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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
and what were you going to do, my daughter was 5 years old at that time, what were you going to rape? then it began systematically, well, with one digression, of course, that i decided that children should not see this, should not hear this, this should not happen to the mother, in their eyes to be humiliated, the so-called investigative process, the real task of which was to intimidate a population loyal to everything russian lasted 4 years for elena, during which time... she survived 47 interrogations, there was a call at 10:00, that in an hour, please come, please, vaidar, well, i say, in general , i’m getting ready to go to bed this evening, i don’t know anything, if you don’t come, we’ll come for you, it will be worse, my children were bullied at school because they were crap, they had no right to perform at holidays, they had no right to say something unnecessary, when my child in the seventh grade, my daughter, was beaten by four boys in the locker room, i came.
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to do everything to ensure that our referendum took place, i was sentenced to 5 years with probation for 2 years, and i had to go monthly to report to the authorities, if i even once i would have missed it, they would have put me in prison right away, that is, even at that moment when i had already been convicted, thank god, but they didn’t lose their skills, they... they trained me,
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i’ll break, i won’t break, i can, i can’t, i’ll survive , i won’t survive, i’ll cry, i won’t cry, well , they didn’t succeed, i don’t cry, if i cry, it’s for joy, at the beginning of a special military operation, elena’s son studied in the neighboring border, where the battles unfolded rapidly, he was lucky to have parents who live ... closer, they were picking up their children, they see that the student says, kid, he says, jump, at least , somewhere, he, well, calls me, he says, mom, here somewhere, i say, at least somewhere, so we got him halfway to starobelsk, then, what now is his an educational institution, but there is no educational institution, it was bombed because - there are children in the educational institution, the children have just moved away and soldiers have moved in there. kraina,
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here they were fighting from the windows of the hostel, your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, it’s necessary go there, it’s war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you know that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, go crazy to moscow, i’ll kill my brother as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him , markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenko, that ’s where they went on reconnaissance, yours had them, then, then i don’t know. yes, anton shakin,
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it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the battalion aurora.
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elena’s aunt worked in the same hostel, the last time she was spoken to was not on march 17 , 22, she was seen after the end of hostilities, but where?
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i’m glad to help you, elena’s son was able to continue his studies in lugansk, has already received a specialty as an auto mechanic and is now helping with the repair of vehicles for the military. well, he broke down for a while and said: mom, i’m going to go, i say, son, i say, but who will do the repairs for the boys, i say, you also need to be able to do it, that is, he wanted to serve, but yes, he wanted to serve, for him it’s, well, probably it was necessary, as it were, to prove that he is -
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if they want to earn their own bread, they can earn it for themselves, in ukraine, i say, there was no eternal flame, everything was here, everything, only they were in a stencil with a trotter, sort of like
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an eternal flame, i came , here i had a badge and a ribbon hanging, my sister saw that i had a badge. the stelly, preserved in the city of svatovo in the lpr , also bears the name of viktor alekseevich’s father. during the great patriotic war he went missing, only recently was his son able to find a mass grave. the family went to the smolensk region, to pay tribute to memory. in svatovo for many years from the fourteenth to the liberation in the twenty-second, on victory day it was dangerous even just to put on the st. george ribbon.
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to try them, well, they said, that means the judge warned him, he says, if you call him,
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go, don’t resist, everything else, well , they dragged us through this until the matchmaker was released, before viktor alexievich was taken to the pre-trial detention center, he tried to interfere with the actions ukrainian authorities, then in his native svatovo they started a fight against monuments to lenin, that’s exactly where this arch, that’s it there, that’s the structure, right? here it was back, when they were pulling the rope, they came in, they bent it at the knees and stuck it here, i was able to save only one monument from the village of verkhnyaya duvanka in the svatovsky district, i saved it and preserved it until liberation, i took the monument, there’s a watershed, here in the barn we...
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here, but i want my children, and my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to live in a normal country. voting took place in may 2014 in the starobeshevo district of the dpr. all this became possible thanks to just a few enthusiasts who shouldered what was, at that time, an exorbitant burden on their shoulders, plus people were aware of the danger. however, at the will of the residents. by the fall of 2014, these wonderful places among the fields had been vacated. i
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have been involved since the eighties, worked in election commissions, all the time the district commission, territorial commission, referendums, elections. by profession, svetlana feofanovna is a geography teacher, when her fellow countrymen rebelled against the maidan and the arbitrariness of the kiev authorities and demanded autonomy, she did not i was afraid for...
