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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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even worse, what you need to earn at this moment, as it's brutal there not to sound singing, this is a singing category of people who just need to be killed. 200 years ago, in the village of lugansky, a factory in the ikhternoslav province, the most russian dane on earth, vladimir ivanovich dal, appeared, the creator of an explanatory dictionary of the living great russian language. born on a land where
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dozens of peoples mixed, he derived a simple , precise formula for national identity. the name of this city and the river on which it stands, lugane, comes from the word onion. lugansk is endless meadows and steppes where the wind blows. previously, many hundreds of years ago,
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besides the wind, they also saw reckless nomads here, who gave the name to this area, a wild field, then here... in order to somehow protect the kingdom from raids that came from the crimea, this slave trade was the main thing that i was studying, i was studying, these are the crimean tatars, what is the slave trade? they made a raid through a wild field, the most
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important thing was valued if they managed to run to moscow and higher, because blue-eyed and blond-haired ones, boys and girls, were most valued, there was no difference, their sold. in all markets, europe also calmly bought slaves who traded, well, the tactics of the crimean khan, the crimean tatars were to invade the russian state to a greater or lesser depth, then disperse like a fan and go in the opposite direction, burning everything in its path , picking up, robbing, and, above all , taking the russian population prisoner, this happened every year, well, in russia there was even special polonyan money. to ransom, that is, this is a special tax, to ransom these captives, but there was not enough money, here they are based, driving them to constantinople, then resold throughout europe, tens of thousands of the young population, children, men, they simply evaporated, this really was
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a huge problem, that is, well, the russian state simply would not have existed, let’s say , as an empire, if the threat from the crimean khan was not eliminated. these were two serbian officers who transferred the service of catherine the great and brought with them a certain contingent of hajduks of their soldiers, these are several hundred people, they settled in companies, well, in particular the city of lisechansk, which is now known in connection with the hostilities last year, our
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troops were removed, it was originally called the third company, so in russian history, together with these settlers , our outstanding figures came in the future...
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in the fourth year can be considered the birthday of new russia, they received payment for their services in the so-called dachas, that is, in settlements. and the main condition was that they populate these territories, in addition to the fact that representatives of other peoples came with them, these were moldovans, romanians, volokhs, they were gradually joined by ukrainian and russian peasants along the way, the entire russian empire participated in the creation, well, i would call it this melting pot, which began there, that is, each people brought their own culture, enriched other peoples, but at the same time...
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to zubov about the establishment of a foundry in the donetsk district near the lugansk river and about the establishment of lomka, the coal found in that side. there is a legend that when tsar peter i was returning from azov during the campaign, he passed through approximately these territories, they showed him coal and told him about its properties, to which he said the mineral, if not to us. then zzelo will be useful to our descendants, that is, he seemed to have foreseen that coal
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would actually make, to some extent , a revolution in the industrial production of the russian empire. having learned about this, that coal had been found here, and needing that the immediate proximity, well, from the theater of military operations, that is, from the crimean peninsula, it was necessary to build a foundry. a plant that would produce weapons for the black sea fleet was sent here by the government of catherine ii, the scottish engineer karl gascoy. it is unknown whether the future founder of the lugansk foundry, scottish engineer karl gascoin, would have ended up in russia. if not for the spy scandal, gascoin became famous for his invention, the coronada rapid-fire cannon. which many armies of the world dreamed of obtaining. russia also ordered a batch of guns from gazkoin, but
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somehow, along with them, we also got the drawings of these same guns. gascoin was accused of gazmen and the wise russian empress catherine immediately invited the talented gunsmith to russia, concluding with him an open-ended contract for the construction of factories throughout the country. it was possible to build a plant in a sparsely populated region. they are starting to build a factory here. the lugansk plant
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has never changed its weapons specifications. during the patriotic war of 1812, it was one of the largest manufacturers of artillery pieces and ammunition in the empire. lermontov's famous lines about the battle of pribordino, volleys of thousands of guns merged into the drawn-out howl is just about the lugansk guns. about a quarter of all artillery participating in the battles.
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after all, the design of the gun was different, and the shuvalov unicorn is primarily an infantry weapon, its main task there was buckshot, but here it is standard for cannonballs that would...
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the 1891 model rieme rifle, well, naturally, to the new rifle required new live ammunition. and in russia at that time there were only two cartridge factories, one was a state-owned one, as it was then they said st. petersburg and private tours. but the private plant naturally took advantage of the opportunity to ask for a high price. and so the government decided that it would be more profitable to build a new state-owned one. to build a plant in the south of russia, a commission was appointed for this purpose, and this commission came to the conclusion that it would be best to build a new plant in lugansk. the imperial coat of arms of lugansk depicts a flaming blast furnace, and this is not only a symbol of foundry. in the fate
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of the city, as in a huge melting pot , the fates of thousands and thousands of people merged together. had arrived.
