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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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ostanina, very actively raises these topics, i would like the ministry to understand its responsibility, we, of course, hope that in this hall we will soon see a candidate for the post of minister, but why are we talking specifically about the chairman of the government, because you and i are having this dialogue, it is taking shape, without dialogue there is no trust, without trust, there is no development, so excuse me, today you are not only in a personal capacity. colleagues, this is already the responsibility of the prime minister and the state duma, so we must you are interested in building a conversation like this, it is no coincidence that i say that we need to be partners here, and this means the responsibility of the parties, the floor is given to the seleverst viktor valentinovich. last
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year, by order of the government of the russian federation, a strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry until 2003 was approved. in your speech, you touched on the topic of the government’s work within the framework of providing a technological university, in this regard, the question takes into account the introduced ones. sanctions in our country, is it planned to approve the strategy development of the medical industry, the entire medical industry, taking into account the current situation. thank you. thank you, of course, the question is very complex, and of course, such a strategy is needed in one form or another. we are currently implementing a whole range of measures to support the medical industry. by the way, i spoke about this in detail in the report, we have introduced accelerated registration of medical devices, and we are providing preferential loans to manufacturers through... the industrial development fund, there are
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about 27.5 billion rubles exactly, which means that more than a hundred projects were submitted, and this means that they included the most popular medical products in the list of critical industrial products, limited the admission of imported, by the way, medical products to participate in government procurement and approved a roadmap for the localization and production of 77 types of medical products, there was a lot more... support, i can just say more general figures, for example, in the twenty-third year, the share of domestic medical products increased by almost 2% by the twenty-second, and this already amounted to 30% of the total market volume of such products, and the volume of production of medical products in the twenty-third year exceeded 133 billion rubles, which is 41% higher than the level of the twentieth year and approximately 15.4% higher than last year. these are all the results
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of just such strategic work, and i think that, that means, new national projects, ah, new technologies for saving health will also help us, we will update this, we will definitely think about the strategy, thank you, mikhailach, thank you, really a lot is being done by the federal government and projects in the field of modernization of healthcare, new hospitals are being built, a large amount of equipment is supplied, but... a problem that is becoming more and more glaring today is the lack of medical workers, there are 30,000 people short of doctors, so it is possible, given that you will then decide to nominate a candidate for the post of minister of health, we are addressing this question to him from the point of view of how much time is needed to close this problem and eliminate the personnel shortage.
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the device that was installed, but there is no one to work on it, colleagues, do you think you support it, we will prepare for this conversation, mikhailovich, we count on your support, please, kolomeytsev, nikolai vasilyevich, prepare for the purse, i can’t imagine kolomeytsev nikolay vasilyevich, you know him, thank you, dear mikhailovich,
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do you plan to cancel the budget rule, abandon the tax maneuver, nationalize, how this is the case in a number of oil-producing countries, such as saudi arabia, the oil industry, introduce a state monopoly. and alcohol finally accept progressive taxation, better use depreciation for the intended purpose, and of course, first of all, to force the bank of russia to settle. nikolai vasilyevich, well
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, first of all, the government has proposed a project, excuse me, a list of technological sovereignty projects, where i have repeatedly told you, it is provided for...
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it means further government borrowing and today the debt burden is the lowest in the world there, about 17%. debt is an asset, if it is profitable, i will now give a specific example, here you go, the pandemic is starting in the twentieth year, it was necessary to borrow debt to take the internal one or not, if you say no, we would have spent the entire fonb, we would have fallen, so to speak, below what, we would have lost a huge number of jobs, we did it, we borrowed it and paid it back. instantly, because we only fell by about 2.9 percent, next year growth is at 6%, why? there was a damper pillow and they did not spend their national welfare fund, returning the funds. therefore, it’s simply difficult here, and what i want to say is that i absolutely share your views on technological
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sovereignty, on the need to intensify our neokrov, for work related to reducing imports, but here the budgetary elements, it seems to me, are quite balanced and good. proved themselves during the most difficult crises. thank you. thank you, mikhail vladimirovich. dear colleagues, in fact, the issues of replenishing the budget and the fight against offshore companies were mikhail vladimirovich’s first priority as chairman of the government. do you remember when he gave a speech here, what did he talk about? and then decisions followed, so we stopped 5 countries.
