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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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and these are new goals in almost all areas, from demographic policy and support for families with children to strengthening technological sovereignty and increasing the country’s defense capability. at 2:00 pm, a plenary meeting of the state duma will begin, at which deputies will hear mikhail mishustin’s speech, ask him questions, after which a vote on the candidacy will take place. for the first time in the history of modern russia, deputies will have to form the composition of the cabinet of ministers. such powers are given. constitutional amendments of 2020. also, in accordance with according to the legislation of the russian federation, the speaker of the council of fentin matvienko signed and sent to the president the decision of the council of the chamber, the federation council on candidates for the post of head of the accounting chamber. there are three names on the list: artamonov anatoly dmitrievich, izotova galina sergeevna, kovalchuk boris yurievich. we are awaiting the president's nomination for appointment. ready to consider it in the prescribed
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manner and make a decision. now a short advertisement, then our broadcast will continue with a film by alexander lukyayanov about how armed resistance began in 2014 in the donbass and how the people's republics of novorossiya were created. what do you think? cool, but saving up for a subscription? vtb savings account, replenish regularly and you will save up 16% faster! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, megamarket - just grow with us! we reveal the secret of a great grill! we buy in magnets, play in the app, and receive grill prizes! the formula for a great grill! into a magnet,
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and people with an active life position, difficult people, went out into the streets and opposed the lawlessness that they tried to do in our country. the russian spring in donbass began when fire from molotov cocktails on the maidan in kiev melted the ice and stained the snow with black soot, says alexey selivanov, who was an assistant at the time.
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and they beat him on the street, the sbu officers had already brought me in by phone, the same s-14 worked for the sbe officers, and they leaked where i was, they tried to kidnap me, at least five people in black came to me from different directions, i was in i was talking on the phone this time, my hand was busy, so i started to fight them off along with the phone, i’m quite a massive person, plus i’m still not a professional there, but i was involved within the framework of my patriotic organizations martial arts, but actually i didn’t allow myself to be tied up, to be pushed into a car , to be kidnapped and what to do with me. go there and inject drugs, record penitential messages, as they did with other activists of the russian spring, that is, i fought off, then ukrainian journalists arrived, i also told them everything, one of the ukrainian journalists hinted to me that they had already come to finish me off to the hospital, well, i kind of asked acquaintances there in two cars to
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control the tail, they took me to safe house to my friends, i dropped all the phones, c14 is a neo-nazi group, alexey understood the threat he faced and...
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they obeyed, in the donbass the population turned out to be in all regions of the country, in the western regions they were resisting, we welcome all
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concerned citizens on behalf of obtaining the donbass . at the end of february , an appeal from the donbass people’s militia, pavel guborev, appeared on social networks , participants in those events recall. our people's. the donbass movement, just as berkut did not deviate from their oath, neither do we let's stop the events on the maidan from our set goal, they outraged our entire population and it is clear that people here did not remain indifferent, yeah, when on march 1st we also started protest movements, all these movements, distributing propaganda literature, walking around here city, when you distributed leaflets, you understood that... you could face criminal prosecution for separatism, the sbu was working, you could be photographed, of course, of course, but for some reason there was some kind of fearlessness, i don’t know where it came from it came this is fearlessness and not only the sbu, there
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were also local people who, the local population, who ran with stones, threw stones in the back, generally shouted there that, well, all sorts of threats. at the same time, donetsk communists, who broke off relations with the central apparatus of the communist party of ukraine, came out to defend the lenin monument in the center of donetsk, recalls boris litvinov, one of the authors of the future declaration of independence of the dpr. and on this day, by the way, a call from the sbu, not those who sympathized with us, this is the local sbu, this ours, they live here, the call to the sbu, from the sbu, will be removed today. for lenin, everything in the soviet era is everything that is possible, the spirit is destroyed, symbols are destroyed, so you destroy the spirit with a symbol, then you can do whatever you want, we accepted this, began to look around the city,
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here they ride with yellow blanket ensigns, that’s their euphoria, that in just a little while donetsk will be taken, we called on our people. friends, about 50 people came out onto lenin square, we stood all night, there was a car parked near the philharmonic, a little lower down the boulevard was closed, that is, they prepared at night. come, fill it all up, what date is this, it was from the twenty-second to the twenty-third, just like that, why on the twenty-third, the day of the soviet army, we always come on the twenty-third, flowers, lenin, well, traditionally, so that there was no one to come, the spirit had left, that’s it, the symbols were gone, that night a car dropped into the square, a skoda, a skoda octavia, started driving around, trying to push these defenders, well, onto the square. stood there, we started throwing stones at her, that’s it, here are two young people with us
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the sergeants stood there all night, the sergeants immediately called for help, they were sent to grab them, that is, the police were here, the real ones, they didn’t like them either, these yellow-blaky ones, this is our donetsk police, how could it be wrong, they’re local in the party of regions the authorities were at a loss, it was a long process, when we see everything, we are the same, we are slavs, we are the same. to create the donetsk people's republic it will be, we will be there, we have created something unclear
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what, well, we will be on our own and we will ask to join the russian federation, so was initially said, rallies at the lenin monument became a point of attraction for those who disagreed with the armed coup d'etat in kiev, coordination of the actions of like-minded people was through personal connections and meetings in squares, through the telephone, through acquaintance and through the terrain, through points of the area, when i arrived in senelnikovo, dnepropetrovsk region.
