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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? a blacksmith's narak? after all, we won’t be able to save the fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children. your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. especially for victory day, all episodes of the admiral kuznetsov series are free. we look at the website in the application. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. again a leap into the past. time travel is not a toy. if you knew how delicious it is, then... you would be such
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the ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms, find yourself in the universe of taste, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! you wouldn’t expect to see a street on may 9th in an eu country, if only because europe celebrates victory day on the 8th and has recently been demolishing and renaming everything connected with the feat of the soviet soldier. the street is called may 9 street, there are no attempts or proposals to rename it. no, i haven’t noticed such attempts,
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as long as i am the mayor of this city, i will not allow this to happen. for this day we are very grateful to the soviet army. january, they carry wreaths to the monument on the main square, they are not afraid nearby with moisture, the eu raises the soviet red banner and plays the anthem with which the red army marched forward. a holiday with soviet symbols infuriated the slovakian defense minister a couple of years ago. yaroslav nat called his compatriots from one and a half with a ford. yaroslav nat, thank god, the former minister of defense, is head over heels in the rear of america's body, so he insulted us. on the day
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the city was liberated from nazi germany, he called those present at the celebrations fascists. it’s too bad that politicians are trying to turn history around, they should to be grateful, because they live thanks to the fact that we were liberated by the soviet red army, if the soviets had not come then, yaroslav nas might not have lived today. jaroslav nat, like the entire previous government, resigned; in the fall of 2023 , slovakia has a new leadership that does not abandon the country’s history in order to please its overseas friends. this applause for the prime minister, who has been in office for several months, robert fica, on april 4, on the anniversary of the liberation of bratislava , came to the memorial, where different generations slovaks lay flowers every spring. come here every year? yes, from such a young age. we come here to
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thank them. questioned the decisive role of the former ussr in the defeat of fascism. these sacrifices cannot be questioned. i will do everything to ensure that this story is never distorted. the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia has an entire department for the protection of military graves. every year, money is allocated from the country's budget to care for monuments
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to soviet soldiers. slovakia erected 193 monuments to its liberator. in the battles for this 63,518 soldiers died in the country. army, more than half of the graves are unnamed, on such graves there are inscriptions: a soldier of the red army, a girl or just a lieutenant, but who they are, where they were called from, how they died is unknown, but the name, surname, ranks on the plate can tell a lot, yes, this is a hero soviet union, artyomno, it is written here how he died, on march 26, he received a combat mission, about the task.
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partisans who fought in these mountains. one day, a russian soldier, as archival documents testify, came down to the village here to pick up a doctor and take him he joined the detachment with his wounded comrades, and just at the same time the ss men came to the village with a punitive operation, they shot the jewish doctor and the russian partisan. his family didn’t know any of this; for them he was missing. words brought news of the fallen hero to the red army soldier’s family thousands of kilometers away.
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on hitler's side, in june 1941 , the country's president, josef tisza, mobilized 36,000 slovaks to support the fascist blitz in the east. poorly trained and with no particular desire to fight, the slovaks quickly became a liability in german units. fascists named after they were mainly entrusted with railway security.
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the slavs did not want to kill the slavs. there were massive surrenders. 80% of the slovaks sent with the germans to the east went to the partisans. jan nelepka was the first slovak to receive the title hero of the soviet union. captain nalepka actively lured his colleagues to the soviet side. here he is next to one of the generals of the red army. slovak soldiers passed on information about the location of the germans and the soviets. the partisans behaved neutrally towards the slovak soldiers, pretending that they did not see each other each other, they didn’t shoot at each other, but if
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they did, they shot over their heads, so that it looked like they were fighting against each other. in august of forty-four , a national uprising began in slovakia itself, parts of the regular army, partisans opposed the pro-fascist government of tis, moscow sent weapons and saboteurs to help them. the nazis, having decided to drown the uprising in blood, threw in... would have been in the camp of the losers in the camp of hitler’s germany’s satellites with all
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the political legal, moral and economic consequences. the first settlement in slovakia was liberated by the red army on october 3, 1944; ahead were 7 months of continuous, difficult fighting. the red army marched forward, it brought freedom to all of czechoslovakia. it was spring, and this... gets confused, the roads are washed out, the landscape is still very difficult: on the way of their red army soldiers there are introductory obstacles, for example, this hron river was crossed under continuous fire from german artillery, the fascists were located there, on the other bank at a height, for the red army to advance to bratislava had to first cross the river, and then take the height on which the enemy was entrenched, marshal malinovsky commanded the bratislava-byrnovo offensive operation, next to... the place where his command post was, in 2021 a monument to the military leader appeared, it was not
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the slovaks who decided to build , erect this beautiful monument, why here, i think this is very correct, marshal malinovsky is here, you see this, this is a museum, you can see here, and then guns, and an2, and t-34, we show this to the children so that it never happened, we need to take something like this into our hands, war is the most evil, and we can tell the children what happened and... what we don’t want to continue, children are frequent guests here, teacher anna marachkova brought students to a history lesson, she gave knowledge is much broader than the school curriculum, i found my daughter natalya radionovna, malinovskaya, i wrote her a letter saying that i wanted to give a lecture here for our residents of the city of levitsy, she gave me all the very serious information about the troops of the second ukrainian front. under the command of marshal marinovsky's soviet union developed an offensive deep into czechoslovakia from
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hungary and occupied the city of bratislava. bratislava is a heavily fortified city by the germans. ditches, barriers, mines, nothing helped. the red army liberated the capital of slovakia 2 days earlier than required by headquarters. the soldiers helped restore electricity, water supply, and sewerage in the city, and cleared the roads. on april 10, a telegram was sent to moscow about the situation on the ground. until the last days, propaganda assured the townspeople that the soviet troops cannot overcome the defenses around bratislava. the townspeople emphasize that they are doubly grateful to the red army, since bratislava would have been taken quickly in a short time. the war had not yet ended, but grateful bratislava, on may 5 , 1945, had already erected this monument to soviet soldiers. in every region of slovakia there are monuments and memorial plaques, single and mass graves of liberators. the cemetery in zvolen is one of the largest burial grounds of red army soldiers in europe.
