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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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i’m a fan of konstantin khabensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov, the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it worked, i don’t know if this will actually be the case in 100 years, but i would like it to so... it was, you are so touch sensitive, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years ago, i thought a lot over these 100 years, i got used to watching videos on the internet, it stopped working, we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons , educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app and
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you know that the land around the apartment building in which you live can become yours, it belongs to the owners of the apartments...
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if it is registered in the cadastral register, you just need to privatize it, what gives control over the local area, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. there are several significant advantages: firstly, the owners decide which objects can be near the house and which cannot, for example, a 24-hour eatery windows cannot be opened without the knowledge of the residents. secondly, now the owners will decide how best to improve the territory, how much space to allocate for parking, and...
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in the future, for example, rent out parking spaces, and it also often happens that in moscow and st. petersburg agreements are concluded between owners of an apartment building and excursion companies, an agreement for conducting excursions, and this applies to houses that are objects of cultural heritage and where a beautiful view of the city. and houses built in the soviet union, as well as those built before 2010-2012, are also often used by the owners, mm, to place atms, for example, on the first floors of the building, and thus the owners also receive income, but there are a few but: responsibility for the local area is now will be entirely the responsibility of the owners, it is they, and not the municipality, who will be responsible for... for example, snow removal,
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security, maintenance of all objects of their land. eliminating potholes on the asphalt near the house will also become a problem for residents, that is you will need to enter into an agreement with various utility services. in addition, decisions regarding common property can only be made by a general meeting and it is not always possible to convene it quickly. and owners can also be fined if fire safety rules are violated in or around the house or if complaints arise from sanitary and health supervision. land plots that are part of the common territory, in accordance with the current tax legislation, are not recognized as an object of land taxation. often active owners, yes, of their apartment buildings, but are engaged in the formation of a land plot and try to seize more there, another expense item arises here, it is not related to tax time, it is related to
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, well, it’s clear, yes, that it will also be connected to tax time, but indirectly, because the cadastral value will increase a little, but it will not be a tax on land, yes, that is , the cadastral value - the tax will be calculated from the cadastral value of your property plus the total share property, yes, that is, it is not, just as it is not a geometric progression, and not even an arithmetic progression. the decision to privatize land can only be made by apartment owners. to begin this procedure, it is necessary to enlist their support at a general meeting. residents who collectively own more than half of the area of ​​the house must take part in it, and the owners of non-residential premises are also considered. gathering everyone in one place at one time is not an easy task, everyone has things to do. this is where the government services app can help. house, through which a general meeting can be held. the results of voting through it are legally significant. we told you how to use it in one of the previous issues. at the meeting
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, it is better not only to vote for privatization, but to immediately select the person responsible for registration or, preferably, an initiative group. the results of the meeting must be documented as minutes. so, you have weighed the pros and cons and decided to register the land. the first thing you need to do is open the public cadastral map and see if the area around your house is allocated and worth is he registered? if yes, then all that remains is to submit an application to the russian register and receive an extract from the unified state register. according to the law, from the date of cadastral registration, all owners of premises in the house receive their proportional share in the common ownership of the plot, and nothing needs to be registered separately. since the seventeenth year, you cannot put a house into operation without registering the boundaries of the plot on which it stands, so if you have an apartment in a relatively new building, then almost all the work has already been done, you just need the desire, but if the house has history, then you need to make a little more effort, we will tell you how to allocate a plot and register it in
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a separate issue, but for now we will repeat the main thing: owners of apartments in an apartment building can register the plot under and next to the complex for free as a common shared... property and gain control over it, but also it is also not the municipality that will have to be responsible for its maintenance, but the owners; if the house is new, then in fact this only requires a decision of the general meeting of owners. would you like to learn more about how to manage and receive common property from it? benefit, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in future issues of our instructions.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have had access to the money ; a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. the bill took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. i called the bank and hung up. scammers pretend to be whoever they are to get money out of you, hang up, no talking. odessa was a city that was founded by catherine. the don and zaporozhye cossacks played a major role in the development of donbass. the russian
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language here becomes the language of interethnic ethnic communication.
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it was september 24, 1944.
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and the pasture was noble. officially , the margenthau plan was called a program to prevent germany from unleashing the third world war, but the main thing was that german factories, technologies and the most valuable personnel were to be exported to america. in fact, the procedure for the american side to appropriate german industrial potential began even before the end of world war ii, in general. began from the very moment when american military personnel entered german soil and
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began to take control of german territories, cities, industrial facilities, and all this immediately came under the sights of the american military command, this concerned not only the industrial facilities themselves, machines, equipment, which were often either destroyed or it was difficult to transport them over long distances, how many of the qualified ones were affected? there were no mass recruits of highly qualified industrial personnel in germany; basically these people remained at their jobs, if they managed to survive, if they remained in american occupied territory, then , as a rule, they had a good chance of ending up in the united states, but very many factories and enterprises were actually transported to the territory of the united states america, investments were also attracted there, the first task was.
