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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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in different situations there, at certain crossroads, tragic events began to occur; these creatures, while retreating , simply began to shoot at the crowd. well, we are all brought up, this city, donbass, it has always been russian, when these usurpers, fascists with their ideology come, of course, the whole people here will, damn it, we are not used to bending under someone, and especially under fascists. the people all stood up, another
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one was wounded, they are shooting peaceful people, you told about this woman who helped you, this is of course an example of support, more there were some examples, support, that you were not terrorists here for the locals, but you , on the contrary, were heroes, but here, well, completely, well, here people were all heroes, for us we were only terrorists for the fascists, for these ukrainians. who drowned there for ukraine, complete morons, i don’t know them as people, it’s just some kind of herd, damn it, zombies, and so for the local population, who were all for us with us, well, we ourselves are this population, consequences he will spend 5 years in captivity, then replaced by prisoners of war, will return home again, go to serve, defend the donbass, in april 14th in donetsk, at that time they were preparing for the defense of the administration and for the referendum, we didn’t start it. here
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we had a rally, i went up to the microphone, i said, well, we don’t have any men, and the guys immediately, well , at first they all listened, listened, but slavyansk was already there, they signed up, they went voluntarily themselves, without coercion, they rehearsed, shields - then there were already, well, you never know, a forceful takeover, in the corridor itself, how this will happen, they pulled out tactics, having already taken the building, yes, you they understood that it was already back.
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doctors also took part, they worked there, some pharmacists, with red crosses, like come out then, well, it’s clear that it didn’t come to that, i’m saying, no one at the top will move anywhere, all the guys are at the base, i promise you that , i’m here, i promise you this, everyone is there, i’m the head of the main police department, major general of the romanov police, we went to demand federalization,
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hurray, hurray, then at about 80 pm it suddenly dawned on me, okay, federalization, what time we are already making these demands, yes in some, and if again nothing, then get ready for pasha gubarev. lukyanovskaya has enough cameras for the season, everyone is here, but what to do? i say, well, we need to take power into our hands, we need to organize new organizations, i say, yes, it’s a good idea, but how, and what is needed for this, i now use my own words, but the essence is what the government of each state should do for for our people, everything so that the people do not have the last right, the right to revolt, we have our government, even the kiev one, even the donetsk one. everything to
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convince the people, he didn’t, the people are seething, that is, the right to uprising is enshrined in our declaration of human rights, the next moment, well, this is, uh, a classic. who are we? i took 10 aon principles, 10 of them, no interference in business, there are borders, no interference, conservation, there is religion, that’s it, the right of a nation to self-determination, but we are not a nation, we are a community of people living,
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the right of peoples to self-determination, i open this, this right, so this is us, we are a people living in a certain territory, united historically. the government appointed eight co-chairs of the provisional government, with the seal of kushilin, you were such a hokkiyan igor there, you are responsible for the tents, for the barricades, for the security there, for expanding the field of influence, that’s why he was such a jawat, wow,
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such a robber, well, i understand it well, such a people's avenger, he began to travel to cities and regions to promote together with... pasha to promote our decision-making, contact deputies of local councils, in response to the proclamation of the republic, acting president alexander turchynov announced an anti-terrorist operation in the donbass: in different cities, unarmed people blocked military equipment that was being transferred for military operations against the civilian population of the south-east of the country. however, despite the threats, the referendum scheduled for may 11 took place, even in mariupol. i... sat down and made a calculation, the eleventh is not just like that, this is the minimum possible date to prepare a referendum, it was necessary to print 3,2000 ballots, there are about 100,000 protocols, protocol forms, in total
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there were 2,300 polling stations in the donetsk region, but we managed to make 1,812, we attracted 21,500 members of election commissions.
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we had enough resources to restore order together with the citizens who lived in the city, but
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we refused to serve any political elite, so for 2 months while i was working, we practically didn’t have deputies like that here. they stopped by and didn’t interfere, i didn’t come into contact with them, it’s clear that they were trying there were, but when they apparently ran out of patience, i was, accordingly, stopped at the checkpoint. and personally with the participation of lyashko they detained him with a bag over his head, handcuffs and to kiev. the russian spring, say the participants in those events, was born from the desire of the russian people, who found themselves as a result of complex historical processes within ukraine, to remain russian, for which they were ready to go to the end. everyone who rebelled, everyone who came out for the russian spring, these were all people who wanted to join russia. i can tell you this simply, that is, russian spring, it is russian, people who were burned in water.
