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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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so, the state duma approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister of russia, the corresponding resolution is then sent to the president, work in the lower house of parliament today was intense all day about why the leader of the faction is expected from the new cabinet, let’s ask our correspondent anton potkovenko, he is now in direct communication, anton, greetings, what statements were made in the state duma today? yes, greetings, parliamentarians expect a lot from the new cabinet of ministers, but also a lot...
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mishustin for the post of prime minister his colleagues support mikhail’s candidacy and at the same time they propose some changes in the composition. new cabinet of ministers, or this initiative, in general for executive authorities, they relate primarily to demographic policy, the agency for demographic policy proposes to create fair orozsy and also raises the topic of supporting veterans of a special military operation, let’s listen, the agency for veterans’ affairs, military veterans actions are already returning and sooner or later they will return from victory, and the name will be needed in detail and...
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leonid slutsky, leader of the ldpr faction, said that mikhail mishustin’s cabinet has done a lot in a rather difficult situation and in very difficult circumstances, so it is worth supporting it. he separately emphasized that mishustin knows how to listen to legislators. the prime minister did everything possible and impossible, and moreover, he did it under the conditions of a special military operation.
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according to him, in the opinion of his colleagues, a lot needs to be done in the field of education in order to have more young personnel in high-tech, high-tech industries, and the communists also prepared a kind of order for the new cabinet of ministers, like this: they formulated our program of 10 steps of a decent life, prepared 12 laws for it, including our unique development budget. we will hear that they are ready
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to implement a significant part of these programs, as soon as they declare that professional, competent people are needed to implement these programs, then we are ready to support this government. the new people faction also expressed support for mikhail’s candidacy. shustina to post chairman of the government, she did this even before the start of the key plenary meeting, which took place today, new people agreed on this candidacy, based on the fact that mikhshustin has done and is doing a lot for russian entrepreneurs, and also his cabinet passed the tests with honor during the pandemic, this it was a difficult time for the country, a lot has been done here and a lot of constructive things have been done, and russia is also successfully...
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coping with the tasks set before it by a special military operation, the new people party, our faction in the state duma supports his candidacy for the post of prime minister. yes, today we still have some unresolved problems in the field of healthcare, in education, now the issue of such a personnel shortage has arisen in full force, this is better than unemployment, but this is also a problem that needs to be solved, we not only need to solve , that some issues have accumulated in previous years, but also to actively move forward, new 11 on... projects in a variety of areas. the united russia faction in the state duma unanimously supported mikhail's candidacy mishustin to the post of prime minister of the russian government, in particular because, as parliamentarians say,
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mishustin’s core and cabinet of ministers have gone through a lot together, including resolving issues together in order to reduce the risks for russia in connection with unprecedented western pressure with ... over the past years, under the leadership of mishustin, the government had to solve very difficult problems, and the pandemic, the challenges that the government faced and the tasks were solved very quickly and effectively, all this
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against the backdrop of numerous sanctions that relations with our country were growing like a mountain of snow, time demanded... clear, clear, definite, very important decisions from the cabinet of mikhail mishustin, emphasized first vice speaker of the state duma alexander zhukov and the government, according to her, coped with these challenges with dignity, speaker of the state duma , vyacheslav volodin emphasized today that thanks to the new regulations approved in the amendments to the constitution in the twentieth year, the legislative and executive powers are still. interact more closely now, this is important moment, you and i are responsible for every decision we make, not only when we vote for what is legal, but for how the government works. there were stages in our
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activities when they criticized and said: “we are not responsible for what the government does, or everything bad is theirs, everything good is ours, but now we can’t say that anymore, because the duma, having received powers bears responsibility for personnel decisions, for the work of the prime minister , for the work of his deputy, ministers, and this obliges us to a lot, this is actually where today’s decision of the russian parliament stems from : mikhail mishustin has become an approved candidate for the post of chairman of the government. russian federation, now he will propose to the state duma the approval and approval of the candidacy of deputy prime ministers for almost all federal ministers, excluding the mit power bloc. this will happen in the very next few days, according to
