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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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radical nationalists arrived in the southeast of ukraine and popular resistance to the new regime broke out. how a new people's republic was created in donbass, unknown details of a significant historical event in the film by alexander lukyayanov, based on eyewitness accounts of participants in the russian spring. now i will tell you something that i have never told anyone. the russian spring is a phenomenon, because from the point of view of a representative of the establishment, from the point of view of our vulgar materialist, it is not clear how this is so, people. organization, without a boss, who agreed, but no one agreed, people came out on their own, i only resigned at your request, well done, russia, russia, russia, to be honest, no one believed that we would succeed, no one, i i mean from outside, and even...
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in black they came to me from different directions, i was talking on the phone at that time, my hand was busy, so i started to fight them off along with the phone, i’m quite a massive person, plus i wasn’t there yet professionally, but i was doing it within my own patriotic organizations with martial arts, actually, i didn’t allow myself to be twisted, shoved into a car, kidnapped and what to do with me, mock me , inject me with drugs, record penitential messages, as they did with other activists of the russian spring, that is, i fought back, then ukrainian journalists arrived, i also told them everything, but in
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the meantime, ukrainian nationalists, who called themselves the right sector, went into open armed conflict on the maidan. the first shots were followed by the first victims, blood was shed. on february 21, 2014 , president of ukraine viktor yanukovych, having given up attempts to fight, left the state. as a result of the armed coup, power in kiev ended up in the hands of ukrainian nationalists.
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one of the first laws of the new kiev government was the ban on the russian language; by this alone , the population of the southeast of the country was immediately limited in their rights. the ban on the russian language in cinemas, on television, on radio, in schools, in preschool institutions, is nothing more than a violation of human rights, blatant, this is a mockery, this is a mockery of the great russians there, of the little russians, who wants to read in russian, this is a mockery of the authorities, but yes, but the authorities are not killing me yet, they are simply for...
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life in all regions of the country, in western regions obeyed them, in donbass the population resisted. we greet all concerned citizens on behalf of the occupation of donbass. at the end of february. an appeal from the donbass people's regiment pavel guborev appeared on social networks, participants in those events recall. our people's movement of donbass, just as berkut did not deviate from their oath, so we will not deviate from our set goal. the events on maidan outraged our entire population and it is clear that people here did not remain indifferent. yeah, that’s when, on march 1 , all these protest movements started here too.
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to us, these are the local sbu, these are ours, they live here, call the sbu, from the sbu, today they will remove the monument to lenin, when the nationalists come, they are always the first to knock down the monument to lenin, everything in the soviet era, everything they can, they destroy the spirit , symbols
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they destroy, you destroy the spirit with a symbol, then you can do whatever you want, we accepted this, began to look around the city, here they ride with warrant officers. soviet army, we always come on the twenty-third, flowers, lenin, well , traditionally, there is no one to come, the spirit is gone, that’s it, the symbols are gone, that night a skoda car, a skoda octavia, dropped into the square, started driving, trying to crush
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these defenders, well, they stood there in the square, well , they started throwing stones at me, that’s it, two young sergeants were with us the whole time the night stood, the sergeants immediately...
