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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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obligations in full; in general , ensuring national conservation is the fourth most important priority area for the government’s future work. in our country there are about 24 million families, where 30, excuse me, 30 million children are growing up, and for us, of course, the most important thing is their well-being; a comprehensive system of state support has been created, starting from... pregnancy and the woman and the birth of a child until reaching they are 17 years old. the amount of funds provided in the federal budget for social measures for this, and for families, this year is about 3 trillion rubles. you, dear deputies, participated in its formation; together it is important for us to improve all existing assistance tools. increasing targeting, paying special attention, of course, to large families.
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we will extend it to the remaining ones and from next year we will focus on simplifying the receipt of regional benefits. we also started this work and just the other day the government approved a unified requirement for the assignment of support at all levels. well, in fact, we have established a general procedure for the interaction of authorities with citizens regardless of place of residence, that is, extraterritorially. let me emphasize. and here the main thing is, of course, the opinion of people, but also feedback about the importance of which the president always says, we need to look at how clear and comfortable the services are organized for them, adjust the processes taking this into account, and of course leave it to any person, this is very important, the right to apply for the necessary services in person, if this is the preferred option for the person.
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we will continue the family mortgage program for another 6 years while maintaining basic parameters, families at the birth of their third and subsequent children until the end of the thirtieth year will still be able to receive the required 450 thousand rubles for repayment of the housing loan. the government has submitted a corresponding bill to the state duma. dear deputies, i hope that you will consider it in the near future. parents, of course, always
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want to give their child the best education, it lays the foundation for future success in adult life, but here, too, the opportunity to place the child in a modern, good equipped kindergartens, then to schools, so together with the regions we will intensify the work on updating and repairing preschool educational institutions, and... in those settlements where the problem of lack of places is especially acute, we will continue to build them, including at the expense of federal funds , as the president said in his message, our priority is to ensure that children receive knowledge in comfortable conditions, develop in creativity, in science, and master new technologies from a very early age. during the message, the modern generation is
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millions of talented, purposeful, caring citizens, we must, of course, give them a decent start and... we will begin to create opportunities for their self-realization within the framework of the new national project “youth and children.” it is very important to carry out this work together, of course, with our regions. russian regions are also actively involved in topics related to supporting families and children. they have developed their own initiatives in addition to all-russian ones, which are aimed at increasing the birth rate. on behalf of the head of state, we will help with their implementation. delivering additional funds to those regions where the demographic situation is most difficult. during the address, the president proposed launching a new comprehensive program to protect motherhood and preserve the health of children and adolescents, and this
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work is already underway. in recent years, we have been actively building medical institutions, installing thousands of pieces of equipment, which i spoke about in great detail during my report to you. but even here there are difficulties, the situation varies not only from region to region, it may generally differ radically within a populated area, well, literally in neighboring areas there is one clinic in good condition, there are also specialized specialists, in another queue for appointments, lack of equipment, much needs to be done to further improve the quality and accessibility of treatment, and this can only be achieved through coordinated actions at all levels, based, of course, on...
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conditions for prevention and introduction to a healthy, active lifestyle, it is very important to create such a culture concerns about their own health among people of all ages. in general, undergoing a medical examination and regular exercise should become the norm for everyone, so that every person understands that such self-care is today the biggest and most useful contribution to one’s own future; all these measures will be reflected in the new national project. the fifth direction is increasing the well-being and income of citizens. in his message, the president set two very specific tasks: for the next 6 years - to reduce the poverty rate, to ensure an increase in the share of payment labor in the volume of domestic product.
