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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the decree was signed by vladimir putin. 375 state duma deputies voted for mishustin’s candidacy, 57 abstained, and not a single vote was against. for the first time, the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the government, with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the power ministries. new powers appeared after the adoption of constitutional amendments in the twentieth year. mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma, but before that he met with vladimir putin. thank you for the trust you have placed in me, the tasks that you set for the federal assembly in your message, and of course, those national development goals that were specified in the new may decree, and these are the guidelines and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we we must ensure continuity in all... national
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goals that were previously decree 204, 474, we will do everything to develop our economy in order to justify the trust of our people, i am sure that under your leadership we will solve all the tasks that have been set, well, we and you together with colleagues from the government, we formulated national development goals, this is, of course , the main thing we should strive for in order to realize these goals in all areas. and, as the practice of recent years shows, in general, in general, we are able to achieve the results that the country needs. to ensure work without interruptions, the plenary session of the state duma is held even on a day off. before the discussion began, mikhail mishusin held separate meetings with representatives of all factions. new people declared their support, the communist party of the russian federation was interested in financial and economic block.
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days after taking office. and a few hours later, the prime minister and candidate for this post in one person arrived in the duma. mikhail mishustin has walked along these stairs to the plenary hall to the factions many times, but today is the first time in this status for both him and the state duma hosting him. amendments to the constitution gave parliament new powers and new responsibilities. the deputies in the hall were filming the historical moment on their phones, there were still 3 hours before the vote, but the attitude towards the candidate. i didn’t hide it right away, but
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the standing ovation is for the work of the person leaving cabinet of ministers, the president set new priorities in his message: in the next 6 years, reduce the poverty rate, ensure an increase in the share of wages in the volume of gross domestic product, the government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, on behalf of the head of state, it is necessary to form a new model of payment for public sector employees,
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it will help, and today i hope that no one has any illusions about this, and the problems, of course, were also discussed, that’s what the discussion is for: migration, social justice, demography, many issues received an answer at the same podium as they were asked, today is the time to get married, statistics are 27 years old, respectively, the first child is born at 28 years old, i would like these age dates to decrease, but they will not decrease for one simple reason: not to live... by order of the president, we will continue the program of issuing family mortgages for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families with the birth of their third and subsequent children until the end of the thirtieth year will still be able to receive the required 45,000
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rubles for the corresponding repayment of housing loan. such prompt dialogue is a sign of the work of mishustin’s government. this was recognized in both houses of parliament. we believe that it is he at the head of the government who will be able to ensure the implementation of the tasks that the president has set for all of us. over the past four years, the government and the state duma have begun to discuss the budget in more detail; on the eve of reports, all ministers now go to relevant committees. it is not always possible to find the same contact with relevant ministries as at the level. chairman of the government, and we are sorry, but we have examples when appeals from deputies remain unanswered, deputies cannot get through to some ministers, that’s right, dear colleagues, if someone hasn’t called someone back, even acting ones,
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we’ll sort it out today, please make a list of who didn’t call back, it will be very tough, we did not expect that there would be such a response, the assessment from the acting prime minister is now for most ministers the top position, namely the head of government.
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i am forced to wage a war on two fronts: to fight against nazism, nato and bandera, it is necessary to overcome technological lag, we will have to sharply increase labor productivity. during the period of a special military operation, work as mishustin did, create an effective financial control system, solve many problems that turned out to be impossible just a few years ago.