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there are more than 17 in single mass graves thousand soldiers. and their liberators, slovak. remembers, this memorial is protected by the state, the state does not mind when such portraits of fallen soldiers, unforeseen by the ensemble, appear; they are installed by slovak volunteers. vladimir kapustin, he was when he went to war, his younger brothers never saw him, only 3 years ago we managed to discover that he was buried here in a mass grave, and his relatives, they knew where he died, no, no one knew that his mother really wanted his grave to be found, we went to the belarusian through search engines, they found his younger brother, he is 77 years old, and agreed that he would come to slovakia on may 9 to look at his brother’s grave. in minsk , representatives of the slovak movement brother for brother met with the younger brother of red army soldier vladimir kapustin. they organize a motorcycle rally along the roads of victory every year;
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they have been in moscow, volgograd, sevastopol, in the cities of the czech republic and, of course, at their memorials.
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bandera's followers fled from the soviet army under the wing of the americans. the american occupation zone after the war was in austria, and before it as times the shortest route through slovakia. another village in the east of slovakia, here is also a memorial in memory of those who died at the hands of bandera. fallen soldiers of the czechoslovak people's army who died in battles against bandera in 1947. and the names of six soldiers. it took a military operation to stop the terror; they could clear slovakia of bandera’s supporters only in 1949. i was in lutsk. i cried in despair when i saw the monument to bandera there. the european union
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does not condemn this in any way. these are bandits. these are bandits.
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dead and wounded soldiers, while the red the army helped the residents with food, from their own , and the battles were very difficult, there were a lot of rations, they gave away food, and my grandmother taught me
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not only to put flowers or candles for the hungarian soldiers, but for the russians too, from childhood we visit this monument, we take care of the monuments here, this is our tradition, the tradition is passed on to the next generations, their children also come to the monument: they look after it and bow their heads. so in hungary, on the eve of may 9 , a monument to soviet soldiers was opened after a major renovation, painted, polished, shiny spring sun. such work abroad is supervised by the representative office of the russian ministry of defense for military memorial work. hungarians are very fond of the memory of those who died. always treats our despairs, our requests with understanding, as long as the hungarian republic sets an example of how to
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treat fallen heroes. there are 830 such burial sites in hungary alone; they are treated with care, with regular cleaning and repairs. more than 50 monuments were repaired in 2021-23, and you can clearly see how they are being transformed.
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they are trying to distort the history of the anti-fascist struggle, to dispute the merit and disproportionate participation of the soviet people, as if the soviet union did not participate in this at all, and the americans won. there is a tendency to downplay the importance of the red army; after a while they will say that the americans liberated us, as is happening in the czech republic. the czech republic already has such books that
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the americans liberated it. i read such a thing about marshal malinovsky. the czechs in 1968, when the warsaw pact troops were brought in, and here are the czechs yesterday they wrote that marshal malinovsky was the minister of defense of the ussr, and he gave the order in sixty- eight, but they did not read that marshal malinovsky died in sixty-seven, this is absolute misinformation. therefore, taking archival documents in their hands , wearing soviet uniforms to make it more interesting and authentic, they go to school. anti-fascists meet with children once...
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the premiere took place in the nitrian region of slovakia, where schoolchildren study. over the course of a year , they visited many cities and villages of the country with their film, only in bratislava three times showed. a školách, či už základných alebo stredných there is great interest in this film, and school directors invite the creative team, these young people, so that children and youth watch the film, after which there are discussions, discussions, they discuss various facts, talk, clarify additional questions, it is very interesting.
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the history of the war has fascinated me so much that schoolchildren have already begun filming a second film about the second world war, they hope to make it in time for the eightieth anniversary of the victory, search engines are preparing for the anniversary in different countries, restorers, all those who remember the feat of the soviet soldier, in the anniversary year they will repair even more monuments and install even more names of liberators.
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once again in the main political topic, mikhail mishustin was appointed chairman of the government of the russian federation. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. this afternoon , 375 state duma deputies voted for the candidacy of mikhail mishustin, 57 abstained, and there was not a single vote against. i note that for the first time the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the government for with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and power ministries. let me remind you that deputies acquired new powers after the adoption of amendments to the constitution in 2020. today mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma and outlined the priorities in the work of the cabinet of ministers for the coming years, but before going to the meeting, he met with vladimir putin.


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