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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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in any case, there is a place in any presidential race in the united states for the october surprise, this is an event that usually occurs immediately before the elections, in general we can say that on the one hand, we can already predict something regarding the outcome, the confrontation between the republicans and democrats for the white house, on the other hand, everything is just beginning. this was america. all the best to you, mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. this afternoon for the candidacy of mishusin 375 state duma deputies voted, 57 abstained and none voted. lower house of parliament. for the first time will approve
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the composition of the government, with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the power ministries. the deputy acquired new powers after the adoption of constitutional amendments in 1920. today, mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma and outlined the priorities in the work of the cabinet of ministers for the coming years, but before going to the hunting party, he met with vladimir putin. thank you for the trust you placed in me, the tasks you... set before me federal assembly in its message, and of course, those national development goals that were specified in the new may decree, and these are the guidelines and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work , i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all national goals that were previously decreed 204 and 474.
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to ensure work without interruptions, the plenary session of the state duma is held even on a day off. before the start of the discussion, mikhail mishusin held separate meetings with representatives of all factions. new people declared their support for him. the communist party of the russian federation was interested in the financial and economic bloc of the new government. the liberal democrats talked about demographics.
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in the next 6 years, there will be no fewer tasks, and they will need to be solved in close cooperation with the state duma, the federation council, the bank of russia, regions and development institutions. there are six main areas of work, as mikhail mishustin said when speaking to deputies. they were outlined by the president in his message to the federal assembly. this is a strengthening economy, ensuring technological sovereignty, digital transformation , saving people and supporting families with children, as well as improving the well-being of citizens and development. regions. one of the goals by 2030
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is to enter the top four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. at the same time , an increase in the volume of output of goods and services should be accompanied by an increase in the level of income of citizens. the government will act through the further formation of a supply economy. industrial production volume needs to be increased by tens of percent. but this will also require additional investment. and we expect that not only. the state, but also responsible business will contribute to this, including through participation in the formation of long-term resources in the domestic market. when increasing production volumes, it is important to take into account that goods need markets, including abroad. by 2030, compared to 2023, exports of non-raw materials and non-energy goods should increase by no less than 2/3, and supplies production of the agro-industrial complex is one and a half times the level of the twenty-first year.
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prioritizing cooperation with friendly countries, a free trade agreement is being prepared with the countries of the asia-pacific region, the middle east and africa. at the same time, russia will not interfere with those who. wants to work in our country. despite the ongoing pressure on our country, we do not plan to introduce any restrictions for those foreign entrepreneurs who want to continue working with us or plan to come to russia with new projects. just as we do not intend to in any way limit the opportunities for domestic companies to operate in foreign markets. special role. in the sme sector, the income of employees of such organizations should grow faster than the economy as a whole. another important vector of work is technological sovereignty. the government is implementing systemic support measures for a wide range of products. thanks to them, the volume added value of manufacturing industries
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should increase by 40% by the thirtieth year. a share domestic high-tech goods and services based on our own developments will increase by one and a half times. now the government is finishing. the formation of nine projects of technological sovereignty in the fields of radio electronics, tank building, unmanned aerial systems of space, atom and others. we will continue to maintain the pace of increasing investment in russian it solutions at a level at least twice as high as economic growth, so that they meet the needs of departments and enterprises. but of course, this requires an integrated approach to stimulating production and introducing advanced developments. covers all stages. all these results should become the basis for improving the quality of life in all regions, and they will be complemented by a holistic system of family support. this year alone , about 3 trillion rubles are provided for social measures for them. all the most effective mechanisms are maternal capital and
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family mortgage programs. payments to repay housing loans for families with many children will be maintained and improved within the framework of the national family project. two more specific tasks are to reduce poverty level and above. so that they have specialized institutions for the relevant ministry, housing and communal services construction, in order to solve this problem, but also,
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of course, to formalize all this, so that there is a responsible person, so that there is a specific name, name, volume of infrastructure budget loans for the regions. will be increased annually by at least 250 billion rubles, and the returned funds will be used to issue new loans. the government will also continue to work on the full integration of new regions and achievements there the all-russian level of development will provide full support to the participants of the svo. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, which is currently being formed, will solve all the assigned tasks. the russian army carried out 27 group high-precision strikes over the course of a week. long-range weapons, including kinzhal hypersonic missiles, against military enterprises, as well as energy and railway facilities in ukraine. all targets were successfully hit, including the accumulation of manpower at the loading stations. the settlements of katlirovka, kislovka and novokalinovo were liberated. recaptured
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all attacks in ssu. during this time , zelensky’s formation lost another 6,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. 17 tanks were destroyed, including three german leopards and two american ones. khabrams, and 35 other armored vehicles, 126 self-propelled guns, gunships and missile systems, a downed su-27 fighter and 163 combat drones were destroyed. about the situation on the front line denis alekseev. each appearance of the russian tricolor in settlements liberated from militants is preceded by the most difficult work. footage of the cleansing of ocheretin on the avdievsky front, excellent for that confirmation. stormtroopers entered the village.
