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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. 375 state duma deputies voted for mishustin’s candidacy, 57 abstained, and not a single vote was against. for the first time, the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the government, with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the security forces. ministries new powers
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appeared after the adoption of constitutional amendments in the twentieth year. mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma, but before that he met with vladimir putin. this allowed us to form. i want first of all thank you for the trust you have placed in me. the tasks that you set for the federal assembly in your message and, of course, the national development goals that were specified in the new may decree. this is the guideline and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all national goals that were before this 2004 and 474 decree, we will do everything to develop our economy, in order to justify the trust of our people, i am sure that under your leadership we will achieve all the tasks that have been set.
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pauses - a plenary session of the state duma even on a day off. before the discussion began , mikhail mishustin held separate meetings with representatives of all factions. new people declared their support, the communist party of the russian federation was interested in the financial and economic bloc of the new government, liberal democrats talked about demography, environmental assistance to the regions. a just russia for the truth pointed to the continuation of the fight against poverty. united russia promised to support the government in all matters of russian development. what exactly?
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must be done first, mikhail mishustin said while speaking in the state duma. alexey konopko has all the details. by law, the president had 2 weeks to present his candidacy, but the head of the country named mishustin 2 days after he took office. and a few hours later, the prime minister and candidate for this post in one person arrived in the duma. mikhail mishustin has walked along these stairs to the plenary hall to the factions many times, but in in this status, both he and... the state duma hosting him today, for the first time, amendments to the constitution gave parliament new powers and new responsibilities. the deputies in the hall were filming the historical moment on their phones; there were still 3 hours before the voting, but the chamber did not immediately hide its attitude towards the candidate. but the standing ovation is for the work of the outgoing cabinet. the president set new priorities in his message. in the next 6 years, reduce the poverty rate and ensure an increase in the share of payment. labor in the volume of gross
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domestic product, the government will strengthen targeting of all support measures; on behalf of the head of state , a new model of payment for public sector employees must be formed; doctors and teachers must receive decent remuneration for their work. non-resource exports should grow by 2/3, agro-industrial exports by one and a half times, imports, if everything works out, will fall to 17% of gdp. all this is not counting the priority social sphere and, of course, support.
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where have you seen this in the situation of challenges, sanctions, threats, pandemics, special military operations?
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today, the statistical age for marriage is 27 years, respectively, the first child born at 28 years old. i would like these age dates to be lowered, but they will not be lowered for one simple reason: there is nowhere to live. by order of the president, we will continue the program of issuing family mortgages for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families with the birth of their third and subsequent children will still be able to receive it until the end of their thirtieth year.
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a minority brought money abroad, most of the companies invested here, and let's encourage such enterprises, the question is how to divide the business, which at the expense of profits creates an ultra-modern enterprise, one that has received income, we hear about them and get politically excited and say, let's tax excess income as it should, but what are excess income? and we want to solve all this here right away, this is a huge... danger, on the strategic horizon in the tasks of the country and the government to enter the four largest economies in the world, the mishustin government takes office in extremely difficult, dramatic conditions, today we are forced to wage a war on two front: to fight against
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nazism, nato and bandera, it is necessary it is imperative to overcome the technological gap, we will have to sharply increase labor productivity, there is a special period... of a military operation, to work as mishustin worked, to create an effective financial control system, to solve many problems that turned out to be impossible just a few years ago, it’s very difficult, a solution plan the government has problems, in 6 years they plan to completely modernize primary health care, they will continue large-scale repairs and construction of schools, the housing and communal services sector has been laid down 4.5 trillion, who exactly in the cabinet will achieve goals under the new constitution? you and i are responsible for all decisions made, and if there were stages of our activities when they criticized and said we are not responsible for what the government does,
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or everything bad is theirs , everything good is ours, now we can’t say that anymore, but in its choice the chamber, judging by the numbers, was in... its course of development, and, despite different views on many issues, today you, first of all, supported the president's decision was expressed readiness to act to fulfill the tasks assigned to them, together with the cabinet...
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names, the parliament plans to discuss them at the beginning of the week. maria radimova, sofia petrosyan, news! kiev militants shelled the peaceful town of ravenki in the lugansk people's republic, as reported by the local ministry of health, three people were killed, seven more were injured, including a child, residential buildings were damaged and more. base. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 27 group strikes with long -range precision weapons, including hypersonic missiles dagger, for military enterprises, as well as for energy facilities and the railways of ukraine. all targets were successfully hit, including the accumulation of manpower at the loading stations. the settlements of katlerovka, kislovka and novokalinovo were liberated. all attacks in the ssu were repulsed. during this time , zelensky’s formations lost another 6,500.
