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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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that near donetsk from the land of free cossacks and countless natural resources. these lands were never empty, wild
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nomads, fugitive peasants, cossacks guarding russian borders from tatar raids, and at all times they especially valued freedom, the spirit of cossack freedom, which is in the donbass. united with russian resilience and passion for creation. the history of these places has forged a special donetsk character, harsh, iron, at the same time kind and broad. big role in the don and zaporozhye cossacks played a role in the settlement of donbass. the fact is that there are documents that indicate that he is zaporozhye. the cossacks came here to the territory of donbass and from here, together with the danish cossacks, they made campaigns against the otaman port in talniki, the cossacks hid their seagulls in the reeds, these were
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quite heavy ships to constantly move, so in general they were here boat stations, where just these... it is, of course, a mining region, with its traditions and mythology. for example, there is such a legend in donetsk: deep underground in old abandoned mines lives a shaggy old man with sparkling eyes, the kind shubin. he can scare you by laughing in the dark or
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grabbing a miner by the leg, but in trouble he will always come to the rescue. residents of donetsk love shubin and even erected a comic monument to him. he is the mystical guardian of the underground riches of donbass, a treasury filled with countless reserves of metal, coal and salt. donbass is considered the largest, largest european center for the production of processing mineral resources, it’s true, it’s true, we actually have them, we have subsoil, eel, salt, and piles, if possible, of building stone, there is bluestone and so on, all this is there. this specificity is economic, to be precise, socially economic, it is rooted in the deep past, first of all, these are iron ores, this is coal, these are large deposits of chalk, these are inexhaustible deposits of the purest rock salt, which, in
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general , its chemical composition now has no equal, nature has decreed that here, in fact, as they said in your terikons, everything is located... the thing is that novoross is, you know, like in one movie, it is not only a breadbasket, but it is a health resort, and an industrial center and everything else. what was created there during the russian empire was completely unique, it was there for the first time, for example, in donetsk, yes, in uyuzovka, it was built for the first time, we have never had anything like this, a full cycle, from coal to ore, before receiving stalin, this whole process took place there, there was no need to take him anywhere there. everything else in 1869, the british industrialist john yus bought land from prince kachubey on the banks of the kalmius river and built a metallurgical plant. yus sailed to russia on eight ships, bringing the equipment necessary for the new plant, engineers, hundreds
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of metallurgists and miners from south wales. equipment was delivered through rostov and taganrok, heavy machines were pulled on carts. drawn by shafts, a village quickly grew up around the plant under construction, named after the founder. the village was named after yuz, yuzovka, and it was divided into two. parts, this is new light factory side. the new world was named after the tavern of the same name, which was located on the territory of this village, and on the factory side, there was a metal plant, various offices, a hospital, a pharmacy, and the yuz house was built on the same territory. the red brick yuzov house is another donetsk legend, it has replaced it. russia was preparing for an industrial
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breakthrough, it needed railways, and therefore rails, thousands of kilometers of rails, donbass provided them. in 1872, the plant began smelting the first pig iron and went into operation. the first coke ovens in russia. and until 1924 it was called yuzovka, it
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was already a widespread city, and despite the fact that here, as many said, it was a wild field, the settlement of our region began back in the 16th century, that is, we have always been civilized people, if our the name of the city was due to the enterprising valian, then the russian author, donbass, came up with the name of the region and introduced this term. he compiled the first detailed geological map of the area and its subsoil, discovering rich deposits of not only coal and ore, but also another local treasure, rock salt of the highest quality. why did salt appear on the territory of our region? the fact is that hundreds of millions of years ago there was a sea on the territory of our region.
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which was mined in barrels, in large containers, transported, this is how the salt
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was evaporated, well, as if by hand , people came from all over the area, from the southern area, from the southern cities of the russian state to extract and extract salt. these people should be made into nails, as if they were talking about the persistent character of the donetsk people. metal is really at a premium here. not by chance, it is in donetsk that there is a unique, world-famous park of forged figures. blacksmith craft. but from time immemorial it was, you know, such a mysterious mystical thing, a person with the help
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of fire, which has always been like this since ancient times , the sensor was afraid of fire, it was something so unusual with the help of fire, with the help of metal and skill, he made new things out of nothing, created new forms, in the donetsk park there are one and a half hundred metal forged figures... the uniqueness of the palm tree is that it was forged from one rail, without any
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parts, separate from one solid rail, there were 10 leaves on it and... there was a corolla on top, after the exhibition took place, the palm tree was given to a museum in st. petersburg, the palm tree became a symbol on the coat of arms of the donetsk region, in 1999 the palm tree became a symbol of donetsk. mersalov is famous for what, not that he’s a praiser, he’s famous for the fact that you know, take a rail, well, of course, you can’t do all this with a rail, but he took it all from the rail and forged it, all the leaves, a palm tree, it’s hellish labor, but the most
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famous donetsk monument was destined to become a monument...
