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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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you can’t talk like that, yes no, a person can eat a lot of things, that is, we are not like meat eaters, we are omnivores, and accordingly, here, probably, it’s not, probably, it’s not worth it, yes, it’s wrong, but what to eat or not to eat, this question is in hamlet style, the answer to which can only be given by the end consumer, what will be on the tables of russians will always be decided only by russians, while there is no reason to worry about the national cuisine,
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odessa was a city that was founded by ekaterina. a major role in the development of donbass played by the don and zaporozhye cossacks. the russian language here becomes the language of interethnic, this ethnic communication. the south of russia became the center of forces that raised the banner for a single indivisible russia.
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the last battles of the civil war took place on crimean soil. of course, the bolsheviks did not invent ukrainianism, but they degenerated it. the mentality of the population is not tied to nationality, but to the state. malarussia and novorussia can have only one future as part of russia. mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. this afternoon , 375 state duma deputies voted for mishustin’s candidacy, 57 abstained, and not a single vote was against. for the first time, the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the government , with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the power ministries. deputies acquired new powers after adoption.
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developments that were specified in the new may decree are the guidelines and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all national goals that were previously decree 204, 474, we will do everything to develop our economy in order to justify the trust of our people
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in the country. the future government will have to solve many problems to strengthen the economy and improve the well-being of citizens. mikhail mishustin told the state duma what exactly needs to be done first and how. maria kudryavtseva has all the details. at the beginning of his speech, which, by the way, was not regulated by time, mikhail mishustin recalled that quite recently, in april, here in the state duma, he presented a government report. for 2023 as a whole, over
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the last four years, during this period it was possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the state apparatus, improve the coordination of all branches of government. i consider the president’s message to the federal assembly to be the basis for the work of the government in the next 6 years. these are the key priorities and, of course, the large-scale program of socio-economic development that you and i, dear deputies, are facing implement together. of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations and associations. ready to engage in creative activities for the benefit of the country of our citizens, for this we will concentrate on the main directions: the first is the development and strengthening of the economy, the second is ensuring technological sovereignty, the third is digital
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transformation, the fourth is saving people and supporting families with children, the fifth is raising well-being of citizens, and finally, sixth - balanced...
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parents, of course, always want to give their child the best education, it lays the foundation for future success in adult life, but here, too, the opportunity to place the child in a modern, well-equipped kindergarten,
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and then in school is important , therefore, together with the regions, we will intensify the work on updating and repairing preschool educational institutions, in those settlements where the problem of lack of... places is especially acute, we will continue to build them, including at the expense of the federal funds. the modern generation is millions of talented, purposeful, caring citizens; we must, of course, give them a worthy start; opportunities for their self-realization; we will begin to form youth and children within the framework of a new national project. it is very important to carry out this work together, of course, with our regions. according to mikhail mishustin, it is important to completely modernize primary care in medicine by 2030, which will make it possible for an additional 7 million people to identify diseases in the early stages; in general, we are talking about changes culture, concern for human health. much
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needs to be done to further improve the quality and accessibility of treatment, and this can only be achieved through coordinated action at all levels. relying, of course, on feedback from citizens and the medical community. in the next 6 years , primary care will need to be completely modernized. this will allow more than 7 million additional people to detect diseases in a timely manner and, of course, begin timely therapy. on behalf of the head of state, we will continue the fight with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases , cancer and other diseases. we will continue to do the same. to provide conditions for prevention and introduction to a healthy, active lifestyle, here it is very important to create such a culture of caring for one’s own health among people of all ages, in general undergoing medical examinations, regular exercise, this should become
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the norm for everyone, so that every person understands that such self-care is today the greatest and most useful contribution to one’s own future, all these measures will reflected in the new national project. in the national development goals, president vladimir putin outlined the goal: the poverty level should be below 7% by 2030, and the horizon is 2036.
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the goals that mikhail mishustin outlined today. that same economic growth should help create new jobs and stimulate income growth. work also continues on the construction and repair of roads throughout the country; at least 75 airports will also be updated throughout the country, in all regions, and a program for the modernization of housing and communal services will be prepared. the government, on behalf of the president , has prepared a program for modernizing the utility industry. and let me remind you, the amount of funding. from all sources will amount to 4.5 trillion rubles. huge investments will
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help improve the quality of services in this area for 40 million citizens, so that people feel comfortable, so that their homes are warm, there are no interruptions in water, electricity, and of course, we will continue to repair, build, and operate roads , and to strengthen the connectivity of the territory, we will update at least 75 airports. you remember the president spoke about such initiatives in his address. another priority for the future is the full integration of new regions, achieving the all-russian level of socio-economic development there; we will continue to pay special attention to this. the priority is not only the integration of new regions, but also the support of participants in a special military operation. our main task is to support our defenders, who...
