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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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and first, to the messages from the ministry of defense. as a result of offensive actions, russian troops took control of five settlements in kharkov region. region, units
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of the north group of troops liberated borisovka, ogurtsov, pletenevka, as well as the points of pylnye and strelishche. in addition, in the donetsk republic , a unit of the military grouping center liberated the urban-type settlement of keramik. issues related to the work of civil and military industry enterprises became the main topic of vladimir putin’s conversation with acting deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov, as well as the head.
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within the framework of rostec, i would like to talk to you now about how this work is being built now and how we plan to build it in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, everything is running smoothly, everything is functioning, but there are issues that require special... attention, we’ll focus on them today. today marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the dpr and lpr. residents of the republics were congratulated by vladimir putin. at the referendum on may 11, 2014, the overwhelming majority the majority in donbass supported the sovereignty of the region. residents refused to support the policies of the kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup. four people were victims of the attack in the armed forces of ukraine. on the city of ravenky in the lugansk
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people's republic, more than ten were injured, the target was an oil depot, more than 40 residential buildings were also damaged, stanislav shilo reports from the lpr. at about 10:00 pm the first reports of explosions in rovenki began to appear. according to preliminary data, as with the recent attack on lugansk, ukrainian militants used long-range nato- made atak ms missiles filled with cluster munitions. the very moment of the impact and deployment of a rocket with a cluster munition in the sky above rovenki was captured on video by numerous eyewitnesses. as a result of the night strike on the oil depot in the city of ravenki, 15 people were injured and four people were killed. all others are in a condition of serious or moderate severity. the city's energy facility, which was hit, is located within the city limits next to the houses of civilians. four houses in caught fire as a result of the shelling. 85
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a car rally was supposed to begin on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the dpr, due to shelling, the event had to be canceled, there were dead and wounded, the inspection found fragments of fragments from a shell, presumably from the khaimer rszzo, all fragments and fragments will be seized to be sent for examination for a specific type and type shells. in addition, there is information about one death and... it is expected that they will affect the import
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of electric vehicles from krai, as well as the import of critical solar minerals batteries this is reported by the wall street journal, which cites sources close to the biden administration. according to their information, tariffs may increase fourfold at once, and the white house may announce this as early as next tuesday, may 14. in the second half of the hour, my colleague vadim zavodchenkov will tell you when the warmth of may will return to... the european part of russia, right now there is a program in the center of asia, robert frantsov about how victory day was celebrated in the countries of central asia. watch after the short commercial. benefits of retiring
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apply for a loan in sberbank before june 10 and win money for repayment, more profitable with savepay. welcome to asia, this is the highest altitude episode of our program, 4,500 m above sea level, we are in kyrgyzstan, that’s where exactly we
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got here, we’ll tell you today in the program, as well as other most interesting events from the very center of the continent. no matter what roads the immortal regiment passed, but this definitely had never happened before, from the picturesque aksai gorge. in kyrgyzstan, the ascent begins to the highest point where the march of the immortal regiment has ever taken place. here is that majestic array with a cap of eternal the snow above is our goal, this is the same putin peak. the distance here is measured in hours of travel, from the base camp it is 4-5 hours of travel if everything goes well. putin peak is a peak in the tenshan mountains, height 4,446 m. ​​the name appeared on maps in 2011.
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the peak is not easy to climb, gajra, as they say with character, allows only really strong spirits, such a picturesque view opens up, and here our guides reported two news, as they say, one is good, the other is bad, good we have covered 1/3 of the way, bad is that this was the easiest part of the route, now the moment has come when it seems that climbing without preparation may be all... and not such a good idea, are you ready? did you rest? we continue to move, the so
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-called loose rock has started, it’s very sharp, moving, rocky stones, the main thing is moving, this is the main danger, you can easily twist or, worse, break your leg, that’s how it can all move, that’s how it can knock out a... strong a stone made of rock and like a house of cards, this whole rock specimen has caused it, but some part and how you can go down on roller skates, the snow is already starting to cover, the clouds are just a stone's throw away, but our strength is running out, but we have a worthy goal, which means there are no options, on this significant day, we ask you to raise this is a banner for...
