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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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we consider either the possibility and do it, if it does not contradict any legislation, we make an exchange. as a result , it turned out that all the lands on which the aksai markets were located were obtained as a result of the exchange of plots, however, their status turned out to be completely different, in most cases these were agricultural lands located within the city, and the plot where market.
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the law was all about changes, because we understand perfectly well that you have been leading the district for so many years, even if you you want, you will think many times before, yes, well, it was, i want to say, more than 20 years ago, 23 years ago, well, you were already a leader, yes , 23 years ago it was, these are these markets that were located in the city, diamond, vegetable , these were legal enterprises, they worked normally, they worked normally, which means that jobs were created, they were there, every tbp entrepreneur had certain organizational forms there, they worked, they paid taxes. it seemed to us that vitaly borzenko sacredly believes in everything he says, and he really doesn’t understand what exactly his fault is, because he tried all his life for the people. now this is very bad for the region, what do you think?
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barsenko's relative, their wives, cousins . perhaps, due to these circumstances, only by the time the criminal case was initiated against him, he only had land with a cadastral value of 1.2 billion rubles. we met with ivan sedko, who was once the deputy chairman of the collective farm, in the building of the russian fsb office for the rostov region. about those as they say, he is a strong business executive.
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it was sitko who began to reclaim the landfill along the highway, where a vegetable market later appeared. we had to survive, we went to liberate the territory, where it was possible to at least somehow get something for me, someone else had their own vegetable gardens there, subsidiary plots, but where to sell, nowhere to sell, here we are, some with cars, some with motorcycles, a place of sale, just a place of sale, a place of sale, yes, but the place of sale turned out to be, she was abandoned by this land, which is itself. it started then it was all done, let’s get 2 hectares, also folded, we started doing it everything, they attracted money, covered these 2 gars, crushed stone, and people, we ourselves became, and people began to come to us, to become, or maybe next to you, that’s how this kind of nanofair or market appeared, and in the state before the arrest he says this is a fact, according to employees. russia, he owned
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land plots with a total value of 1.2 billion rubles. sedko is confident that he is in a pre-trial detention center. he is there because of certain people who want to take away business and land from him and his comrades, yes, i am an honest person, and i am there, i i say, for me, honesty is first of all before myself, you know, why did i end up there, today is a very good territory for some large moscow successful business, you know, they decided these...
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and besides, eduard owns an extensive network of gas stations, this is almost 100 petrol stations. and another member of the organized crime group, turap isaev, who was in charge of collecting money from traders. the youngest son of karim babayev, vadim seemed to us an extremely impudent and arrogant man. what charge are you being charged?
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i started renting out real estate and did not register as an individual as an individual, yes, well, through a person, and at the same time i paid taxes, of course, well , as without this, that is, i paid 13% personal income tax , of course, every year i submitted reports to the tax office and all my i attached the contracts, showed everything, which means they took taxes for 20 years, no one asked any questions. i did this for 20 years. vadim is telling the truth; there really have been no complaints against him for the last 20 years. but it’s clear who would dare touch the son of one of the most influential businessmen region, without which not a single
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social event can do. babaev's eldest son eduard is strikingly different from vadim, an intellectual, with a good education and refined manners. when he was brought to us for an interview, the overly sensitive and sentimental man even shed a tear, sorry, nothing, i worked at gas stations for 20 years, until recently i worked at gas stations in march,
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i had other income, well, i ’ll explain to you, well, i borrowed you said it yourself, i had 20 filling stations in three regions, ugh, i’m sorry, well, at the beginning there were 20, it was then that your father said that it was more than 100, well , i have already developed this to such an extent, i understand correctly that you do not see any of your guilt here, absolutely, where eduard babaev is telling
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the truth and where he is lying, the investigative authorities will sort out the court, then we will be able to say exactly how large... were the black income that flowed from the cash registers of the aksai markets into the pockets of the babayev and borzenko families. but the same person who was directly with...
