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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. 375 state duma deputies voted for mishusin’s candidacy, 57 abstained, and not a single vote was against. for the first time, the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the government, with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the power ministries. new powers appeared after the adoption of amendments to the constitution in the twentieth year. mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma, but before that he met with vladimir putin. this allowed me to form a want in the first place.
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thank you for the trust you have placed in me, the tasks that you set for the federal assembly in your message, and of course, the national development goals that were indicated in the new may decree are the guideline and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you , that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all... national goals that were previously 204 in 474 decree, we will do everything to develop our economy, in order to justify the trust of our people, am i sure that under your leadership we will solve all the tasks assigned? well, you and i, together with our colleagues from the government, formulated national development goals, this is, of course , the main thing we should strive for in order to realize these goals in all areas.
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and, as the practice of recent years shows, in general, in general, we are able to achieve the results that the country needs. to ensure work without interruptions, the plenary meeting of the state duma was held even on a day off day. before the discussion began, mikhail mishustin held separate meetings with representatives of all factions. new people declared their support; the communist party of the russian federation was interested in the financial and economic bloc of the new government. liberal democrats talked about demography, ecology, assistance to the regions. a just russia for the truth pointed to the continuation of the fight against poverty. united russia promised to support the government in all matters of russia's development. mikhail mishustin explained what exactly needs to be done first, speaking in the state duma. all alexey konopko has details. by law, the president had 2 weeks to present his candidacy, but the head of the country named mishustin 2 days after his own. taking office. and
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a few hours later, the prime minister and the candidate for this post in one person arrived in the duma. mikhail mishustin has walked along these stairs to the plenary hall to the factions many times, but in this status, both he and the state duma hosting him today for the first time, amendments to the constitution gave the parliament new powers and new responsibilities. deputies in the hall were filming historical moment on phones. there were still 3 hours before the voting, but the chamber did not hide its attitude towards the candidate. immediately, but a standing ovation is for the work of the outgoing cabinet, the president set priorities for the new in his message: in the next 6 years, reduce the poverty rate, ensure an increase in the share of wages in the volume of the gross domestic product, the government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, on behalf of the head of state it is necessary to form a new model of payment for public sector employees, doctors, teachers. should get what they deserve
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remuneration for labor, non-resource exports should increase by 2/3, agro-industrial exports by one and a half times, imports, if everything works out, will fall to 17% of gdp. all this is not counting the priority social sphere and, of course, support for air defense fighters. we will continue to provide them with everything they need, equipment, weapons, protective equipment, sets of medical equipment, military equipment, and help resolve social issues for the soldiers, their relatives, and their families.
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and today i hope that no one has any illusions about this anymore, and well problems, of course, were also discussed, that’s what the discussion is for, migration, social justice, demography, many questions were answered at the same podium that were asked, today is the time to get married, statistics are 27 years old, respectively, the first
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child is born at 28 years, i would like these age dates to decrease, but they will not decrease for one simple reason, there is nowhere to live. on behalf of the president, we will continue the program for issuing family mortgages for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families at the birth of the third and subsequent children, until the end of the thirtieth year , will still be able to receive the required 450,000 rubles for repayment of the housing loan. such prompt dialogue is a sign of the work of mishustin’s government. this was recognized in both houses of parliament. over these 4 years, a high level of interaction has developed today.
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to wage a war on two fronts, to fight against nazism, nato and bandera, it is imperative to overcome the technological gap, we will have to sharply increase labor productivity. during special military operation, to work out the
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way mishustin worked, to create an effective system of financial control, to solve many problems that turned out to be impossible just a few years ago, it is extremely difficult. the government has a plan for solving problems, in 6 years they plan to completely modernize the primary health care system, they will continue large-scale repairs and construction of schools, the housing and communal services sector has allocated 4.5 trillion, who exactly in the cabinet will achieve the goals under the new constitution is determined by the state duma. we are with you we are responsible for all decisions made, and if there were stages of our activities when we were criticized.