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in the new vtb loyalty program. choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, sporting goods, get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, back to the news review, vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government, a decree signed by the president, published on the kremlin website, from it... it follows that the chairman of the government, as before, will have 10 deputies, including one first. the status of deputy chairman will remain with the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the far eastern federal district, the head of the government staff. the head of the ministry of industry and trade will not have the status of deputy prime minister in the new government. as noted in the appendix to the decree, the number of ministries will remain the same, 21 in total. five report directly to the head
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states, these are the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of justice, and the rest are subordinate to the chairman of the government. and it is already known that the federal service for military-technical cooperation is being removed from the subordination of the ministry of defense. she will report directly to the president. this follows from the appendix to the decree. of the departments subordinate to the defense, only one remains - this is the federal service for technical and export control. issues related to the work of civil and military industry enterprises became the main issue this morning topics of vladimir putin’s personal meeting with acting deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis. as well as with the head of rostec sergei chemizov, the president discussed with them plans for the near future and demanded to prevent disruptions in work. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you what they paid the most attention to. russian industry has been developing successfully for many years, even under constant pressure from sanctions on trading partners. and such a short but crucial period
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for the country as the time of formation government should not become a reason for any disruption in the ongoing work with such. words vladimir putin began a meeting with the acting deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov and the director of rostec sergei chemizov, a complex in which denis valedinovich deals with the entire defense industry and civil everything is concentrated here. a significant amount of work is being done in this area within ros-tech. i would like to talk to you now about how this work is being built. now and how we plan put it up in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, everything is running smoothly, everything is functioning, but there are issues that require special attention, so we’ll focus on them today, the rostec enterprise today accounts for more than 80% of all weapons that are used in the special operation zone
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military operation, more than 660 thousand employees across the country sometimes work two to... three shifts. compared to 2022, last year the rostec enterprise produced 10 times more self-propelled artillery units, 20 times more mortars, the production of rsso and infantry fighting vehicles has increased significantly. and, of course, the supply of advanced weapons to the troops continues. at a recent meeting with mikhail mishustin, sergei chebizov said: last year, new serial fighters of the su family, including the multi-role su-57, were delivered to the army. md-90 and yak-130. and this year, the first batches of the latest aviation systems have already been delivered under the 2024 state defense order program. the supply of the tank has been arranged. t90m breakthrough, self-propelled guns and other types of military equipment, and names such as the armor, the iskander and the dagger, do not give the enemy peace, again and again, confirming
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the glory of russian weapons. it is very important that you increase investments in new design work; it is new groundwork and new technologies that should become the prototype of future technological solutions that would be used in all areas, including in equipment that is under state defense order. on the taman peninsula, this is the first production turbine, and now we can say with confidence that we can be behind
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a very important milestone, because i know the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all analogues of western ones - including turbines, now we can move away from siemens and from general electric, we built three stations, this is the third, we built two stations in crimea - and one. here on the taman peninsula, a shock, which we should launch fully this year. there is less and less dependence on foreign developments in the field of medicine; rostec’s enterprise today produces more than 150 types of medical equipment and the list is growing. so in the past in 2018, the development of the russian ventilator was completed, the first domestic medicine against hepatitis b for adults and children was registered, rostec enterprises were delivered to the regions under government orders for more than 14 years...
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marks 10 years since the founding of the dpr and lpr. residents of the republics were congratulated by vladimir putin. at the referendum on may 11, 2014 , the overwhelming majority in donbass supported the sovereignty of the region. residents refused to support the policies of the kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup. on the day of the anniversary of the dpr, ukrainian troops struck donetsk. three dimensional residents were killed, nine, including a child, were wounded when the restaurant was shelled. the ukrainian armed forces fired from rocket systems.