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is the focus of the government will be. according to the law, the head of the cabinet of ministers appointed by the president after his candidacy is approved by the state duma. former ministers and deputy prime ministers continue to work in an acting capacity until the new government is approved. i would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. the elections in march demonstrated large-scale consolidation.
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the path is not close, we set out at dawn, we drive through a dangerous section of the road without turning on the headlights, banal but effective blackout. the road to the position is the most dangerous process. at this moment, the crew and personnel are most vulnerable to enemy drones. that is why movement occurs in the dark. a fighter with the call sign violinist is a volunteer, serves in the bars-8 detachment, as part of the dnepr group of troops, was under fire, came under attack from combat drones, but during the special operation he often saw how defenseless civilians were. becomes the target of ukrainian drones, recently there was a case when they used civilian face, for a woman, the woman was in the courtyard of the house, they used force on her, they don’t spare anyone, they don’t care, children, women, men, they have no pity, these are fascists, at the entrance to the artillerymen’s position our car is
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met by a mobile radio-electronic group struggle, the task of the fighters is to create a safe zone around us...
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high-explosive fragmentation shot! artillery work is always carried out in tandem with the uav crew. the drone operator adjusts the fire and records the hit. the first shell landed near the enemy position. the gun is aimed again open fire. this time the target is destroyed. immediately after work, the howitzer is camouflaged again and the crew moves to the shelter. enemy drones, including kamikaze drones , can appear at any minute, detect them and intercept them. uav calculation problem. here. there seems to be a large number of such things flying around now, what is it? well, this is a drone, a nine, a homemade projectile, compacted with plastid, a detonator, that is, here it is, well, you stuck it out of here, here is the self-destruction board, these mustaches upon impact
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bend, close, it explodes, a soldier of the volunteer detachment bars 8 is ready to perform any and even the most difficult combat missions, each of them is here of their own free will and with only one goal, to destroy ukrainian neo-nazism once and for all. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, alina zykova, irina zaborskaya, lead the southern sector, military special operation. in st. petersburg, they are investigating the cause of a major accident: a passenger bus crashed into the river, first eyewitnesses, and then rescuers, it took more than an hour to rescue people from under the water, yes. the dead and injured, a criminal case that has already been opened under the control of the head of the investigative committee, the driver has already been interrogated, everything that is known up to this moment in the material of dmitry akimov. the windows were broken, the entire front part of the bus was destroyed, the result of a terrible accident in the center of st. petersburg. the embankment of the kryukov canal, right here behind me, it was along this trajectory that the bus was moving, it turned here
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onto bolshaya morskaya street, but was unable to take the turn. went here, crashed into this wall, you can see that here there are two anchors lying, it was them that he hit, after that the bus drove onto the kissing bridge, flew into oncoming traffic, and after that, breaking through the fence, it fell into the river moika, there were 15 people inside the bus, eyewitnesses, young guys from dagestan jumped off the bridge, swam up to
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the prosecutor's office and the ministry of internal affairs are conducting an investigation into the accident. investigators of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia opened a criminal case under part five of article 264 of the criminal code of russia. an investigation is currently underway to determine circumstances of the incident. controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the traffic accident involving a passenger bus, cars, the prosecutor's office will evaluate the execution of...
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the criminal case initiated on this fact by the investigative authorities. at about 17:00, the prosecutor's office is monitoring the progress of the investigation using a fifty-ton crane and the bus was lifted to the surface. investigators are trying to obtain footage from cameras inside the bus to establish all the circumstances. incidents. the injured bus passengers are now in two hospitals. earlier, the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, instructed the health committee to provide all necessary assistance. a victim was brought to us from an accident, which means that she is currently in a state of moderate severity, which means she was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury, a concussion, and a fracture of the nasal bones. stub of the back of the nose, sit on the shoulders, well, at present, all the means available at the institute for diagnosing treatment are available to us, he
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comprehensive treatment is being carried out at the moment, the work is organized correctly, that the resources that the institutions have are duty teams, consumables, medicines, everything is enough to provide comprehensive assistance to the victims, chairman of the state duma vyacheslavin. on behalf of vladimir putin , he presented the order of friendship to moldovan mp marina tauber. parliamentarians greeted her at a meeting of the duma council. according to volodin, tauber did a lot to ensure that relations between russia and moldova developed strengthened. she and her colleagues who advocate friendship with russia now have to work in difficult conditions. blackmail pressure from the moldovan authorities, led by western curators. solar mass has reached our planet, this saturday a magnetic storm of the highest fifth level may occur on earth for the first time in 20 years, what is the danger for people and
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technology, why are magnetic storms happening more and more often and is it true that a solar superstorm may soon await us, everything dmitry naida will tell you the details in the question section sciences. weather-sensitive people are in for a difficult weekend. again in the grip of a magnetic storm. the flares were recorded by the sun on wednesday, may 8, and thursday, may 9, and just now the charged particles reached our planet. over the past few days , several x-class flares have occurred again. usually the substance moves, well, let’s put it this way, if it was a powerful flare and the flight speed was high, then it was about a day. the news itself is sad, but here is some more. only from the beginning of may the sun has almost appeared.
