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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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this means that a repetition will not happen soon, but technology, and especially people, will survive weaker storms, and in general the proximity of the peak of solar activity is in a certain sense even good news, especially for lovers of bright photographs and videos, because the stronger the sun flares, the brighter the aurora and polar lights in the sky. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor there are no weapons,
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so there is still hope? there is always hope. passenger's call sign. a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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for free. all the finalists are known. eurovision, including israel, despite large-scale rallies against the country's participation in the competition. emil mirsaev found out why the festival, which was originally supposed to unite the entire old world, became a platform for discord. this is how it looked on television , this is how it really was, in this year, many eurovision viewers to israel. right during the performance they booed the singer edan galalan, who, by the way, grew up in russia for a long time and performed in crimea on the new wave. and this time in sweden, her composition called hurricane caused a twelve-point storm of criticism. listeners
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found the song's title offensive, especially during the humanitarian crisis in the middle east. probably, in order for the picture, the image of a single, tolerant old world to be ideal, the european broadcasting union on his broadcast, he simply put over a pre -recorded audio track of applause and sweet jubilation, arena guests write on their social networks. however, television is a delicate art; it is one thing to organize broadcasting and transmit a signal, and another to rebroadcast it. belgian broadcasters interrupted the broadcast during the performance of the israeli singer, explaining that in this way they were speaking out against the violation of human rights and freedom of speech, which is what tel aviv is doing. #stop. this is precisely what tens of thousands of people who organized march through the swedish city of malmo, where the competition is taking place, with palestinian flags in the hands of the demonstrators, smoke bombs in the air. famous co-activist greta thunberg also found herself in the middle of the agreement. we are here to
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show that israel's participation in the competition is unacceptable. europe should not give a voice to those who commit genocide. the vote was given and he made it to the finals of the competition. prime minister netanyahu decided to congratulate the artist and wish him good luck in the decisive battle. eden, i want to wish you good luck, but you know that you already achieved success. you are fighting not only for eurovision, but also successfully resisting the vile wave of anti-semitism. you represent israel with great dignity. know that we support you, despite the shouts from the outside. just look. the israeli authorities do not recommend the live final of the competition to their fellow citizens; they advise, if possible, to generally stay away from the concert hall in malmö. this development raises real concerns that terrorists will take advantage of the protests and anti-israel atmosphere to attack
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israelis who will come to eurovision. although the swedish authorities have increased security measures, it should be noted that, unlike our delegation to the competition, israeli visitors will not receive special measures. security. in fact, the israeli media write that the head of the israeli general security service personally flew in to coordinate the security of the delegation. fearing provocation, he personally made sure that the singer. there is no turning back, it is very difficult to imagine a return to the good old ways,
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when countries simply emerged in beautiful dressed up, just performing, presenting their songs, their vocals, but any television producer will now tell you that this is not interesting, it is not watchable, there will be no ratings. the eurovision final will be held on may 11, 26 countries will take part in it, including israel, and therefore... large-scale pro-palestinian protests are expected in sweden tomorrow. emil mirsaev and dmitry naido, news! it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. for msfresh products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to
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of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime, magnet, price, what you need, squeaky corn sticks 49.99 this is america , program about the country. which is difficult to understand. hello. exactly 6 months until the most unusual. for more than a century of observing us presidential elections. it has not been for 112 years that both its former and its current owner came together in the battle for the white house. wars, litigation, and deepest disagreements within america would seem to have brought an element of complete
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uncertainty into the race, but some things can be predicted now. let's try. perhaps the main change that has occurred in the american media space over the past few weeks is that the majority of american tv channels, websites and newspapers that cover the course of the presidential race, in their assessments of the situation in it, have reached the stage of acceptance, acceptance that the victory of donald trump is not only possible, but quite real. according to a new poll, donald trump is ahead of his opponent in terms of confidence in the majority decision. issues including inflation, migration and crime control, but president joe biden scores on key personal attributes, leaving the question wide open about who will win in the future. if you exclude people who say they will not vote, trump has 46% support, biden - 44. the demographic
