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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. 375 state duma deputies voted for mishustin’s candidacy.
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it turns out to achieve the results that the country needs. to ensure work without interruptions, the plenary session of the state duma is held even on a day off. before the discussion began, mikhail mishustin held a separate meeting with representatives of all factions. new people declared their support; the communist party of the russian federation was interested in the financial and economic bloc of the new government. liberal democrats we talked about demography, ecology and assistance to the regions. a just russia for the truth
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pointed to the continuation of the fight against poverty. united russia promised to support the government in all matters of russia's development. mikhail mishustin explained what exactly needs to be done first, speaking in the state duma. alexey konopko has all the details. by law, the president had 2 weeks to present his candidacy, but the head of the country named mishustin 2 days after he took office. and after a few more.
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ensuring the military operation became one of the three biggest challenges for the mishustin government. the budget for spending powers increased from 21 trillion to 36. where did you see this? situations of challenges, sanctions, threats, pandemics, carrying out a special military operation and the government did not deviate from any standards of obligations. for such results , everyone in the plenary hall thanked the government, including the communists, who today decided to abstain from voting. the need to abandon the budget recommendations imposed on us has become overdue.
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well, the problems, of course, were also discussed, that’s what the discussion is for: migration, social justice, demography, many questions were answered at the same podium that were asked. today is the time to get married, statistics are 27 years old, respectively, the first child is born at 28 years old. i would like these age dates to be lowered, but they will not be lowered for one simple reason: there is nowhere to live. by order of the president, we will continue the program for issuing family loans for another period. 6 years while maintaining basic parameters, family at the birth of the third and subsequent children, until the end of the thirtieth year , will still be able to receive the required 450 thousand rubles for repayment of the housing loan. such prompt dialogue is a sign of the work of mishustin’s government. this
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was recognized in both houses of parliament. over these 4 years, a high level of interaction has developed. today the entire faction unanimously supported the candidacy of michal vladimirovich. and we believe that it is he, at the head of the government, who will be able to ensure the implementation of the tasks that the president has set for all of us. for four over the past year, the government and the state duma began to discuss the budget in more detail; on the eve of reports , all ministers now go to relevant committees. it is not always possible to find the same contact with the relevant ministries as at the level of the prime minister , and we regret, but we have examples when...
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we get politically excited and say: let's tax excess incomes properly. what are excess profits? and we want to solve all this here right away. this is a huge danger. and on the strategic horizon, in the country’s tasks and government to become one of the four largest economies in the world. the mishustino government
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takes office in extremely difficult, dramatic conditions. today we are forced to wage a war on two fronts: the fight against nazism. to work the way mishustin worked, to create an effective financial control system, to solve many problems that turned out to be impossible just a few years ago, it’s extremely difficult, the government has a plan for solving problems, plans to completely modernize it in 6 years.
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or everything bad is theirs, everything good is ours, then now we can’t say that anymore. but judging by the numbers, the chamber was confident in its choice. mishustin is confirmed. for the post with a record support for this century of 375 votes in favor. let's congratulate mikhail vladimirovich mishustin on his confirmation to the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. the elections held in march demonstrated the large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development. and, despite different views on many issues, today. you supported the decision first of all president, expressed their readiness to act
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to fulfill the tasks assigned to them together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including under my leadership. now the approved prime minister will propose the structure of the government, and then specific names for it. parliament plans to discuss them at the beginning of the week. news. kiev militants fired. the peaceful city of ravenki in the lugansk people's republic, as reported by the local ministry of health, three people were killed, seven more were injured, including a child. residential buildings and oil depots. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 27 group strikes with long-range precision weapons, including hypersonic dagger missiles, against military enterprises, as well as energy and railway facilities in ukraine. all targets were successfully hit, including the cluster. manpower at loading stations, the settlements of katlerovka, kislovka and
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novokalinovo were liberated, all attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed. during this time, zelensky’s formation lost another 6,500 soldiers, mercenary officers, 17 tanks were destroyed, including three german leopards and two american abrams, and 35 other armored vehicles. 126 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems were eliminated, a su-27 fighter and 163 were shot down. the center tells the details of that victory. it was hard to squeeze into that front line, but despite all our fears, we understood that it was necessary . urgently a bull or even water, provisions, we just did everything, we were just ready,
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the infantry fighting vehicle of the motorized rifle division of the 150th division of the southern group of forces is compared to a tank, in terms of efficiency, it is not inferior, in maneuverability and stealth, they say, it is superior. yours the enemy also gave this armored vehicle a name; they call them silent. they don’t hear tanks, but efficiency, the same caliber 100, it’s quite effective, its shells are very noticeable, so they don’t like that they can’t detect us, but we work and leave. the bmp easily makes its way through the forest and will take the desired turn in dense buildings. it didn’t let us down, she’s smart, we love her. motorized riflemen are working in the artyomovsk direction, where it is now very hot, in the rear cities there are fighters from the central group of troops. help local residents restore memorials to those who fell during the great patriotic war. the grieving mother is
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the main symbol of the great victory in ilovaisk. memory of our fathers and grandfathers. these days the memorial is expanding. this drawing in a fashionable graffiti style was left by ilovaisk schoolchildren. of course, it fits into the overall concept of the place. in total , more than half a thousand similar monuments have already been put in order in the republic. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead. donetsk people's republic. the us administration found no violations in the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilians objects. the white house told congress that nato weapons are being used for their intended purpose. essentially, he admitted that the west approves of the war crimes of the zelensky regime. moreover, there will be another large shipment of weapons. anton tadykin will tell you what is behind this. joe biden ordered another shipment of weapons from the arsenal to be sent to ukraine. usa for $400 million, including haymars multiple rocket launchers, missiles for the patriot and
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nasons air defense systems, as well as artillery shells and bradley infantry fighting vehicles, but not everyone in the usa supported the decision the white house, they indicate that the defeat in the ssu is a matter of time. the front line is now hardly moving and from the outside it is difficult to see who is gaining the upper hand, some have the feeling that the ukrainians are managing to hold back the advance of the russians and that all the weapons are being sent through. further, instead, it’s time for the us administration to simply not know what to do with ukraine in the interests of kiev, washington should put pressure on admitting that america’s interests do not coincide with ukraine, in order to force it to hold peace negotiations with russia, but in the west there are too many russophobes interested in continuing the conflict with moscow. they simply use ukrainians as consumables and demand that they continue to pump up their cues with weapons.
