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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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with the leaders of all five factions, and following the results of these meetings, the faction leaders approached journalists and answered questions; the meetings themselves were held in a closed format. earlier, president vladimir putin proposed the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister, and the first meeting today was held here in the state duma with representatives of the communist party faction. hello.
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at which mikhail mishustin will speak, and as previously reported, consideration of the issue of a candidate for the post of chairman of the government may take approximately 3 hours, and that it is important to note that mikhail mishustin’s speech will not be limited in time. also , a few words about the rules: parliamentarians from each of the five factions will be able to ask two questions to the candidate, and all representatives of all five factions will also be able to speak. well, we return to “
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let me remind you that after the inauguration of vladimir putin, members of the government resigned their powers according to the law; the head of the cabinet of ministers is appointed by the president after the approval of his candidacy in the state duma. former ministers and deputy prime ministers continue their work. but already in the status of acting duties, they will remain in this status until the approval of the new composition of the cabinet of ministers. today , at the end of the plenary session, following a discussion with the deputy and based on the answers to many questions, a vote will be held on the issue of approving the candidacy of the prime minister . we are looking forward to the start of the broadcast very soon, but before that, mikhail mishustin also met with representatives of the a just russia faction.
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the meeting continues, mikhail mishustin also met with representatives of the new faction people, well, let me remind you that mikhail mishustin was appointed prime minister earlier at the proposal of president vladimir putin in january 2020, and on april 3, 2024, here in the state duma mikhail mishutin. delivered an annual report on the results of the government’s work, this was the fifth report during mikhail mishustin’s tenure as prime minister, and he then noted that russia has all the prerequisites to become the fourth economy in the world. i’ll just mention a few important figures here: last year , the russian economy grew by 3.6%. this approximately twice as much, even slightly more than twice, than in developed countries. another one.
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take a seat, we have a box on the left , representatives of the business community, heads of all business associations, on the right , representatives of trade unions, the chamber of accounts, commissioners for human rights, let's welcome them, the president of the academy, the president of the academy of sciences is modestly present. colleagues, this is very important, by the way, the academy of sciences has begun to build a dialogue much more effectively with the state duma, as far as i know, with the government, and this a good basis for many solutions
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to be implemented later. well, here we have representatives of the university community, the rector of the largest universities, let’s also welcome them, the leaders. also in the regions , our colleagues from the regional legislative assemblies are connected via videoconference, dear colleagues, for us today’s meeting opens a new stage of interaction with the government, you know
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that when discussing amendments to the constitution, our president proposed to transfer part of his powers, powers... of the head of state, citizens of our country, and now the residents of russia, being voters of deputies of the state duma, have the opportunity, through their representatives in the state duma , to form the government of the russian federation, to participate in the approval of the chairman of the government, deputy chairmen of the government, ministers of the russian federation , this is very responsible. responsible primarily for those who make decisions, for deputies of the state duma, therefore for us indeed, this is a new format of work, we have previously built quite constructive relations with the executive branch, but now
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you and i are responsible for all decisions made, not only when we vote for the law. casting our vote in support of this or that decision, but for the way the government works, and if there were stages of our activity when they criticized and said, we are not responsible for what the government does, or everything bad is theirs, everything good, this concerns us, this is ours, then now we are already...
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our responsibility is common. please, gar vladimirovich. thank you. thank you. dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear mikhail vladimirovich, deputies of the state duma. as you all already know, the president of the russian federation, on may 9 of this year , submitted for approval to the state duma the candidacy of mikhail vladimirovich mishustven for appointment as chairman of the government of the russian federation.
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new government of the russian federation, so, i want to remind you that at that time the federal assembly had one single power, namely the powers of the state duma, to give consent. president of the russian federation to appoint the chairman of the government of the russian federation, by the way, then the same candidate was also the same, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, and today what the chairman of the state duma has already said is that the chambers, especially the state duma, have a very serious amount of control and personnel powers in the procedure for forming a government and...