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interfax information on may 12, 13, 14. yuri. yes, anton, thank you. well, let's follow these political processes. let me remind you that my colleague anton potkovenko was in direct contact with the studio. on other topics on the artilleryman of the group of russian troops dnepr destroyed the firing points of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern sector of the special operation, worked in tandem with drone crews, they adjusted the fire and recorded hits. our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko provides details. the path is not close, we set out at dawn. we drive through a dangerous section of the road without turning on the headlights, a banal but effective blackout. the road is the most dangerous process. at this moment the crew and personnel are most vulnerable to enemy drones. exactly. therefore, the movement takes place in the dark, a fighter with the call sign violinist is a volunteer, serves in the bars-8 detachment, as part of the dnepr group of troops, has been under fire, been hit by combat drones, but during the special operation he has often seen how defenseless civilians become target of ukrainian
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drones. recently there was a case here when they used it on a civilian, on a woman, the woman was in the yard of the house, they used it on her, they don’t spare anyone, they don’t have time.” children, women, men, they have no pity, they are fascists. at the approach to the artillerymen's position. our car is met by a mobile electronic warfare team. the task of the fighters is to create a safe zone around us in case something happens to neutralize ukrainian drones. we are told that fpv also flies. we take a rap, quickly get ready, go to the firing point and begin to jam it. that is, we plant the birds, if we can’t land the fish, we destroy them with weapons. along the pou trail, hidden from drones by treetops, we make our way to gun, also well camouflaged. this. the d-30 towed howitzer, developed back in the fifties, continues to prove
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itself to be a reliable and accurate weapon capable of destroying armored vehicles and fortifications . today’s task for us is to hit the target of the dugout, there is a large- caliber one, it constantly haunts us , like our infantry, and today’s task is to hit it. target coordinates received, gunner. it takes no more than a minute, then the first high-explosive fragmentation shot is sent through the dugout! job artillery is always carried out in tandem with a uav crew. the drone operator adjusts the fire and records the hit. the first shell landed near the enemy position. the gun is aimed and they open fire again. this time the target is destroyed. immediately after work, the howitzer is camouflaged again and the crew moves to the shelter. enemy drones, including kamikaze drones, can appear at any minute. discover them. and intercept, the task of calculating the uav. there seems to be a large number
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of such things flying around here right now. what it is? well it drone, nine, homemade projectile, compacted with plastid, detonator, that is , here it is, well, they stuck it out of here, there is a self-destruction board, these mustaches bend and close upon impact. the servicemen of the bars8 volunteer detachment are ready to carry out any and even the most difficult combat missions, each of them is here at their own request and with only one goal: to destroy ukrainian neo-nazism once and for all. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, alina zykova, irina zaborskaya, lead the southern sector of the military special operation. anti-israel protests have reached british universities. the students are demanding an end to cooperation with companies that in any way support the tel aviv operation. in gaza, pro-palestinian sentiment is especially strong in the famous cambridge, where protests are held regularly. prime minister sunok asks them
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to stop, but the leaders of uzov are in no hurry to resort to radical measures. from london, reporting by alexander khabarov. british prime minister rishi sunok was concerned about pro-palestinian protests at universities in england. sunok held a special meeting in his official residence in downing street, inviting the heads of higher education institutions there. he called for...
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in britain, in some universities, for example, in cambridge, tent camps have already appeared. three students in edinburgh have gone on a hunger strike, demanding that the local university authorities stop all interaction with companies that supply weapons to israel. one of them said in an interview with the publication. that 15 of his relatives died in the gas. what was already an urgent call to abandon the action
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suddenly became much more urgent, especially after the attack on rafah. just last year, the former first minister of scotland, hamza youssef, had great difficulty in getting his wife's parents evacuated from gaza. in general, protests in britain have not stopped since the new, extremely acute phase of the palestinian-israeli conflict began.