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when you do too little too late, you are too late. behind these calls is the great desire of the military-industrial complex to earn hundreds of billions more. the uk foreign secretary called on nato to approve an increase in military spending to 2.5% of gdp. at the same time, the british government itself does not have the money for this. and cameron will soon leave his post. ruling party the tories will absolutely lose the next election. from a drowning man. many people have already escaped the ship and now retired british officials are not shy about telling the truth. dominic cumings, who at one time was boris johnson's chief adviser, said: anti-russian sanctions harmed europe itself and did not affect the course of the ukrainian conflict. cumings' interview with the i-news portal is very emotional and full of obscene language. we shouldn’t have gotten into
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such an idiotic situation in the first place; this is not a repeat of 1940 with someone trying. deceive zelensky in the role of churchill's outsider, the completely corrupt ukrainian mafia state openly us, as a result, we look real, which anyone can use as they please. the lesson we taught putin is that we are a bunch of clowns. however, putin already knew this even before the conflict began, we only showed the whole world what a bunch of clowns we are, and america is also trying to appropriate russian assets. introduced a sanctions regime that only promotes the creation of alternative financial systems for to the whole world, this does not teach putin any lesson, it just shows that we are idiots. the west is abusing sanctions, the british magazine theeconomist reluctantly admits, notes that the collapse of the dollar system may suddenly occur, and it has not been possible to antagonize china and russia
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, admits the head of european diplomacy, jose borel. they believe that russia in the conflict is reacting to... from the west, they point out that europe should not help ukraine. in the european union itself, elections to the european parliament will be held in june. against the backdrop of the failure of existing ruling circles, the opposition is gaining increasing popularity. for example, in austria , the freedom party opposed illegal immigrants and military assistance to ukraine and is now in the lead. in her election poster, the head of the european commission almost kisses zelensky. the party's slogan is to stop this eu madness. poland is about forty. farmers staged a march against the policies of brussels and dumping in kiev. the ukrainian authorities have overwhelmed the eu with their cheap, low-quality products, and hundreds of thousands of farmers are on the verge of bankruptcy. anton dadykin, lead. the authorities of st. petersburg are checking carrier company, a bus that fell into the river. the investigative committee reported that
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seven people died. many passengers were saved, including thanks to three natives of dagestan, who. thinking, they dived into the icy water to help people. details of the accident from ekaterina fesenko. a passenger bus, having rammed a car, knocks down a railing and flies off the bridge into a car wash, falling, still bobbing on the water for some time, then sinking. cars stopped instantly, a passing motor ship threw all their supply of life jackets, life preservers flew from the bridge. from a height you can see the hatch in the roof of the bus, it was torn off by eyewitnesses, just guys who were passing by on the embankment and without hesitation jumped from the bridge into the icy water, through this hatch they managed to get one person, all the special services appeared somehow just right quickly, right quickly, but special words of gratitude to the young people who dived into the cold water, everyone was there in their clothes, the same heroes whom
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other eyewitnesses saw were just passing by passed by, as soon as they saw it, what... people there didn’t even think right away, they immediately jumped out and spat on this bus, what kind of hitch could there be when people’s lives were on the line, i already saw that the driver couldn’t open the hatch, but he he had no strength, it was clear that he had already hit himself, blood was flowing, and as soon as i saw it, i immediately jumped on, swam to this bus, immediately i was able to immediately pull, open the hatch, and there was an elderly woman there, and i helped her, well, they pulled me out of there. but they held hands, and i lost it in my eye, i leaned my lips against the ceiling to collect the remnants of air were somewhere there, the special services arrived with lightning speed, divers descended into
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the bus, tried to pull people out, artificial respiration was performed right on the deck of the boats on the way to the shore and ambulances, those resources, means that the institutions have, and these are the duty teams, this consumables, medicines, everything is enough to provide... comprehensive assistance to the victims, the rescue operation has been going on for about 40 minutes, so far about eight people have been rescued from the bus, right now from the roof sticking out all the boats were driven out of the water, apparently in order to try to lift the bus with a crane, it can be seen behind me, slings were placed under the roof of the already empty bus, the crane pulled it to a more convenient place, now we see that the bus has already been lifted , the whole process took about an hour, now he is being examined by police and the ministry of emergency situations. the footage from the camera shows that the bus is moving at high speed, apparently losing control right along the pedestrian part, smashing the anchors of the naval museum and dividing fences, excited