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picture has changed greatly, compared to last elections, if mobilized in 2020 . protest in blm, young people went to the polls en masse, this left-wing electorate joined biden, now biden has lost young people, biden has lost african americans and biden has lost latinos, this cannot but directly affect the results in the so-called sun belt, americans love belts to name a certain group of states, but in this case the states of arizona, nevada and georgia belong to the sun belt. if last time 4 years ago biden was successful there, now this is not at all the case, the key states for him remain the so -called rust belt states, they are also called the blue wall after the color of the democratic party, these are wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan, he is going for them the main fight, in principle, if biden
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loses in the sun belt states and loses at least one of these states, for example michigan or pennsylvania, then he... loses to trump, there is very interesting sociology here, they find out that, by and large , the president of the united states in a country of three hundred million this time will be elected by no more than 81 thousand voters, that is, only 6-8% of not even the total number of voters, but of the population these swing states. about 244 million americans will have the right to vote, but 99.5% of us will not decide. we either won't vote or we always vote the same way, the biden and trump elections will likely be decided by about six percentage of voters in just six states, each side will spend billions to reach those voters in the remaining six months. naturally, the candidates continue to flex their muscles, both media and financial, but as far as money is concerned, biden’s situation
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is better, because trump saves money, his technologists. they mean how things happened 4 years ago, then they were actively wasting money on television advertising, as a result, at a key moment, a few weeks before the elections , their money was empty, they - they save money, but biden doesn’t save money. in the first 3 months of 2024, biden's company raised more money, spent more and ended the quarter with more money in the bank than trump's company. as of the end of march, biden's company had set aside more than $85.5 million, and trump's company had just over 45 million. in addition to financial investments, democrats have to spend a lot of time and effort to change biden's image; biden continues to be the most oldest president in the history
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of the united states, in this regard, otherwise now he behaves like his retinue, they cover biden when he arrives or departs by helicopter, so that the cameras cannot film his senile gait, biden now talks less and less about his age, he used to joke about this topic , now he has stopped, more often he talks about the youth of his ideas, well, in order to rejuvenate biden, or somehow reconcile him with a younger audience, various hollywood stars continue to be invited to the white house, the last one there... mr. president, he said, you can call me joe. i asked if it was possible then jobiwan kinobi. he liked this. democrats are throwing more and more resources
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into blaming trump and presenting him as evil. however, trump himself is partly helping his rivals here. it went somewhat unnoticed here in russia, but in the united states his interview caused quite a stir. liberal grateful listeners, his journalist, who appeared in front of trump, managed to talk, and what is called, well, in jargon , in a sense, split trump into unpleasant and in some sense even discrediting his stories. would you use the military on the border inside the country, if the national guard can't handle it, then yes, we have millions of people who haven't been here for 2 years yet... the law says you can't use the us military against civilians. these are not civilians, these are people who are in our country illegally, this is
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an invasion of our country, we must do everything to solve this problem. are you concerned about the potential for political violence surrounding the november election? i think we will win and there will be no violence. what if you don't win? i think we will win, and if not, you know, it depends on the situation. it always depends on the fairness of the elections. you said that you want to become a dictator for a day, what does that mean? i said this as a joke when they asked me if i wanted to become a dictator. i replied that i wanted to become one for just one day, to close the border and drill for gas and oil. that's all, it was sarcasm, a joke. this, of course, was used by the democrats and their sympathizers. if politicians are still somehow limited in their rhetoric, then prominent democratic supporters, like... actor robert denier, don't hold back at all. i don't think people understand how dangerous it would be if trump became president. hitler
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was not taken seriously; he was considered a clown. the same thing happened with mussolini. they look like clowns, act like clowns, but somehow gain public support. it will be chaos that is hard to imagine. trump responds, such as denira, with the same coin, to the biden administration's actions regarding. he compares with actions the nazi gestapo, but speaking objectively, then, of course, it is the republican candidate who is now under incredible pressure; the criminal trial in a new york court in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels is entering a key phase ; the real sensation was the appearance of stormy daniels herself in court , they expected her to give generally routine testimony, no one thought that she would start...
