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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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tanezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. now i will tell you things that you should never tell anyone, the russian spring is a phenomenon, because from the point of view of a representative of the establishment from the point of view there... our vulgar realist, it
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is not clear how this is so, people without an organization without a boss, who agreed, but no one agreed, the people themselves came out, at your request, i resigned, just now, well done, russia, russia, russia, i’ll be honest, no one believed that we had. no one will succeed, i mean from the outside, and even our government, well, they will go crazy, well , someone will do something, nothing will work out at all, but we were all determined, once we went this way, we had to bring the matter to the end, no one will protect you if we, brothers, do not, do not defend ourselves, our children, mothers, fathers, our memory before our federal people. donbass, as it were
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, became a wall when the trains of friendship had already begun, like crimea, as they have already tried to rock us situation, ordinary people, miners, factory workers, metallurgists began to come out, and people with an active life position, difficult ones, went out into the streets and opposed the lawlessness that they were trying to do in our country. the russian spring in the donbass began when fire from molotov cocktails on the maidan in kiev melted the ice and turned the snow black, says alexey silivanov, who at that time was an assistant to the minister of defense of ukraine, headed the department for social and humanitarian issues, and was an ottoman. public organization vernoe cossacks. because he spoke out for friendship with russia, the nationalists caught him and beat him in the street. the sbu officers had already brought me in over the phone; the same s-14 was working for the sbu officers. and they leaked
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where i was, they tried to kidnap me, at least five people in black came to me from different directions, i was talking on the phone at that time, my hand was busy, so i started to fight them off along with the phone, i quite a massive person, plus i’m still not a professional there, but i was engaged in martial arts within the framework of my patriotic organizations, but in fact, i did not allow myself to be twisted, to be pushed into a car, to be kidnapped, and what to do to me, to mock me, to inject drugs , to record penitential messages, as they did with other activists of the russian spring. that is, i fought back, then ukrainian journalists arrived, i also told them everything, one of the ukrainian journalists hinted to me that they had already gone to the hospital to finish me off, so i asked some acquaintances there in two cars to control the tail, me they took me to a safe house with friends, i dropped all my phones, s-14 is a neo-nazi group, alexey realized what a threat he faced throughout the country, and went to the southeast to counter it. meanwhile, ukrainian
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nationalists, who called themselves the right sector on the maidan, went into open armed conflict. the first shots were followed by the first victims, and blood was shed. on february 21, 2014, president of ukraine viktor yanukovych, having given up attempts to fight, left the state.
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ukrainian nationalists began to dictate the rules of life in all regions of the country, in the western regions they obeyed, in the donbass the population resisted, we welcome everyone wholeheartedly.
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by the way, a call from the sbu, no, those who sympathized with us, these are the local sbu, these are ours, they live here, yeah, a call to the sbu, today the sbu will remove the lenin monument, when the nationalists come, they always, first, they are knocking down a monument to lenin, everything in the soviet era is everything that is possible, they are destroying the spirit, destroying symbols, that’s the spirit destroy with a symbol, then you can do whatever you want, we accepted this, started looking around the city, here they ride with yellow-bladed ensigns, they have euphoria, that here we are just a little more and donetsk will be taken, we called on our friends , came out to lenin square, well, about 50 people, we stood all night, there was
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a car near the philharmonic, a crane stood a little further down the boulevard, that is, they were preparing to come at night and dump it all, what date was it, it was from the 22nd. this is on the twenty-third, like this, that's why on the twenty-third? day of the soviet army, we always come on the twenty-third, flowers, lenin, well, traditionally, there is no one to come, the spirit is gone, that’s it, the symbols are gone, that night a car dropped into the square, a skkoda skkoda octavia started driving around, trying to crush these defenders, well , they were standing there in the square, well, they started throwing stones at her, that’s it, here are two ma with us... how could it be wrong, in the party of regions, the local authorities