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our president, because the president constantly paid attention to this, we ensured that the budget breakdown, the budget for spending powers increased from 21 to 36, where did you see this? the situation of challenges, sanctions, threats, a pandemic, a special military operation, we have had an increase in the budget, and the government has not deviated from any standards or obligations, here we must thank the prime minister and those who solved these problems. this is our conversation, it should be substantive, colleagues, there is something to praise for, we need to praise and substitute
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shoulder, where there is a problem, identify them, again, lending a shoulder, decide together, then it will be absolutely objective, like kashin, he can conduct a dialogue in such a balanced way, nikola vasilyevich. learn from your senior comrades, ldpr faction, and this is your authority, ask when our bank will be counted, no need, everything must be according to the law, we have a rule of law state, you are its creator, a representative of the oldest, largest faction, especially legal successors,
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taking into account the goals of spatial development it is planned to implement this task. thank you, this is a very important question, without a doubt it is necessary to update the spatial development strategy, we will definitely do this this year and approve a new one. based on the national spatial data system nspd, which went into commercial operation in december, well, it is not in all regions now, but it has already been almost put into commercial operation. and based on this new strategy, master planning, zoning, we will approve the criteria accordingly and select those the most 2,000 settlements and we will link all
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the instruments of infrastructure support precisely with the development programs of these 200 points and the master plans of the 200 cities that i spoke about in my speech, and the monitoring of the implementation of the programs will be carried out through a special digital platform, in turn , key tools for supporting the development of regions will be collected in the new national project infrastructure. for life, this is what it is, this is an infrastructure menu, one of the government’s initiatives, by the way, on socio-economic development, let me remind you, that somewhere today we have allocated 1 trillion rubles for 6-year budget loans, and the president has instructed us to increase the ibc portfolio to at least 250 billion annually starting in 2025, i think that it is on these bases that we will build further spatial development strategy. thank you, just russia faction for the truth lantratova yaana valerievna, prepare for demin. dear mikhail
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vladimirovich, when considering the budget , deputies see only generalized information by region, what amounts are allocated for construction or restoration of healthcare facilities, education, and so on. and it is extremely important for us to see all the facilities by region, which schools and hospitals will be built and renovated in the budget cycle, which ones are included in the programs? in which city, at what address, my colleagues and i deeply know the situation in the regions, in which objects should be given priority attention, sometimes i come to the region, i see a school in disrepair, but it was not included in the program, they did not notice, then privately these questions we decide how you feel about discussing not only events and investments, but also specific objects for which funds are allocated, at the stage of budget consideration, so that the voters and i can... discuss and make our own proposals, but this would be additional element of parliamentary
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control over the regions. thank you very much, a very important question: changes have been adopted in the budget code that will allow us , i think, by june, july of 2024, accordingly, to move from federal targeted investment program to the register of objects with federal funding, this is what it’s about... the register will be provided, which is very important, to the state duma, simultaneously with the budget for making all management decisions, in it you can see information, first of all, about all federal objects, about regional objects with a cost above 3 billion rubles. and transferring objects, regardless of their cost, consolidation and measures in relation to new regional objects, where less than 3 billion rubles. as a matter of fact, that the palette and the object painting that you mentioned, with access to the register here, it will be fully provided to the parliament,
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so the issue will be resolved, thank you, colleagues, let’s thank you, mihai vladimirovich, this is an extremely important issue. when parliament will take part in the consideration of objects that the region is protecting at the federal level, so that they are built and financed, and of course, we will then have the opportunity, during the discussion of the budget, to develop our position in the plan support or conversation on the subject, this is not. first of all, why this decision is proposed and not another, the new people faction, alexander vyacheslavovich demin, takes the floor to prepare for the revolution. final question. thank you, dear mikhail vladimirovich, at the st. petersburg economic forum the president announced the creation of a supply-side economy, and this course involves building up production
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forces, the service sector, strengthening the infrastructure network, mastering advanced technologies, of course... will play an important role here... robotization, modernization of enterprises, our common goal is to improve the standard of living of citizens, to provide all necessary goods and services without loss of quality. this will require new decisions from the government in the near future, and how do you see the implementation of this strategic task? thank you, briefly, first of all, we need to launch new national projects and move firmly towards the fulfillment of updated national goals. these are very thoughtful goals. the thirtieth and the prospect of the thirty-sixth year, we must rely on current changes, by the way, despite due to the increasing pressure, in the first quarter our growth in many macro indicators was positive, gdp in the first quarter was 5.4% growth, respectively , industrial production was 5.6%, and processing, by the way, manufacturing industry was 8.8%,
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but when was such growth in the manufacturing industry, and construction 3.5%, plus real disposable income of the population 5.9%, again a record for unemployment of 2.7%, this is what the very measures that we talked about in detail provide, the key mechanism of what you asked, this is the implementation of proactive stimulating supply side economics. but we have given instructions to all departments to take the necessary measures, and there the military-industrial complex is preferential lending for the creation of additional facilities, adjustment of damper mechanisms, for grain crops in industry, these are , of course, all our tools, an industrial development fund for passenger cars, for medicines, for building materials, for fuel and many, many other areas, and in
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tourism, tourism is a very important area, the multiplier is huge, you create and... that means one job there in tourism and nearby is multiplied by five around. these are services, adjacent roads, these are corresponding medical institutions nearby, around which, so to speak, there are more and more people who want to be served, and accordingly there is an increase in tourists in all these directions. well, with the support of investment activity, we will also take appropriate measures to improve the efficiency of the mechanism for attracting long-term investments. use of bank capital for domestic investments from our entrepreneurs and development institutions. thank you. thank you, mikhail vladimirovich. final question from the united russia faction. kvitka ivan ivanovich. please, ivan ivanovich. dear mikhail vladimirovich, high-quality public services should be provided to citizens without interruption. this is one of the main tasks of the state.