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the indicator was 98.5% for being the donetsk people's republic, when 76% came to the polling stations , the referendum ended, i basically didn’t leave anywhere, and then on july 7 they called me in the evening, take my daughter, granddaughter and... close the house and leave, go somewhere overnight , don’t stay at home, well, we did that, and in the morning we didn’t even return home, we collected everything we managed to collect, in the morning we left for the kherson region by a passing bus, i have a daughter there in the kherson region, we went there and back i can’t go back because the traffic stopped, the buses don’t run, and they write to me all the time, don’t come, they’re looking for you, it was really dangerous to go back... while the village was controlled by the ukrainian authorities, the son of one of
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the co-organizers of the referendum was killed: come back svetlana feofanovna was able only after the liberation of the area by the dpr military. houses in starobeshevo have already been destroyed, smashed, starobeshevo has already been liberated, there are a lot of dead, there we have stella, civilians who died in the starobshevo area. from then until the start of the special operation, starobshevo was. the dpr was incorporated into russia under completely different conditions. everything was completely different and was not.
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a referendum was taking place and the city greeted us with just a terrible wind, which, of course, is traditional for this place, well, the sea is nearby, we have to overcome it, also 10 years ago, mariupol residents had to overcome many obstacles in order to be able to still express their will , and yet, the referendum
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took place here in 1914, our... the tower is a symbol of our city of mariupol, it is more than 100 years old, which means it was built, just imagine, it survived the revolution, which means the ussr, completely, the great patriotic war, the collapse of the country, in fact, no, that means the fascists, she survived too, svetlana nikolaevna survived the entire period of the battles for mariupol in the basement of a house that was built by her father, an architect. the water tower is nearby for her... now forever a symbol of freedom, the ukrainian fascists were sitting there, adjusting the fire from there on peaceful, which means our mariupol, our guys we definitely saw where they were shooting from, and we were very worried, if our russian shell came here along these edges, then
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it would also be a big disaster for us, but i think ours saw it, but they just left this tower. because they knew that they were very close to home and that there was a temple nearby, on the very first day when our people came, it was such a joy, it was the joy that we survived, that that’s it, we are alive, and we came here, we are all they were black, dirty, we were in the basement for 30 days, our whole appearance, but we hugged them, kissed them, i pestered everyone. she said, listen, well, this is a symbol of the city of mariupol, well, we need a flag, we need a flag, so that people can see that that’s it, we’re already here, we’re home. together with svetlana nikolaevna, for 30 days , about a hundred more people took refuge in the basement of the house, they all survived, miraculously, before leaving
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, the ukrainian military came to the mariupol residents, they came into our entrance, they opened the apartments, they... changed clothes, left very there are a lot of all these gifts, they just ran away, it turns out they were here for one night the next day it turns out the next night they left, and then when our people came in, i ran up to them, started screaming, i said, i’m saying, that means they were ukry, that means snipers came in, there were about 20 of them, i say, and there’s one guy like that for me young, says: yes, we saw, well... he doesn’t say anything could have been done, because, he says, we saw that there was a fire here, this is it, he says, we supposedly saw that you seem to be here all the time people, that as we supposedly thought, they thought that probably a person 15 of you, and i say, we had 100 people, here a tank stood under my windows and shot at this house, where the fence is, there was a luxurious nine-story building, very beautiful, it
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was elite, it was the only one in our city, so he was aiming at it at the windows from this... he wanted to do what, he wanted, there were no troops here, just like guys, that means, like the dpr, they were still on this left bank on the other side, no bridges it was no longer there, that is, it was as if it was already difficult to enter from the other side, which means that the russians were still on the way into the city to the city, maybe some outskirts there, that is, here in the center there was not a single russian soldier. donetsk soldier, they shot, they wanted what they wanted, well, what was the point in all this, they wanted to return someone, us , in this way.
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and that there is no fascism, here these tanks began to rush along this avenue, here they are right at such a chairlift speed, when we began to see these tanks, we began to run from there, and guys, people tried to stop these tanks with their hands, the top hatch on this tank opens . there stood a machine gun, from this machine gun above bullets flew past my head. victory day in
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1914 was overshadowed by many provocations on the ukrainian side. there was shooting, there were the first victims. they tried to intimidate people before the upcoming referendum, but against all odds, on may 11, footage of huge queues of people wanting to give theirs spread around the world. voice in each district the executive committee building means it was the venue means this means this event uh this one this building we had inside there were five tables meaning there was one ballot box this means it was closed all the way then it turned right down there and two more blocks.
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language and russia, i am russian, in spirit, by birth, in feeling, so now i work with pleasure, it hurts me, i feel sorry for my residents of my city, it hurts me, it hurts me that my city is badly destroyed, it hurts me that we we were forced to go through all this, but we returned home... my, we are home, it will all slowly be restored, it is impossible to return people, but, but they gave their lives
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so that our city could live on for centuries. i'm a fan of konstantin khovensky, indicators ok, we can start, i liked kira the most. yuri borisov, the best
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actor, everything was just done very cool, it came right off, i don’t know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re so sensitive, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago forward, i thought a lot over these 100 years, got used to watching videos, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in application or website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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3:00 am
now i will tell you things that i have never told anyone. the russian spring is a phenomenon because from the point of view of a representative of the establishment, from the point of view of a materialist there.


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