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first, one company entered the industrial zone, they cleared the industrial zone, after which the enemy began to control the railway even more strongly, we had to fight on two fronts, i had two companies. they acted through forest plantations and cleared another path, so that there was another route, how to get to the industrial zone, in order to further act in the direction of the populated sector. so they knocked out every meter, waiting moment by moment. the result in turn became at least the fourth settlement on the line syrsky's defense, which was not destined to hold out for a long time. the center group's control zone continues to expand. this week another village has been liberated. the formation of twelve brigades in the ssu suffered serious losses and retreated west along
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the avdievsky direction. a unit of the military center group, as a result of successful actions, liberated the settlement of novokalinovo, donetsk people's republic, defeated the formation of twelve brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, repelled 48 enemy counterattacks in populated areas points of semenovka, solovyova, ocheretina and netaylova of the donetsk people's republic. west, which is actively advancing in the kupinsky direction in the kharkov region, liberated at least two settlements, kotlirovka and kislovka, in a week. in this area , 14 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled. the militants are trying to do something so as not to surrender the line southeast of kharkov, but this is hardly possible. losses since the beginning of may are already more than one and a half thousand. military personnel, equipment from the reserve, including expensive german tanks, does not help, it remains to burn out on the field
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battle, our missilemen and pilots of operational-tactical aviation easily throw shells across all lines of defense, aiming at the rear targets of the ukrainian armed forces. these shots were taken in another area of ​​the kharkov region, closer to volchansk; a precise strike destroyed a bridge that the militants used to transport ammunition closer to the state border. the kiev regime makes unsuccessful attempts to inflict. damage to russian infrastructure, that's how it ends, from may 5 to may 10, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy facilities and industry, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 27 group strikes with high-precision long-range sea-based airborne weapons, including aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy industry facilities were hit.
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the authorities of st. petersburg began a large-scale inspection of the carrier company, the bus that fell into the moika river. there are dead victims. condolences were expressed by the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov speaker federation council, valentina matvienko. details of the accident from catherine. a passenger bus, ramming a car, hits the railing and flies off the bridge.
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cars instantly stopped, a motor ship passing by threw its entire supply of life jackets into the water, life preservers flew from the bridge, the hatch in the roof of the bus was visible from a height, it was torn off by eyewitnesses, just guys who were passing by on the embankment and without hesitation jumped from the bridge into the icy water, they managed to get through this hatch.
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"my wife and i were holding hands and i lost her in bose, i leaned against the ceiling with my depths to collect the remaining air; somewhere there, the special services arrived with lightning speed, the divers descended. they tried to get people out of the bus, artificial respiration was performed right on the deck of the boats on the way to the shore and the ambulance. still , four died by this hour, five in city hospitals, three of them in a state of clinical death. the resources that the institutions have, these are the teams on duty, these are consumables,
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medicines, everything is enough to provide comprehensive assistance to the victim. the rescue operation has been going on for about 40 minutes. he can be seen behind me. slings were placed under the roof of the now empty bus, and a crane pulled it to a more convenient place. now we see that the bus has already been lifted, the whole process took about an hour, and now it is being inspected by police officers and the ministry of emergency situations. camera footage shows that the bus is moving at high speed, apparently unable to cope.
