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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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exactly 10 years since the founding of the people's republics of donbass, vladimir putin sent congratulations to the residents of the regions. on may 11 , 2014, referendums were held in novorosiya, in which the overwhelming majority of residents spoke in favor of self-determination. new attacks by the armed forces of ukraine on the belgorod region in... the urban district, one person died as a result of a drone attack in the village of dubovaya near belgorod, eight people were injured from shelling. hundreds of houses under water in the omsk region, the water level in the irtysh and ishim rivers exceeds the dangerous level continues to grow by half a meter. there are 14 settlements in the disaster zone. urgently approved . the state debt decided to sell three hymers systems to ukraine for...
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$30 million, the supply will be financed by germany. joe biden also ordered to provide ukraine with military aid worth 400 million. issues related to the work of civil military industry enterprises became the main topic of vladimir putin’s conversation with acting deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov, as well as with the head of rostec sergei.
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let’s focus on them today, then there will be a short advertisement on our air, and then watch a film by arkady mamontov about the forced ukrainization of novorossiya, which began more than 100 years ago, about the modern results of this process. what is missing for construction can be easily found on avito. huge selection of products
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france, then he's a michel, and since he's in ukraine, he sings as mikhailik, as you prefer, mikhailik or misha? misha. i ask this channel, again a doctor.
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on august 1, 1990, for the first time in the history of the ussr, the monument to lenin was demolished. this happened in western ukraine, in chervonograd. so lenin fall began, the destruction of monuments to the founder of the soviet union. over the past 30 years, only in ukraine has it been destroyed. thousands of monuments, the ritual demolition of the monument to lenin for ukrainian nationalists is a symbol of liberation from hated russia. the absurdity of the situation is that in this case they are fighting with the creator of ukrainian statehood and
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one of the authors of ukrainization. and here is a quote from lenin’s article in the newspaper pravda. 1917, the damned tsarism turned the velikorosov into executioners of the ukrainian people, in every possible way fed in him hatred for those who forbade even ukrainian children to speak their native language to study, not a single democrat can deny the right of ukraine to freely secede from russia. lenin decided that the ukrainian soviet republic would not only be...
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when ukraine was created in the eighteenth year by the treaty of bresse exactly according to the map of the german general staff, then these borders of the german general staff remained within the framework of the ussr, which was created in the twenty-second year, all of novorossiya well in fact it was, well, not occupied, but sort of arbitrarily annexed to ukraine, arbitrarily annexed, therefore i always felt like a stranger, especially donbass, donbass, as well as crimea, within the framework of ukraine. in 1903
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, all the so-called titular ukrainians went from kiev to poltava to unveil the monument to kotlyarevsky, then there was a joke even about this, that if this train went under the bite, then this would be the end of all ukraine, you see, this was before the advent of the bolsheviks.. they saw their ideal in the ukrainian soviet republic, here is an independent ukrainian
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the power for which we fought there for many years, here it is, though in soviet form, but with full attributes: its own capital, its own government, its own communist party, and its own press, almost entirely ukrainian. by the end of the twenties , almost all newspapers, magazines, and the new media at that time, radio, ukrainian, were ukrainianized. red ukrainization, on behalf of stalin,
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was carried out by lazar koganovich, and with an iron fist. during the census , russians and little russians were recorded as ukrainians. translated all office work, newspapers, education were switched to ukrainian; opponents of ukrainization were repressed, or at least fired from their jobs. someone asked, then what are the people thinking about? of course, that’s what started, newspapers, in fact all newspapers, even in donbass, but in russia in ukrainian, were made like the name of the newspaper in ukrainian, the title, article headings, the text itself was russian, it’s just that no one read it, it was attributed in mariupol and odessa , in kiev, in the donbass , study the ukrainian language everywhere, if the official, if the soviet party worker does not know ukrainian language, they simply kicked everything out. well, in the late twenties, early thirties it just went 100, that is , the soviet party workers themselves began
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to write where to go next, yes, that is, the factories will stop, people will not know what language and how to speak, that is, this is already dangerously pure technically, it was pressed down a little, yes, that is, as it were, this cavalry charge of ukrainianism, ukrainization was somewhat dampened, but still, the seeds were already sown then if. well, for starters, because it just wasn’t there personnel, even to the point of such anecdotal cases, i found in documents that there was no one to teach the ukrainian language course except the arrested petliura leaders, so the local educational department turned to the ogpu, you have one
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ukrainian nationalist sitting there under arrest, release him, he must we need someone to give a lecture on the ukrainian language, they demand it from us.