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the laws, prostitution and gambling addiction flourished there, i remember that somewhere there was no roulette, here some computers there were converted into gaming ones, i heard it, prostitute girls came, well, there was a sauna, there was a sauna, and the sauna was working, that is , there was a sauna right on the market on the territory of the market, but in fairness it can be noted that in 2009 bazdenko , babaev and company... tried to give the markets a legal status, but very quickly realized that in this case tax
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rates would increase a hundred times, so they immediately returned to the black sector. as for ordinary traders, they didn’t even think that they were essentially working illegally. and now let's see how the owners of the aksai markets spent their money. we are on the famous left bank of the don, the so-called levberdon, a recreation area beloved by local residents, which stretches for 20 km. there are luxurious beaches and expensive restaurants. one of them is lev galitsin. according to fsb officers, this is often the case here.
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proof of guilt, as you can see, the house by modern standards does not look like the house of the edek
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oligarch, well, understanding that it was built with taste several decades ago in the mid-nineties, then of course it was a prominent architectural object, there are two three-story houses, a garage and a swimming pool on the site. we move further to the house of karim babaev, a rather modest building. on the threshold we are met by the wife of a businessman, raisa nikolaevna, having learned that our film crew is from moscow, the woman invites us home, many people know her here, for many years raisa nikolaevna worked at a local school as a teacher. she does not believe that her relatives,
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husband and sons were part of an organized crime community and laundered money, shows numerous awards to her husband, the authenticity of which is in doubt, here they are, and not all, and from every year. everywhere, he helped everywhere, he helped priests, and he helped football, i will never trust anyone, and i will fight to the last to... justify them, sons, karim, i love you very much, hello to you, big, big hello, we're leaving from the city and head towards the village of vodopadny, the children of karim babaev, vadim and eduard, settled here. vadim's estate on
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the picturesque shore of the rostov sea reservoir, here behind a high fence there is a whole complex. buildings, a children's playground, a swimming pool and a bathhouse, next to the neighboring street is eduard's plot, his house, more precisely, the estate is built in the english style, just look at this castle with columns for yourself. eduard's plot is tastefully furnished. among the winding paths there are flower beds, gazebos, sheds, a children's playground, a guard house and even its own football field. the house, which is more like a castle or fortress, belongs to eduard babaev,
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the eldest son of karim kazimych, the leader of the criminal community. coordinated the activities of less than a hundred gas stations stations and what is noteworthy, in contrast to the proven sources of income, criminal proceeds, on the house there is a weather vane with the inscription in latin piyaderi, which means pious desire. thousands of traders from the aksai markets, who, after the initiation of a criminal case , were suddenly left without... jobs, can now understand where the unaccounted proceeds went and in whose pockets millions ended up. by the way, what will happen now to ordinary trade workers who were kicked out of the markets? they didn't seem to break any laws. this question we asked representatives of
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the consumer market department of the rostov region. since last year, since the end of april last year ... they say, despite the fact that this market is located at a considerable distance from the city, absolutely everything is now legal here, there are 750 trading places there, on these sites these citizens were given the opportunity to register their activity as an individual entrepreneur,
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open an account accordingly, no paperwork, that's all, absolutely no paperwork, do you want to work honestly? we looked at what the new complex was like, went up to talk to the first traders we came across, they turned out to be very talkative, this is telmon azizade, here he has several trucks with potatoes, tell me, you used to work at the vegetable market, that ’s how it was there , how the work happened there, well...
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here you have a cash register, yes you have checks, all entrepreneurs have a cash register, so they pay all taxes, entrepreneurs need what they need, so that there are good conditions, place the location is normal, good, people come, there is no traffic jam, well, all the conditions are good, about the need to work in a legal... we talked to sergei badryakov, then he was in charge of the oksaysky district. today, only 750 are occupied, that is, there is still a reserve, there is a resource where people can go and work. on agromol , almost all of those people who were engaged in business in the sale of vegetable products and those who were engaged in this legally, yes, absolutely
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right, and one more important point, with with the liquidation of illegal aksai markets, local residents have become much calmer, according to the information that we receive from the department of the ministry of internal affairs for the oksai region, in principle, in all areas.
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no one was embarrassed, or even more specifically, who covered them for what money, the secret is that friends are running away, they don’t want to sit on a chain.
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this is the story of the defeat of the organized criminal market community. this was our investigation from the rostov region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel.
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