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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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well, they’ll go crazy, well, they’ll go crazy, well, someone will do something, nothing will work out, but we were full of determination, since we took this path, we had to bring the matter to the end, no one will protect us if we, brothers we won’t, we won’t defend ourselves, our children, mothers, fathers, our memory in front of our feds, donbass, as if it became a wall, when they had already gone out of friendship, like crimea.
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just as they were trying to shake up the situation for us now, ordinary people, miners, factory workers, metallurgists began to come out, and people with an active life position, difficult ones, came out to street and resisted the lawlessness that they tried to do here. the russian spring in donbass began when bottles started to light fire. mixtures on the maidan in kiev melted the ice and stained the snow with black soot - says alexey selivanov, who at that time was the assistant to the minister of defense of ukraine, headed the department for social and humanitarian issues, and was the ottoman of the public organization “loyal cossacks”. because he spoke out for friendship with russia, the nationalists caught him and beat him in the street. the sbu men had already brought me in by phone, the same one of the 14 was working for the sbu officers, and they leaked where i was, they tried to kidnap me, at least five people in black...
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there they came to me from different directions, i was talking at that time on the phone, my hand was full, so i started to fight them off along with the phone, i’m quite a massive person, plus i’m not there professionally, but i was involved in martial arts within the framework of my patriotic organizations, so actually i didn’t allow myself to be twisted into pushing kidnap yourself into the car and what to do with me there, mock me , inject drugs there, record penitential messages, as they did with other activists of the russian spring, that is, i fought back, then ukrainian journalists arrived, i also told them everything, one of the ukrainians...
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moreover over time, ukrainian nationalists, who called themselves the right sector, went into open armed conflict on the maidan. the first shots were followed by the first victims, and blood was shed. on february 21, 2014 , president of ukraine viktor yanukovych, who gave up trying to fight, left limits of the state. as a result of the armed coup, power in kiev ended up in the hands of ukrainian nationalists. one of the first laws of the new kiev government was the ban on the russian language. by this alone , the population of the southeast of the country was immediately limited in their rights. the ban on the russian language in films in cinemas, on television, on radio, in schools, in preschool institutions is nothing more than a violation of human rights, a flagrant one. is a mockery. this is a mockery of the great russians , of the little russians, of everyone who wants, wants to read in russian. this is a mockery of the authorities. but yes, but the authorities are not killing him yet, they are simply prohibiting him.
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the communists, who broke off relations with the central apparatus of the communist party of ukraine, came out to defend the lenin monument in the center of donetsk, recalls boris litvinov, one of
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the authors of the future declaration of independence of the dpr. yanukovych left. and on this day, by the way, there was a call from the sbu, no, those who sympathized with... these are the local sbu, these are ours, they live here, yeah, a call to the sbu from the sbu, today they will remove the lenin monument when they come nationalists, they always, first of all, knock down the monument to lenin of the entire soviet era, everything they can, they destroy the spirit, they destroy the symbols, so you destroy the spirit with a symbol, then you can do whatever you want, we accepted it, we started looking around the city, here they drive with yellow-blanket ensigns. they were euphoric, that we were just a little bit longer and donetsk would be taken, we called our friends, about 50 people came out to lenin square, we stood all night, there was a car near the philharmonic, there was a building just down the boulevard , that
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there were getting ready to come at night, fill it all up on what date, it was from 20 to about the twentieth, that’s why it was 23’. army, we always come on the twenty -third, flowers, lenin, well, traditionally, there is no one to come, the spirit is gone, that’s it, the symbols are gone, that night a car dropped into the square, skoda, skoda octavia, started driving, trying to crush these defenders, well , they stood there in the square, well, they started throwing stones at me, that’s it, two young sergeants were with us all night, the sergeants immediately called. i can’t help but they were sent to catch them, that is, the police here are real, they didn’t like them either, these yellow-bladed ones, this is our donetsk police, how could it be wrong, in the party of regions the local authorities were at a loss, it was a long process when we see everything, we are the same, we are slavs,
