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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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we will be poor, prices for essential goods must be regulated, and it is abnormal when they cannot regulate the price of diesel fuel during the harvest, it is absolutely abnormal when they received 150 million tons of bread and cannot adjust prices, make prices for bread, bakery products lower, abnormal, when you have to pay 8 rubles for a kilowatt-hour of electricity in a village, these decisions must be made quickly and efficiently.
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without fundamental science there are no great countries, without sovereign education there is no sovereignty, several have been done steps forward, but we are moving slowly. the president said: “the lapdog is no good, the unified state exam has dropped our russian-soviet school below the plinth. new history textbooks have appeared, but those who should prepare, who should reorient our educational process. unfortunately.” turned out to be unprepared, this issue requires an immediate solution, without attention to the russian question, the russian theme, war has been declared on the russian world, we too will not cope with the challenges, our russian regions have been abandoned, our russians have lost 31 million people since the ninety-first year, more than years the great patriotic war, this topic is very important, because without the russian core there is no one to keep these open spaces in...
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for this to be a non-pesodic contact, it is necessary to take into account the personnel when yeltsin shook with the default, he was immediately found, persuaded both me and. .. concerns the whole staff, because we have a lot of interesting people, i turned to the president, discussed it with the prime minister, i worked for 10 years in novosibirsk, whoever has such experience, knows all the regional politics, and we can’t, take anyone as advisers , because
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after all, in many countries of the world, coalition governments are working, talented personnel, we need to get used to work today, well, in general, in general... we will all have to roll up our sleeves and, first of all, win, the president began all recent speeches with gratitude to those who are fighting, we are fighting together, we sent a convoy of 125 for the holiday, 17,000 children were accepted, i am sure that we will win, but we must put together efforts, and we wish mishustveno success, today we are holding back on voting, thank you, gennady andreevich, the floor is given to the ldpr faction by leonid udardovich sluvatsky.
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deeply respected viktorovich, deeply respected mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, we, the party, which...
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otherwise we will very quickly become what we were yesterday, today we need to work in the conditions of people’s requests, and, of course, it is not possible to immediately solve many of the bleeding problems today, today we need to work seriously to solve the issues that the country faces; today we need to solve them demographically. question: we have a sixth of the earth, but the entire sixth of the land, but only 2% of the world's population, today we need to make again, no matter how utopian or insoluble it may seem, russia as a country of large families, and the steps towards this are already
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clear, we are here in dialogue, it is necessary to support large families and support youth policy in the country. and dozens more of those tasks that will create conditions for families to actually be ready to have three or more children. we need to resolve issues of ecology, environmental management, protection, environment, to close and many have already closed enterprises that poison those populated areas, including large cities where we are located, today there is a new round of struggle for the environment for... clean water and clean air, the president said this as one of the priorities during the last message to the federal assembly, which is essentially a program for the development of the country for the years ahead, not only for the next 6 years, we need to take immediate steps to
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eliminate the imbalance, which please listen to, the leader of the faction, speak, yes thank you, we need to eliminate that...
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decreased in the end we have already stopped talking about it, this is a task for the very near future, and every month in the implementation of this most important task matters, we need to develop technological sovereignty, indeed now scientific and technological - programs and projects, today artificial intelligence and many other science-intensive areas of development of our economy, our -
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someone is not working on this most important area, let's tell the truth, yes, there is slippage, yes, there are questions, which have yet to be resolved, we have been talking for a long time about the shortage of doctors in the country, we actually lack 25,00 doctors and 50,000 paramedical staff, according to the same minister murashka, we need to think about mandatory distribution from medical universities and colleges and...
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dacha put before us by the people for whose sake any political party exists. we need to look at the fact that we really can hear each other well lately.
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who has good potential, organizational, outstanding athlete, fencer, otherwise he worked properly, thank you, in the khabarovsk territory, our fellow party member viktor anatolyevich but is ready to come to the air ambulance, and perhaps today the government is not yet ready to allocate the aviation industry to a separate department, but in order to develop the latest
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technology and its operation, remember that , what happened... in soviet times, the ministry of aviation industry and take accelerated steps for the development of the aviation industry, viktor anatolyevich bud, who was not broken in the american dungeons and who is really professionally versed in these things, i am ready today to strengthen the team of those working on the development of our domestic aviation. today, dear colleagues, we all need to understand together that we bear a very great responsibility. in front of people, now during a special military operation, to work the way mishustin worked, to create an effective financial control system, to solve many problems that turned out to be impossible just a few years ago, it’s extremely difficult, so really, thank you, today we need to
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face the truth , in the eyes of those people who are let's be attentive, it is clear that... the government, in order to solve for the people , we need to really support the global and complex tasks that
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the country faces today, including those set in the presidential decree of may 7, in the decree...
