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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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for the liver, because heptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired, the time for heptral in pharmacies has been adjusted. to order food from a restaurant, use yandex go, products from the store, jandex go, household goods, yandex go, and if you need a courier, then yandex go, jandex go, all deliveries. in one application, i love to cook, represents tadam, you don’t eat mayonnaise, now i eat it, because the brand i love to cook, i created a new mayonnaise, pure, without sugar, without vinegar, without starch, it’s just as tasty and nothing extra, create without restrictions, mayonnaise is pure, bright taste, more benefits, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone...
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in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel, it maintains fabric strength and restores color. things look like new three times longer. newer? no, i erase with affection. with yota, your money will not fly away. we return the rubles for the remaining minutes and run. can. yota! when
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you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment and can be easily shared, a holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, retiring is profitable with a savings bank, free savings for pensioners -card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discounts, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is with you and this is the film industry program. in the new release on the screens of the country. the military drama seven black papers, which premiered at the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, a comedy from gorky's studio, how i met her mother, a detective who cleans swimming pools, who came to russia from the toronto film festival, as well as other new releases. the war drama
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seven black papers, based on the story, was released ossetian writer mikhail bulkata, this is the feature-length debut of anatoly koliev, who participated in the moscow international film festival in the russian premieres competition. the plot is based on the story of two brothers, residents of a high-mountain village, who persuade the postman to hide a funeral from the locals until the war is over. the action takes place in a half-deserted village. nikomunt in 1942 . all the men went to war, and the women, children and old people continue to run the household and wait for news from the front. unfortunately, the postman sometimes brings letters of death. in order to preserve the faith and hope of the villagers, the guys agree to hide such black papers, but the children cannot deceive grief and the truth itself. a mortal threat has come over our homeland, the soviet union, over our caucasus, our pearl.
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in the soviet country, the hungry fascist invaders planned to turn our beloved homeland into the soviet union, turn our beautiful land. it is better to die as a free people than to serve the lord as slaves in bloody sweat. the story of bachira and dzambulul growing up, elder and younger brothers, also introduces the viewer to the legends of the north caucasus. children learn about the world around them through fairy tales, which are as scary as the harsh reality around them. and we come into contact with the nart epic through the original animated inserts.
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seven black papers do not claim high box office receipts, because they were created as an author's non-commercial project, but
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the authors hope for increased demand from the local audience. viewing this picture is not only a trip to the ancient places of north ossetia, who gave their homeland many heroes of the soviet union. this is an opportunity. ossetian people about the great patriotic war? per capita, the most heroes in ossetia during the great patriotic war, in the very place where we filmed in komunta, recently passed the highest altitude immortal regiment, this is even in the book of records. somewhere there is an advertisement for our film, but not a single billboard, all the billboards, absolutely all the billboards in the immortal regiment, in the veterans, in the heroes, well
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, we have a special relationship with this event, another new product, the premiere, which took place in program. the film of the moscow international film festival is the french animated science fiction film mars express. its director jeremy peren is known as the author of the series the last man about a deadly martial arts championship. in the new film, the plot is built around an investigation that takes place on mars; the film itself is made in the neo-noir genre. not long ago, scientists found a crevice on mars; there should definitely be water in it. cinema. ahead of its time, jeremy perin fantasizes and transports the viewer almost 200 years into the future, in this very place on mars, a real city-paradise arises, where people flee from the land dying from wars. animated film mars express, a french interpretation of the japanese ghost in the shell. in noptis, that same city of the future, there is no