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the elections held in march demonstrated a large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development and... despite different views on many issues, today you first of all supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act to fulfill the tasks he set together with the cabinet of ministers, who will work, including under my leadership. now confirmed prime minister will propose the structure of the government, and then specific names for it. parliament plans to discuss them at the beginning of the week. lead, let's go
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see what's there, my instrument, i'm a music teacher, uh, yes, my cat walked, this is it. i had a fire, here they threw molotov cocktails, molotov cocktails, everything burned here, here , surprisingly, everything burned, here is the cradle of my granddaughters, here they slept, my girls, it was all burned in hatred, you know, towards me , after the referendum, this is exactly what the resident of the border neli shows in these frames zadirakov, for the first time in her apartment after 10 years, in may of the fourteenth, her family had to leave the city, then ukraine announced a hunt
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for everyone who was involved in the referendum on the autonomy of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. the fire was not a consequence of the fighting during the liberation of the city in 202; the apartment was set on fire back in 1414. they tore both of them down, they looked for my lists for the referendum here, they thought that i hid them there, i’m such a fool, you know, i’ll stick them under the wallpaper. it’s a shame that the apartment was not damaged after the fighting, you know, but at the hands of real fascists, this is their job. neli akopovna began coming to the city to help foreigners immediately after liberation, but she couldn’t go to the apartment where her children grew up and grandchildren were born for 2 years, everything here reminds too much of the peaceful, happy life stolen by the kiev regime. this is my beautiful apartment, so come on a visit. you visited me, here my children played, here my grandchildren play, the daughter
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and grandson of nelya akopovna are now defending the truth on the borders of their native land, and she herself had the fate of standing at the origins of the struggle for freedom together with the frontiersmen at the very beginning of the russian spring, from the end of the thirteenth year, this was our main meeting place, the area for our meetings, all rallies we gathered here, we decided here. all the questions here, we were worried about what was happening in kiev, discussed the news, watched, well, here on april 5 we had a mass rally, when we found out that our guys were arrested in the sbu building, five foreigners were there, so information was received , that we need to help out, we need to do something, here we gathered spontaneously, these are our guys who... afghans, so they went there to clarify the situation, to state
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their demands, in short, they were all arrested there, so we had to help them out, well, from here we went to lugansk, in lugansk we defeated opposite the sbu building, we set up camp, we had our own tent there. the fellow countrymen were able to liberate ruzhan then. meanwhile, the situation in ukraine was heating up. the kiev regime has already announced the so-called ato, an anti-terrorist operation. slavyansk thundered. it took us a long time to decide. we decided, we came to conclusion that it is necessary to declare independence. here is the lugansk people's republic and i got the right to proclaim it when i was at the rally. made a decision that it would be necessary to familiarize people, to familiarize
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them with the project in advance, so to speak, in case people don’t say, no, we don’t need this, i came up with a thought, i had to say, guys, this is a project, so i always remember, that i came out and thought what a project, i just came out and said, guys, from now on we will be called the lugansk people's republic, so then it was decided to take the document to regional administration, we still had power, and we understood that everything should be according to the law, everything should be according to the rules, we should notify everywhere, announce, hold a referendum.
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a lot, a lot, well, the percentages, we couldn’t close, because there were 90, almost 97% of the people we showed, who came in the evening at 8:00, we had to close the polling stations, to the polling stations, the anthem
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of the soviet union was playing, the anthem of russia, and you know, all the people sang this anthem, shouted hurray, it was, it was a holiday, they looked at this flag, everyone, everyone was happy, because i was proclaiming a republic, i was declared turchinov’s enemy number one, he even awarded me a bonus, my photograph hung at checkpoints, and i don’t remember, somewhere around 1000, 110. 115 not i understand why there’s also a hefty price on my head, and well, right after the battle they announced that i had commanded the execution of these military men, well, what kind of nonsense are they writing now ? already last
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year the year before last they still called me, what’s wrong? please come to kiev, or you can drive up somewhere, we’ll pick you up, and we’ll bring you to the place entirely, well, i say, well, they found it’s not a fool, now almost all educational institutions that were polling stations in 1914 are, alas, in ruins , in the twenty-second, the ukrainian army used them as military facilities, and those that had already begun to be restored after the liberation of the city were not left alone, this is our technical school, there was also a polling station here, active voting, well, this is one of of our polling stations, where the referendum was held in 1914, here we
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were already preparing the school and, after liberation , the school was restored for launch in the fall of 1922. became a polling station during the referendum on the republics joining russia. on the eve of the vote, six western hymars shells were fired at it. and you know, this explosion, this bombing, played the opposite role. here are all the people who lived around here, hoping, knowing that their children would go to school, to this school, you know, they out of spite, they said, oh you creatures, we will come, we will carry out and it was. during the referendum , i was the chairman of the commission for the referendum, in addition, the director of the kandrashevskaya school, on the basis of which the polling station was located,
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and during the referendum, we received a message that ukrainian tanks were moving here to the village, and that we should quickly wind down the work.