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the government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, and of course, the main tool will be the development of employment, increasing the flexibility of the labor market and, what? wage growth is very important. on behalf of the head of state , a new model of payment for public sector employees will be created, first in pilot regions, and then scaled up throughout the country. and doctors, teachers, and other employees of the social sphere, medicine, education, culture, science, should receive decent remuneration for their work. needed of course, long-term mechanisms, including revision of admission control figures. universities so that their graduates meet the requirements of companies, regions and the economy as a whole. by the way, you spoke about this in detail during my report. the demand for blue-collar jobs is growing . in accordance with the president’s instructions, it is necessary to train a million such specialists. i am convinced that
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they are the future enterprise. these are competent personnel who master modern equipment, apply the latest techniques, and most importantly, they are in demand at any time. a this also means a stable income and opportunities for career growth. the quality of learning must improve at all levels of education. priority 2030, advanced engineering schools, a project to create modern campuses, all these initiatives will contribute to solving such a significant problem, and i am absolutely sure they will have an effect. the sixth direction is the balanced development of russian subjects. it is very important to ensure their economic independence, give them reliable tools to improve quality people’s lives, to launch popular initiatives in social and of course in many other areas, taking into account the specific situation in the territory and the existing potential, there are such successful practices,
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we will expand them, of course, recently at a meeting with the president we just discussed individual programs for regions with well, low level of socio-economic development. over 4 years, most of... the 10 russian regions where they are being implemented, by the way, have reached rates above the national average, growth points have been created in each of them to stimulate the economy, indicators. years, for each of which a master plan will be developed, their subsequent implementation
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will require joint efforts of the regions, the federal center, all interested parties, legal entities, this is the only way to achieve qualitative changes so that they are felt by the people who live there and move into comfortable apartments , went to modern clinics, and could place the child in a good kindergarten that opened near the house. such opportunities exist , of course, not everywhere yet, and this is necessary radically correct the situation. we will also continue to attract investments into russian regions, including their infrastructure. there are existing, well -known mechanisms, and today we discussed in detail at meetings with factions that the most popular of them is , accordingly, infrastructure budget loans; we will increase their volume by at least 250 billion rubles annually. yes, well , the funds that are returned from them can be used, which is very important, to issue
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new loans. president in his message stressed that it is necessary to reduce the debt burden of the constituent entities of the russian federation. as for writing off 2/3 of their debt on budget loans, the saved resources, accordingly, should be used for the further development of the regions. also a very important decision. creating objects that are of great importance for... the people who live there, and here i count, dear colleagues, on your support in this work, because you are the one who knows best what specific projects are in demand locally. another important topic for people is department of housing and utilities. the government , on behalf of the president, has prepared a program for modernizing the utility industry. and let me remind you that the amount of funding from all sources will be 4.5 rubles. huge investment. will help ensure an improvement in the quality of services in this area for 40 million citizens, so that people
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feel comfortable, so that their homes are warm, there are no interruptions in water, electricity, and of course, and we will continue to repair, build, operate and maintain roads. strengthening connectivity territory, we will renovate at least 75 airports, you remember, the president spoke with such an initiative in his message, another priority: for the future, this is the full integration of new regions, the achievement there of an all-russian level of socio-economic development, we will continue to pay special attention to this, and of course, i spoke about this in more detail in the report to you, our main task is to support our defenders who are participating in a special military operation, and continue to provide them with everything necessary equipment, weapons, protective equipment, medical kits...
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the created new management model of the government allows us to cope with serious challenges, first it was coronavirus, now sanctions, i spoke about this in detail in the report, we are doing all this together with you in the close cooperation of the government with the state duma, i want to thank vyacheslav evich volodin, all of you, dear deputies, for your support and effective interaction, which helped to quickly take the necessary measures and solution. to carry out the tasks set by the president. thank you. i hope
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that this will be the case in the future and that we will maintain this approach. thank you. thank you. dear mikhail vladimirovich. dear colleagues, we continue to discuss the candidacy, because you know before you come. questions, mikhail vladimirovich answered them, took some of them with him, but you and i, as agreed, some of the questions will be raised publicly, because this is also very important for our voters to see, we pay attention to the problems, we consider it important for ourselves
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solving the issues that concern them, in this regard... we move on to the procedure for questions from political factions. communist party faction kashin, vladimir ivanovich, prepare a servant. with respect, mikhail vladimovich, the faction considers saving the rural population from the crs program directly, as an instruction in the latest message on the development of the agro-industrial complex through the second virgin lands program. we have. under the first program in 4 years, the underfunding is almost 700 billion, absolute implementation is jeopardized non-fulfillment most indicators, therefore, we ask you to do everything in this regard to ensure that the financing of these programs is correct according to the original passport; we consider technological independence not only as an opportunity to obtain affordable
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agricultural machinery and mechanisms, but as an opportunity to receive one and a half to two... at the appropriate consultations i’ll say two words, but if you look at it holistically, then taking into account all the funds and the program for the development of the village and agro-industrial complex, then we have the amount of funding in the twenty-fourth year will amount to 600 billion rubles. this is a serious resource for the krst, including 68.5 billion rubles, 40 billion/7 for land reclamation programs, these are
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, in fact, pledged funds, which will already be sufficient today. we are effectively used for the production of seismic equipment on behalf of the president, because we are preparing a national project for technological provision of food security, eight federal projects will be included there, including selection and genetics in the agro-industrial complex, this is the provision of the agro-industrial complex with the most important, that is, enzymes of food, feed additives, this is the provision of veterinary drugs to the agro-industrial complex, this is the technological independence of everyone...