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were at a loss, it was a long process, when we all we see, we are the same, we are slavs, we are the same, we are one common people, they are simply besotted with western propaganda, and we both lived and... what was happening, commands were given, when, well , let’s say in lviv, the seizure of the police, the seizure of administrative buildings, administrations, but when our patience ran out, ours began to do something similar, only they didn’t come in with molotov bottles, but simply peacefully, normally, saying that you guys are leaving, don’t get hurt, we are starting to create the donetsk people’s republic, there will be one, we have created something incomprehensible there. what, well, we’ll be on our own and we will ask to join the russian federation, as was originally said. rallies at the lenin monument became a point of attraction for those who did not agree with the armed coup in kiev. coordination of the actions of like-minded people was through personal connections and meetings in public squares. through the phone, through acquaintance and
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through the terrain, through points of the area. when i arrived in senelnikovo, dnepropetrovsk region, i was actively traveling then, i left, simply, simply left the ministry of defense, came to the cossacks who were guarding. monument to lenin, i say, the cossacks, the lenin monument, something is not breaking, they say, well, you know, everyone just gathers here, yeah, because the right sector said that they would come to remove the lenin monument, so everyone comes to the lenin monument, in fact, to meet with... it was yes, it was a very stupid idea in general to protect the lenin monument, it was an idiotic idea, that, but it was a protest idea of ​​the people, because they wanted to impose something on them, they wanted to impose it on them, that means western these, so those people who are there 10 times they didn’t want to see this lenin, they didn’t come to the monuments to defend him, a paradox. the right sector made attempts to hold its own maidan in donetsk; participants in the marches were brought from the western regions, on low buses, but the residents of the shakhtarsky region rebuffed them.
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a bus arrived at the entrance to khartsisk,
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a bus full of these nazi comrades arrived, who are not our comrades, they wanted to do a pogrom around the city, but our police guys, who were already in our country, came out, they realized what was going on, they we arrived and asked, they simply said it was better , guys, don’t go there.
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pasha says, then let’s go to the administration, and since i’m the governor, i have to sit in the governor’s place and lead the region, they went, came in, occupied two floors of the regional administration without strong resistance there, they sat there for 3 days, but there was no coordination of actions.
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under the pretext that the building was mined, the protesters were taken out of the regional administration, and pavel guborev was detained by the sbu on march 6 for separatism. this could be the end of the russian spring, but in donetsk began to prepare for a legal change of power through popular councils, a referendum, and a congress of representatives.
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on april 6, after the next people's meeting , a group of activists of 200 people again
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headed to the regional administration building, the organizers of the rally even thought that it was the provocateurs who had led the people so that... the sbu had a reason to detain the leaders of the protest movement, by the end of the rally the people were already so worked up to the extent that shouts began to be heard: we are going to storm the administration, but as long as we can, as long as we can wait, the authorities in kiev is strengthening, and we are walking, we are doing something, no, let’s go to the regional state administration and present 125 warnings there, demands so that the people can hear, well, it’s not too early, before this they took the administration twice, both times they threw people out of there together, at this time part of the rally.
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then we could have been declared as terrorists, as already a power grabber, with all the ensuing consequences, they saw natalya belotsarkovskaya and kofman, who is now the head of the public council of the donetsk people’s the republics, they looked lost, they didn’t know what to do, it seemed like a provocation was going to storm the people, and then we were practically , well, as if under emotional pressure...
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well, we’ll stand, well, well, we won’t interfere, i’m already before that it was known that the police were with us, they took away their shields, the army came in, that’s it, the people just poured in, the masses took over the administration, and without the ability to gather deputies, as in the crimea, the authorities.