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more than 4 years ago in 2020, the president of russia nominated vich mishuttin as a candidate for the post. chairman of the government, in particular, the president drew attention to the fact that mikhail vladimirovich, a person capable of achieving results, very soon
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we saw this because, probably, we all thought that it would be a development government, but it turned out that it was a government that was solving very crisis issues. we got through the pandemic, we got through unprecedented sanctions.
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i have my own proposals, but first, it’s time for the state to turn around to face the people a long time ago, well, we still need to start with those who have already worked, with our dear veterans, pensioners, of course, i’m again talking about the need to index pensions for working pensioners, this needs to be done of course, we gave calculations, if we start today... to index pensions, the oxbows will return to the state budget, because today it is as if 8 million pensioners do not exist, they work in the wall, and if
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there is indexation, they will return, there will be taxes from with all the ensuing consequences, we are absolutely convinced that we are realists, we understand that, speaking against the pension reform, we voted against we always say, we understand that you cannot cancel it, but maybe in some stages, in some categories of our citizens, here again i can’t help but remember that it is the older generation that almost unanimously supports our president, including during a special military operation, but it’s time to say thank you to them and somehow gradually begin to resolve these issues, and of course we expect proposals to change the tax system, and progression, real progression. personal income tax, so that the rich pay more, and there is no need to touch the middle class, there is no need to touch those who have a little money earns, we have rich people, and for
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them the progression should be completely different. i am sure that this work must be carried out. i can’t help but talk about the problem of migration, but firstly, i am sure that the migration service needs to be removed from the structures of the ministry of internal affairs. create a separate department, of course, there are a lot of questions and problems, when we are told that without migrants nothing will work out, but everything will work out, adequate money must be paid, well , there is an example, for example, of our united arab emirates, they have the term “kafala” , this is what in the soviet union a rotational system was used, assigned jobs, arrived, worked, goodbye, no citizenship, no preferences for you, nothing. dear colleagues, i can’t say anything, my heart bleeds, today a terrible emergency happened in my hometown of st. petersburg, a passenger bus fell into
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a car wash, the driver, a representative of one of the central asian countries, a citizen of russia, i ’m leaving everything out of the equation, i just watched the video, the fact that the driver is not adequate, maybe i don’t know, let the investigation sort it out, but it feels like i won’t do anything further to say, we need to restore order, in this regard , our proposal, and we introduced a bill, to prohibit working as a migrant in public transport, to prohibit working in schools, to prohibit working in the education system, today, dear colleagues, 18 constituent entities of the russian federation have already adopted regional laws , because this... people are demanding, people understand that danger is coming, and here, of course, the most serious measures need to be taken. in terms of demographics, well , first of all, i’m absolutely convinced, well, yes.
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accept, well, today the ministries have kpi, but there is no birth rate anywhere, yes, that is , there is a problem, not a single ministry is responsible, yes, that is, there is none, but let’s somehow designate this in the structure of the government, so that there is a deputy prime minister, so that it is possible again some structural unit of the government that would be responsible specifically for this, of course, our proposal remains valid, we... are convinced
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that it is necessary to introduce a special increasing coefficient for maternity capital in the regions where we have the lowest birth rate, yes, to unfortunately, we know this is just central, central russia, regions, and there, of course, there should be such a higher coefficient, i can’t help but say that well, you know the statistics, today is the time to get married, statistics are 27 years old, respectively, the first child is born... 28 years old, i would like these age dates to be lowered, but they will not be lowered for one simple reason, there is nowhere to live, housing, but what kind of family, if there is no place to live, what kind of child, in this regard, they will not be able to afford a mortgage, our proposal and the bank offices, our housing proposal savings agreements, by the way,
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thanks to the government. a positive conclusion, well, let's do it, let's accept it, you yourself write correctly, this is a very good way, additional to a mortgage, so that people can get their own housing, of course, we need to think about our spatial development strategy, from this rostrum my colleagues said, well, that ’s it, let’s go to moscow, to st. petersburg, let’s think about russia in general, so that here, yes, here the salaries are higher, but here it ’s growing right away... the price per square meter, that’s all, what is connected with the service, all this is growing, but let's create normal conditions in our cities and where people should be and should live, well, i can’t help but say, of course, about education, i am absolutely convinced, after all, we need to move away from the one state exam, if the president set the task of a specialty, it should be a specialty, as it was before, but by the way, look,
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recognize the need for a special military operation, moreover, if people with an active russophic position, and they are teachers in higher education, and somewhere still in high school, well, to support participants in a special military operation, yes, thank you, please add our proposal, let us give it to the participants in a special military operation in the new constituent entities of the russian federation, today it is the donetsk people's republic, the lugansk people's republic. zaporizhzhia, kherson region, something tells me that there will be an increase, let’s give 2 hectares each to our soldiers who today defend the russian world, who are liberating the fraternal ukrainian people from nazism, let’s maintain this standard, we definitely brought such a bill, quotas are needed - in executive authorities, in various structures, for participants in a special military operation, the president correctly said, this is our new
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elite, and we need to promote it.


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