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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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we begin with footage of the night assault on a ukrainian stronghold northwest of verbovoy.
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kherson and zaporozhye regions. the alarm was declared in poltava, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd and nikolaev regions. our military strikes with precision weapons.
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only for energy facilities and for targets that are related to the military objectives of the kiev regime. and now to donbass. the people's republic today celebrates the tenth anniversary of the referendum on self-determination. in may 2014 , more than 96% said yes to sovereignty in lugansk almost 90% of voters in donetsk. in memory of this historical event. today is dpr day in the republic. report by vadim ptopalov. for the hopeful family, celebrating may 11th at the festive table has already become a good tradition. 10 years ago vera was born, that is the name of this little girl with adult dreams. i want to become a dance coach. faith was born in a frankly difficult time. at the end of the thirteenth, beginning of the fourteenth , mass riots took place in kiev, security forces, berkut without weapons, without orders became simply a target for the nazis. which
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was carried out by the countries of the west, the west in many, many countries at that time, well , it was obvious, but the fact that it would result in a civil war, well, then i didn’t want to believe it, on february 22 a coup d’etat took place, turchinov was declared acting duties of the president, the hope for a peaceful resolution of the situation was fading every day, this is not what the ukrainian nazis, ukrainian oligarchs, and the comprador elite did. coup, the west is again not for that supported, organized, in order to somehow coexist peacefully. donbass did not agree with the events on maidan. in the capital of the region , mass rallies began against the kiev junta, which had arrived at bayonets. well, instead of dialogue , the self-proclaimed kiev government began preparing a military operation. at the same time, kiev sent so-called friendship trains and buses to donbass. ostensibly for a peaceful demonstration, but in the end we were in these buses on march 13th. that we found
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rods and homemade explosives there. rallies in donetsk in major cities of the region with became more numerous every day, the fateful event of april 6th, the building of the local power structure came under the control of the people of donbass. the historical place at that time was the session hall of the donetsk regional administration, now the government house. it was here that the declaration of sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic was adopted. we proclaim. creation of a sovereign state, donetsk people's republic. the events of may 2 in odessa became the point of no return for many. according to official data alone, 48 people died that day. human. of these , 42 people were killed, finished off, or burned alive in the house of trade unions. the kiev regime clearly showed what fate was in store for donbass. on may 11 , referendums on the declaration of independence were held in all cities of the region.
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history shows all the events that have now passed, that we really were moving in the right direction, maybe it’s a long way, yes it is with losses, with blood, with pain, with tears, but we really chose the right path and we came where we wanted, returned back to russia. may 11, 2024 donetsk folk celebrates its anniversary. nazism, formerly an independent state, now part of russia, and this means only one thing: the region is destined for a prosperous future. vadim topalov, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, roman frolov, viktor voloshin, denis vedyaev, alexander karavaev, lead donetsk. and now in vladivostok,
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the regional stage of the all-russian competition has started, we have a family competition, more than 70 teams, families from buryatia, yakutia, kamchatka, khabarovsk territory and other regions of the far east. participants test their erudition perform sports tasks. the final will take place in july. the winner will receive certificates worth 5 million rubles. to improve living conditions. the competition is a family thing for us, this is the first, probably the largest competition in the country , which the president announced last year, on september 1, and that this will be the most popular competition, he said, in general, he was not mistaken , because almost 600,000 participants were registered in the competition, representatives of the entire far eastern federal district gathered here. and this is 360 people, these are 70 family teams that these days they will show how friendly they are, how creative they are, how much they can interact, most importantly , with each other. bali zorban, a political adviser and namesake of hungarian prime minister viktor orban, told tucker
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carlosen why his country does not want to go against russia. budapest intends to be friends with moscow, in the economic and energy spheres. what is the danger according to the hungarian leadership? on washington’s foreign policy, see about this in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv after a short advertising. i am something good, better, and i am useful, oh yes. and you control me, regularly. i am the new vtb loyalty program. vtb. every month, for example, clothes, groceries , sporting goods and receive cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will come to finish first,