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the commander said there about cities that a city is like a beauty, it is easy to conquer, but difficult to hold, that’s the question of holding, it was precisely in popular support, because it’s one thing when some armed group is sitting, that’s another thing purely for the person who must disperse them, it’s another thing when there’s a crowd of peaceful people, obviously peaceful, unarmed, there were grandmothers with pies, there was someone else there, women with these pots of soup came, this is all how i managed to help in organizing all this in... near the donetsk sbu, then they tried to hold two buildings, like the regional state administration and the sbu, these are our guys, so they went back and forth like that, and they were very interestingly armed, all our guys.
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happened on may 9, i was an ordinary mechanic at
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the azovstal plant, here is azovstal, in the twenty- second year i was stormed, they found it and liberated it, our unit distinguished itself, they just surprised us, as it was surrender. these freaks, the azovites were in our unit, right here opposite this building, we just closed the last one to the azovites and they surrendered to us, we closed their last exit to this bunker, and just they came out with a flag to negotiate out of despair, but that was later, when these events began to happen in general in ukraine, the fascists began to rise up, then rallies began to gather in the city at the city executive committee, there myself... without anyone there, without friends, i came to one of the rallies and these there i listened, they were recruiting people there who could stand up for themselves, for others, my parents simply raised me
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to love my homeland in history, so somehow it weighed on me, what was happening, i tried to somehow help there, than i could. and i signed up for this dnd, we several of us became friends there, there were about 10 of us like these guys, together we once patrolled the city, well, like patrols, just an ordinary civilian, we had nothing, no weapons, nothing, we patrolled in the evenings, and went to work in the morning, well then there were a lot of provocateurs from the right sector and we identified them, went where they would appear, where maybe these ukrainian rallies would be there for fascism, you want.
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and we already returned here, they trained us a little there, showed us how to use weapons, we already had weapons, only machine guns, nothing like that, no grenade launchers, machine guns, there was nothing, machine guns, on the eighth we left for mariupol, because there was information that on may 9 there would be a provocation of victims in mariupol. and we went to this security, our commander, who was the department, through other connections he established contact with the local ukrainian police, who were in the city, which
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they were. there was an agreement with the people, with the people, that we would patrol together with them, those who are with us, those who are for ukraine, they are there in their own way, well, they were in city, these policemen, but they somehow moved there in their own way, i don’t know how, you are silent, like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only... kovo is delicious period. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sbercard. favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. magnet - the price is what you need. blago oil - 107.99. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? a little sea. delicious
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because the guys, when many came in, forced our guys, i even know personally, who refused, they were against it, then they brought in battalions, then ozol began to take shape, there was the dnieper and donbass, so they started, so to speak, together with the security forces of the sbu, to restore order, quietly, i come in the morning, my people disappear. something else, that is, we stood around a lot with this, talked, and where were the people, and how they came, well, with an active life position, people who were and where they were like these people, well, many later on the exchange, well here are many, and some are not there, i don’t know their fate, well, we didn’t know that there had been a change in power among the police officers inside the city, we only arrived there by whom there was an agreement, these people were no longer there, well then, as it turned out, azov was there, aidar
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was there... the cherkassy battalion, the dnieper was the command, that’s all their leader was sitting, those were shot, it’s also clear that this is all from the fourteenth to now left, uh-huh, and where the meeting took place, where they blocked that edge, the third floor was happening, yeah, they barricaded themselves and yes, they barricaded themselves, or they were working on you, one, by the way, i remember the moment, one of the policemen, apparently he was with us, he screams...
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here they are, even this is all from the fourteenth, you yourself understand what was going on here, there were shootouts here, these are not machine guns, far away, it’s even burnt, there ’s still a little bit of it left, like that. so we came in, the duty officer was right here, these two were here, and not one was standing like this, the second was standing here, so at first the weapon was lowered, in short, there was a moment of confusion, even without dialogue, in short, and we immediately realized that these were not the same ones, we immediately raised our weapons, started shouting, put down your weapons and so they let the first two down, they slowly began to descend, they themselves realized what the situation was, they went straight into the street, they weren’t even in the building, they were all released into the street at once,
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then we just passed them. and from us straight from the corridors.


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