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takes place explicably, that is, precisely in this next year the sun will be capable of such events. so-called solar flares are ejections of coronal matter, essentially explosions in the atmosphere of a star. if they occurred in the direction of our planet, expect a magnetic storm. flash power is divided into five categories: a, b, c, m and x, from weakest to strongest. each letter is specified by a numerical coefficient. for example, the event on the eighth. scientists estimate as x1, thursday's outbursts as x1 and x2 and 2, on monday there was an outburst of x4, that is, more
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more powerful. a coronal mass ejection, spreading in interplanetary space, is already called an interplanetary coronal mass ejection, which is actually sometimes recorded near the earth's orbit, and the greater the impact of an interplanetary ejection, the more powerful it is than the ejection. faster, the more powerful the subsequent geomagnetic disturbances recorded, and accordingly , the larger magnetic storms are recorded. but the activity of the sun is not constant; it either increases or, on the contrary, decreases. there are so-called cycles solar activity, the most striking of which is the eleven-year cycle. during this period, our star manages to go from the minimum intensity of solar flares to... the maximum and back, the fact that the sun is now raging means that we are approaching the next peak, the previous peak was the previous ones in the twelfth, fourteenth years, well, adding by this
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period 11 years, but... in general, it was possible to foresee in advance that in the twenty -third to twenty-fifth years there would be high succulent activity, it began here, but with of course, these specific minute bursts there are always unexpected. it is impossible to predict how powerful the flares will be at their peak. for example, the previous cycle of solar activity, which ended in december 2019, was relatively calm, but the one that coincided with the change of millennia, on the contrary, was marked by a high... number of coronal ejections. in 2003 , a flare with the power of x-28 was recorded. this is the highest value in the history of instrumental observations. but most likely not the highest in history. we have not bad, oddly enough, statistics for thousands of years, because trees help us here. and dendrachronology. studying trees, cuttings of trees of different ages, trees
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that have been there for a long time. died and are somewhere there already in the archaeological layer, we can also restore the picture of flares of such powerful solar emissions, but over the last few thousand years. it turns out that during periods of high solar activity , the isotope carbon-14 with two extra neutrons accumulates in tree rings. with this marker, for example, scientists were able to prove that in 774-75 ad, a flash of at least power reached the earth. x90 a slightly weaker flash was in the mid-19th century, at least x-46. true, the fact of this event does not need to be proven; it is widely documented. it was at the beginning of september 1859 that the famous carrington event took place on the sun, when a flare occurred and an ejection flew in our direction, this solar one, well, it’s called a coronal
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mass ejection, in short, solar matter flew out. a lot of it flew, it was very powerful flash, then, roughly speaking, the earth was already covered with this very solar substance, there was a strong magnetic storm, and auroras were observed in india and cuba and almost at the equator. if something like this happens now, there will be no problems, and this is not only and not so much about weather-sensitive people, the danger directly to people is absolutely minimal. for most geomagnetic storms, the people most exposed to radiation hazards are astronauts, that is, those who are directly in in space, they are not protected by the earth’s atmosphere, for us, for those living on the surface, this, this is such a shield, yes, which protects us from additional solar radiation, and... and
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satellites, communication satellites can also be in danger, for example, contact of charged particles with the magnetosphere occur approximately 7000 km from the surface of the earth, their speed is enormous from 400 to 100 km/second, as a result, the solar wind pulls the earth’s magnetic field into a trail that resembles the tail of a comet, and much stronger than people, this is felt by technology, in 1900... in the year eighty-nine, we had a fairly powerful solar flare, then for more than 12 hours the province of canada quibec was left without electricity, our civilization is completely electric, it turned out that a very large current was induced in the wires, the transformers at the substation burned out and the voltage surge was all , that is, the whole province was left without electricity for a very long time, people there in the subway were stuck in elevators, but scientists calm down truly powerful flares
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of the sun, these are extremely rare... events. this week the observed spot ar-3664 reached sizes that are comparable to what was observed in the mid-19th century. and the spots that caused the carrington events are formed by the sun every 40-60 years. but magnetic storms from them occur on earth once every 500 years, since the flow of solar mass does not always fly from the celestial body towards our planet. this means a repeat is not coming soon. but a weaker storm. technology will survive, and even more so people, and in general the proximity of the peak of solar activity is in a certain sense even good news, especially for lovers of bright photographs and videos, because the stronger the sun flares, the brighter the auroras in the aurora sky.
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your brother is there in donbass. the aurora battalion, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, we have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitali.


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