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which means they were pro-ukrainian, pro-european, yeah, even before the maidan there that year in the previous year, the americans were actively working throughout ukraine, they tortured, they had such a project, techcamp, techcamp is an attempt to create their own media network structures, these bloggers and so on, in donetsk, in lugansk the locals drove them away, well , they just came to this meeting and drove them away, well , there was some kind of mufti there, that means liberal in donetsk, there was some kind of protestant pastor. this was the kind of party, the only time when they arrived there, fans came, local fans beat them, this is known, also footage, all of these
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have been preserved, there was even one victim, i don’t remember, but local fans beat them, there was, there was a fight, there was throwing various heavy objects at each other, that was it, no one else came, it’s a foreign city, it’s dangerous to come, and even a bus arrived from the entrance to khartsisk, a full bus of these nazi comrades arrived, who are not our comrades. they wanted to do a pogrom in the city, but our guys from the police, who were already in our country, came out, they realized what was going on, they came and asked, they just said: it’s better, guys, don’t go there, by the way, and the youth, even take misha, well no, young people, about 14 years old, they also took part in the patrol, on bicycles, they immediately, that is... it was the mobilization that was so interesting, popular, simply heartfelt for the people, they came on saturday and
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sunday, we went to rallies , the rally is going, these ditties, well, yes, even this russians were coming, yes, everyone is going, everyone is honking, everyone is supporting, some due to work, someone else couldn’t with something, it turns out like, they show ukrainian channel, there were only a few of them.
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let's make pasha guborev governor, come on, they raised pasha, set up a stage, who is for the fact that pasha gubarev became a people's man since there are 1000 under 20,000 hands, pasha is the governor, pasha says, then let's go to the administration, and since i am the governor, i must sit in the place of the governor and lead the region, let's go,
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go in, occupy two floors of the regional administration without strong resistance there. we sat there for 3 days, but there was no coordination of actions, there was a crowd, there were emotions, but no coordination, today we hoisted the russian flag, this is our small and huge victory for donbass. under the pretext that the building mined, the protesters were taken out of the regional administration, and pavel gubarev was detained by the sbu on march 6 for separatism. this could be the end of the russian spring, but in donetsk. they began to prepare for the legal change of power through people's councils and a referendum; a congress of representatives of the cities of the donetsk region was planned for the end of april. so we spent the whole night looking for such ways, ways out of this state of fermentation into nowhere. yes. we came to the conclusion that we need to convene a congress
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of representatives of territorial communities, political parties and public organizations. who were on our territory, protestors, so we proposed this scheme the next day, everyone liked it, yes, let’s gather, but we didn’t come up with this kind of meeting, before that the party of regions tried to hold this in kharkov, back when yanukovych was there, when but he didn’t come there, he didn’t come, that is, it didn’t take place, i say, here’s the mechanism, here’s the mechanism we’re taking to assemble in the squares, in the cities of the republic. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, rallies to collect and to choose delegates according to a quota for that proposed congress, on saturdays and sundays in donetsk large rallies were held here, these protocols were handed over to me, there were already quite a lot of people, why are they afraid of their people, why are they afraid of us,
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why are they blacklisting us instead of giving us what we want, referent? only this congress never took place. on april 6, after the next public meeting, a group of activists of 200 people again headed to the regional administration building. the organizers of the rally even thought that it was the provocateurs who led the people so that the sbu would have a reason to detain the leaders of the protest movement. let's go storm the administration. let's go to the regional state administration and present them with a cry, and we go, there is something there, no, 125 there are warnings, demands that the people hear, well, it’s not too early, before this they took over the administration twice, both times they threw people out of there, in this time is part of the rally, those same professional russians are there,
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that means the movements of compatriots, they are not, this is a provocation, we will not go, we have already done so twice we went, we won’t go, what a provocation, go ahead, let’s go forward, the opinion of the people who then led the process converge on one thing, that it was a provocation, there was one person who, well, not even one, there are several, let’s go, what is this for? it was necessary to pull us there so that we could navigate and then we could be declared as terrorists, as already a usurper of power, with all the ensuing consequences, that means... they saw natalya belotserkovskaya and kofman there, who is now the head of the public folk republics, they looked lost, they didn’t know what to do, like the people. and then we practically, well, as if under emotional pressure , said, go there, go there, the people had already gone that they went there, now
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there was a beauty in front of the leg, there was a wire, an iron wire and there was a cordon, the clutch was made up of young soldiers who served in the air force, even me. well-known guys who were from khartsiysk, i came up, said hello, i said, well, we’ll stand, well, well, we won’t interfere, i already knew before that the police are with us, they took away their shields, we entered the village, that’s it, the people just poured in, they took the people’s masses.