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criminal case. the head of the department instructed to give a proper legal assessment of the carrier company’s activities in compliance with all legal requirements for the safety of passenger transportation. the driver was detained, data was taken from cameras inside the bus cabin, the carrier company is cooperating with the investigation. the driver passed all the necessary medical certification in the morning before he was allowed to drive the vehicle, and the bus underwent a state technical inspection on may 7. it is known that the company of the owner of the bus that fell into the car wash over the past 2.5 years, they have been fined 23 times for gross violations. in the period from january twenty -two to the current moment, by the district courts of the city of st. petersburg, the taxi limited liability company was brought to administrative liability. 23 times. based on the results of the consideration of the cases, the legal entity was fined in a total amount of more than 3.5 million rubles.
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traffic at the scene has been resumed, and investigative measures continue. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, evgeny kostin, maria slyaguzova, galina orlova. news: petersburg. in germany, radical left activists attempted to storm the test electric vehicle plant. having broken through the first cordon line, the demonstrators seized a section of the enterprise's railway, but then they were driven back by special forces with water cannons, three police officers, one activist were injured, several people were detained, the left is protesting against tesla's plans to triple production in europe to a million electric vehicles per year, for this they are gathering cut down the forest in an area of ​​approx.
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in london, an attack in the british national library, two seemingly harmless eighty-year-old women approached the stand with the magna carta, suddenly grabbed a hammer, beat them and tried to break the glass. well, the pensioners didn’t succeed in breaking the glass, after which they began shouting a demand to stop
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oil production. it’s not clear what the magna carta has to do with it, this document protects the free population of england and limits royal power. israel made it to the final of the eurovision song contest despite protests over operations in the gas sector. in belgium. an example of the performance of the israeli singer was simply not shown during the broadcast about the concert venue of discord emil mersaev. this is how it looked on television, this is how it really was. this year, many eurovision spectators are not happy with israel, right during the performance they booed the singer edan galalan, who, by the way, has been for a long time... and this time in sweden, her composition called hurricane
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caused twelve points. a storm of criticism , listeners found the title of the song offensive, especially during humanitarian crisis in the middle east. probably in order for the picture, the image of a united, tolerant old world to be ideal, the european broadcasting union simply overlaid a pre- recorded audio track of applause and sweet jubilation on its air, guests of the arena write on their social networks. however, television is a delicate art; it is one thing to organize broadcasting and transmit a signal, and another to rebroadcast it. belgian broadcasters interrupted the broadcast during the performance of the israeli singer, explaining that in this way they were speaking out against violations of rights human rights and freedom of speech, which is what tel aviv is doing. #stopgenocide. this is exactly what tens of thousands of people called for and organized a march through the swedish city where the competition is taking place. the demonstrators are holding palestinian flags and smoke bombs are in the air. among those who disagreed was
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a well-known co-activist. vision, but successfully resist the vile wave of anti-semitism. you represent israel with great dignity, know that we support you, despite the outcry from the outside. just watch the final of the competition live israeli authorities do not recommend this to their fellow citizens; they advise, if possible , to stay away from the concert hall altogether. this development raises real concerns that terrorists will take advantage of the protests and anti-israel atmosphere to attack
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israelis who... will be attending eurovision, although the swedish authorities have increased security measures, it should be noted that unlike our delegation to the competition, the israelis visitors will not receive special security measures. indeed, the israeli media they write that the head of the israeli general security service personally flew in to coordinate the security of the delegation. fearing provocation, he personally made sure that the singer missed most of the events. it all started approximately around the year 14. probably, when russia was under pressure at that time, we all remember this, both gagarina and lazarev were subjected to such pressure in the hall, this is what the participant from israel practically feels now, but gradually the organizers are playing into all this and practically i think that there is no turning back, it is very difficult to imagine a return to the good old days. when
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countries simply came out in beautiful outfits, simply performed, presented their songs, their vocals, but any television producer will now tell you that this is uninteresting, it is unwatchable, there will be no ratings. the eurovision final will be held on may 11, 26 countries will take part in it, including israel, and therefore large-scale pro-palestinian protests are expected in sweden tomorrow. emil mirsaev and dmitry naide, all.
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