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criticized and said, we are not responsible for what the government does, or everything bad is theirs, everything good is ours, then now we ... we can’t say that anymore, but in its choice the chamber, judging by the numbers, i was sure. mishustin was confirmed to the post with a record this century with support of 375 votes in favor. let's congratulate mikhail vladimirovich mishusin on his confirmation to the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. the elections held in march demonstrated the large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development. and despite different views on many issues, today you
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first of all supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act to fulfill the tasks he set, together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including including under my leadership, the now confirmed prime minister will propose the structure of the government, and then specific names for it, the parliament plans to discuss them at the beginning of the week. kiev militants shelled the peaceful town of ravenki in the lugansk people's republic, as reported by the local ministry of health, three people were killed, seven more were injured, including a child, residential buildings and an oil depot were damaged. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 27 group strikes with long -range precision weapons, including hypersonic ones kinzhal missiles, against military enterprises, as well as energy facilities and the railways of ukraine. all targets were successfully hit, including the accumulation of manpower at the loading stations. the settlements
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of katlerovka, kislovka and novokalinovo were liberated. all attacks in the ssu were repulsed. during this time , zelensky’s formations lost another 6,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. 17 tanks were destroyed, including three german leopards, two american abrams, and 35 other armored vehicles. 126 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems were eliminated. fighter shot down su-27 and 163 combat drones. about the situation on the front line pavel prokopenko. the third one worked. three kamikaze drones left an entire platoon of ukrainian armed forces soldiers in this trench. our reconnaissance drone focuses on ocheretin. our attack aircraft passed through the village meter by meter and captured enemy firing points. now the soldiers of the troop center group are telling the details of that victory. it was hard to squeeze into that line. front, and we, despite all our fears, understood that it was necessary to urgently deliver an ox or even water,
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provisions, we simply did everything, we were just ready, they compare their armored vehicles of the 150th division of the southern group of forces with a tank, in terms of efficiency, not inferior, in maneuverability and stealth, they say, it surpasses its name for this... the enemy also gave the armored vehicle, they call them silent tanks, they don’t hear, and efficiency, the same caliber 100, it is quite effective, its shells are very noticeable, so they don’t like that they cannot detect us, and we work and leave, the infantry fighting vehicle easily makes its way through the forest, it will take the right turn in dense buildings, we didn’t let me down, smart girl, we got her we love you, motorized riflemen are working in the artyomovsk direction, where it’s very hot right now. in rear cities, soldiers from the central group of troops are helping local residents restore memorials to those who fell during
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the great patriotic war. the grieving mother is the main symbol of the great victory in ilovaisk. memory of our fathers and grandfathers. these days the memorial is expanding. this drawing in a fashionable graffiti style was left by ilovaisk schoolchildren. it certainly fits into the overall concept of the place. in total , more than half a thousand similar monuments have already been put in order in the republic. on july 1, 1991, in prague
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, czechoslovak president vaclav havel officially dissolved the 1955 warsaw pact friendship and mutual assistance organization and thus ended the warsaw pact after 36 years of military alliance with the ussr. the treaty was an alternative, a nato alternative, to the american project in europe, and the collapse of this structure, associated, in particular, with internal processes. taking place in the soviet union, in the countries of eastern europe, and from the point of view of the ideologists of this policy, he should have including the soviet leadership there, he should have pushed the beginning of a period of full-fledged peaceful existence, the building of some kind of pan-european home, and from lisbon to vancouver or at least to vladivostok, it must
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be said that there was, say, a certain plus in this process.
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in general, there was a discussion in the euro-atlantic community, there were hawks who were seeking to finally, that is, bring the russians to their knees, with the help of precisely the expansion, the maximum expansion of american-centric alliances, on the other side there were pragmatists, who argued that in general the united states at that stage did not need such expansion, but of course the desire, the appetites of politicians, including those around bush the elder, and i’m also not talking about clinton, to take advantage of this moment to the maximum, the moment of american hegemony of american dominance , to strengthen it through the involvement of these republics in nato, it prevailed, there was a period when this was generally discussed seriously, and then it prevailed, that
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in general, why abandon nato, he turned out to be a restraining force. yes, secondly, they began to reconsider their entire strategy, i won’t go into these details, but ultimately they came to the conclusion that it was necessary not to divide it, it was necessary, it was necessary to make it more united and make it an instrument of their expansion, and first everything military-political, yes, and economic. american ideologists and american leaders were obsessed with euphoria; the opportunity arose to build a world in which washington would be the key decision-making center, and of course, the support washington in europe, the euro-atlantic region was to become the nato organization. and, although at the first stage, as we know, there were certain fluctuations