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and the bus underwent state technical inspection on may 7. it is known that the company of the owner of the bus that fell into the car wash 23 times over the past 2.5 years they have been fined for gross violations. in the period from january twenty-two to the current moment, by the district courts of the city of st. petersburg, the taxi limited liability company was brought to administrative responsibility 23 times. based on the results of consideration of cases to a legal entity. fines were imposed in a total amount of more than 3.5 million rubles. traffic at the scene has been resumed, investigative measures continue. ekaterina fisenko, sergey ishchenko, evgeny kostin, maria slyaguzova, galina orlova. vesti: petersburg? no, the last one, here are messages that come with an urgent note: the death toll as a result of
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a passenger bus falling into the moika river in st. petersburg has increased to 7 people. this was reported by the press service of the investigative committee of russia. at zhukovsky airport near moscow, red wings passengers have been unable to fly to antalya for half a day. many families with children. initially, the flight was generally from sheremetyevo, but a few days ago the company changed the airport departure time. the flight in zhukovsky has already been postponed repeatedly. the company explains everything by the breakdown of the plane. and this is what one of the tourists told us. we have been at uzhikovsky airport for more than 10 hours; the flight has been rescheduled three or four times today, if not more. an airline representative came and said that the engine had broken down. half an hour later we find out that the wiring has broken. he gave false testimony that we could fly out in one and a half to two hours. at that time it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, although we were supposed to fly at two.
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the evidence turned out to be complicated. we didn’t fly anywhere at this time because she arrived a team of plumbers didn't fix anything. the flight itself was postponed to 13 nights on may 11, although everyone was supposed to fly at night on may 10 initially, they fed us pilaf today and gave us 0.5 water for the whole day, they said that a plane was coming from egypt at 23:40, on which we were supposed to be put on at 13 at night take him to turkey. in the capital of argentina, 60 people were injured as a result of a collision between a passenger train and a freight train. no one died, the cause is still unknown, the accident resulted in a fuel leak. un general assembly adopted a resolution recognizing the right of palestinians to full membership in the organization. while this will not radically change their status, it will definitely serve to further consider palestine’s application for accession, this was pointed out by russia’s post-president,
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vasily nebendia. justice for the palestinians' aspirations for their own sovereign unified state, which should have been accepted at the un back in 1948. we are convinced that palestine’s full membership in the world organization would help equalize the starting negotiating position with israel, which received this full status more than 75 years ago. it is the admission of the state of palestine to the un that would be the first practical step towards a fair solution to the palestinian issue in... the united states is still forced to be content with only the status of a permanent observer during the release. it will remain so after the adoption of this project, but will receive a number of additional opportunities for more effective work in the un general assembly. police in rome
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dispersed a meeting organized by the catholic forum of family associations. the activists decided to support family values ​​and also demanded to stop the practice of uncontrolled abortions, but the security forces got in the way, and several were injured in the scuffles. activists and two policemen. a large ejection of solar mass has reached our planet. this saturday , for the first time in 20 years, a magnetic storm of the highest fifth level may occur on earth. what does this mean for people and technology? why are magnetic storms happening more and more often? is it possible that a solar superstorm may soon await us? dmitry naida will tell you all the details in the question of science section. weather-sensitive people are in for a difficult weekend. the earth is again in the grip of a magnetic storm. the flares were recorded by the sun on
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wednesday 8 may to thursday 9 may. and just now charged particles have reached our planet. over the past few days , several x-class flares have occurred again. usually the substance moves, well, let’s put it this way, if it was a powerful flare and the flight speed was high, then it was about a day. the news itself gloomy, but here are a few more: since the beginning of may alone, the sun has experienced almost three dozen flares, of which five are of the maximum power class x. what's going on with our star? now this first week in mayskoye, well , the sun was very highly active, it was completely unpredictable, that is, all the forecasts were, they said that people were leaving quietly for the holidays, everything will be fine for you, the sun has calmed down, everything has gone well. not a bad thing at all, it happens, that is, specific events, yes, there are surprises, but globally, globally, what is happening is understandable, that is, this next year the sun
