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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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carrying out a special military operation, moreover, there are people with an active russophic position, they are teachers in high schools, and somewhere else in secondary schools. well, regarding the support of participants in a special military operation, yes, thank you, please add our proposal, let us be participants in a special military operation in new constituent entities of the russian federation, today, these are the donetsk people's republic, the lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye, kherson. something tells me that there will be an increase, give 2 hectares each to our soldiers who today defend the russian world, who are liberating the fraternal ukrainian people from nazism, let’s implement such a norm, we definitely carried such a bill, quotas are needed in executive authorities, in various structures, for participants in a special military operation, that’s right the president said, this is our new elite and we need to promote it.
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this, and of course, our, for example, specific proposal, why not cancel the transport tax for participants in a special military operation, for war veterans, that would be fair. in conclusion, dear colleagues, i would like to wish success to the future government of mikhail vladivich mishustin, we are ready to help, and once again i am very glad that mikhail vladilovich mishustin is listening and hearing, in this regard, since we are now taking responsibility for ourselves. we are heard, we must work together, together we will succeed, and as i always conclude, victory will be ours, because our cause is just, thank you, thank you sergei mikhailovich, new people faction nichaev, alexey gennadievich, prepare for vasiliev vladimiruchu, united russia, dear viktorovich.
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it definitely doesn’t make any of us, doesn’t leave us indifferent and doesn’t make us calm people. our faction proposed holding parliamentary hearings on demography and, by the way, on housing and communal services. i am sure that the deputies and relevant committees will do all their work and the supervising vice-speakers, but mikhailovich, without the participation of the government, of course.
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the committee on housing and communal services also thinks so, we will always be short of money, in education, today the topic of the unified state exam for schools was discussed, well, yes, the unified state exam can be discussed, improved, it’s not about the unified state exam, what parents and schoolchildren and the students themselves say that the school does very little to prepare people for life, universities, half of the graduates do not work in their specialty.
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the personnel shortage that has now appeared in russia, i agree that we will not fill it with migrants, because this is a different quality of labor than what we need here, but we have industries, for example, the nuclear industry, which lacks 6 thousand specialists, the aviation industry estimates 14,000
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specialists, we need engineers, a new formation, we are migrants, we can’t solve all this, and we really just need to pay more with on the one hand, well, we need to take measures that do not cost money, well, for example, in the defense industry we have a deferment from the army, but let’s implement it in those industries that we consider priority, the government considers priority, this is robotics, this is radio electronics, this is medium-scale chemistry, this is also mechanical engineering and machine tool building. it doesn't cost money, a delay, but it shows a different, different attention to people of these professions in russia. two more words, today the idea was also voiced that we have
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oligarchs, there were oligarchs in the nineties, oligarchs are those who have power and money, now we don’t have such people in russia, we either have rich people or there are people who have power. but those who believe both, no, in my opinion, yes, tax reform is difficult for us, but those who produce those companies that i’m talking about business, which produce and invest in development here in russia all these 10 years after crimea, 10 years and 20 years before crimea, let’s distinguish them from those who actually transferred money abroad. took money abroad minority, most of the companies have invested here and not only their enterprises, but have invested in the social sphere, in training their staff, and let’s encourage such enterprises, again,
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secondly, priority sectors, let’s also not raise taxes on these companies, because they’ve only just seen their first return on investment there. they are just deploying their forces on this economic front, let’s not undermine them, taxes. needs to be raised because justice is needed, people in russia want it, but let's be fair to separate one type of entrepreneurs and companies from another type, to separate rental, rental assets from those who produce something here in russia, and i say at your report on april 3 that the government has made a big start.
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supports, thank you, thank you, alexey gennadievich, final speech from the united russia faction, vasilyev vladimirevich, please, vladimirevich, we will conclude the discussion. dear colleagues, dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear guests, today
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is a very important conversation, at the same time the format our meeting is so condensed, so i will try to be as brief as i can: first, i think that by and large we did not count on this, so think about it, which of you was sure?
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in order for such a wonderful plant to work, he says, just don’t change anything, i do everything at the expense of profit, the question is how to divide the business, which, at the expense of profit, creates an ultra-modern enterprise, the one that received income, we hear about them politically we get excited and say, let's do it right excess income, and what is excess income, and we want to solve all this here right away, this is a huge danger, we have already said, we have worked it out, thank you very much government, thank you to the chairman, all the heads of the committee, we have worked out the methodology for everyone, we take it,
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we work in groups, in committees, together with the government, with experts, here they are sitting, they have come, there are no experts in our statements, there are bright, ringing expressions, you want to rock the boat, what are you talking about, there are enough of them here without us.