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now we will go a little closer, turned here onto the large sea road, but then, for some still unclear reason, he crashed into the building of the military and naval museum, after this, now a special car arrived here, after that he turned onto the kissing bridge and there he drove into oncoming traffic, drove into a carsharing car and
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after that, breaking through the fence, he fell here into the embankment into the river moika, the bus, in fact, here it is, his they lifted it up here onto the road, just a few minutes ago a golichan crane was working, its lifting capacity is 50 tons, well now we can see what the bus looks like, its entire front part is broken, almost all the windows are broken, now we are being asked to move away, there is activity here the police are working, almost all the windows have been broken, now you can see the place, in fact, where the bus fell into the water, it fell into the moika river, the moika river in this place is shallow, so the roof of the bus remained on top, and literally in the first minutes - eyewitnesses, people who passed by, drove by, now they say, several young guys from dagestan, they jumped into the water, climbed onto the roof of the bus, tried to break out the hatch, and accordingly, after that
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, a rescuer and employees arrived at the scene ministry of emergency situations, which have already been carried out. completely rescue work, now the rescue work is completed, and after all, let’s listen to what they told us today at the ministry of emergency situations. 13:05 in st. petersburg, the duty department received an application at the address "bolshaya morskaya building 69", where, in the rear of a traffic accident, bus 262 route ended up in the water. three people died as a result of the incident, six people were hospitalized. well, here's the latest data on the victims you heard from. representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, three people died, six people were hospitalized, however most of the people who ended up in hospitals are in critical condition and, unfortunately, experts assume that the number of deaths will be much higher. now police officers and employees of the investigative committee, employees of the prosecutor's office are working on the site, we have received comments from
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officials , let's listen to what the police and the prosecutor told us. according to preliminary data, at the time of the emergency there were about 20 people inside the vehicle. investigators of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia opened a criminal case under part five of article 264 of the criminal code of russia. an investigation is currently underway to determine the circumstances of the incident. controls the establishment of all the circumstances of a traffic accident involving a passenger bus or cars. the prosecutor's office will assess the implementation of road safety legislation and federal legislation, and based on the results , comprehensive prosecutorial response measures will be taken. the prosecutor's office is monitoring the progress investigation of a criminal case initiated by investigative authorities on this fact. as for the driver, according to
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preliminary information, he is now in the hospital, but in connection with the criminal case he is already undergoing, as... the bus, as i already said, was lifted, now he is being examined by experts, covinalists, employees of the investigative committee, but we we continue to work at the scene, we will tell you about all the latest information about the next adventures, yuri, yes, dmitry, together with you we are monitoring what is happening, i will remind you, dmitry akimov spoke about the consequences of an accident in st. petersburg, where a bus with passengers crashed into the river. well, now let’s return to the main political news of this day, the approval of the state duma and the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister; the lower house of parliament has already sent a corresponding resolution to the president of the country.
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firstly, we saw that mikhailovich mishustin had difficult times when he was chairman of the government. firstly, the pandemic, secondly, unprecedented sanctions, both,
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the government under his leadership passed with dignity. this is the first. secondly, mikhail vladimirovich reacts adequately to all proposals that come from our faction. firstly, he hears, he listens, he doesn’t quite agree, but he always has arguments and...
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there is no one responsible, in this regard, if there is such a ministry, it will be correct, just as we insist on agency for veterans' affairs, combat veterans , this must be done, and
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we also believe that, given the problem migration issues, it is necessary to isolate the migration service from the ministry of internal affairs, create a separate department, but i cannot help but say that we have a ministry of economic development, which... prepares proposals and develops our economy, and rosstat is subordinate to it, that is, this such a supervisory body that can see how everything is being done, but it’s somehow strange when i’m in charge myself, and i’m immediately controlled by my subordinates, in this regard , our proposal is that rosstat should be directly subordinated to the president housing and communal services, if i'm not mistaken, yes, the proposal of the ministry, the agency of the ministry , we have a huge problem... creating some kind of structural
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unit that would deal with the problems of housing and communal services is more than obvious. and concluding our conversation, this is what i would like to ask about from the point of view of the new regulations, which were approved by amendments to the constitution in 2020, and are now being approved by the prime minister and approved by the lower house of parliament. that's why it's important, yes what it is gives, because as i understand it, there is now closer interaction between the executive legislative branch and legislators. the most important thing is responsibility; deputies are not only legislative power. representative, we represent the entire multinational people of russia, and now we, deputies, representatives of the people, take responsibility for the appointment and approval of the prime minister, deputy prime ministers, ministers with the exception of security ministers, who are appointed by direct decree of the president, this means that we are not just agree on how it happened before, and we take responsibility, then our voters can also ask us, why did you approve it
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like this?
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slovakia remembers.
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at a plenary meeting, the state duma approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of head of the russian government. 375 deputies voted in favor, 57 abstained, and there was not a single vote against. the lower house of parliament has already sent a corresponding resolution to the country's president. today, according to the procedure, mikhail shshustin held meetings with factions, then spoke at the plenary the meeting outlined priorities in the work of the cabinet of ministers for the coming years. maria kudryavtseva will tell you all the details.


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