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we are the same, we are one common people, we are just besotted with western propaganda, and we lived the same way we live, uh, what happened, there were commands given. when will we allow the seizure of the police in lvov, the seizure of administrative buildings, administration, well, when our patience ran out, ours began to do the same, only they didn’t come in with molotov bottles, but simply peacefully, normally , they said that guys, you are leaving, you don’t get hurt, we are starting to create a donetsk people’s republic, it will be here we will be there, we have created something unclear what, well, we will be on our own and we will ask to join the russian federation like that. was initially said, rallies at the lenin monument became a point of attraction for those who did not agree with the armed state coup in kyiv. coordination of the actions of like-minded people was through personal connections and meetings in squares, through the telephone, through acquaintance and through the locality, through points of the locality, when i arrived in senelnikovo
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, dnepropetrovsk region, i was actively traveling then, i simply left, i simply left the ministry of defense, came to to the cossacks who guarded the monument to lenin, i say, cossacks, the monument to lenin, something is not breaking, they say: well, you know, we just have lenin here, so everyone comes to the monument , everyone gathers, yeah, because the right sector said that he would come to remove the monument to lenin, in fact, to a meeting with the right sector, yes, it was a very stupid idea to protect the monument, it was an idiotic idea. the automaidans came with them, there was
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a clash in donetsk, there was a certain core of locals who were pro-ukrainian, pro-european, yeah, even before the maidans there that year in the previous year, the americans were actively working throughout ukraine, they tortured, they had such a project, technical camp, technical camp is an attempt to create our own media network structures, these bloggers and so on, in in donetsk and lugansk the locals drove them away, well, they just came for it. a bus full of these nazi comrades arrived, who are not our comrades, they wanted
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to do a pogrom around the city, but our guys from the police, who were already in our country, came out, they realized what was going on, they came, they asked, they just say it better guys, don’t go there, by the way, and young people, even take misha, well, not me, well, it’s not just me ... but it turns out, as the ukrainian channel shows, there were only about 50 of them and so
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insignificant, in general there are few of them and that’s not it most in in donetsk, the authorities were still afraid to take a wrong step for themselves; in order to retain their positions, officials had to submit to kiev, but at the same time, the local population organized rallies every weekend for the federal structure of the country and the autonomy of the region; the administration did not supervise, it tried. well, through some political forces, through the deputy corps, she strongly resisted, because you see, stopping here in donetsk, in principle, was not, in my opinion, very difficult, we remember this episode with pavel guborev, yes, when 3 march, right here on lenin square, the authorities set up a big, big stage there, well, as it happens at big events, city leaders came out.
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pasha says, then let’s go to the administration, and since i’m the governor, i must sit in the governor’s place and lead the region, they went, came in, occupied two floors of the regional administration without strong resistance there, they sat there for 3 days, but there was no coordination of actions, there was a crowd, there were emotions, and there was coordination. today we raised the russian flag, this is our small huge victory for donbass.
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under the pretext that the building was mined, the protesters were taken out of the regional administration, and pavel guborev was detained by the sbu on march 6 for separatism. the russian spring could have ended there, but in donetsk they began to prepare for a legal change of power through popular councils and a referendum. a congress of representatives of cities in the donetsk region was planned for the end of april. here we are all night.
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kiev sbu doors were broken down by a very specific group, in which there were crimeans, i’ll probably say this, evasively, and not only crimeans, people, for their own, we ourselves must fight, now we have the last chance to do this, the question of capturing buildings, it’s not about capturing it, there’s a grinder here, there’s a crowbar, that’s business, the question of capturing any
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objects in general is to hold them, like these the commander in the cities said there that the city is like a beauty, it’s easy to conquer, but... it’s difficult to keep, that’s the question of holding, it was precisely in popular support, because it’s one thing when some armed group sits, that’s it another thing, purely for the person who owes them to disperse, it’s another matter when there is a crowd of peaceful people, obviously peaceful, unarmed, there are grandmothers with pies, there are some other women there with these pots of soup came, this is all how i managed to help in organizing all this near the donetsk sbu , then they tried to hold two buildings, as if yoga. and the sbu, our guys , they went back and forth like that, and all our guys were armed in a very interesting way, with bats, ordinary ones from common notebooks they had for fashion.