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resolving this most important personnel issue and it is the chairman of the government who will subsequently propose to the head of state for approval of the structure of federal executive bodies, accordingly we will understand how many and what ministries we will have, what number, what deputy chairmen of the government we are supposed to have, then all these candidates will be proposed by the chairman government for approval by the state duma, well, with the exception of. bloc, the so -called security, federal ministers,
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in addition, the most important powers belong to chairman of the government not only during the formation, but also, of course, in the process of organizing the activities of the government of the russian federation. so, in particular, it determines the main directions of government activity. of course, this happens in accordance with the constitution, federal laws, with the decisions of the head of state, but... this is his functional characteristic, in addition, the chairman of the government naturally heads the government, organizes its work and bears personal responsibility to the president states for how the powers of government are exercised. in addition, the chairman of the government still has a significant block of important, serious powers, so he is one of the key figures in the system of state power. therefore, the importance of the issue that we are considering today is extremely high. if
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we talk about the candidacy of mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, then of course for me this is a very simple task, why? because he has already spoken several times before the eighth convocation as a deputy of the state duma with annual government reports. and to me, i... the statistics of how the factions of the state duma of the eighth convocation supported or did not support the activities of the government, and you know, are extremely interesting. statistics, so in april 2022, only one faction clearly supported the work of the government. in the twenty-third year, only two factions did not express their attitude in support of the government, the activities of the government and the chairman of the government, but
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three factions came out with open support and extremely interesting statistics. according to the latest report, it was literally a month ago, on april 3 of this year, all factions, without exception , supported the work of the government of the russian federation, so this assessment, this positive, positive dynamics as assessed by the deputy corps, it of course allows me not to talk in detail, especially since mikhail vladimirovich is very, i would say, brilliant. did for me on april 3, when he reported on the work of the government, so thank you for doing part of my work, mikhail vladimirovich, and of course, i want to remind also that on may 6 the president met with the government of the russian federation, highly appreciated the work of the government, and today, by the way, the head
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of state had a meeting with mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, where it was also said that... and the president expressed such hope that the deputies will support the decision and choice of the president, and the state duma will approve mikhail vladimirovich mishustin as chairman of the government of the russian federation, so of course i have nothing more to add here, i ask you, dear deputies of the state duma, support the choice of the president of the russian federation and, after the appropriate procedure that awaits us, approve mikhail vladimirovich mishustin as chairman of the government of the russian federation. thank you for your attention. thank you, dear vladimirovich. dear colleagues, in accordance with the procedure for considering this issue, the floor is given to the candidate for the position of chairman of the government.
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programs of the main directions of activity of the future government of the russian federation. and then there will be questions from the faction. you are the state duma, dear colleagues, quite recently, in accordance with the constitution, the government measured the results of its work for 2023, and in general for the previous four-year period. during this period, it was possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the state
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apparatus, improve the coordination of branches of power, both at the federal and regional levels. this made it possible to form a solid foundation for further movement forward, to achieve national goals, which the president approved by decree on the day, by the way, of his inauguration. increasing the standard of living of our citizens, forming an updated economic architecture. during the inauguration ceremony , the head of state emphasized that our state and socio-political system should. development, unity and independence of the country. i consider the president’s message to the federal assembly to be the basis of the government’s work in the next 6 years; these are key priorities, and of course,
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a large-scale program of socio-economic development, which you and i, dear deputies, will have to implement together, of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations, associations ready to engage in creative activities for the benefit of the country of our citizens. to do this, we will concentrate on the main directions: the first is the development and strengthening of the economy, the second is ensuring technological...