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it was as if it came to life, that’s my meaning, but the rose, as it were , peace will come anyway, we will win, it strives upward towards the sun, the war remains behind there. the greatest wealth of donbass is coal, and its best grade is anthracite. when the local cossacks showed an amazing stone capable of burning to peter the great, they did not even know the name of this miracle of nature and called it flammable. the far-sighted emperor saw
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a great future in fuel and equipped an expedition under the leadership of the former serf gregory kapustina. took the palm from england, so all these expeditions were slowed down in every possible way, when the coast reached peter i that the british were actually boycotting the work, they were simply kicked out of these expeditions. i cannot help but mention the role of the greatest russian administrator, the governor-general of novorossiysk and bessarab, the grand
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duke, his serene highness, that is, mikhail semyonovich varantsov. being governor general, he understood well the importance of coal mining, because the entire south, to great shame and regret, then was provided with english hard coal of the cardiff brand, in order to heat residential buildings, industrial premises, the same odessa mother of other cities of the south, kherson, sevastopol, simphepol, it was necessary to heat these premises and buildings in the winter, so he makes a very important decision, in the forties. on the territory of our city , surveys are being carried out in the area of ​​alexandrovka sloboda-alexandrovka, which belonged to the foreman shedlovsky, begins the construction
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of the first in the territory of donetsk, the most luxurious, a modern, at that time, coal mining enterprise. from those days of gunpowder to the present day, donetsk coal is rightfully considered one of the best in the world . black is gold, but its mining remains one of the most dangerous professions; it is no coincidence that it is customary to talk about a miner’s character, implying courage and perseverance. this unbending character distinguishes all the locals, these are miners, military men, teachers,
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priests, for centuries they all had one thing in common: they served their fatherland, russia. russian language here becomes the language of interethnic, this ethnic communication. novorossiysk.
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the task was set to protect these borders, how? in 1571, the prototype of the border service was created, it received the name stanitsa-guard service, on the right bank of the dantz, it was founded and to this day it is already the svyatogorsk lavra, the svyatogorsk holy dormition monastery, the right bank of the dantz it... was called crimean, it was very dangerous, and here, in very close connection with this guard service, it was
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the monks of the svyatogorsk monastery who collaborated. unique in phenomenon in world history, border guard monks appeared in the donbass. they lived in chalk caves, served god and served as guards on the southern borders of the country. what's the interest? this is a schematic image, it dates back to 1679, the very top of the chalk mountain is marked with a cross, most likely an observation balcony, the monks inside the mountain climbed to the very top and monitored the movement of the tatars, information was immediately communicated to the watchmen, they already conveyed this information to the governors of these border cities, etc. .. it was said, king the crimean is coming, that is, the governors were already preparing for the defense of cities, and moscow was also preparing. today, donetsk is again at the frontier, but despite
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the fact that shells are exploding every now and then and people are dying within the city, schools, clinics, museums and universities continue to operate here. the most important thing that the shakhtöle has preserved is collectivism, something that is being destroyed in our society today, i tell you openly. moreover, i will say that this violates our principles, the traditions of our people, especially the national slavic people, here, yes, because we grew up in a community, community is ours, we grew up that way, it’s simple, without it it’s simple, if they kill us completely, we will really lose our homeland, i mean in the broad sense of the people, they will divide us into pieces, so we need to go back to our roots. an old editing
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table, once upon a time talented filmmakers sat at such tables, using acetone, glue and a blade, a razor, they glued the film together, creating a miracle, a movie, just like our famous, first cinematographer, alexander khanzhunkov. a cossack from donbass created the history of russian cinema. on the screen we see newsreels, where historical events, fragments of what happened on this great, suffering on such a beautiful
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land. donbass. this is the iron heart of russia.
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russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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next, our broadcast will continue with a documentary by arkady mamontov about the people who created the historical novorossiya, from catherine the great to outstanding figures of science and art. filming began in odessa on the morning of december 28 fence around the monument to catherine ii. catherine herself is wrapped in a black bag. utility workers are gradually dismantling the wooden sarcophagus, after which it will be the turn of the monument. for safety, the square and nearby streets were blocked. the society voted for the demolition, so everything is fine, let them demolish it. it's high time to put it somewhere in
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the city center, it will be right. and why? so as not to repeat it?


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