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he was also involved in rocket science, developed such well-known types of weapons as the fa1, fu-2 rocket, but then after the end of the war this circumstance did not at all prevent him from gaining a foothold in the united states, taking a fairly high position there and working for the benefit of america, although , again, the person was even a member of the nazi party and such a painful, probably step for the moment... because germany joins the north atlantic alliance on may 9, may 9, germany
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enters a new military-political bloc, despite the fact that germany was prohibited from joining the military-political bloc, but on may 9, the federal republic of germany will subsequently join the military-political bloc, naturally from this moment financing directly begins for the military-industrial complex of germany and. .. industry as such, which will actually be restored, by the way, in this restoration of germany those politicians who served and worked in nazi germany will play a very large role, they will restored to their posts, very many of them, and will play a large role in the restoration of the federal republic of germany. in general , many experts believe that there were two foundations for the german miracle, these are the returned money. so to speak, so far in argentina they have recently found lists of 12, in my opinion
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, thousands of nazi figures, mostly from the ss, with numbered accounts, in switzerland and still, to this day, this legend, an economic miracle, thanks to the work of the germans, it’s official, so to speak, but... it’s distorted how many people died, 6 million only in the armed forces died on the eastern front, which means that workers were needed , these are very contrasting moments, because if the soviet union built technology on the territory of east germany, because micro -microelectronics factories were built, optical factories were built, the working
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class was directly supported germany, new infrastructural conditions were created, that is , a very serious people were created, by the way, including the eastern people. germany , by the way, such an interesting moment, you know, german prisoners of war who were on the territory of western germany, they told each other that in eastern germany the soviet, soviet military fed the prisoners. stalin sought psychologically, and this is really very important for further development, to make sure that the east germans did not have a second revenge. in the west it was a different story. for many years now, the phenomenon of the german economic miracle has been reproached against the soviet union and russia as its successor for the fact that the ussr was unable to achieve such a flourishing economy in the gdr and the european countries of the socialist bloc, which was demonstrated by germany. western germany had a very hard time recovering, on
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the one hand, until the end of 1947-1948, 1947 .
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the german economic miracle is a systemic process where american money played an unconditionally important role, but this money alone could not launch this mechanism alone, it was the starting key to launching this machine, but its other details were formed by the german leadership, were a consequence of long-term factors and trends in the development of german society and the state, something...
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spread to the federal republic of germany, directly to east germany, it did not spread, and the most difficult processes were in east germany, because the western part of germany was not destroyed so much , as eastern, so if we are talking about the restoration of germany, we must talk about the complex, because the greatest destruction was in the east, and one cannot be separated from the other, the soviet union restored the most. the western part of germany will indeed be restored with the help, including the marshall plan, but this will be done by slightly different mechanisms , including the involvement of the german forces themselves. while developing the margenthau plan and implementing the marshal's plan, the united states understood better than many how strong the economic
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scientific and technical potential of germany was, because it was american industrialists and financiers who did a lot for... its creation, building branches of american corporations and pouring billions into the economy germany. subsequently, close ties between large american and european businesses and the nazis probably helped the latter withdraw capital. then, as the cold war grew, anti-communist hysteria in the united states and the fight against the soviet union, this topic began to fade away, and in the end it was cut off altogether. big business, that big business was very happy with the weimar republic, it was not interested in the nazis coming to power, but the fact is obvious that... large german business, already starting in 1944, began to withdraw capital looted throughout europe. krup, when the wehrmacht carried out
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the seizure of another country, he sat down in misser smith himself and flew and selected enterprises for himself that were included in the orbit of his assets. of course, during the war, when ... germany included the occupied territories of states, the military occupation administrations naturally worked in close contact with both the german state and the nazi party, and what is important in this case with representatives of large german industry, helping identify valuable assets, helping to include them in the mechanism of a single economic space.
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where the party gold of the nsdap and the gold of the national socialist state disappeared, where the gold of the national socialist state was sent, this is a question that in some way leads to various conspiracy theories, but it is not very clear what volumes we are talking about, debatable questions about how these funds ended up in various places around the globe, from switzerland to latin america. but it is clear that this was very serious capital, which, of course, they were glad to receive in at their disposal, the americans, everyone who had
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access to this, the question of how much money was actually used in post-war germany, it generally remains open for now, a large space opens up for various speculations, it is clear that, of course, it played its role, here the question immediately arises: about the openness of these expenses, that is, it is difficult to make this money first suddenly disappear, and then also suddenly appear, without arousing any suspicion on the part of outsiders observers, especially in those conditions. the german economic miracle is a multifactorial phenomenon, a lot, a lot of processes worked here, this is american support, this is the return of financial resources, this is the desire of the german population to get out of...
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doubtful, the united states of america was able to take control of the economy and technology of germany.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we
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often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change in any structure? evolution is taking place.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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next is eduard petrov's investigation into a major scam in the rostov region, in which the former head of the oksaysky district is involved. watch this now.
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the golden land of influential businessman karim babaev and the former head of the aksai district of the rostov region vitaly barzenko. accused of creating an organized criminal community. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. our family has a plot of land. there was a wholesale vegetable market here, well , we paid 6-7 million for three stores. there was no money left. well, of course, everything was legal, of course, it was impossible to organize a market there. for 20 years no one asked the question, where am i, where is
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the market, is this? well, that’s amon, the police, the national guard, the military, no one knew that the market illegal, there were documents, the official is suspected of organizing a criminal community, they say that you are a fabulously rich man, what i have, it’s all declared, that is, it was your main duty to collect money, but you had to survive, we went to liberate the territory , sales place, yes sons, karim, i love you very much, i studied here. brother, there, father, there, you are a participant in the crime, excuse me, 20 years ago, business officials of the oksaysky district of the rostov region conceived a major scam: register plots of land along the m4 don federal highway in the name of your people, set up a market there, and such that you can...


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