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a good example, we have many such examples, but we bring everything to one speech, here ’s a speech, 7 minutes, another minute ahead, we can’t meet this deadline, it’s impossible, and such problems are complex, but i ask you again, you think about what we are doing and what opportunities we have ,
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i respect ivanovich kalashnikov very much, i myself am responsible for this more than you,
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let’s work, let’s go out, and we will understand the situation better, and there won’t be such emotional things when we fight like fish, but we can’t in a short time time, you know, in this hour to give birth to a child, 9 it takes months, and someone else took part there, it won’t work, but we are all already experienced, wise people. colleagues, thank you for your attention, i am grateful, voice the faction’s position on the candidate. the position of the faction on the candidate, taking into account that we are the result of the speeches, all the leaders of the faction express their point
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of view, gennady andreevich said that we will abstain, we will not be against, but for... we cannot, so we will abstain, we’ll see another term, how the problems will be solved, and leonid tedorovich said clearly, we will support, sergei mikhailovich expressed support, alexey gennadievich, in support of the candidacy, vladimirevich, the position of the faction, addressing his colleagues, to say that today everyone unanimously supported the candidacy, and one more thing. i want to tell gennadi andreevich about ideology, there is still some time, especially since they stopped me and brought me back. gennady andreevich, there is an ideology, the ideology that our president formed, people voted for it, remember, you said, as much as for a referendum, this has never happened in history, once, secondly, he said, a new elite
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is being formed, gennady andreevich, it’s still not formed, not all of me at once. unfortunately, you are an experienced politician, thank you very much, thank you, dear colleagues, the speeches of the head of the faction took place, please, the authority to introduce the president, the government here we have a candidate for the post of chairman of the government, so colleagues. voting, but first we need to decide on the procedure: the relevant committee is open, colleagues, a proposal is put to a vote, but no others have been submitted, an open form of voting on the candidacy for the post of chairman
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government, turn on voting mode, who is in favor of making the procedure open? every citizen should know how his deputy voted on the candidacy of the chairman of the government. in this regard, in accordance with the constitution , the proposal received for a candidacy from our president vladimir vladimirovich putin,
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question number two is being put to a vote on the approval of mikhail vladimirovich mishustin as chairman of the government of the russian federation, the vote is by roll call, open, please turn on the voting mode, who behind? take a closer look, colleagues, what does two fingers mean, like this, what does it mean, there, yes, you delayed, the second button, you held out, here is the second button, where you held on, yes, please show me the result, for 375, against, no, abstained , 57, dear colleagues, come on.
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dear colleagues, i would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation, the elections held in march demonstrated the large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development and... despite different views on many issues, today you first of all supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act to
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achieve the tasks he set, together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including under me leadership. the government will make every effort to implement the initiatives that were voiced in the president’s address, as well.
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every member of the government must bear personal responsibility for their achievements, i want to assure you that these values ​​for the new government cabinet will be a guideline in their work, but strict adherence to our president’s course will help achieve success for the well-being of people, for the development of our country, we have confidence in this, thank you for your trust, thank you. dear colleagues, despite the weekend, we continue to work.
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the chairman of the government, today approved by the state duma, in accordance with the constitution, must submit the structure of the government for approval to the president, then submit candidates for positions of deputies, heads of government, ministers, in connection with which sunday the twelfth will be a working day for the committees, from 12 o’clock the committees will begin to work, in accordance with the schedule they will begin to consider the proposed candidates, we talked about this with mikhail vladimirovich and then on monday 13th there will be a meeting of the state duma, where candidates for approval for positions will be considered. and on tuesday the fourteenth, candidates for the positions of ministers of the russian federation. today's meeting is declared closed.
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see you on sunday, and, of course, at the plenary meeting on monday, thank you, this was a live broadcast of the plenary meeting of the state duma, where the issue of approving mikhail mishustin and his candidacy for the post of prime minister was considered . at the beginning of his speech, which, by the way, was not regulated in any way by time, mikhail mishustin recalled that just recently in april he presented here in the state duma. government bill for 2023 in general, over the last four years, during this period it was possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the state apparatus, improve the coordination of all branches of government, not only at the federal, but at the regional level, all this made it possible to create a solid foundation for further development, and what will be the basis for work in the next 6 years, the basis...
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of the government’s work in the next 6 years, i consider the president’s message to the federal assembly, these are key priorities and, of course, a large-scale program of socio-economic development, which we, dear deputies, we have to implement together, of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations, associations, to engage in creative activities for the benefit of the country of our citizens, for this we will concentrate on the main directions: the first is development and strengthening of the economy, second - ensuring technological sovereignty, third - digital transformation, fourth - saving people and supporting families with children, fifth - increasing well-being of citizens, and finally, sixth -
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balanced development. regions of our entire infrastructure. how work will be structured in these six key areas, which was voiced by mikhail mishustin. one of them is saving people and supporting families with children. mikhail mishustin recalled that as part of the continuation of this topic, it is important that this year they will launch a new national family project. in russia there are now approximately 24.5 million families raising more than 30.
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president, we will continue the program of issuing family mortgage for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families at the birth of their third and subsequent children until the end of the thirtieth year will still be able to receive the required 450 thousand rubles for repayment of the housing loan. the government has submitted a corresponding bill to the state duma, dear deputies, i hope that you will consider it in the near future. another important area is education, and here we are also talking about the modernization of kindergartens and schools, and we are talking not only about federal funds, but about the initiatives that subjects across the country now have, the region has already developed its own support measures for families with children in addition to the all-russian ones, parents, of course, always want to give their child the best
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education, it... lays the foundation for future success in adult life, but even here it is important to be able to place your child in modern, well-equipped kindergartens, then in schools, so together with the regions we will intensify the work on updating and repairing preschool educational institutions, in those in populated areas where the problem of lack of space is especially acute, we will continue to build them, including at the expense of federal funds. the modern generation consists of millions of talented, purposeful, caring citizens. we must, of course, give them a decent start, opportunities for their self-realization, and we will begin to form youth and children within the framework of a new national project. it is very important to carry out this work together, of course, with our regions.


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