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while maintaining, of course, macroeconomic stability, ensuring technological and financial sovereignty, and the solution of others significant issues, but essentially it is necessary to deploy a new model of economic growth, as the head of state recently spoke about at a meeting with large businesses: how do we plan to act? first of all, through the further formation of the supply economy, the creation of conditions... for the opening of new enterprises, the volume of industrial production will have to be increased by tens of percent, and this will require additional investments,
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and we expect that not only the state, but also responsible business will this contribute, including through participation in the formation of long-term resources in the domestic market. we will also continue to support project and equity financing mechanisms. when increasing production volumes, we must take into account that new goods need sales markets, of course, not only within the country, but abroad; we have to increase the volume of exports of non-resource and non-energy goods by at least 2/3. well, supplies to the agro-industrial complex will need to be increased by one and a half times. this task was set by the president. separately, i would like to emphasize that despite the ongoing pressure on our country, we do not plan to introduce any restrictions for
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those foreign entrepreneurs who want to continue working with us or plan to come to russia with new projects, just as we do not intend to to limit in any way the opportunities for domestic companies to operate in foreign markets. certainly. our main emphasis is on creating favorable conditions for interaction with friendly countries within the framework of the union state of russia and belarus, the eurasian economic union, the cis, the sco and brix. we will prepare a free trade agreement with states, with the states of asia, the asian, excuse me, pacific region, the middle east, africa, expand industrial scientific and technical cooperation, and launch new ones. joint economic and investment projects, for this we will strengthen the transport and logistics infrastructure, including to expand the transit of goods along international corridors.
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we consider increasing productivity important labor. the president paid special attention to this topic in his message: a specialized national project is currently underway, and we will continue to replicate successful practices and systems. reduce unnecessary requirements, and, of course, support all constructive initiatives on the part of entrepreneurs. the small medium-sized business sector has a special role, which, as the head of state said, is making an increasingly significant contribution to economic growth. in the next 6 years , it is necessary to increase the income indicator of employees of such organizations. he must accordingly grow faster than the economy as a whole. a. to achieve this, we will fine-tune already well-proven support measures, pay attention to the development of infrastructure in the regions, of course, we will stimulate small businesses,
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including entering world markets. the second key area is ensuring technological sovereignty, developing the production of products and services that have no analogues in russia. it is, of course, directly related to the formation of supply-side economics. here it is necessary to implement systemic measures to support, ah, for a wide list of products, create a full cycle of our own production of complex goods from research and development, design work, research to mass production, using and expanding all developed mechanisms, introducing new ones, including within the framework of the cluster investment platform and the industrial development fund, industrial mortgages, corresponding... subsidies for neo-development, and we also need to say about agreements on the protection of capital incentives for investments, about special investment contracts, thanks to all their gross added value
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of manufacturing... industries, and this is what the head of state ordered, in 6 years should increase by 40%, these are thousands of modern industries, and of course, these are many, many new jobs to strengthen the stability of the entire country’s economy in the long term, in the long term , technological sovereignty projects will be launched, which the president also spoke about in detail in his message, each of them is aimed at production.
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they will affect the areas of radio electronics, machine tool building, medical equipment and technology, and low-volume chemistry, unmanned aircraft systems, space, nuclear power, new energy technologies, and also, very importantly, food security, but also a number of others. i’ll say it again, this is still preliminary. these projects, of course, require the most complex, complex work, which will require large resources and... coordination of many efforts, we count, of course, on your full support, because their implementation will make it possible, among other things, to reach the goal set by the head of state for reducing imports to a level of no more than 17% of gdp. we will continue to develop end-to-end, breakthrough technologies, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, communications and many, many others, and what is extremely important is
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to update the infrastructure. science, the president instructed to double the total investment of the state business in research and development by the year 1930 and increase their share, let me remind you, to 2% of gdp; more than one and a half trillion rubles included in the three-year budget create such a basis for solving this problem. the third is digital transformation. today, dear colleagues, not a single industry can do without...
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we will continue to maintain the pace of increasing investment in russian it solutions at a level at least twice as high as economic growth, so that they meet the needs of departments and enterprises, but of course, this requires an integrated approach to stimulate production and implement advanced developments, which covers all stages, from personnel training, research to the production and testing of pilot samples. increased demand for products, services, all these aspects will be taken into account in the new national project. dear colleagues, a strong economy, technological sovereignty, the spread of innovation will become a reliable basis for the development of russia, to improve the quality of life of people in each region, the further fulfillment of social obligations in full, in general, ensuring
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the fourth savings of the people. the federal budget for social measures for this and for families this year is about 3 trillion rubles. you, dear deputies, participated in it formation, together it is important for us to improve all existing assistance tools. by increasing targeting, paying special attention, of course, to large families, we will launch a new national project “family”, in which...


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