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we will return to the ascent, but for now let’s talk about other events of the past week. kazakhstan is tightening entry rules into the country for citizens of uzbekistan and tajikistan. astana warned tashkent and dushanbe that additional checks at airports at land checkpoints are related to the requirements security, with special attention paid to possible violators of laws in russia, be it illegal migration or unpaid fines. in the meantime, the tajik authorities have formed special explanatory groups that must
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work at airports before the departure of labor migrants to russian cities, as everyone is required to do. they remind you of the importance of registration, and also ask you to respect the language and cultural values ​​of the receiving state. and this is a sensational video from yekaterinburg, where a native of kyrgyzstan saved a man from a fire. noticing a fire in one of the apartments of a high-rise building, a taxi driver named babur climbed to the roof and lowered a fire hose from there, which the tenant used to get to the window on the floor below. by the way, babur himself does not consider himself a hero, he says he just wanted to help, and is glad that it worked out. treacherous screes, deep snow, difficult weather conditions, challenges for the climbers, and the strength to go provide portraits of the ancestors and heroes of the great patriotic war. today i decided to participate in the immortal regiment action, with the participation
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of an unknown soldier, that is, i am doing this in honor of the unknown soldier. helped to raise soviet soldiers to their feet, but today my great-grandfather, nikolai mikhailovich gerasimov, helped me on the climb, he died near leningrad, we are on the bridge for about 20 minutes, you have at least 2 hours of reception, repeat, there was interference, base, i am now communicating with peter, bye, reception, that is, you have to turn to the right about another
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kilometer there, but there’s no way for us to cut it, it’s the only one. this is all due to our waste, it’s about two hours for you, the weather suddenly began to deteriorate, this often happens in the mountains, you can see how the peaks behind me were hidden by such clouds, it began to snow, a strong wind, in general, the climb was not easy anyway, and now it is becoming even more difficult, we continue to go up, our immortal regiment, it was impossible to film, wind, helicopter, among the participants are not only professional climbers, but volunteers, public and government officials, the ascent was timed to coincide with the inauguration of the president of russia, the ascent is intended to emphasize the fraternal relations
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between the peoples of russia and kyrgyzstan. already on the very approaches to the top. again shows his tough temper, not a damn thing is visible, in such under the conditions, the ascent should have been rescheduled, but the vanguard of brave souls decided not to retreat and still deliver the banner to the summit, they flew, the party said, climbers, heroically in a bunch, the summit, that’s the climax.
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and this is almaata, a sacred place in the history of the fight against nazism, a monument to twenty-eight panfilov heroes, here in the south of kazakhstan the 316th division, the future legendary panfilov division, was formed, it was from here that it went to the decisive battle near moscow, in one of the most dramatic moments of the war. in a day of the great victory , thousands of almaty residents are drawn here like a living river to honor the memory of the heroes. my grandfather took part in the war, we are a family. deceased, he passed all 4 years, reached berlin, he was buried in the kyrgyz republic on istsykuli, we go there, we remember, i would like... our children to remember this holiday, because i believe that your history must be remembered and your heroes must be honored. firstly, we have been going to such
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events for many years now, the objection of flowers, well, we are teaching the younger generation, my youngest granddaughter, three granddaughters, they come with pleasure every year, this is my holiday, if we had not won over, then all this would not have happened at all, this is my grandfather, kurilo nikolai nikolaevich, born from kharkov. went to war in 1942, went through the entire war, after which he was sent to almaaty, all of us living here all over the world in kazakhstan in particular, almost liberated the memory of the war, this is my dad, he was still a year old and went to the front, went through the entire war , baltic, ukrainian here. four of us sisters, the youngest, i came almost as a memory, of our father, of all the warriors,
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liberators, it is our duty, those who live always remember them, always remember, because this, this is precisely joy, this is life, we will definitely talk about what victory day is for the countries of central asia today, now about other events. weeks. shrek was detained in osh, kyrgyzstan. this is the nickname of the leader of a large drug trafficking group that was involved in smuggling psychotropic substances into neighboring countries. previously, the defendant was brought to justice in russia for sales of heroin possession, but the first punishment apparently it was in vain. the ministry of energy of kazakhstan has increased fuel prices for foreigners. now a liter of gasoline will cost them 245 tenge versus 205 for citizens of the republic itself. and the difference in the cost of diesel with... national security of kyrgyzstan and tajikistan