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you even removed me from teaching, because what will a separatist teach our children? i am a teacher of russian language and literature, it is clear
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that these subjects, literature, were discriminated against was taught in ukrainian, there was either no language at all, or often only one optional language, ukrainization was forcibly imposed, they were told to communicate with children in ukrainian, even... during breaks, and we have a russian-speaking population, in the twenty-second year we had a son for the first time , after eight years, he came home, brought his grandchildren, it was such happiness, it was joy, he fought with me, was near kharkov then, and returned, and he played the song “ russia gazmanov” to the whole street, the whole street heard, everyone was happy, beauty, damn it, so am i
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i love, i love everything. at that time, 83% of us had already voted. when the tanks arrived, we didn’t take them back, we had already counted them, transferred them to lugansk, and then, of course, all hell broke loose, because the tanks were located right in our village, they were literally 700 meters from our... well, from
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my personal at home, they lived in our school, in the gym they lived there, yeah, that is , despite the fact that everything that could happen could have happened, and there were soldiers there, no one would have said what was there children, only something bad could happen because soldiers lived there, the novo-aidar district, which included volkodaeva in the fourteenth, remained under the control of kiev, while statements about a peaceful... decision to pay attention to their citizens in the donbass were heard from the screens, in reality people lived in fear. the first time they brought me in for interrogation, well, as i was working, it was a normal working day, and they called me, he says, len, he says, they are coming for you, i say, i understand, so i got into the car, drove home, i say, husband , i say,
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they’re coming for us, so... well, what should we do? well let me say quickly, i say now i say somewhere to the border with russia , i say, well, i say , no one will touch a woman with two children, well, that’s what we did, they are dialing, they say we are checking for you , i say why, well, we have an axis here, we need more help for injuries nadati, i say you have your own military doctor, i say, why tell me , i say, you know, you came for me, well, we ’re going down there from the road, they were sitting military men right under... there were more than twenty people in masks with machine guns - i’m on my way, i’m dropping it here well, i think to myself, well, it’s gorgeous, of course they came up with the idea of ​​20 men with machine guns coming for one woman, i had two children sitting behind me, 5 and 9 years old, he was sitting with a machine gun and i said, well, like, wait, here we are in another
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two days, he says, we’ll take lugansk, i say , okay, i say, how will you take it, i say, take me with you, i say, i want to see it too, it’s like, well, of course it was kind of unpleasant, it was somewhere for me, even it wasn’t offensive, it was just unpleasant, here's ridicule, everything else, well, i myself didn’t know what awaited me ahead when we entered room, he says like the children are in the car, i say, no, i say, the children will be with me, we go in, and the prosecutor says, why did you come with your people, what do you think, they will save you, i’ll tell you now, and what are you going to do? my daughter was 5 years old at that time, that there was going to be rape, then it started systematically, well, with one digression of course, that i decided that children should not see this, should not hear this,
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there should not be a mother, so ... in their eyes to be humiliated by the so-called investigative process, the real task of which was to intimidate the population loyal to everything russian lasted 4 years for elena, during which time she survived 47 interrogations, there was a call at 10 o’clock that in an hour, please, please, voydar, well, i say, in general, it’s like evening i i’m going to sleep, i don’t know anything, you won’t come, we’ll come for you, it will be worse, my children were oppressed at school because they were like children of separators, they... had the right to perform at holidays, they didn’t have the right, something like that superfluous, when my child in the seventh grade , my daughter, was beaten by four boys in the locker room, i i came home from work, and on her jeans, she had blue jeans.


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