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let's say you are the president of the united states, a large, complex, difficult to govern country, but it has certain advantages, a large population, this means that if you are moving from west to east, or more likely from east to west, you are moving through hungary . and,
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of course, this has been the case for hundreds of years. therefore, for hungarians, the question is how to keep hungary as a sovereign country, how to remain hungarian. that's the trick. don't try this at home, it's very difficult. and yet somehow they are done. and if you look at what happened in hungary, or rather, what didn’t happen, no one captured it. can. to say it's a miracle: the last time the soviets invaded and were expelled was over 30 years ago, since then the hungarians have maintained their sovereignty quite well despite nato membership, the key to this is prime minister viktor orban, but he is not the only orban , who keeps hungary hungarian, ballas orbán is his political advisor, he is a public intellectual in hungary, as well as a major political figure and writer. his new book is called the hussar way, hungarian strategy. interaction, i'm holding it in my hands, and today we have the honor of talking with its author,
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thank you for coming, thank you very much for the invitation, i'm glad to be here, i was amazed after two or three trips to hungary, and of course i'm not talking in hungarian, i’m a complete layman, but you don’t have a secret code, i don’t have the iq to speak hungarian, but it’s like a very moderate, normal country, which would not be an exception in eighty-five in the western europe. it is an insult? what's this? it is an insult? not at all. thank you. she is great. yes yes. it's like a time capsule. but i hear the diplomatic community and foreign policy thinkers in washington describing hungary as a horrific, fascist, theocratic, police state. and this is not at all like the hungary i saw. where does this contrast come from? well, you should understand them too. because because hungary was occupied many times, now we have just
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regained our sovereignty. we have an old one the country, culturally, is an island in the center of europe, a very proud nation, we are proud of our history, language, geography, and we want to keep it that way. we like to remain a sovereign country to have the right. decides who we will live together with, who we will be together with in the allied system, and how we will govern our country, and this is a completely new problem for modern liberal elites in washington and brussels, they are not used to this, but if you are serious treat sovereignty, you need practice it daily. i think one example of misunderstanding or deliberate distortion of facts is the issue of relations with russia. my opinion, just as a guest, russia is not very popular in hungary, because the soviets occupied your country
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and killed a lot of people, right, not that long ago, of course, but in the western press, you know, hungary also needs energy from eastern europe, including from russia, but in washington, hungary is often called a tool of the kremlin or they say that putin and orban are very close, why do you think people say so, russian-hungarian. and killed a lot of people, so it's a complicated story, but they are our neighbors, so we have to live together or live under the same sun, we don't want to live together, we respect their own political, economic system, culture, ours is different, we prefer different, but we live under the same sun, and i
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think the proposal that is coming from the liberal elite in washington is that we central european countries can be the tip of the spear against the russians, that should be our role, you are fighting against the russians, and we support you in this, we give you some weapons, we provide some military support, we invest so that you can survive, but not very much. to use us, maybe you shouldn't have joined nato. well, i, i, i think, i think that nato is a very, very important tool, it's not a goal, it's a tool for us that can keep hungary safe now, but i think president trump is right in understanding that, you know if america protects
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europe, then the requirement of the american country is: why do you want to have? independent foreign policy, my people protect you, you don't want to protect yourself, so you shouldn't, you know, shout at every corner about an independent foreign policy, i protect you, i dictate to you what to think about the world, that's what we think about nata, this is a very good set of tools that helps you, but if you are not ready to defend yourself, then others will control you. but if this alliance, which in fact is not alliance, the united states is simply projecting military power abroad, you know, under the guise, but if this alliance destabilizes the situation by trying to place nuclear weapons on the border with russia, then this alliance is risking your life, and you know, other
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priorities appear as well, should should we do something? the pacific region, i don't think so, it 's not about the indo-pacific region, it's not about forming a group of countries attacking or doing something in the indo-pacific region, you won't like it, if someone appears on the shores of california and wants to occupy san francisco or los angeles, the nato agreement is about this, we, hungarians, hungarian soldiers, must come to help the americans.