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having lived his entire life as a lutheran, before his death vladimir dal converted to orthodoxy, becoming russian not only by conviction, but by faith, because in pre-revolutionary russia being orthodox meant. to be russian. 10 years after his death, in 1882, emperor alexander ii ordered the founding of the city of lugansk on the basis of the village of lugansk plant. by the beginning of the 20th century, it became the largest industrial center of the russian empire. but he was proud not only of his factories and factories, and magnificent churches,
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and his own miraculous icon of the mother of god and a holy elder, in whose name i am eternally named. century here in lugansk, the appearance of the icon of the mother of god in lugansk, our city, is associated with his name. this happened in 1905,
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when deacon philip worked as a watchman at the construction of gunpowder warehouses. he caught the workers stealing, for which they tried to kill him. when death seemed inevitable, the sky lit up with radiance. philip saw the mother of god walking towards him through the clouds. and... the thieves, blinded by the light, fell on their faces, and the mother of god blessed philip and predicted for the city a great future and promised to keep it from harm. the icon painted in memory of this event is located in the st. peter’s cathedral in lugansk and is a revered shrine, like the stone of elder philip, commemorating another miracle. when he was going to the service, komsomol members met him there in the park, next to the temple. to mock the old man, knowing that he was a believer, orthodox, christian, they began to mock him, and, as usual, to demand a miracle, yes, believer, priest, show
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a miracle, do something, and next to it lay the remains of a decrepit tree that had fallen , already half-rotten, and deacon philip went up to one of the pieces of this trunk, this tree, knelt down, prayed, and with the stick with which he walked, leaned on which, he hit this stump, and it turned into stone, this stone today it is located here near the chapel where the elder is buried, open for worship, deacon philip later said that this oak, this tree, the intercession of the mother of god and of course the courage of luhansk residents more than once saved the city, which over the past 100 years has repeatedly
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found itself in the center of hostilities . in the years during the great patriotic war, lugansk, then voroshilovgrad, was under occupation. november 1, 1942, this is a black date for us, the germans were outside the city, then there was an anti-tank ditch dug there for defensive purposes, and it was in this anti-tank ditch that the germans carried out mass executions, on november 1, everything jewish was destroyed the population of the city of warshelova and the surrounding area, which means that in the future the germans there also shoot the civilian population of the city, the underground fighters, and the partisans. in september forty-two on the central in the area of ​​krasnodon, a small town near lugansk, the nazis buried 20 miners. the public execution not only did not intimidate the local youth, but forced yesterday’s schoolchildren to unite to create the underground organization young guard. these
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boys and girls fought against fascism for only a few months, then they were captured, brutally tortured and shot. it was an immortal feat. these youth can be called whatever you like, soviet, communist. well, in general, young people, knowing that their struggle is mortally dangerous, what will this lead to? knew very well, however, they considered that
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it was necessary to fight for this in a variety of ways. the city was liberated in february 1943; finally, the nazis took revenge on the rebellious civilian population by bombing them for ten days. thousands of people became their victims. the population of lugansk, as well as donetsk, was mainly formed after the great patriotic war, it is international, therefore its self-awareness, how to say, is not national, but rather imperial, state, that is, territory new russia as a whole and the particularities of donbass are an imperial territory, an industrial imperial territory, and the mentality of the population.
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that is, people have such a mentality. ukraine is foreign to us, it has always been like that, and it’s not just a matter of language, but a matter of historical consciousness. memory. what remains is that after a person’s life, after the life of a generation. memory. as long as future generations take care of their memory, remember and study their history, no one will impose anything on them, they will be... independent and will go their own way, they will have their own history, without any prompting from sides of strangers, authorities and countries.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. exactly 10 years since the founding of the people's republics of donbass, vladimir putin sent congratulations to the residents of the regions. on may 11 , 2014, referendums were held in novorosiya, in
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which the overwhelming majority of residents spoke in favor of self-determination. new attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the belgorod region. in the groevron urban district, one person was killed as a result of a drone attack in the village of dubovaya near belgorod, eight people were injured from shelling. hundreds of houses under water in omsk areas. the water level in the irtysh and ishim rivers exceeds the dangerous mark by half a meter and continues to rise. there are 14 settlements in the disaster zone. approved urgently the state debt decided to sell three highmer systems to ukraine.


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