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total state control, environmental problems or division of people into castes characteristic of dystopia. in an ideal metropolis, in general, it seems, there is no catch if you don’t teach. an artificial oasis in the middle of a lifeless planet, director jeremy peren, screenwriter lorenz arfati, lay a deep contradiction in the very exposition of the film and develop it in the plot. hired detective alain ruby, together with his partner android, must find a brilliant hacker student who... they are not the only ones looking for, the fate of the entire city depends on the search according to the laws of the genre, and the heroes face difficulties, corruption and criminal secrets during their journey, space technologies do not change human problems, the main problem still remains the desire for power and wealth, so now lem will scan you,
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if everything is ok, we will start, please, quickly find her, we only have 5 seconds, she is somewhere in the building. okay, i'm checking my database. come on, hurry up! almost everything is ready! she's from the police, go away! room 3017! the authors of the film conduct a study of the future based on scientific discoveries, asimov's laws of work technology, pop and cyber culture. in this study , the line between a hologram, real life and death is blurred. the thoroughly thought-out world of the picture resembles a super-powerful computer programmed... every minute. simplicity of graphics combined with cinematic camera techniques, zoom and
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camera rotations, a tribute to noir and cyberpunk from the last man production studio. the film is spoken by the viewer in the language characteristic of sai action, but it also opens up completely different facets of interaction between humans and artificial intelligence. technology can greatly influence emotions and feelings, and robots sometimes turn out to be more humane than people. the film was recognized as a real discovery at the cannes film festival and the vancy animation festival. after which it received rave reviews already at the forty-sixth miff in early may mars express is breaking into russian film distribution at space speed. on the screens is a comedy detective, a pool cleaner, and a man who decided that he had accidentally stumbled upon the greatest conspiracy. the main role in the film is played by chris pine. he also acts as director, scriptwriter and producer. in addition to him, the film stars annette bening, danny devita, and jennife. jason lee and other stars. pool cleaner,
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debut directorial work of actor chris pine, known for the ironic tragicomedy at any cost, the film catastrophe and the storm has hit and the famous science fiction franchise star trek, it was the role of captain kirk, an explorer of new worlds and civilizations, boldly rushing where no man has gone before, that brought pain worldwide fame and recognition from critics, viewers and colleagues. in the new... ne pain plays the main role of the caring but naive pool cleaner daron, who is faced, as he himself decides, with an insidious conspiracy, the hero will have to conduct his own investigation, figure out who those insidious villains are trying to steal all the water from los angeles, meet with corrupt politicians and corrupt hollywood bigwigs, and also prevent the worst crime from happening, because then no one will need the pools, and his work will lose all meaning. the director relied on... the novel poland chinatown, which became the first neo-noir in the history of cinema and gave jack
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nicholson enormous popularity. but if the film explored the polish corruption scandal with all the seriousness and drama inherent in the genre, then the pool cleaner makes a 180° turn, turning the well-known plot into an excellent farcical comedy with a light narrative, bright characters and good humor. this reversal makes pool cleaner similar to another representative of the genre, noir satire. burn the cohen brothers after reading it, where the heroes were narrow-minded people like daran who became accidental witnesses to the crime. and the atmosphere of idleness and the hopelessly complicated plot are reminiscent of the crime comedy big libovsky, a cult film remembered for its eccentric script decisions, surreal scenes and an eclectic soundtrack. pool cleaner follows the new trend of breaking the boundaries of craft castes in cinema, with actors boldly throwing themselves into writing and directing. recent examples include the comedy-drama chaning tatum, lulu and brix. it collected
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more than 200 million rubles at the russian box office. and bradley cooper's first film, a remake of the 1937 oscar-winning romantic melodrama , a star is born, cost 170 million rubles. we'll keep an eye on the numbers for chris pain's film at the russian and global box office. meanwhile in a new comedy from gorky's studio was released nationwide. how did i meet her mother? the viewer of this comedy ends up in north ossetia voluntarily, unlike the heroine of the film: the groom’s relatives kidnap the bride, although the wrong one; instead of the main character’s beloved , her mother, a woman with a very difficult character, ends up in the caucasus. let me out! this is number 404, we have a robber here! what happened? he's armed and destroys everything. lord, david.
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according to the director of the film, yegor salnikov, how i met her mother is a real road movie, adventure is funny, although sometimes with dangerous obstacles. what now? the film is full of kindness. the reasons and objects for it are generously given to the author by the very theme of the contact of different but related cultures , which is inexhaustible and fertile; the premieres in moscow in ossetia are equally exciting for the director.
