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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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the implementation of national development goals is the main task facing the russian government. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with acting prime minister mikhail mishustin. earlier, the president again nominated him for the post of head of the cabinet of ministers. we will find out more details from our correspondent maria kudryavtseva. she is in direct contact with the studio from okhotny ryad. maria, greetings, what was discussed at the meeting and what is happening now at okhotny ryad. daria, hello, president vladimir putin nominated mikhail mishustin for the post chairman of the government. now mikhail mishustin is already finding it. in the state duma there are meetings
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with representatives of the faction, but before that there was a meeting between vladimir putin and mikhail mishustin and the president expressed confidence that they would support this candidacy, i propose to watch the footage of this meeting right now, a proposal has been submitted to the state duma to appoint the chairman of the government of the russian federation , just recently we met with colleagues.
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i hope that the deputies of the state duma, and you were in the state duma not so long ago reported, they know what and how the government and you as the chairman of the government have done in recent years, they will properly evaluate and support you during your consultations presiding today at the factions, and then at the parliamentary meeting. now there is a live broadcast from the state duma of gennady zyuganov’s press approach following the meeting with mikhail mishusilin. extremely important steps, he felt what high technology was and responded to our proposal to create centers for electronics, machine tool building, instrument making, artificial intelligence and a number of others, he allocated from his reserves, in fact, 100 billion in order to improve electronics, without it it is impossible, they ensure victory at the front, he understands perfectly well what education, science and... machine tool building
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are due to the fact that i myself have dealt with this more than once, but the success of any government primarily depends on the systematic work of deputies and ministers, in my opinion, unfortunately, this government does not have a single political will to change course in favor of fulfill the president’s instructions to reach global rates of economic development. in recent years... in 10 years, for the first time last year we were at a rate of 3.6% higher than the world rate, but again we reduced the rate by 16%, devalued the ruble by 80% and stopped monetization by 53%, which actually began to collapse the small medium business and not give room for the implementation of a number of urgent programs, we were supported by...
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to sell a number of war conditions, a number of large suppliers to our budget of financial resources, so today we are at a meeting with the prime ministers directly stated that we will support his efforts to systematically work and develop
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industry, the agricultural sector and the social sphere, to fill the budget for science and education, but then the question arises, what personnel will be... eight laws were introduced from a large family, ending support for war children, hot meals for high school students, but these documents were also not accepted, although they could have been accepted long ago. in this regard, the faction consulted with its allies and
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56 organizations participated in the presidential elections, we have prepared an order for this government too, it provides for the implementation of those regulations that kharitonov received together with afonin, they traveled to 72 constituent entities of the russian federation and formulated our program of 10 steps of a decent life, they prepared 12 laws for it, including our unique development budget experience of people's enterprises, as soon as we hear from the lips of the prime minister and he, new ministers or former ones, that they are ready to implement significant... participation in these programs, as soon as they declare that in order to implement these programs need professional, competent people, then we are ready to support this government; in this situation, while our faction is abstaining, the government has taken
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steps in the right direction, but is doing so hesitantly and is obliged to adjust the financial and economic course in favor of those who work on the land. who solves problems in factories, where today there is a massive shortage of personnel, i believe that mishustin has such an opportunity, for this it is necessary for the government to work as a common team, there is a power bloc of the president, i understand this, but there is a financial and economic bloc that is not yet complying with the instructions of either the president or meshustin, they must be forced to work for the country and not obey.
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russia is for truth in the state duma, and after that there will be a meeting with new people and united russia, we are waiting for live broadcasts. now we are returning to the state duma, the president introduced the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of head of the cabinet of ministers and our correspondent maria kudryavtseva is in touch with the studio again, maria, the floor is yours. hello, once again, i would like to remind you that today vladimir putin had a meeting with mikhail mishustin, and the president noted that the cabinet of ministers had done a lot in difficult conditions. let me remind you that just a few figures for 2023, last year gdp growth was 3.6%. well, inflation was reduced to 7.4%.
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at the meeting, vladimir putin emphasized that it is now important to continue work without pause. i suggest watching the footage of the meeting. first of all, i want to thank you for the trust you have placed in me, the tasks that you set for the federal assembly in your message and... of course, those national goals development, which were indicated in the new may decree, this is the guideline and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all national goals , which were before this in 2004 in decree 474, we will do everything for the development of our economy to justify.
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the results that the country needs. let me remind you that immediately after the inauguration of vladimir putin, members of the government resigned his powers by law, the head of the cabinet of ministers is appointed by the president after the approval of his candidacy in the state duma. the former ministers and deputy prime ministers continue to work, but now in an acting status and will continue to work in this status until the new government is approved. well , the candidate’s meetings with factions are taking place right now, they will be held behind closed doors, but
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after the results of these meetings the faction leaders will approach journalists, a meeting has already taken place between mikhail mishustin and representatives of the communist party faction. hello. now i’ll tell you more about today’s regulations ; after the meetings, there will be a plenary meeting at which mikhail mishustin will make a report, as reported by the review. the question about the candidate for the post of prime minister will take approximately 3 hours, while
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mikhail mishustin’s speech will not be limited in time, and parliamentarians from each of the five factions will be able to ask the candidate two questions and then also speak during the meeting. based on the results of the judgment, today there will be voting on the issue of confirming the chairman of the government, well, right now we are ready to show footage from the meeting of mikhail mishustin with the ldpr faction. and i congratulate you on the introduction of your candidacy by the president, we will work compactly, colleagues, we are ready, let's go teslavich, we have already seen each other, we are not parting, we are not falling, good afternoon, hello, dear colleagues, now.