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enemy actions, alas, this is so, but, unfortunately, where the enemy can still reach our populated areas, where he can still fire, including some district residents, he unfortunately does this. according to reports, the ukrainian military targeted areas where a large-scale motor rally was supposed to begin on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the dpr. daniil zaretsky reports from places of events. so, the kiev punitive forces congratulated the residents of the donetsk people's republic on their anniversary on exactly... the day the militants fired two missiles from the khaimarsky multiple launch rocket systems, at the time of their arrival at the restaurant, there were personnel there, now
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the entire area adjacent to the restaurant is strewn with shrapnel, the walls have been knocked out . as a result of the inspection , fragments of fragments from a projectile, presumably from the hamers rsso, were found; all fragments and fragments will be seized to be sent for examination to identify a specific type and type of projectile. kiev punitive forces also carried out attacks throughout the day. strikes on the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, as well as the nikitovsky district of gorlovka, were fired from a multiple launch rocket system, and 155-caliber cannon artillery was used by kamikaze ipvs. daniil zaretsky, alexander uleschenko, vesti donetsk. four people became victims of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the city of revenki in the lugansk people's republic, and more than ten were injured. the target was an oil depot; more than forty residential buildings were also damaged. from lpr. reported by stanislav shilo. around 10:00 pm the first reports of explosions in rovenki began to appear. according to preliminary data, as in the recent attack on lugansk, ukrainian
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militants from... used long-range nato-made atak ms missiles stuffed with cluster munitions. the very moment of the impact and the opening of the rocket with cluster munitions in the sky above the ravens was captured on video by numerous eyewitnesses. as a result of the night strike on the oil depot in the city of ravenki, 15 people were injured and four people were killed. all others are in serious to moderate condition. gravity. the city's energy facility that was hit is located. in the city limits, next to the houses of civilians, four houses caught fire as a result of shelling, 85 employees of the ministry of emergency situations and 12 units of special equipment fought the fire all night, they extinguished 18 fires and prevented the fire from spreading over a large area. now not only rescuers are working at the scene of the attack, but also investigators from the russian investigative committee; they will give a legal assessment of what happened. stanislav shila, daniil vetrov, vesti lugansk.
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the torah republic of kome began checking after partial collapse of a five-story brick building in the city of pechora. according to preliminary data, no victims. it is reported that this is a former hostel. the destroyed part of the building was not residential, and the structure itself was declared unsafe. the ministry of emergency situations reported that 14 people, including five children , were evacuated. temporary accommodation points have been prepared for them. at these moments , the analysis of the rubble continues. the head of the republic, vladimir ulba, flew to the scene. the summer operational headquarters opened in sochi. he coordinates the work of enterprises in all industries city ​​operational services. the main task during the holiday season is to ensure a safe holiday. monitoring groups conduct raids and monitor the quality of services in hotels and cafes at tourist sites. there are 3,700 video cameras installed in the city, which are connected to a single control center. information goes to all city services, to all divisions of the village. thus , we are once again strengthening the logistics, making
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sure that there are beaches in all places. today in the moscow cinema the lysion was held closed screening of a documentary film about fencing , stairway to heaven in the film, great coaches , athletes, heroes of the tokyo olympics talking about fencing, the event was attended by my colleague, our sports correspondent alexander abramov, he has now come on line from the cinema. alexander, greetings, i give you the floor. yes, yuri, good afternoon. well, today in moscow. illusion cinemas remember the fencing tournament of the tokyo olympics. let me remind you that due to the coronavirus pandemic, those games in tokyo were held not in the summer of 2020, but in the summer of 21 of the year. and that fencing tournament became one of the most successful in history for domestic fencing. let me remind you that russian fencers won eight medals at those games in japan, three of which were gold, and the documentary film “stairway to heaven” tells about the events of three years ago. the important point is that this is
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a documentary.
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in this interview, ilgar mamedov also said that when at the tokyo olympics, russian fencers won eight medals and became the best team of that tournament, they were already thinking about how to preserve the winning one. guests at the games in paris, fortunately , there were not four, but 3 years left before the 24 olympics, but everyone, we all know that events have developed in such a way that there will not be a single representative of russian fencing at the games in paris, it’s a question of participation, more precisely , we also discussed the participation of russian athletes at the games in paris with elgar mamedov; the head coach of the russian national team in fact gave a whole lecture on this topic with many historical analogies.


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