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vladimir nikolaevich and many of our other colleagues who were elected working directly in the village, so this is our achievement, we must treat it with care, developing it and supporting it, so that it doesn’t turn out like this , that since everything is good, then there is no need to do it, so we would like you to continue to support it. the floor is given to the ldpr faction, andrei konstantinovich lugovoy to prepare for bobakov. dear mikhail vladimirovich, today many of our citizens make a significant part of their purchases on the internet on marketplaces, which are simply gigantic.
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today, any regulation on liability is of such, let’s say, vague nature, both in terms of the quality of goods, quality of service, and, well, safety. challenges with this must be dealt with, and today the turnover of approximately retail trade, which went through marketplaces, approximately
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reaches, according to various estimates, 8 trillion rubles. these are the most serious means, and if we talk about rights that should not be undermined, of course, this topic requires additional regulation, and offline stores here are quite regulated, i have. as a digital intermediary, well, let’s just say, they have a lot of questions from people, questions which are mainly frequent conditions, frequent changes to the terms of the contract, a commission for returning goods and others, these are various restrictions of sellers, and to resolve these specific relationships, together with you the fifth antimonopoly package was adopted, you authority has emerged to evaluate network effects.
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proposals that will definitely be agreed upon with the expert community, i am confident that deputies of the state duma will take an active part in this, defining priorities for the next 6 years will become the basis for concentrating resources,
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both financial and personnel, to solve problems of modernization, technological development, the most important thing in terms of technological industrial sovereignty, the personnel system will be restructured to suit these priority areas - this is national project personnel, and the mechanism will be for financing neokrov... at the same time, the path will be shortened, traceability will be ensured, which is very important, and the stage of exploratory research, neokrov, the so-called, where we will systematically receive more funds up to 2% of gdp, as you remember to give, up to specific product samples, a unified state information system for recording scientific research, experimental and technological work will be used for this in cooperation with the russian academy of sciences, we have serious plans here in this area, thank you, thank you, please, the new people faction vladislav andreevich dvankov, will prepare for rural affairs. dear mikhail vladimirovich, you have already touched on this topic in your speech, and
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the president said in his message that people should not squeeze out benefits, but should receive benefits proactively. now, we are really ahead of the curve in terms of digital services, but in january-february of this year, i was in quite a few regions in almost every region. communicating with mothers, mothers of many children, especially parents, of which there are disabled people, they pay attention to the fact that you have to go around the whole city, and get certificates, lose them, even if you receive them, you will lose this benefit very quickly, there are simple examples, 2,000 was sent by a neighbor, you lost benefits, but at the same time, i just want to ask you to take an informal approach to this order of the president, to consult either with families, or with large families, like...
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through the registry, but what has already been done, you know, i said that we have the transfer of all federal benefits, pensions, etc. social payments into a one-stop-shop mode, 42 measures have already been transferred to the format of the social treasury, which include benefits payments to citizens, both working and non-working, who have children, so these basic functions are in demand already...
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it is carried out in a declarative manner, if here there are some rough edges, please speak, then i expect relevant materials from you, thank you. mikhail vladimirovich, we talked about the fact that we literally recently met in this room when you reported for about a month back. based on the results of the previous year, i must say, feedback, dialogue with the prime minister and your staff has become much more effective, and the questions that we address are answered, this dialogue helps us consider many problems, but colleagues raise
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topics, they clearly they have...
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even in this format, so here’s what colleague davankov says, we have topics related to providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation, this is a problem that requires additional attention, we recently met with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, it is important that the relevant ministry, just like you, pays attention to these issues, there are the topics of motherhood
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, childhood, and demography. we discussed these issues, here the chairman of the relevant committee, you know her, ninasanovna ostanina, very actively raises these topics, i would like the ministry to understand its responsibility, we certainly hope that in this hall we will soon see a candidate for the post of minister, but why do we say the chairman of the government, because you and i have this dialogue, it is taking shape, without dialogue there is no trust, without trust.
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the floor is given to viktor valentinovich . the united russia faction will prepare for kolomeytsev.


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