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that was what was originally said, rallies at the lenin monument became a point of attraction for those who did not agree with the armed coup d'etat in kiev, coordination of the actions of like-minded people was through personal connections and meetings in squares, through the telephone, through acquaintance and through the terrain, through points of the terrain, when i arrived in senelnikov, dnepropetrovsk region, i actively traveled then, i left, i just simply left the ministry of defense, i came to the cossacks who were guarding the monument lenin, i say, the cossacks, the monument to lenin, for some reason is not breaking. they tell me, well, you know, everyone just gathers here, yeah, because the right sector said that he would come to remove the monument to lenin, so everyone comes to the lenin monument, in fact, to a meeting with the right sector, it was yes, it was very it’s a stupid idea in general to protect the lenin monument, it was an idiotic idea, but it was a protest idea of ​​people, because they wanted to impose something on them, they wanted to impose something on them,
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that means these westerners, so those people who were there 10 times did not see this lenin wanted, they came to the monument to defend it, paradox, the right sector made attempts to carry out its maidan in donetsk. suddenly the automaidans came with them , there were clashes in donetsk, there was a certain core of locals who were pro-ukrainian, pro-european, yeah, even before the maidans there that year in the previous year, the americans were actively working all over ukraine, they were tortured, they had such a project, a technical camp, a technical camp is an attempt creating their own media network structures of these bloggers and so on, in donetsk and lugansk they were driven out by the locals, well they just came to... to this meeting and drove them away, well, there was some kind of mufti, that means a liberal one in donetsk, there was some
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kind of protestant pastor, that was the kind of party, the only time we came there, fans arrived, local fans beat them, this is known, there is also footage, all of these have been preserved, there was even one victim, yes, i don’t remember, but local fans beat them, there was, there was a fight, there was throwing at each other various heavy objects, that was it, no one else came, a foreign city, it’s dangerous to come, and even a bus arrived at the entrance. a full bus of these natsik comrades arrived in khartsisk - they are not our comrades , they wanted to do a pogrom around the city, but our guys from the police, who were already in our country, came out, they understood what was the matter, they came and asked, they just say better the guys say don’t go there , by the way, and the youth, even take misha, well, not me, well, it’s not that i...
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well, through some political forces, through the deputy corps, i strongly resisted,
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because you know, stop here too in donesk in principle, in my opinion, it was not very difficult, we remember this episode with pavel with pavel guborev, yes, when on march 3 , right here on lenin square, the authorities set up a big, big stage there, well, how it happens at big events , city leaders came out. pasha is the governor, pasha says, then let’s go to the administration, and since i’m the governor, i have to
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sit in the governor’s place and lead the region, they went, they came in, they occupied two floors of the regional administration without strong resistance there, they sat there for 3 days, that’s it, but there was no coordination of actions, there was a crowd, there were emotions, but there was coordination. today we raised the russian flag, this is our small huge victory for donbass. under the pretext that the building was mined, the protesters were taken out of the regional administration, and pavel gubarev was detained by the sbu on march 6 for separatism. the russian spring could have ended there, but in donetsk they began to prepare for a legal change of power through people's councils and a referendum. a congress of representatives of cities in the donetsk region was planned for the end of april. here we are kissing night. we were looking for such ways, ways out of
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such a state, fermentation into nowhere. yeah, we came to the conclusion that we need to convene a congress of representatives of territorial communities, political parties and public organizations that were protesting on our territory, so we proposed this scheme the next day, everyone liked it, yes, let’s gather, but we didn’t come up with it .
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used two, two hymarс missiles were used, one hit the restaurant building, the second missile hit well next to the restaurant, unfortunately there were three dead one person, and at the moment there are nine wounded, but the work of rescuers and doctors continues, so here we are recording
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another barbaric, cynical with a terrorist slant. enemy actions, alas, this is true, but, unfortunately, where the enemy can still reach our populated areas, where he can still fire, including some areas of donetsk, he unfortunately does this. are they mainly using long-range missiles or are they still using artillery? you know, artillery can no longer reach anywhere, the enemy, taking into account the fact that our armed forces have been pushed away from.
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during the course of the investigation, what is happening at the scene of the emergency, if there are any details on this topic, we will return again, but now let’s talk about events that have already become historical in every sense, tell us how you now assess the past 10 years back everything that followed? the events in donbass, which took place in 2014, became significant and fundamental not only for our region, but in general they became very significant. and for our entire country, looking at everything over the entire past period, we can talk about this, moreover, i will tell you that the world has changed since then, since 2014, because russia is now dictating a slightly different agenda, russia is dictating an agenda in which the world is becoming multipolar before our eyes, which means that
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countries are beginning to emphasize the need to interact on...
