new , on the contrary, so it depends on specific people, well, they will get used to it in one word, yes, of course, let’s return to the issue of safety, once again, after all, this is important, here’s an allergic...
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relatives - these are crabs, crayfish, in their protein composition, precisely in their proteome, the so-called proteins of the whole organism, according to their proteomics. profile, insects are very close to arthropods, well, to these, respectively, crabs and crayfish, and a person who has, say, an allergy to crustaceans, most likely, with a high degree of probability, will have the same allergic reaction to an insect, crayfish are generally wonderful, they are already crayfish, almost everyone loves crayfish, so, well, they love to love, but in terms of, if you asked
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a direct question about allergies, then of course, but here we are still just studying this, because that what the next stage is that we are now developing a technology for isolating the protein ; we will determine the next stage, because there are a number of proteins that are precisely responsible for allergies to insects, and we will conduct research on the presence of these proteins in that protein, which we, after all these technological transformations, will these proteins remain in that product or not, that is , the possibility is very high that ... they will not be there, that is, because they are possible will be hydrolyzed and denatured there, and accordingly, this will be, well, also a plus, because now , really, in terms of eliminating allergens from food - this is also one of the ways, this is how to prevent the development of allergies, i understand correctly , that we will not need to buy insects, which means that in order
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to isolate something from them, everything is enough of its own, and here in this regard, everything is economically feasible, and moreover... as far as i understand, now the ministry, the ministry agriculture has added just insects, but to, well, i won’t say to the diet, but , as it were, well, to the list of agricultural products, but yes, but this is in terms of use for food, for now it’s still a few years just for you still traditionally classical 10 years, if some serious scientific initiative, some serious development, this is the law , approximately 10 years in science.
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but we must clarify everything as much as possible in terms of security in order to fully guarantee safety for consumers. hope, the question is, in general, the diet of russians, let's talk about this a little, how correct it is, on average, you probably have some statistics, in comparison, perhaps, again with the old and new world, how healthy we eat, and could these developments be related to the release of useful substances? russians, of course, have certain imbalances, that is , excess consumption of fats, excess consumption of carbohydrates, especially monodisaccharides, well, in general, it is clear that about 60% of the adult population already have overweight and obesity, but there is
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a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, that is, this is there, in terms of protein everything is fine, that is, there is no deficiency of protein in the diet. so it’s normal here, well, of course, in order to completely create a competent diet for yourself, you need to have certain knowledge, because now everything is really available, there ’s a lot of everything, everything is delicious, and accordingly you need to limit yourself in some way, but i certainly didn’t expect that our statistics on diet are so bad, and that obesity is everything other things, well, no, it’s there, in general we see it on the streets, so if we take statistically just big ones.
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about, well, a woman, let’s say, spent 400 kilocalories a day, a man spent five, now despite the fact that we come there, press a button there, cook our lunch there , in general, energy costs, that is, if before we had to plow a field then bake your own bread there, yes, now we basically drop into the bakery and just buy buy eat it’s quite less for much less energy consumption, and accordingly that’s all, that is, now somewhere a man needs... about 2,500 kilocalories per day , a woman needs two or 1.8002 and, accordingly , the diet should be for this number of calories. i see, i see. yes, that's it, that's it. well, this leads to a deficiency of vitamins and macro-micro elements, because if previously 500 kilocalories contained everything,
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now if we reduce the diet, then accordingly our supply of vitamins inevitably decreases with that volume of food, well, a very large amount of food now already refined, processed, accordingly , vitamins also need to be taken additionally, well, that is, it turns out that proteins are generally necessary. especially no, yes, everything is fine with them, well, again, this is an expansion of the resource base industrially, that is, they will find something to use, but just to have more tools, well , understandable, understandable, yes, this is of course useful, well another question arose for me, where can we get away from the green environmental agenda, we always hear it, is always fueled by the world community and so on, well, as a climatologist , i know well that...
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it’s more convenient to place it on a smaller area, that is, if you have a conditional cowshed, well , imagine the areas of land that should be occupied by it, then just set it up vertically some boxes, that is, they can be contained in such well as in boxes, it is clear - less land, less water, less everything, that is, less costs and, accordingly, with the volume of costs, in general, a fairly large amount it turns out well, the product that we ultimately need, that is, in terms of profitability, yes, it’s very somehow. well, it really turns out to be more economical, let’s look at the screen, it’s compared here, that means a piece of ordinary meat, well, that’s right, but it compares how much protein a cricket contains, that
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is, it turns out that this is approximately how it is, yes, after all, humanity too maybe it’s not quite on the right path, but we have fangs in order to eat live meat , it seems, and it’s true, on the other hand, we again, we know that people have been eating insects for thousands of years, and above all... in southeast asia, but it seems like a person can and should, maybe it’s better for him to eat meat, since he’s been given fangs, or that’s not possible to argue, yes no, a person can eat a lot of things, that is, we are not like meat eaters, we are omnivores, and accordingly, here, probably, it’s not, probably, it’s not worth it, yes, it’s wrong, but what to eat or not to eat, this is a hamlet-style question, the answer to which can only be given... by the end consumer, what will be on the tables of russians, only russians will always decide, while there is no reason to worry about the national cuisine, if insects are truly the food of the future, then not
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the nearest one and not ours, doctor of medical sciences, nadezhda tyshko, answered scientific questions today. nadezhda, thank you very much, it was a very interesting conversation, i think, thank you, thank you very much.
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and now to the news from the state duma, a plenary session will be held there today. the president nominated acting prime minister mikhail mishustin to this post. and before the meeting, mishustin must separately hold a meeting with each of the factions. and now our correspondents, anton potkovenko and maria kudryavtseva, are in direct contact with the studio from okhotny ryad. colleagues, good afternoon. anton, let's start with you, when are mikhail mishustin expected to arrive at okhotnoy ryad, and what time will it begin with whom, with what faction
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? the first meeting, yes, they did, i welcome you, but they are already waiting, in principle, in the very near future , approximately at noon, the candidate for the position of prime minister, mikhail mishustin , should be here willingly, as for meetings with factions, the first the meeting will be with the communist party of the russian federation, then the ldpr, then spravedlivno ros, new people and united russia, as the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin emphasized in a conversation with journalists, today is expected to be eventful.
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the state duma approves the chairman of the government, and then will approve the deputies, the chairman of the government ministers. a busy, tight schedule today in the state duma, even vyacheslav volodin emphasized that this new regulation, approved by an amendment to the constitution in the twentieth year, when the candidacy for the post-chairman of the government is agreed upon and approved by the lower house of parliament, these regulations, as it were, are increased further.
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politics, so these questions will definitely be raised, it is important to discuss issues of increasing the efficiency of the executive branch, how it will be structured within the government, what priorities the government sets for itself, how they will be supported systematically - through the distribution of powers. so, in the state duma today. the most important issue on the agenda is coordination and it is possible to approve the candidate for the post of prime minister mikhail mishustin. as for the federation council, the speaker of the federation council , valentin matvienko, sent the president a decision of the council of the chamber, the federation council, with a list of candidates for the post of head of the accounts chamber. three names are anatoly artamonov, chairman of safed’s budget committee, galina izotova, acting
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chairman of the accounts chamber, and boris. kovalchuk in march he


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