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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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once again, in the main political topic, mikhail mishustin was appointed chairman of the government of the russian federation, a corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. this afternoon , 375 state duma deputies voted for the candidacy of mikhail mishustin, 57 abstained, and there was not a single vote against. i note that for the first time the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the government, with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the security forces.
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for the development of our economy, to justify the trust of our people, i am confident that under your leadership we will achieve all the tasks that set by reshimo, you and i, together with our colleagues from the government, formulated national development goals, this is, of course , the main thing we should strive for in order to realize these goals in all areas, and as the practice of recent years shows, in general, in general we have... the future
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government will have to solve many problems to strengthen the economy and improve the well-being of citizens, what exactly needs to be done first and how mikhail mishustin explained in detail when speaking in the state duma. maria has all the details slobodyanskaya. the created new management model of government work allows us to cope with serious challenges. work efficiency has increased. coordination of branches of government has improved. in the next 6 years, there will be no fewer tasks, and they will need to be solved in close cooperation with the state duma, the federation council, the bank of russia, regions and development institutions. there are six main areas of work, as mikhail mishustin said when speaking to deputies; they were outlined by the president in his message to the federal assembly, these are strengthening the economy, ensuring technological sovereignty, digital transformation, conservation and support for families with children, as well as increasing well-being.
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we believe that not only the state, but also responsible business will contribute to this, including through participation in the formation of long-term resources in the domestic market. when increasing production volumes, it is important to take into account that goods need markets, including abroad. by 2030, compared to 2023, exports of non-raw materials and non-energy goods should increase by no less than 2/3, and supplies production of the agro-industrial complex is one and a half times the level. priority
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of cooperation with friendly countries , a free trade agreement is being prepared with the states of the asia-pacific region of the middle east and africa. at the same time, russia will not interfere with those who want to work in our country. despite the ongoing pressure on our country, we do not plan to introduce any restrictions for those foreign entrepreneurs who want to continue working with us. or plans to come to russia with new projects, just as we are not we intend to in no way limit the opportunities for domestic companies to operate in foreign markets. the sme sector has a special role; the income of employees of such organizations should grow faster than the economy as a whole. another important vector of work is technological sovereignty. the government is implementing systemic support measures for a wide range of products, thanks to them oxen. the added value
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of manufacturing industries should increase by 40% by the thirtieth year, and the share of domestic high-tech goods and services based on our own developments will grow by one and a half times. now the government is completing the formation of nine projects of technological sovereignty in the fields of radio electronics, tank building, unmanned aerial systems of space, nuclear power and others. we will continue to maintain the pace of increasing investment in russian it solutions at a level at least twice as high as economic growth, so that they meet the needs of departments and enterprises. but of course, this requires an integrated approach to stimulating production and implementation.
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on instructions from the president, the government prepared a program for modernizing the utility industry. state duma speaker vyacheslavin noted that this is one of the most concerning topics for citizens. we have a large number. regions, where, especially taking into account concessions in the field of heat supply, water supply, there are a lot of complaints, so we need to help the relevant ministry, housing and communal services construction, so that they have specialized institutions to
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solve this problem, but also, of course, to formalize all this, so that there is a responsible person, so that there is a specific last name, first name, amount of infrastructure budgets. loans to the regions will be increased annually by at least 250 billion rubles, and the returned funds will be used to issue new loans. the government will also continue to work on the full integration of new regions and achieve the all-russian level of development there and will provide full support to the participants of the northern military district. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, which is currently being formed, will solve all the assigned tasks. work in the lower house of parliament has been intense all day today about. anton potkovenko will tell you what the faction leaders expect from the new cabinet. parliamentarians expect a lot from the new cabinet of ministers, but they also offer a lot themselves. today, even before the start of the key plenary meeting, here at the willing row, mikhail mishustin spoke with parliamentary factions
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, including deputies of the just russia for truth faction; the leader of this faction, sergei mironov, even before the plenary meeting, said that the faction and his colleagues support the candidacy.
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electronics, in the field of high technology, this has done a lot for the front, in particular in the area noted by the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov, however, according to... him and in the opinion of his colleagues, a lot needs to be done in the field of education in order to have more young personnel in high-tech industries, and also communists have prepared a kind of order for... professional, competent people, then we are ready to support this government.
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the new people faction also spoke out in support of mikhail mishustin’s candidacy for the post of prime minister, she did so even before the start of the key plenary meeting, which took place today, new people agreed on this candidacy, based on the fact that mishustin has done and is doing a lot for russian entrepreneurs, and his cabinet of ministers passed the tests with honor during... the period of the pandemic, it was not easy for country , a lot has been done here and a lot of constructive things have been done, and russia is also successfully coping with the tasks posed to it by the special military operation. the new people party, our faction in the state duma supports his candidacy for the post chairman of the government. yes, today we still have some unresolved problems in the field of healthcare and education. now i'm up. full growth, the issue of such a shortage of personnel, this is better than unemployment,
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but these are also problems that need to be solved, we need not only to solve some issues that have accumulated in previous years, but also to actively move forward, and new 11 national projects in a variety of areas, the united russia faction in the state duma unanimously supported the candidacy.