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but what remains, is there still the support that we felt then in 2014 , of course, remained, we can judge this by mariupol, we can judge this from volnovayka, again. liberated in the village, you know, even those long 8 years there, they could not break the real, real essence of the residents
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of donbass, who made their choice, then there really was a high turnout, and this was a feat of the people, and in almost all cities then also in the donetsk region, including slavyansky, kramatorsk, konstantinovka and drusholka, and of course we have to... return these settlements, and this is also provided for by the constitution, namely the borders of the former donetsk region are the territory of the donetsk people's republic. now , if we return to the events of ten years ago, tell me, how difficult was it at that moment to resist the pressure, the armed pressure of kiev, how were the authorities formed, how were the military units formed, due to what economic desires? audience: you know, sometimes we acted simply on a whim, but the local elites abandoned us and we were forced to take
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responsibility for ourselves and literally draw that algorithm on our knees, let’s say why the donetsk people's republic was proclaimed after we occupied the building of the regional state administration, everything is simple, we needed everything that was heard at the rallies with... that everything that looked like slogans in the stands, to clothe some kind of political construct, of course , this is the donetsk people's republic, especially since the prerequisites for this were almost 100 years ago, there was a donetsk-krivoy rog republic, so the foundations, what to rely on, were also there, and here the construction of statehood began in very difficult conditions taking into account the war crimes that began to be committed against... the residents of donbass, because the so -called anti-terrorist operation was announced, which is in itself a war crime, because it involved the use of
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the army against the civilian population, against the inhabitants of the entire region, but nevertheless, the post-maidan authorities agreed to this, well, then we, of course, needed to restore the vital activity of our cities, we needed to build government bodies in those conditions, because more than 2 million people, but they could not be controlled, well , let’s say, and provided with everything necessary manually, authorities were needed, that’s how everything literally started from scratch, everything happened, all this was organized, at some stage we survived, i can also be honest about this and frankly speaking, they survived thanks to russia, because at certain stages the white kamaz trucks that drove towards us saved many, many people. well, then it was necessary to hold elections, build more understandable governance mechanisms, of course
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to form a budget and, of course, here politically, we certainly also felt support from russia, the support of the people of the country, which has become closer to us over the years than ever, and this support helped us survive until... and we saw that russia, and president vladimir vladimirovich personally is doing everything possible to avoid casualties, to avoid bloodshed, massive bloodshed, to
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prevent the development of such a scenario, when there will be so much destruction, so many casualties, and there were preconditions that the whole the conflict can be resolved at the negotiating table, taking into account the interests of the residents of donbass.
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not the decision of our president, if not for the start of a special military operation, then there would have been hundreds of thousands of victims in the donbass, the donbass would have simply been wiped off the face of the earth, but that’s not all, in the intentions of kiev, and we can also talk about this, and its western the patron was attacks on crimea, there were plans to attack other territories, russian territories, but a special military operation ruined the plans of our opponents, but it was difficult, but not just yes...
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availability of competence, taking into account the number of people who are ready and love to work, we just need to be given the opportunity to work at full capacity, and not only will we be able to provide for ourselves, we will be able to help those regions that will need it, and here donbass is definitely will not remain in debt, so even now enterprises are being launched here under fire, we are trying
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to load them to full capacity.
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is very significant, and this will determine how quickly and on what scale the city itself will be restored avdeevka, respectively, nearby settlements, because there will be jobs, of course, from this the rest of the main life activities will be built, and of course we would really like to start restoring artyomovsk or even solidar as quickly as possible, but there the enemy is taking a list of... . actions that do not even allow us to begin demining and clearing out the rubble, and this is, of course, well, let’s say, a difficult question, but nevertheless we do not abandon our goals, our tasks, of course. well, restoration, restoration of these settlements, as soon as security conditions allow it, you said about mine clearance, to what extent...


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