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the heating season has revealed problems in this area. utility networks are outdated and were. federal source, yes, where it is planned, this is direct financing from the federal budget, infrastructure menu, first of all , infrastructure budget loans, we are releasing funds from budgetary loans
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at the regional level from extra-budgetary sources, here the direction of these 4.5 trillion rubles until 2030 into the industry will help us reduce the accident rate by approximately 18.4%, and replace more than 150,000 km of networks, modernize more than three and... utility infrastructure facilities , and my colleagues, when they are presented, the deputy prime minister and the relevant minister, will report to you in more detail on this program; it is being actively developed in the government. thank you, mikhail vladimirovich, considering that the topic the state of housing and communal services is increasingly worrying deputies; there are a huge number of appeals, and despite the fact that it falls under their jurisdiction. local government bodies, the regional level, we now see it, they will not solve it on their own, yes, there are a number of
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regional leaders who pay attention to this area, everything is fine with them, there is no need to teach them, they themselves know what to do, but we have a large number of regions, where, especially taking into account the concession in the field of heat supply, water supply, there are a lot of complaints, so we need to help the relevant ministry, the construction of housing and communal services, so that they have specialized institutions to solve this problem, but also, of course, formalize all this, so that there is a responsible person, so that there is a specific name, name, we mihai vladimirovich, when we were looking into one situation and were faced with the fact that, firstly, it was distributed among different deputies of the government.
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we need to look where the regions are unable to ensure that they are provided with assistance in solving these problems, because the communal the problem is the problem of each of our citizens, it comes to a person’s apartment, so we hope that you will hear us, this, if you like, is a general order, we all encounter requests, so colleagues, we hope.
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when forming the government structure , provide for the deputy prime minister in charge of industry the position of first deputy prime minister, thank you, well, dear colleagues, considering that these issues are under the responsibility of the prime minister, mikhail vladimirovich, he may react here, he may not react, but it’s your right, please, i will consult with the president, thank you. dear colleagues, we have completed the questions, we are moving on to the submissions from the political factions. communist party faction zyuganov
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gennady andreevich, prepare for lutsky leonit eduardovich, ldpr faction. dear...
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those programs that our team came up with after the presidential elections, but the mishustino government is taking office in extremely difficult, dramatic conditions, which will require the maximum mobilization of all forces and resources, because we will all have to be responsible for these results, because the new formula appointments the government requires personal responsibility from each deputy. and above all from the party in power. today we are forced to wage a war on two fronts: to fight against nazism, nato and bandera, to fight economic backwardness, against the backdrop of the fact that the side continues to die out at an accelerated pace, almost a third of the population lives on 20-25. rubles a month, then or less, and it is imperative to overcome the technological
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gap that...
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1%, last year we entered the global market, but after we lowered the rate, lowered monetization, we did everything to depreciate the ruble by almost 80%, many of our enterprises have stalled, they need to create proper conditions for work, and i want to remind you, especially the party in power, we say that we are in the top four, top five, but in terms of gdp per
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capita. cannot protect a huge continent, equip it and make life happy. at least 200-250 million people should live on this continent. this is a matter of our historical desire. without curbing the oligarchy and bankers, we will not have dollar investments. it's a complete disgrace when people who have made giant capital, which has two budgets, does not want to pay normal in conditions of war.
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it’s absolutely abnormal when they received 150 million tons of bread and cannot regulate prices, make prices for bread and bakery products lower, it’s abnormal when you have to pay 8 rubles for a kilowatt-hour of electricity in a village. these decisions must be made quickly and efficiently.


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