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capture here a bulgarian there scrap business, the question in general of capturing any objects is to hold them, as the commander in the cities said there, that the city is like a beauty, it’s easy to conquer, but difficult to hold, that’s the question of holding, it was precisely popular support, because it’s one thing when some armed group is sitting, that’s another thing purely for the person who has to disperse them, it’s another thing when there’s a crowd standing peaceful people, obviously peaceful, unarmed, there are grandmothers with pies, there are some other women. they came with these pots of soup, that’s all, how i managed to help in organizing all this near the donetsk sbu, then they tried to hold two buildings, as if both the regional state administration and the sbu, these are our guys,
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so they were cruising back and forth, and they were armed they were very interesting, all our guys had bats, ordinary ones from common notebooks - wrapped around their elbows, with this tape, knee pads were also from common notebooks, well, in general. who's good at what? what kind of help are you? we helped, well, we prepared sandwiches for the guys there, at first we prepared tea there, that is, we fed the so -called kitchen. the police, who stood in the cordon, did not resist and after the order of their commander dispersed, the governor appointed by kiev, sergei taruto, left the building. here, not far from the boulevard , there were water cannons, brand new cars, no one used anything, there were water cannons, no one turned them on, these water cannons and... all around the building stood conscripts, soldiers, conscripts, 18, 20 years old, boys, then there was a team , disperse, i talked to the major who
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was in charge of him, so he says, i am fulfilling my function, but i understand that these are people, now some miner will come up with a club and hit this conscript on the head, his mother will come, then he will kill me again , this is politics, get busy, this is your business, so i took these soldiers there, well done! well, this is the only one, and that’s all we have, we still have weapons, we still have extra personnel, we didn’t lose a single fighter, we still had it, that’s why we hoped that
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it would be like this in mariupol, but it didn’t work out like that, how punitive detachments from the western regions of the country prevented the adoption of people's power in mariupol, vyacheslav, who found himself in the thick of those events, tells us. before the main events, which here in the fourteenth tragedy happened on may 9, i was an ordinary mechanic. at the azovstal plant, here is azovstal, in the twenty-second year i stormed this azovstal and liberated it, our unit distinguished itself, they just surprised us, since the surrender of these azov freaks was to our unit, well, here in front of this building, just the last we closed the passage to the azovites and they surrendered to us, we closed their last exit to... to the bunker and they just came out with a flag to negotiate out of despair, but that was later, when
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these events began to happen in general in ukraine. the fascists began to rise, rallies began to gather in the city at the city executive committee, there myself without anyone, there without friends, i came to one of these rallies there and listened, they recruited people there who could stand up for themselves, for others, my parents simply raised me on that to love the homeland in history, therefore somehow it was bothering me, what... was happening, i tried to somehow help there in any way i could, and i signed up for this dnd, we became friends, there are several of us, there were about 10 of us like these guys, together we were like we patrolled, tore up the city, well, like patrols, just an ordinary civilian, we had nothing, no weapons, nothing, we patrolled in the evening, and went to work in the morning, well, then there were a lot of provocateurs from
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the right sector and we identified them.
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because there was information that on may 9 there would be a provocation of victims in mariupol, and we went to this security, our commander, who is the department, he, through other connections, established contact with the local ukrainian police, who were in the city, who were with the people, with the people, there was an agreement that we would patrol with them those who were with us, those who are for ukraine there, they are downright funny, i haven’t experienced anything like this for a long time . it’s amazing, very cool, energizing, high emotions, the actors are simply gorgeous, mom, this is
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alisa, i liked alisa and her. and sasha petrov actually really, really made this film, i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khobensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it really worked, i don’t know. will it really be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re so touch sensitive, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, i’ve thought a lot over these 100 years, got used to watching videos, stopped working, install, open , watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and...
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documentaries, watch, watch on the app or website.


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