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will be capable of such events. so-called solar flares are ejections of coronal matter, essentially explosions in the atmosphere of a star. if they occur in the direction of our planet, expect a magnetic storm. according to their power, flashes are divided into five categories: a, b, c, m and x, from the most. to the strongest. each letter is specified by a numerical coefficient. for example, scientists estimate the events of may 8 as x1. thursday flares like x1 and x2 and2. and on monday there was an x4.5 emission, that is, even more powerful. a coronal mass ejection, propagating in interplanetary space, is already called an interplanetary coronal mass ejection, which, in fact, is sometimes recorded near the earth’s orbit. and the... greater the impact of the interplanetary ejection, the more powerful it is, the faster the ejection, the more powerful the subsequent geomagnetic
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disturbances recorded, and accordingly, the larger magnetic storms are recorded, but the activity of the sun is not a constant, it is increases, then on the contrary decreases, there are so-called cycles of solar activity, the brightest of which is the eleven-year cycle, during this period our star manages to go from the minimum intensity of solar flares to the maximum and back, the fact that the sun is now raging means that we we are approaching another peak. the previous peak was the previous one in the twelfth, fourteenth years, well, adding 11 years to this period, but in general it was possible to foresee in advance that in twenty-third to twenty in the fifth year there will be a high level of succulent activity, it has arrived, but at the same time, of course, there will be a seven-minute burst there. always unexpected. it is impossible to predict how powerful the flares will be at their peak. for example, the previous solar activity cycle, which ended in december
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2019, was relatively quiet. but the one that coincided with the change of millennia, on the contrary, was marked by a high intensity of coronal ejections. in 2003 , a flare with the power of x-28 was recorded. this is the highest significance in history. mental observations, but most likely not the highest in history. we have, oddly enough, good statistics for thousands of years, because trees help us here, and denderchronology, studying trees, cuttings of trees of different ages, trees that have died there a long time ago and are somewhere in the archaeological layer , we can also restore the picture of flares of such powerful solar emissions, but over the last few thousand years. turns out. during the period of high solar activity , the isotope carbon-14 with two extra neutrons accumulates in tree rings. using this marker, for example, scientists were able to prove that in
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700... 74-75 ad a flare with a power of at least x90 reached the earth. there was a slightly weaker flare in the mid-19th century, at least x-46. true, the fact of this event does not need to be proven; it is widely documented. it was at the beginning of september 1859 that the famous carrington event took place in the sun, when a flash occurred and... this ejection flew towards us here is a solar one, well, this is called a coronal mass ejection, in short, solar matter flew, and a lot of it flew, there was a very powerful flare, then, roughly speaking, the earth was already covered with this very solar matter, there was a strong magnetic storm, and auroras were observed in india and cuba, and almost on the equator, if something like this happens now, there will be no problems, and not only and not
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so much... for sensitive people, the danger is directly for people, but absolutely minimal for the majority geomagnetic storms, and the most exposed population to radiation danger are astronauts, that is, those who are directly in space, they are not protected by the earth’s atmosphere, for us, for those living on the surface, this is... this is such a shield, yes, which protects us protects from additional solar radiation, and satellites and communication satellites may also be at risk, for example, the contact of charged particles with the magnetosphere occurs approximately 70,000 km from the earth’s surface, their speed is enormous from 400 to 1.00 km/s, as a result solar the wind pulls the earth's magnetic field into
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a trail that resembles... the tail of a comet, and much stronger than people, technology senses this, in 1989 we had a fairly powerful solar flare, then the province of canada quebec was left without light for more than 12 hours , our civilization is completely electric, it turned out that a very large current was induced in the wires, transformers at the substation burned out and there was a power surge, that is, the whole province was left without electricity for a very long time, people there were stuck in elevators, but scientists calm down, truly powerful solar flares are extremely rare events. this week, the observed spot ar-3664 has reached a size comparable to that observed in the mid-19th century. and the spots that caused the carrington events are formed by the sun once every 40-60 years, but magnetic storms from them occur on earth once every 500 years, since the flow of solar mass does not always fly from
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the sky. shone in the direction of our planet, which means a repetition is not soon, but weaker storms will survive both technology, and even more so people, and indeed the proximity of the peak of solar activity, is in a certain sense even good news, especially for lovers of bright photographs and videos, because the stronger the sun flares, the brighter the aurora and polar lights in the sky. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, the opportunity to please those who may be difficult to please the first time.
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