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su-27 and 163 combat drones. the us administration found no violations in the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilian targets. the white house told congress that nato weapons are being used for their intended purpose. essentially, he admitted it. that the west approves of the war crimes of the zelensky regime. moreover, there will be another large shipment of weapons. anton tadykin will tell you what is behind this. joe biden ordered ukraine to send another shipment of weapons from the us arsenal worth $400 million, including khaimars multiple rocket launchers, missiles for the patriot and nasons air defense systems, as well as artillery shells and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. but not everyone in the united states supported the white house's decision. they indicate that the defeat in the ssu is a matter of time. the front line is now almost motionless and from the outside
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it is difficult to see who holds the upper hand, some people have the feeling that the ukrainians are managing to hold back the advance of the russians and that all the weapons sent across the atlantic ocean will help kiev save face, but this is extreme stupidity, the supply of weapons will not change anything. the authoritative american publication foreign policy emphasizes that the white house is acting out of inertia and simply does not know what to do next with ukraine. instead... it's time for the us administration to recognize that america's interests do not coincide with kiev's interests. washington must put pressure on ukraine to force her to hold peace negotiations with russia. however, in the west there are too many russophobes interested in continuing the conflict with moscow. they simply use ukrainians as consumables. they demand to pump up the keif with weapons further. when you do too little too late, you provoke your opponent too much. we fail to learn this lesson time after time. behind these calls is the great desire of the military-industrial complex to earn
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hundreds of billions more. uk foreign secretary calls on nato to approve military increases expenses up to 2.5% of gdp, while the british government itself does not have the money for this, and cameron will soon leave his post. the ruling tory party will definitely lose the next election. many now retired british people have already escaped from the sinking ship. officials are not shy about telling the truth. dominic cumings, who at one time was boris johnson's chief adviser, said: anti-russian sanctions harmed europe itself and did not affect the course of the ukrainian conflict. cumings' interview with the i-news portal is very emotional and full of obscene language. vocabulary. we should not have found ourselves in such an idiotic situation at all, this is not a repetition of 1940 with zelensky trying to deceive everyone in the role of an outsider churchill, completely to the corrupt ukrainian mafia state of us openly, as a result we look real, which
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anyone can use as they please. the lesson we taught putin is that we are a bunch of clowns, however, putin already knew this even before the conflict began, we just showed the whole world what a bunch of clowns we are, and also america seeks to appropriate russian assets, has already introduced a sanctions regime, which only contributes to the creation... the economist notes that the collapse of the dollar system may suddenly occur, but it did not work out to antagonize china and russia, admits the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. they believe that russia in the conflict is reacting to oppression from the west; they point out that europe should not help ukraine. in the european union itself, elections to the european parliament will be held in june; against the backdrop of the failure of the current
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ruling circles, the opposition is gaining everything great popularity. for example, in austria the freedom party. opposed illegal immigrants and military aid to ukraine and is now in the lead. in her election poster, the head of the european commission almost kisses zelensky. the party's slogan is to stop this eu madness. in poland, about 40 thousand farmers staged a march against the policies of brussels and dumping in kiev. the ukrainian authorities have overwhelmed the eu with their cheap, low-quality products, and hundreds of thousands of farmers are on the verge of bankruptcy. anton dadykin, lead.
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this is america - a program about a country that hard to understand. hello! exactly 6 months until the most unusual presidential election in the united states in more than a century of observation. this hasn't happened for 112 years. so that both its former and its current owner converge in the battle for the white house. wars, litigation, and deepest disagreements within america would seem to have brought an element of complete uncertainty into the race, but some things can be predicted now. let's try. perhaps the main turning point that has occurred in
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the american media space in recent years a few weeks, that's what most american tv channels do. websites and newspapers that cover the course of the presidential race, in their assessments of the situation in it, have reached the stage of acceptance, acceptance that the victory of donald trump is not only possible, but quite real. donald trump leads his rival in trust on most issues, including inflation, immigration and the fight against crime, but president joe biden gains points on key personal qualities, a new poll shows. leaving the question wide open as to who will win in the future. if you exclude people who say they won't vote, trump has 46% support, biden - 44. the demographic picture has changed significantly compared to last elections. if in 2020 , young people, mobilized by blm protests, went to the polls en masse, and
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this left-wing electorate joined biden, but now biden has lost. young, biden lost african americans and biden lost latinos, this cannot but directly affect the results in the so-called sun belt. americans love belts to name a certain group of states, but in this case the states of arizona, nevada and georgia belong to the sun belt. if biden was successful there last time 4 years ago, now this is not the case at all. and the key states for him... are already the states of the so-called rust belt, they are also called the blue wall after the color of the democratic party, these are wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan, the main fight is going on for them, in principle, if biden loses in the sun belt states and loses at least one of these states, for example, michigan or pennsylvania, then he loses
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to trump, there is very interesting sociology going on here, they find out that, by and large, the president of the united states. television advertising, as a result, at a key moment, in a few weeks and financially, but as for money,