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playing into the hands of the prosecution, because everyone understands that the task there is more political than criminal, uh, even if trump is not imprisoned, then that’s it such episodes are disgraceful him before the female part of the electorate, that is, if this allows him to split 1-2% of the votes from trump’s base, then we can already say that the liberal new york prosecutor alvin brack’s efforts were not in vain. a separate plot in this story is with trump’s criminal case. this interaction or trump’s constant squabbles with judge juan merchin, he began to attack him even before the case began, but in particular he accused merchin of the fact that his daughter
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once worked for a company of democrats, well, there was a very interesting moment, when even juan merchin, apparently, had already begun to suspect something; for the first time, perhaps in the entire process, he called trump not just a former president of the united states, but possibly a future president. i think the judge sided with trump, saying he might be the next president. i hope they arrest trump and put him in prison, because then he will definitely win. well, please, please. there is some good news for trump in the courts, notably one of the federal criminal cases alleging improper storage of classified documents at his maralaga estate, which should have been is about to begin, already at the end of june, has been postponed, and postponed to not. a certain period of time, and this decision was made by the judge who was once appointed to this position by trump. in general, in the united states, too, personnel decides everything. as for
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what follows. court schedule, then by about mid-june the verdict of the jury in the new york case regarding payments to stormy daniels will be clear, that is , judge juan merchin may come to a verdict by the end of the summer, and this, of course, in the opinion of probably those who ordered this case is not may not affect general the situation here, however, is also very contradictory; 80% of voters believe that a guilty verdict against trump will not have any impact. their choice, but the fight is over the votes of the 20% whose choice the jury's decision regarding trump will affect. so, mid-june is the jury’s verdict in the case of storme daniels, and already at the beginning of july, trump must decide on his candidacy for vice president, but then complete chaos arose in the choice, because she unexpectedly dropped out of the race, it’s probably already possible quite seriously to say. contender for
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this role, the governor of south dakota kristi noem, kristi noem, a longtime ally of trump, they have a warm, good relationship, but then for some reason the christians took it into their heads to publish her book of memoirs, where she fell by the oncoming method, this is when they set fire to a forest during forest fire, trying to stop its progress, using this method she decided to expose herself and told several things about herself... such details that, in general, politicians usually do not advertise, but they acted out of the opposite way, they say, it would be better for her to say it herself first, they would later catch her on this, but it was not the best idea, in particular, noem told how at one time on her farm, she killed a pet, her dog, and no explanations to noem could convince her supporters , supporters
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of the republican party, and opponents too... the fact is that her action was somehow justified, this is how it looks now on american television, this is how she is justified, the dog attacked animals and people, but in my case moment there were small children, i think that for you as a mother too the choice is obvious between your children and a dangerous animal, while noim also adds fuel to the fire, everyone knows the story of biden’s shepherd dog named commander, commander was not distinguished by good behavior. bit half of the secret service employees, and was eventually evicted from the white house, but someone seemed to pull her tongue, and she decided to comment on this story as well. at the end of the book, you write that once you are in the white house , the first thing you will do is make sure that joe biden’s dog leaves the residence and says hi to cricket, whom you killed. this is how you try to show your strength, do you still think that
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you have a chance to become vice president? joe bayde's dog attacked 24 secret service employees, how many such attacks does it take to solve the issue with a dog. in general, on the one hand, there are a lot of events, on the other hand, experience, assessments of political events in the united states, the course of election campaigns, indicate that a truly american voter wakes up only in the fall, at this stage any are possible. surprises, it happens that even presidents with very low ratings can still be re-elected to a second term, such examples have happened relatively recently, as with george w. bush or barack obama, but in any case, there is a place in any presidential race in the united states for an october surprise, this is an event that usually occurs immediately before elections, in general we can
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say that on the one hand... we can already predict something regarding the outcome of the confrontation between republicans and democrats for the white house, with on the other hand, everything is just beginning. this was america, all the best to you. mikhail mishusti has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. this afternoon for the candidacy.


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