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dnepotrovsk, no, on the contrary, they came to the city and became russified, the ukrainian language was perceived as a rural colloquial dialect, and as soon as a person moves to city, from the very first day it switches to russian, it never returns to ukrainian, as if it never existed, this, you know, this is 90% of people , and this also influenced the mentality, that is, there is a rural language ukrainian, there is urban russian. you came to the city, switched to russian, forgot ukrainian, never returned there again, you became just as russian as everyone else, this is a normal sociocultural mechanism, well, ukrainization took place within the framework of the ossr through primarily the educational system, that is they tried to push russian language teachers into the background in the twenties and
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take those who are native speakers of this surzhik, village surzhik... that is , in fact, to distort the russian language in its more primitive version, to push all this illiterate nonsense into russian children. twenty-third year, 1922, it was impossible to use the word “novorosiya” either in textbooks, or in works, or in books, anywhere. one could say either southern ukraine or the northern black sea region, do you understand what’s the matter? was official the profession is a ukrainizer, you know, this is madness, but that’s how it happened. ukrainianization also affected the church. despite the fact that it was separated from the state in the early twenties, the secretary of the ukrainian central executive committee , skrypnik, proposed creating the so-called ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church. the head of this organization was
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the prohibited priest, self-identified, vasily lepkovsky. not a single bishop took part in this meeting of impostors, and the patriarchal exarch of ukraine, metropolitan michael, accompanied his refusal with a sharp statement: i do not dedicate vipers to the bishop. what happens next is a total comedy: a huge number of men who are there, they go, run up to this lepnitsky in a frenzy and begin to lay hands on him, this is an imitation of cherotonia, they lay their hands on him, these hands, calloused and non-calloused, and announces that they he was ordained a bishop, they
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illuminated themselves, and after that someone has some kind of audacity to say that they have... some kind of succession, this is the succession of those here, excuse me, the lords, warmed up by moonshine, who put their hands on this man, married, in general the bishop should be a monk, well, well, there is generally no place to test in terms of anti-canonicalism and anti- churchism, in the twenties and thirties the so -called self-saints took an active part in the red ukrainization. we are entering a space of lies and some kind of philetonic space, you know, comedic, some kind of evil booth, what a booth
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and nothing more, and it’s just a booth differs from an ordinary rural booth in that at one fine moment, one terrible moment, the painted actors begin to shoot at each other in front of the audience, real human blood flows, they force, or force, to participate in this booth, or...
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donetsk, lugansk , odessa, crimea, russia, russia, russia. in my museum they forced us , they gradually forced us to switch to the ukrainian language, they forced us, we had to, when
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we have 99% of russian speakers, russian-thinking people, and all of kiev spoke russian, everyone knew excellent russian language, no, we were forced by force, okay, we obeyed, we switched to internal documentation, we did, wrote in ukrainian, but when they offered us, they called us... the department of culture did not yet exist, the ministry told us to build a bandera hall, here we said, we are quitting, we won’t work, why should i switch to ukrainian language, yes, i know it, i understand it perfectly, well, in our region , when they published books or newspapers in russian, no one bought ukrainian, well it honestly, everyone bought russian books, russian newspapers, because... “we know, yes, but it was like everything was additional, but again we would tolerate it, we would tolerate it, but for now we are simply not there anymore, well
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, there was already too much overlap, we were already so fed up, well, they were patient, they were patient, well, guys, that’s enough already, look, a very good example about the language, no one is fighting it in crimea, they gave it, even moreover, they did it crimean tatar, ukrainian and russian were given state status." well, the choice is obvious, that's why they are all russian is being blocked, which is why they are destroying russian culture, russian literature, destroying everything, because they
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understand perfectly well that ukrainian is losing. was used, for purposes, in order to weaken the state, there is historical russia, and it is precisely or maybe not, but the language should not be used for some geopolitical purposes it was used continues to be used, who uses it, if we say that
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historical russia has mission... before god the salvation of nations, here in christ, then the enemy of the human race, and naturally, the enemy christ, he wants this civilization to be destroyed, nothing is better than to convince part of this civilization that it does not belong to it, more than that it hates the rest, the language here is used for this, you understand that when your since childhood, the native language you speak has been called a slander language there, well, the language... guilt, if you translate it, you can’t officially write documents in it, you have to speak it there at the university, that is, well, this is perceived as a personal insult, it's clear to resist it’s impossible, you won’t repeal all these laws, but the underlying resentment for this humiliation, it accumulates, accumulates, well, then it will return like a boomerang, in the fourteenth year the boomerang returned, well, the worst crime that ukraine has committed
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is that it has replaced. the ancient part of the russian people, the little russians, over the last 100-plus years there, in fact, it has absorbed into itself, like a disease, absorbed the healthy body of the russian people, the southern part, the little russians has replaced itself, i believe that there should be no ukraine by definition nowhere else and never, and the ukrainian project must be completed, closed once and for all, even i do not support...
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the state has abolished commissions for transfers between their accounts in different banks, from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law has come into force, now you can receive
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