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challenges that the government faced and tasks were solved very quickly and efficiently, all this against the backdrop of numerous sanctions that grew like snow in relation to our country. the time required clear, clear, definite , very important decisions from mikhail mishustin’s cabinet, emphasized first deputy speaker of the state duma alexander zhukov and the government.
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today's decision of the russian parliament mikhail mishustin has become an approved candidate for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation, now he will propose the coordination and approval of the state the duma has nominated almost all federal ministers as deputy prime ministers, excluding the mid-power bloc. this will happen in the very next few days. according to interfax information on may 12, 13, 14. anton botkovenko, viktor kazakov and andrey boroukhin. news. now to the reports of the last hour, the united states will allocate new military assistance to ukraine in the amount of $400 million, the corresponding order was signed by american president joe biden, quotes: i delegate to the secretary of state the authority to allocate up to $400 million in the form of defense goods and services to the ministry defense, as well as military training and education to provide assistance to ukraine, this is stated in biden’s memorandum, the text of which was distributed by the white
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house press service. the american media reported that the new aid package may include... now a little advertising and we will continue, don’t switch, oh, that’s nice to me, like 44.900, oh yes, of course, oh, panda is for sale, yes, for sale, credit card psb double cashback, increased cashback on everyday purchases. who is always in a hurry to help, heals the pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, in the neck, it doesn’t matter, the shoulder may fail, let’s call pentalgin, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, benefit from the generator in bemfidio eldorado,
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the bus was moving, it turned here onto bolshaya morskaya street, but it couldn’t take the turn, it went here, crashed into this wall , you can see that... there are two anchors here, it was them that he shot down, after that the bus drove onto the kissing bridge, flew into oncoming traffic, and after that
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, breaking through the fence, it fell into the river moika, there were 15 people inside the bus, eyewitnesses were the first to rush to the rescue, young guys from dagestan jumped off the bridge, swam up and tried to break out the top hatch, then, within a few minutes ,... employees of the ministry of emergency situations arrived on the scene; in total, 69 specialists and 18 pieces of equipment were involved in the rescue work. 13:05 in st. petersburg, the duty department received an application at the address "bolshaya morskaya house 69", where, in the rear of a traffic accident, bus 262 route ended up in the water. three people died in the incident and six people were hospitalized. as of 17:00, three people are known to have died, and six more are critically ill.
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involving a passenger bus, passenger cars, the prosecutor's office will assess the implementation of road safety legislation and other federal legislation; based on the results , a number of comprehensive prosecutorial response measures will be taken; the prosecutor's office will monitor the progress investigation of the criminal case initiated by the investigative authorities on this fact. at about 17:00, with the help of a fifty-ton crane , the bus was lifted to the surface. investigators are trying to obtain footage from cameras inside the bus to establish the full circumstances of the incident. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg.
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the injured bus passengers were hospitalized in two hospitals. earlier, the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov , instructed the health committee to provide all necessary assistance. delivered to us from an accident, a victim, who, therefore, is currently in a state of moderate severity.
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we are convinced that palestine’s full membership in the world organization would help equalize the starting negotiating position with israel, which received this full status more than 75 years ago. it is the admission of the state of palestine to the un that would be the first practical step towards a fair solution to the palestinian issue on a un-approved platform. disputes on the generally recognized international legal framework. on in dnh takes place export day, it is dedicated to the national project international cooperation and export. participants
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in the main plenary session discussed changes in the geography of supplies and the importance of the non-resource segment for the russian economy. alena logvinova will tell you all the details. at the russia export day exhibition, the plenary session discussed the development of various areas of the economy, in particular nuclear energy. one of those areas where... our country is a world leader. today there are 36 power units operating in russia. by 2030 we need to build more 17 to increase the share of nuclear generation in the energy balance to 25%. the fact is that the world's nuclear capacity will at least triple by 2050, and we must maintain our market share. our share in the global ac export market today is 88%. of the 25 blocks that.
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egypt, the islamic republic of iran, until recently it was belarus, during the plenary session they discussed the national project of international cooperation and export, it has been extended until 2030, it is expected that the key result of its implementation will be a doubling of the volume of raw materials and energy exports. the project will help domestic producers, including small ones, enter international markets. it will be easier to do this, including thanks to the improvement of legislation on... therefore, what colleagues in africa are doing, what remains to be done in asia, latin america, everywhere, this is all incredibly important, and the new national project, i hope, it will solve all these problems, because without this the russian market is fundamentally small, and i will talk about
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that... full-fledged technological sovereignty, that very proverbial import substitution, is impossible without exports, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, because exports create large markets, create the effect of scale that allows the creation of new technologies. as the participants of the plenary session said, to develop exports, it is first of all necessary to invest in the russian economy, in the development of our own technologies, and also to form centers of technological competence. now the state, more than ever, creates opportunities for self...
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tripling up to a million pieces per year. it is planned to build factory buildings instead of forests on an area of ​​about 100 hectares. leftist radicals, environmentalists and local residents intend to rally at least until sunday. the company suspended operations for the same period. let me remind you that in march activists burned down an electrical substation,
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cutting off power to the plant along with residential buildings. hospital, then the damage amounted to several hundred million euros. now a short advertisement, and then watch the new episode of the program question of science: europeans are being taught eating insects, will this help avoid hunger, get a complete replacement for animal protein, and is it possible in russia to produce products from crickets and larvae right now?
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