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the story turned out to be about freedom, love , a person’s ability to change, regardless of age and nationality. in fact, it’s about victory, the victory of humor over boneiness and stupidity, the victory of love over some kind of evil, even if this is a quick evil, a victory over stereotypes, but in the end... as sergei parajanov, the great caucasian director, who turns 100 this year, said, that we will conquer this world with love. the film stars grant takhothan, evelina bledans, ororat kischan. one of the last roles was played by dmitry krasilov, who died suddenly in december last year. a scenario with elements of a fairy tale, beautiful landscapes, a lot of dancing, a star cast. this is how
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the authors of the film managed to create caucasian bollywood on the screen. what does comedy have in common? how did i meet her mom with indian? cinemas and what this gives to all-russian cinema, the viewer can decide for himself, the film is already in cinemas. there are 5 minutes until the end of the episode, which is exactly how much the youth editorial staff of the film industry and students of the media institute of the higher school of economics need to ask unusual questions to a famous person. person of the week section. the film, an event 100 years ago with him in the title role, is preparing to break through a billion rubles. fees, he is called the russian timothee chalamet, but he does not like this comparison. most promising young actor this year, according to the founders of the important industrial award advance, who has no fear, but has interest. i'm marco idelstein, an actor who wants to keep exploring. the person of the week explores different
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genres and project formats. today he is known as sasha from yulia trofimova’s melodrama country of sasha, roma from the tv series. monastery, senya from smychka, moshe tali from the military drama the righteous and kolya gerasimova from science fiction 100 years ago. the film by alexander andryushchenko 100 years ago was released on april 18. kolya gerasimov and alisa selezneva live in moscow and study in the eleventh b-grade, but only kolya is in 2024, and alisa is 100 years in the future. their meeting will mark the beginning of incredible adventures. the guys have to interfere. pirates will seize power over time itself, love and friendship will save the earth, ours and a bunch of surrounding galaxies. a fantastic blockbuster about guests from the future was based on a story by kir bulychev, inspired by a soviet film. the first time i heard about the soviet alisa seleznyova was from my dad. and my dad said the phrase: yes, in general, in this life of mine, i, well, loved two women, your
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mother and alisa seleznyova, and most likely it was somewhere from there, somewhere from my warm childhood. it happened, so i heard about alisa seleznyova, and there was such a native acquaintance. since the time of that same alice , many science fiction films have been made, but among the 100 highest -grossing films, only six are russian. it's a shame? no, i’m not offended, because the situation that you just described has brought us to that point on the timeline when we are sitting here and we present, it seems, the coolest, most fantastic russian film ever. by taxi. or by metro? metro? do you take the metro to the cinema or the theater? to the cinema. are you in the audience or are you on the screen? i look at the screen. hero or villain? the villain. starting or morning shift? night who is the handsome guy in russian cinema? sanya andryushchenko. if not
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an actor, then who? well, like sanya andryushchenko, who films and produces, in short, is he even a role model? the most nizhny novgorod thing that is missing in moscow, family, the most moscow thing that is missing in nizhny novgorod - this is a tempo, everything is clear with the moscow city tempo, but as for mark’s playlist, what’s in it, what tempos, i ’ve really loved rap since childhood, really, i’ve always been a little ashamed that i love rap, because it’s such very niche music, here when i made a rap at the auditions, when sasha andryushchenko went 100 years ahead, and his oh, this... rap rocked everyone and it was as if there was a turning point in the auditions, it always happens when you come, they seem to look at you like this, because you are the hundredth, 150, one of, and you i have to do something to boom jump out of this. this time this time with sasha from the film a century forward, it was a rap that i read, which he had inside the script, that’s what i read according to my beat, then i thought, this is it, mark, everything is fine, everything is correct , maybe if
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it weren’t for your love for rap, this wouldn’t have happened now, let your inner rapper go free, and what other barriers remain to be overcome, i immediately wanted to say get a haircut, but i’m not afraid to get a haircut, but apparently someone the other is afraid that i should cut my hair too. they don’t offer me a haircut, but to be honest, someone would really like to cut my hair, moreover, in the last 4 years that i’ve been living in moscow, i ’ve never been to a hairdresser, not even once , but during this time mark managed to be not only in the frame, but on the other side of the camera, but now i’ve already shot, produced, directed a short film, hopefully a recording studio, and well, in short, it was scary, that’s it. but it’s not even scary, it was panic i'm scared in a panic when you realize that , oh, everything, uh, the script is read, read,
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agreed upon, okay, budget, now i'm honestly not scared, on the contrary, i kind of really want it, well, there are different things of this kind keep doing it, and now there is no fear, friends from the time police give you a birthday gift of meeting their fifteen-year-old selves, a 20-second certificate, where will you meet mark? and what will you tell him? i will appear on a box next to the thirty-fifth school, where i fight with eleventh graders and i’ll say: dude, now they’re going to hit you in the face, but you’re doing everything right, get it in the face with dignity. bonus: 20 years in the future, where will you meet and what will you talk about? dude, uh, in short, there’s no time to explain, uh, call your family, tell them that you love her very much, you’re wasting your time forgetting about this, you need to remind your family about this, this is very important. three emotions you experience while doing your profession. the three emotions that i experience while engaging in this profession are anxiety, euphoria, and
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completeness - this is not an emotion, and delight. most valuable professional contact in your phone? damn, probably yura boris. mark eidelstein, an actor who is interested in exploring new roles and professions in cinema, is no longer afraid of experimentation at all. 100 years from now. you watched the industry screens right now in a fantastic movie, even more inspiring films and stories of creative success in the next issue. see you at the cinema. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don't do fashionable haircuts, but
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want have you achieved it, do you think that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin.
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375 state duma deputies voted for mishustin’s candidacy. 57 state duma deputies abstained from a single vote. lower chamber.


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