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with the head of the state security service of uzbekistan. the parties touched upon topical issues related to border demarcation. in addition, they discussed the prospects for a joint fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and illegal migration. on the walk of fame... heroes of panfilov, regardless of the origin of the nationality, who laid down their lives to defend our common homeland. by the way, multinationality was an important feature of the division from the very moment of its formation. the soldiers later recalled that the wise general panfilov turned the formation into a real laboratory of internationalism, this is a quote from the hero of the soviet union baurzhan momushila. 42 nationalities. kazakhs, russians, kyrgyz, ukrainians shoulder to shoulder for a common victory. an endless stream of people to the eternal flame in astana and other cities of kazakhstan. military parade in the space capital baikanur. kazakhstan made an invaluable contribution to
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the overall victory, both on the battlefield and in the rear. about 1,300,000 kazakhstanis fought heroically on the fronts of the great patriotic war. raitsa safonnicheva now does not know exactly how old she is, but she remembers well how she went to the front. when the war started. i immediately went to the factory to paint guns and shells, at 18 i went to the front with a visa card, the fragile girl was given the call sign daisy, this is war and this is a great victory, our peoples are bound together forever. 9th may the presidents of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan were among the honored guests of the parade on red square and, of course, took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the day before, president shavkat. mirziyev visited victory park in tashkent and laid a wreath at the odo fortitude monument. a parade of military units of the ministry of defense of the republic took place in the capital of uzbekistan. may 9 is a day
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of memory and honor. on the eve of the war , about 6.5 million people lived in uzbekistan in the ussr. almost 2 million went to the front. every third person did not return home. on may 9, we come here because we honor... our grandparents, with all my heart i sincerely congratulate all our front veterans, labor front veterans, all people, civilians, children, women, old people, regardless of what nationality, on the great holiday victory. we thank our father for the fact that he went to the front at the young age of 17, my father said, it was still scary at the front, he said, it was scary. memory and
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honor, i agree with this, because not everyone not everyone reached the end, i always want to cry, however, not everyone saw that our world had become freed from fascism. and to other news. the transit of russian gas to china through kazakhstan could reach 35 billion cubic meters annually, the kazakh ambassador to moscow dauryanobaev shared forecasts. according to him, the republic will try to extract maximum benefit from the role of an intermediary; it plans to purchase part of the fuel for the needs of its citizens. negotiations on the price are already underway. the un supported the initiative of the speaker of the parliament of tajikistan rustam emmali, who proposed celebrating world football day. the date will be may 25th. thus, the global significance and unifying role of the number one sport is officially recognized at the international level. and cyberpunk in tashkent style. the capital of uzbekistan is now patrolled by a robot policeman who monitors public order and transmits information to employees of the ministry of internal affairs. for now the machine
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is running in test mode, but later it will continue to do so. such robocops should appear at train stations and other crowded places. the memory of the great feat is sacred to the people turkmenistan. more than 300,000 people from turkmenistan fought on the fronts of the great patriotic war, many were awarded the highest awards, including the title of hero of the soviet union and the order of glory. in the rear, women, children, and old people worked to provide the front with everything necessary. during the war years for construction. victory day is a special day for each of us, 79 years ago our fathers and grandfathers, at the cost of their lives, defended the peaceful sky above our heads, we will never forget their feat. i would like to tell young people to remember the feat of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers,
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so that they... carefully preserve the world that our fathers conquered, so that they learn from the mistakes of the past, so that they do not allow new wars, we must educate young people in the spirit of patriotism, love for the motherland and respect for memory dead. traditionally, the procession of the immortal regiment in ashgabat is held on the territory of the pushkin school. eternal memory to those who fell liberating the world from fascism during the great patriotic war. eternal glory to the fallen soldiers who gave their lives during a special military operation. heroes are not die, they remain forever in our hearts, and for their sake we simply must win. well, in tajikistan there is a full-fledged parade on may 9th. military units of 201 russian bases and members of the young army marched in parade formation and saluted the veterans. on may 8, president of tajikistan imali rahmon laid wine at the eternal flame in
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victory park in memory of all the fallen. and this. requiem rally on victory square in the capital of kyrgyzstan. during the war, about 360,000 people went to the front from here. at that time, this was every fourth resident of the republic. and the family of the veteran turkinaku nabimbaeva met a personal parade in the courtyard of her house. the military orchestra performed songs from the war years. the veteran expressed sincere gratitude for the congratulations. the most important thing is to be. friendly, remember that fascism was defeated thanks to the unity of the peoples of the ussr, we all fought together so that the future generation could live in peace and understanding. this is the real immortality of the great feat of our ancestors. eternal memory in the turkmen deserts, kazakh steppes, in every uzbek mahal, in the mountains of tajikistan and on the snow-capped peaks of kyrgyzstan.
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