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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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parents, of course, always want to give their child the best education, it lays the foundation for future success in adult life, but here, too, the opportunity to place the child in a modern, well-equipped kindergarten, then in schools is important, so together with the regions we will intensify our work on renovation and renovation preschool educational institutions, in those settlements where the problem of lack of places is especially acute, we will continue to build them, including at the expense of federal funds. the modern generation is millions talented, purposeful, caring citizens, we must, of course, give them a decent start and opportunities for their self-realization ; we will begin to form youth and children within the framework of a new national project. it is very important to carry out this work together, of course, with our regions. in the report
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of the government’s work here, which was announced in april, a very important figure was announced: at the end of 2023, life expectancy in russia has reached almost 73 and a half years on average, this is higher than pre-covid values, but how to achieve the goal that designated president for the next 6 years, according to mikhail mishustin, it is important to completely modernize the primary link in medicine by 2030, which is
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the primary link, this will allow an additional more than 7 million people to detect diseases in a timely manner and, of course, begin timely therapy. on behalf of the head of state , we will continue the fight against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases. we will also continue to create conditions for prevention and initiation of a healthy, active lifestyle. this is very important.
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support, and, of course, the main tool will be employment development, increased labor market flexibility, and, very importantly, wage growth. on behalf of the head of state , a new model of payment for public sector employees will be created, first in pilot regions, and then scaled up throughout the country. and doctors, teachers, and other employees of the social sphere, medicine, education, culture, must receive
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decent remuneration for their work; of course, long-term mechanisms are also needed, including a revision of university admission targets, to ensure that their graduates meet the requirements of companies, regions and the economy as a whole. there is another important, another important area - the growth of labor productivity, and here education and targeted support measures in this area, including those that help reduce it, play an important role. distance, reduce the distance between universities and business, what programs are already working to achieve this result? the demand for blue-collar professions is growing, in accordance with the instructions of the president, it is necessary to train a million such specialists, i am convinced that they are the future of the enterprise; they are competent personnel who master modern equipment, apply the latest techniques, and most importantly, are in demand at any time. this
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also means a stable income and opportunities for career growth. the quality of learning must improve at all levels of education. priority 2030. advanced engineering. schools, a project to create modern campuses, all these initiatives will contribute to the solution of such a significant task, and i am absolutely sure they will have an effect. more one key area of ​​development for the next 6 years is the balanced development of the regions. support measures that would help solve this problem have already been discussed previously, including a proposal to write off 2/3 of the debt on budget loans and use this money for further development. as for the appearance of cities and improving the quality of the urban environment for residents, masterplans for cities throughout the country are already being implemented. we will formulate a program for the comprehensive development of about 2,000 settlements, including on behalf of
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the president will identify at least 200 large and small cities for each of which a master plan will be developed. their subsequent implementation will require joint efforts.
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achieving an all-russian level of socio-economic development there is something we will continue to pay special attention to. the priority is not only the integration of new regions, but also support for participants in a special military operation, including benefits and support measures for the families of participants. i would like to note that it was this thesis about the support of the svo participants that drew applause and a parliamentarian. our main task is.
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form the composition of the government, approve the chairman of the government, his deputies, federal ministers, and if previously the problem was often explained by the shortcomings of the government or one of the ministers, now both the government and the state duma will bear responsibility for the result, it is important to always remain in this format
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communications, this is what mikhail mishustin said today about this matter about the organization of the work of deputies and members of the government. not always with relevant ministries manage to find the same contact as at the level of the prime minister, and we regret, but... we have examples when appeals from deputies remain unanswered, deputies cannot reach some ministers by phone, that’s right, dear colleagues, that’s right, here all cases, here mikhailovich, what are we talking about, that in the future we must jointly bear the responsibility, if someone did not call someone back, even those in acting duties, we will sort it out today, please make a list of who did not call back de it will be very tough. let me remind you that the head of the cabinet of ministers is appointed by the president after
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he has been confirmed by the state duma, the former ministers and deputy prime ministers continue their work, but now in the status of acting duties, they will remain in this status until the approval of the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, well and in the morning vyacheslav volodin reminded that deputies in moscow continue their work, despite the weekend, i would like to thank you for your approval. candidacies for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation, elections held in march demonstrated a large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development. and, despite different views on many issues, today you, first of all, supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act for what was accomplished, to fulfill the goals set. tasks together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including under my