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extremely dangerous, we are in a circle of escalation where we could end up in a hot war between nato and russia, this is the worst possible scenario and no one, no one wants this, but no one has the power to stop it, let me ask you how can we stop this, it's so crazy, it's counterproductive, no one wins except maybe tony blinken, that is, from the war? yes, we are trying to do our best, we are trying to maintain communication channels. we are trying to explain to everyone that this is a war that is leading nowhere, all possible convergences are extremely dangerous, such as the collapse of the ukrainian army, this, this is dangerous for everyone, a direct confrontation between nato and russia, which is now being discussed by western leaders,
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the president of france macron refers to this directly, so it is dangerous. and our position, i mean the position of the west, is not improving because of the conflict, people, hundreds and thousands of people dying every day for nothing, our conditions for peace and conditions for stability are becoming worse, not better, so our task now is to emphasize the fact that this war is contrary to our interests, therefore it should be done. the negotiation process not only between ukrainians and russians, but also with the participation of europeans and americans, to create a security umbrella that will ensure, will ensure the stability
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of the region in the future. we are not moving towards this at all. no, unfortunately, no. so why is tony damn so committed to world war iii? war? well, tucker, frankly, when the war started, that was our position with... and we were able to identify some motives, rational motives, because in politics you always look for rational motives, there are
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some tactical advantages, especially for the united states, for example , you are trying to weaken russia, which is always a priority for the us, you are trying to stop german-russian energy cooperation, which is always a priority, you are looking... looking for export markets for lng, which is always priority for the united states, this is a secondary tactical advantage, but strategically, it pushes the russians into the arms of china, it destroys europe as an economic stronghold, it destroys its energy independence.
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and hungary is very offensive, and it's offensive on a visceral level, it's not rational, and you know, i'll leave it to our viewers to think about what it might be, but it's obvious that they're not pursuing america's strategic interests in their policies, it's only fair that so say, yes, anyway, let me ask, you can say that because you are an american, that's true,
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friend, as you noted, the leader of nato, the united states, just destroyed the domestic power supply of the second largest nato member, germany, it's true, the us was behind the destruction of the nord stream, period, and no one said anything about it, so how can germany and the us remain two key players in the alliance if we attack germany, which we did to her, well, i'm me. answer this question, mr. orban, this, this good question, we keep thinking about this every day and we ask the same question, ask the same question in brussels, so
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i... think that, what, what, what surprises me every time i'm in brussels is that somehow the liberal elites, the people whose way of thinking is based on the liberal ideology, they are so much interconnected, the american liberal elites and the european liberals are the same, they have the same thinking, they are similar people, they defend the ideology. defend the current status quo where they control everything, so they they don’t think about national interests at all, you know, talking about european interests, saying that our interests probably differ from the interests of the united states, the interests of russia or the interests of china, this is something that is not customary to do now.
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brussels, even the french, when they start raising some issues, they have to, you know, formulate them very politely, in an incomprehensible french style, they talk about strategic autonomy and so on, but each of us hungarians, we are not very good at diplomacy , so we are very frank and sincere people when they talk about interests, our interests, national interests based on national sovereignty, oh, we understand, but... there are no such discussions, because liberalism and neoliberal ideas unite the elites, which is why i hope in many ways, that if president trump returns, you know, politics america, first of all , will change the way of thinking of the united states on the one hand, on the other hand will destroy the connection between the european liberal elites
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and the american leadership. so it will come a time when we can think about our interests again. last question: i think one of the reasons you are so hated in washington is because our politicians, and others, have decided that hungary is too white, too christian a country. period, of course, they hate these things more than anything in the world and you need to change this through mass migration, only hungary of all european countries said. by the way, in the international arena you had to endure a lot of suffering, you dedicated my life to deal with the consequences of this, but my question is, you know, after 10 or 15 years, it was a good decision, was it worth it? that's why we are still alive, if you look around at what the cities in western europe look like, they are paralyzed, they are suffering greatly from the parallel society, terrorist
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attacks. a hero, that's the only reason, that's the only reason he is i think orban, your prime minister, is a hero because he saved hungary from destruction, but why do you think he made such a decision, it would be much simpler give in, everyone else gave in, why didn't he do it, you know, in politics
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there are... different types of decisions and different types of expiration dates for your decisions. so, you make a decision today, it can affect the level of politics in the coming months or years, and then there will be new elections and we will see what happens after that. but there are some, as it were, civilizational problems, the validity of their solutions. longer. so, if you make a decision, it will affect the daily life of the next next next generation. so, so, here, here, that's what we realized. many european politicians spoke in 2015 when 4,000 people wanted to march illegally in hungary. they, they, they said: “listen,
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there is a syrian conflict.” you know, in just one.


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