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biden’s situation is better, because trump is saving, his technologists mean how things happened 4 years ago, then they were actively scattered they spent money on money before the elections, their money was empty, they are saving, but biden is not saving, in 2024 biden’s company raised more money, spent more and ended the quarter with more money in the banks than trump's company. according to the data, at the end of march , biden's company had more than $85.5 million set aside, while trump's company had just over $45 million. in addition to financial investments, democrats have to spend a lot of time and effort trying to change biden's image. biden. continues to be the oldest president in the history of the united states, in this regard, even his
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retinue behaves differently now, they cover biden when he flies in or flies away by helicopter so that the cameras cannot film his senile gait, biden now talks less and less about his age, he used to joke about this topic, but now he has stopped, more often he talks about the youth of his ideas, well, to rejuvenate biden. or somehow reconcile it with a younger audience, various hollywood stars continue to be invited to the white house, the last one to come there was the actor who played luke skywalker, that’s how it was. may the force be with you, always. i turned to him, mr. president, he said: “you can call me joe." i asked if jobbivan kinobi could be allowed then. he liked it. the democrats are throwing more and more resources at accusing trump and presenting him as such an evil. however, trump himself
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is partly helping his rivals here. in russia it turned out somewhat unnoticed, but in the united states , his interview, a written interview with a magazine, a liberal journalist who appeared before trump to grateful listeners, who were in our country illegally, created quite a stir. this is an invasion of our country, we must do everything to solve this problem. are you concerned about the potential for political violence
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surrounding the november election? i think we will win and there will be no violence. what if you don't win? i think we will win, and if not, you know, it depends on the situation, it always depends on the fairness of the elections. you said that you want to become a dictator for a day, what does that mean? i said it. jokingly, when they asked me if i wanted to become a dictator, i answered that i wanted to become one just for one day to close the border to drill for gas and oil, that’s all, it was sarcasm, a joke, this, of course, was used by the democrats and their sympathizers, if politicians are still somehow limited in their rhetoric, then here are prominent supporters of the democrats, like the actor roberta denira doesn't hold back at all. it seems to me that people don’t understand how dangerous it would be if... hitler was not taken seriously, they considered him a clown. the same thing happened with mussolini. they look like clowns, act like clowns, but somehow
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gain public support. it will be chaos which is difficult to imagine. trump responds to such denira in the same coin; he compares the actions of the biden administration towards himself with the actions of the nazi gestapo. but speaking objectively, of course, it is the republican candidate who is under pressure now... the key phase is the criminal trial in a new york court in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels, the real sensation was the appearance of stormy daniels herself in court, from she was expected to give generally routine testimony, no one thought that she will begin to tell her life, and tell episodes related to their acquaintance and closeness with donald trump in such detail. from which, well, even some people present in the courtroom were ashamed, according to daniels, she told trump that someone should spank him with a magazine with his picture, sorry,
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it was on it.
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he began to suspect something; for the first time, perhaps in the entire process, he called trump not just a former president of the united states, but possibly a future president. i think the judge sided with trump saying he might be the next president. i hope they arrest trump and put him in prison, because then he will definitely win. there is some good news for trump in the courts, including one federal criminal case alleging improper storage of classified information. to his maralaga estate, which was about to begin at the end of june, was postponed, and postponed for an indefinite period, and this decision was made by the judge, whom trump at one time appointed to this position, in general, in the united states, personnel also decide all. concerning further court schedule, then by about mid-june the jury's verdict in the new york case regarding
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payments to stormyden will be clear. that is, judge juan merchin may hand down a verdict by the end of the summer, and this, of course, according to probably those who ordered this case, cannot but affect the overall situation, however, everything here is also very contradictory, 80% of voters believe that the guilty the verdict against trump will not affect their choice in any way, but the fight is for the votes of the 20%, whose choice the jury will decide in regarding... so, mid-june is the jury’s verdict in the storme daniels case, and already in early july trump must decide on his candidacy for vice president, but then complete chaos arose in the choice, because she unexpectedly dropped out of the race, probably already one might say, a pretty serious contender for this role is the governor of south dakota,
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kristi noem, a longtime ally of trump. they have a warm, good relationship, but then for some reason the christening took it into his head to publish his book of memoirs, where she, using the counter method fell, this is when they set fire to a forest during a forest fire, trying to stop its progress, using this method, she decided to expose herself and told several details about herself that in general politics are usually not advertised, but they acted on the contrary, they say it’s better she will say it herself first. than they would catch her on this later, but it was not the best idea, in particular, noem told how at one time on her farm, she killed a pet, her dog, and no explanation was given to her they were unable to convince her supporters, supporters of the republican party, and her opponents too, that her action was somehow justified, this is how it looks now on american television, this is how she
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is justified. attacked animals and people, and at that time i had small children, i think that for you, as a mother , the choice is also obvious between your children and a dangerous animal, while noim also adds fuel to the fire, everyone knows the story of biden’s shepherd dog named commander, the commander was no different good behavior, ate half of the secret service employees, was eventually evicted from the white house, but someone whined like...


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