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leadership, the government will make every effort to implement the initiatives that were voiced in the president’s address, as well as achieve new updated development goals. well, we continue to work on a willing row in the next live broadcasts we will talk about the most important statements. click house: find a property that is right for you, this is a click house, move to a new apartment in a new building, secondary building or build your own house from scratch, click house, where everyone will find housing for themselves, your back gets tired all day on your feet, because i lead the work. sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. every master wants to know
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is known about the number of victims, what is the condition of the victims and what versions are there now? yes, yuri, hello, i’ll start with the location, this is the very center of st. petersburg, behind me you can see the kryukov canal, that’s where traffic police officers are working now, traffic is completely blocked, but cars are turning left to right, it’s at the end of this canal that the tragedy happened, a few minutes ago along this street a fifty-ton crane passed, it will probably be used to lift the sunken bus, now to... the circumstance of how it all happened, it was in this direction that the regular bus was moving, it was moving along the embankment of the kryukov canal, when turning onto the large sea one, and for some reason the bus skidded, it couldn’t get out of the turn correctly, it started, first crashed into the building of the naval museum, then flew onto the kissing bridge, into the oncoming lane, into the oncoming
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traffic lane, then crashed into a car car sharing, he was thrown to the opposite one. side, he broke through the fence, in fact, fell into the moika river. it was lucky that in this place it was not very deep, so the roof of the bus remained above the water, people immediately rushed to the scene, eyewitnesses of the events, some, as some young guys from dagestan say now, jumped into the water, climbed onto the roof of the bus, tried to break the hatch, and thus save the people who were... were inside, there were 15 people inside the bus, now rescuers completed search and rescue operations, they rescued all the passengers, no one was left in the cabin from the drowned bus, but unfortunately there were no casualties, the ministry of emergency situations reports that three people died, four more are now in a state of clinical death, two more in serious
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condition, employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to work at the scene, as well as representatives of other security forces. departments, a total of 69 specialists and 18 pieces of equipment were involved in the rescue work; indeed , literally all of it was occupied on this kissing bridge various cars with special equipment, there are also a lot of emergency rescue boats on the water, a criminal case has now been opened under the article of violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person, the ministry of internal affairs and the prosecutor's office are conducting an investigation into the accident. here we have a comment from the city prosecutor's office, let's listen. involving a passenger bus, passenger cars, the prosecutor's office will assess the implementation of road safety legislation and federal legislation, based on the results
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, comprehensive prosecutorial measures will be taken response. the prosecutor's office controls the progress of the criminal investigation. awakened by the investigative authorities regarding this fact. according to preliminary information, the bus driver has not yet given any explanations, has not participated in the interrogation, he is now in the hospital, doctors assess his condition as moderate. in addition, the city governor, alexander biglov, has already stated that he will personally coordinate assistance to the victims; probably later there will be talk of some kind of compensation. well, they are continuing on the spot now. investigators, prosecutors, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are working, they are creating a complete picture of what happened, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are now preparing to begin an operation to... remove the bus from the river, this will indeed be a very difficult operation, because the bus itself is large, multi-ton, in addition, there are a lot of
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wires stretched over the moika river, they will also need to be removed now, that is, this is quite a complex operation, which the ministry of emergency situations employees are now preparing to carry out, this is the last information from the northern capital, yuri, i give you the floor, yes dmitry, thank you, together with you we will monitor what is happening, dmitry akimov spoke about the consequences of an accident in st. petersburg. where a bus with passengers crashed into the river. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. pairs of grant and grand pikant at an attractive price. only in a tasty way. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. why the sun? look, this is lucha from monaco. you in my stream, lyusya, lyusya, you are super, where can
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we see that in very difficult conditions, the government is basically coping with its work, of course, there are questions and what needs to be done in the field of health care in the field of education, now we have we see staffing, and such a shortage, but by the way, this is better than if we have high unemployment, but these are all challenges that need to be answered, these are things that we have not yet completed in the last step, so it is clear to me that exactly what ...
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the number of robots in russia is 10, and maybe even 20 times in 6 years, we have not solved such a problem in size, probably since the great industrialization of the soviet union, this is a challenge that is not ordinary, and this can be done either later play with reporting, but you can do it, this is the challenge, and we also take on ourselves we take part of the responsibility to do this, this is one example of how the government works today, it
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seems to me that it’s good, i was glad. what are the speeds, yes, how many strategic sessions have taken place, where it’s very detailed, it doesn’t matter who speaks, it’s a minister or there, it’s a deputy, it’s an expert, if it’s all about business, then it’s about business, without honoring rank, shuffling around, this, this is work on the result, not on the process, we need this, thank you, thank you very much for the detailed answers, we talked with alexey nishchaev, the leader of the faction, new people in the state duma said that the interaction between the executive legislative branch is becoming closer and closer, this works for the prospects for more effective development of our country.


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