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associated with the rather rigid position of the soviet leadership at first, it shifted more and more as time went on. the ussr, at the end of bush sr.’s tenure in power, and especially with the coming to power of bill clinton and his team, rather fiercely-minded atlanticists, set a course for the integration of not only the former eastern european states that were part of the warsaw warsaw warsaw into nato, but also the states being part of the soviet union, first the baltic states, ukraine appeared in these documents already in the early nineties in conversations between american representatives and official kiev, therefore. this strategy arose almost immediately, it was explained by such a messianic, conceptual perception of international relations on the part of the united states, the desire to move, as they put it, into the new american century, the new american centerry, the basis for maintaining american hegemony was precisely supposed to be a network of military alliances , the main one of which was nato. the idea of ​​a pan-european home
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in general was like that, excuse me, this expression is such good nonsense, it’s political, or i would even say not so much political, but such an ideological dummy, one ideology moved away, and another ideology came, it turned out to be the same dummy , in addition, they, in particular the poles, had a fairly significant force of lobbyists in the united states, including from among them. his actual student madeline albright, his protégé, she herself was a representative of the czech republic, she is also a czech nationality, she took
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the position of un ambassador under clinton, then secretary of state, becoming one of the most influential and active comrades of the new leader; they were certainly actively influenced by ethnic lobbyists, as, in principle, by lobbyists of the military-industrial complex, for whom the involvement of these countries in nato was beneficial from a financial point of view.
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to other european states and empires
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that existed there, which is why this identity began to blur at a certain point. the question is not only about the organization of the warsaw pact, but in general about system of socialist countries, what was called a new type of international relations, it really was a new type. but he had weak material resources, and this affected the relationship; in addition, let’s say, we also had economic integration within the framework of the economic integration council, but the mechanisms of this integration also turned out to be ineffective, in general for all, especially european countries, but not only mongolia and cuba.
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necessity, this was announced openly from the need to support the soviet presence in these republics, especially since the ussr was focused on internal problems, the soviet union itself was collapsing, so somehow maintaining control over the warsaw countries was unrealistic, and of course the united states took advantage of this. i took part in various processes and... and i can show this in facts, so to speak, in figures, one of the elements of this particular economic situation is the very high
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debt of socialist countries that took out loans, say, in international currency fund, from individual countries, from private banks and so on and were not able to service these loans gradually sank into this... swamp, so it is no coincidence that precisely these two processes - the collapse of the warsaw pact organization and the dissolution of the council for mutual economic assistance - are a consequence of, strictly speaking, the ineffective economic policy of the eighties years. i was at the last meeting of the political committee of the department of internal affairs and observed, so to speak, this. there was a very
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unpleasant impression from the behavior of the allies, especially the romanians and hungarians, in fact, at that time the organization council for mutual economic assistance was developing a reform program, it was quite solid, a new payment mechanism, a transition to convertible... like that, the hungarians and poles were the drinkers here, and in the end we agreed, jack in these calculations and so on and so forth but then a lot was done simply out of stupidity, not because the brains were bad, but because the internal situation was such that, in general, we could not cope with it, well, besides, the mood of the political
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elite at that time. it is natural played an important role in the dissolution of these organizations; there were no attempts to somehow save them, except for the council for mutual economic assistance, on the part of the then political leadership of the soviet union. the warsaw pact organization was created for the first time. the answer was the creation of nato in the first stage of the cold war, as we remember, after the end of world war ii, the soviet leadership was committed to a peaceful existence with the united states, this is not ours, plans were being developed for a military invasion of the camp of the former allies, in the usa these operations were developed, they are now being declassified, the delivery of massive nuclear strikes on the ussr, of course, in these conditions, the ussr took measures aimed
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at... finally destroying yugoslavia, using carpet bombing, using the latest types of weapons, as well as prohibited ones, including warheads with a combined uranium. in the national security doctrine, we restored the importance of this factor, and practically conclusions were drawn from this. therefore, today our army looks completely different from what it was
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, alice and her. and sasha petrov actually really, really did this film, i can see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khabensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked ki the most, yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it just came off, i don't know. will it really be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re like that touch, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years ago, i thought a lot over these 100 years, i got used to watching videos on the internet, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and...
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