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let me remind you that mikhail mishustin was appointed prime minister at the suggestion of vladimir putin in january 2020, but on april 3 , 2024, here at the okhotny ryad the annual report on the results of the government’s work, this was mikhail mishustin’s fifth report, he then noted that russia has every opportunity to become the fourth. economy of the world, now there are literally a few more key figures: at the end of 2023 , industrial production grew by 3.5%, and here the main driver was the manufacturing sector, so it grew by 7.5%, this is a record for the last 10 years, but we we continue to receive footage of mikhail mishustin’s meetings with the leaders of the faction, with representatives of the right now just russia faction.
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we will tell you the statement in the following live broadcasts. daria, yes, maria, thank you, our correspondent, maria kudryavtseva, is working on okhotnaya ryad today. but now to the messages on the information feeds. the communist party of the russian federation agency , following a meeting with mikhail mishustin , announced that it would abstain from voting on mikhail mishustin’s candidacy, since, as gennady zyuganov explained, the communist party of the russian federation raises questions about the financial and economic bloc of the current composition of the government. also , the meeting with the ldpr has already ended, the ldpr stated that it would support the candidacy of mikhail mishutin, now there is a meeting with the just russia members ; next in line is a meeting with new people and
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united russia. in the near future we are waiting for a live broadcast from the state duma with a press approach from leonid slutsky. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen for headaches. you are silent like a fish. shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger. a real sea of ​​taste, only delicious, period. thanks to shopping at mega.
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seems to me that this is a dishonest approach towards those people. for which all political parties exist, we must proceed from the fact that the chairman of the government did everything possible and impossible, moreover, he did it in the conditions of a special military operation, when it was twice as difficult for the government work. of course, there are still a lot of issues and burning issues that require immediate resolution, but at the same time we are saying that the government hears us, we passed, as federal laws, our forty-one legislative proposals at the spring session of the twenty-third year, at the autumn session, 19 of our proposals became federal laws, this has never happened, today the government hears, first
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of all, because we are guided by the requests of people who trust us, who we are delegated to be their representatives of the plane of power, and of course, what we formulate is of a professional nature, i suggested that mikhail vladimirovich completely move away from the practice with the rare exception of negative reviews, when the authors want to openly, as they say now, hype, but sorry for it. .. vocabulary, we in the ldpr do not have hype, we have a constructive proposal, so even if something is not entirely correct from the government’s point of view... this minute can be finalized, this is how we will be able to work quickly on the most important bills, to solve
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the most important and pressing urgent problems that need to be solved yesterday, i am confident that at the current stage we will be able to establish work with the government even more effective than at the previous stage, they say: it’s easy to get elected, it’s difficult to get re-elected, and indeed, for mikhail vladimirovich now is a very important stage in his professional biography, in working for the good of the country, for the sound ideas of the president of russia, for our quick victory, so now he and his we will support the future cabinet, among other things...
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who has not broken down in the american dungeons, we would propose a professional in the field of aviation for a department that will, like the ministry of aviation industry in its time, deal with aviation, and i think that this will strengthen the government, strengthen those who are involved in both production, today it is denis valentinovich manturov, a great smart man, a man who really... managed to solve the problem of import substitution in science-intensive industries, together with rastekh he restored, which is very difficult with tank building, and those
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who operate, who operate, this is vitaly gennadievich savelyev and his team, aviation equipment, such a department is needed, today or in the near future, a decision on creating an aviation industry as a separate... and look at the work of the government during a special military operation in difficult conditions, scientific and technological
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potential is being developed, families with children are being supported, as the ldpr has always said, we have three most important tasks: demography, making the country again a country of large families, which is extremely difficult, ecology, natural resource management, environmental protection, and of course... what the president has repeatedly said, including as part of his message to the federal assembly, we must eliminate inequality in the socio-economic status of the population in different regions, this is a very difficult, voluminous, bleeding task, i am sure that together, and in no other way, we will cope and will also work on the pressing issues that have been included. in the presidential decree of may 7 on national goals, now every week, every month matters: people expect
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results from us, and not some empty picks when discussing a candidate for the post of prime minister, i invite all factions to support our approach and vote for the candidacy of mikhail vladimirovich.
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thank you, colleagues, this was a live broadcast from the state duma, a press approach by ldpr leader leonid slutsky following a meeting with mikhail mishustin. the liberal democrats, let me remind you, stated that they intend to support mishutin’s candidacy for the post of head of government. magnet, sausages will help, 1299. magnit, price, what you need, it’s profitable to retire with savings banks, a free savings card for pensioners, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy. something
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division that will deal with migration issues. we have a lot of problems with the structure of the ministry of internal affairs, creating a separate housing and communal services, and i think that a separate direction, maybe at the rank of deputy prime minister, who would deal with exactly this problem and updating the structure, is very important. our long-standing idea to create a veterans affairs agency, combat veterans have already.
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