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this is politics, you deal with it, this is your business, so he took these soldiers there,
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one person left for me in novozovsky, one who took over from krajinsk, out of 130 personnel , one novoazovits left, the guys who were in mariupol left, but having left here, realizing that we would not come, they they just quit, one remained to serve as a ukrainian, well, in short. ukrainian police, he later received a rank, i don’t know his fate now, he was in charge of protecting public order in the city of novoazovsk, that’s the only one, and so we have everything, we still have weapons, we still have extra personnel, we haven’t lost a single we still had one fighter, that’s why we hoped that this would be the case in mariupol, but it didn’t work out as punitive detachments from the western regions of the country prevented the adoption of people’s power in mariupol, vyacheslav, who found himself in the thick of those events, tells us. before the main events that here in the fourteenth year the tragedy happened on may 9, i was an ordinary mechanic at the azavstal plant, here is azovsal, in the twenty-second year i stormed
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this azovsal and liberated it, our unit distinguished itself, just us we stood up, because the surrender of these azov freaks was to our unit, right here... opposite this building , we just closed their last move to the azov people and they surrendered to us, we closed their last exit to this bunker, and they were just leaving flag for negotiations out of despair, but it was later when these events began to happen in general in ukraine, the fascists began to rise, rallies began to gather in the city at the city executive committee there, without anyone there, without friends, he came to one of these rallies there and listened. recruited people there who can stand up for themselves, for others, i was simply raised by my parents to
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love my homeland in history, so it somehow bothered me, what was happening, i tried to somehow help there in any way i could, and i signed up in this dnd, we made several friends there, we are in order. from ten people there were such guys, together we somehow patrolled, tore up the city, well , like patrols, just an ordinary civilian, we didn’t have any weapons, we didn’t have anything, we patrolled in the evenings, and went to work in the morning, well, there were a lot of them back then provocateurs with right sector and we identified, went where they would appear, where maybe these ukrainian rallies would be there for fascism, you want chaos,
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they trained us a little there, showed us how to use weapons, we already had weapons, only machine guns, nothing like that, there were no grenades, machine guns, there was nothing, machine guns, on the 8th we left for mariupol, because there was information that on may 9 there would be a provocation of victims in mariupol, and we left for this security. which department, through other connections he established contact with the local ukrainian police, which was in the city, which was with the people, with the people, there was an agreement that we, together
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with... with them, those who are with us, those who are for ukraine, they are there in their own way, well, they were in the city , these policemen, but they somehow moved there in their own way, i don’t know how.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. there is a clear and clear signal in russia; is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? necessary mobilize all resources? give me a recipe in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world, dusted yourself off, let's go? is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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because the guys, when they came in, many of them forced our guys, i even know personally, who refused, they were against it, then they started battalions, then the evil began to form, there was the dnieper and the donbass, so they started, so to speak, together with security forces of the sbu to restore order, quiet, i come in the morning, i have people
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are disappearing, there is something else there, that is, we had a lot... it was as if we were standing there, talking, and where the people were, and how they came, well , with an active life position, people who were leaving these people, well, many later on exchange, well, many, but some are not there, i don’t know the fate, well, we didn’t know that there had been a change in power among the police officers inside the city, we only arrived where there was an agreement, these people were no longer there, well then, as it turned out, there was azov, aidar, and the cherkassy battalion. dnieper was the command this is where the leaders were sitting, this one was shot, you can see it’s still there from the fourteenth until now, uh-huh, and where the meeting took place, where the blocking of the edge of the third floor took place, yeah, they barricaded themselves, yes they barricaded themselves or they were working on you and one, by the way, i remember the moment one of the policemen, apparently he was with us, he shouted,
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in short, he wanted to come to us... come out, he said, meet me, it was on the third floor, he shouted, and we say, lie down , we didn’t see him, we just shouted at each other, put down our weapons and crawl towards to us, he says, he and he screams, i crawl, and a line opens, they shoot, well, he fell silent, we screamed, shouted, he fell silent, then it was clear that he was killed by the same ones from the office, his own bosses, well, let's go let's see what else is left here. here they are, even this is all from the fourteenth, you yourself understand what was going on here, there were shootouts here, these are not machine guns far away, there’s even a burnt part of it still left, just like that
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, we came in, right here. ..


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