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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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fined 23 times for gross violations. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the head of the department instructed to give a proper legal assessment of the carrier’s company’s activities in compliance with all legal requirements for the safety of passenger transportation. in order to complete a comprehensive investigation, the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , received the transfer of the criminal case from the police to the main department of the investigative committee of russia in st. petersburg. law enforcement officers are looking into...
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sultan khamzaev instructed his assistants the task of trying to find everyone who, in fatal moments, was nearby and saved people in trouble in st. petersburg. today , the acting minister of internal affairs of russia, police general vladimir kolokoltsev, celebrates his birthday. on his shoulders is the daily responsibility for the many thousands of employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs and the safety of the country's citizens. vladimir kolokoltsev has come a long way from a simple policeman to the head of the ministry and, like no one else, he knows everything.
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m, a fire is raging in a building materials warehouse, large reserves of polycarbonate were stored there. now the ministry of emergency situations is working on the spot, they are doing everything to prevent the further spread of the fire. there was no information about casualties or injuries. in the stavropol territory, investigators are looking into the circumstances of a high-profile story about horse abuse. we are talking about canezada, where rare horses of the thorny breed live. hungry, exhausted and unkempt. volunteers found them literally on the brink of death. a criminal case was initiated, which the chairman took personal control of investigative committee alexander bastrykin, but have the horse owners come to their senses, and where are they now from the stavropol territory, alexander mostovaya. the scandal around the stud farm in the aleksandrovsky district of the stavropol territory is flaring up with renewed vigor. we came here again to assess the situation, to see how the situation has changed. let's find out if we will be allowed into the territory.
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let's go again, aggressive employees are not happy with journalists: we have the right, anton, let's go, we have the right to look at this the horse breeding plant in the stavropol territory contains the main stock of horses, the unique tser breed, it was bred back in the twenties of the last century by order of marshal semyon budenov, and now it is on the verge of extinction, there are three hundred unique horses left throughout russia, seemingly every shed of gold, and here the animals were literally starved, the scandal has been raging... for more than a week, but the situation at the enterprise has not changed much, hungry horses look sadly into the eyes of people, here is a white horse, look carefully, he has wounds on his body, he she’s afraid of us, she runs away, doesn’t allow herself to be petted, a piece of her mane has been torn out, so she ’s reaching out to us, you know, as if she’s asking for help, it feels like this cannery in the stavropol region became notorious throughout the country when it was in the public domain ...
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we found these terrible images: exhausted horses lying on the ground, exhausted. zoo defenders said that the unique horses are on the verge of starvation. after our program drew attention to the situation, the enterprise is diligently trying to restore its reputation. and now we have barely crossed threshold, oats and hay are brought into the territory, but why then do the horses have difficulty moving? still, probably not groundless complaints from volunteers, from human rights activists, well, you were there yourself. yes, they saw that the horses were thin, well, it’s correcting the situation, but you agree with the claims, no, you don’t agree, maybe the stud farm workers would have spoken differently, but the work is expensive, only two employees decided to tell us how things really are at the enterprise, and now both are fired, but what did they even tell you? you’ve all been fired, well, what do you attribute this to? well, you probably told the truth, you were also suspended from work, yes, yes,
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will you have a carrot? greedily eats carrots, greedily, simply. well done, good. meanwhile , veterinarians from the equestrian federation are coming to the stud farm; they were not allowed into the territory for a long time. and now, a week later,
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the employees finally opened the gates for specialists. right now the vet is examining one horse. assess her condition. old horses, some don't hold up well. its own form, but still for for a nineteen-year-old, this is below the norm, let ’s just say, his condition, something needs to be done about the hernia, the horse hasn’t been trimmed for a long time, you can see the right front, the right hind, this basically interferes with his movement. according to the defenders, the owner of the stud farm, businessman from syria adel majid hamut allegedly wants to get rid of the horses, at the height of the scandal he even offered to sell a foal of the rare tser breed, they showed her there 140.5 centimeters, he was, well, below the standard of this breed, and the price tag for 200,000 requested it. after our the program highlighted the situation, the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , personally ordered the initiation of a criminal case for cruelty to animals. this
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footage shows investigators inspecting the area. investigative bodies of the investigative committee of russia are investigating a criminal case of cruelty to animals, currently to assess the condition. animals on the premises of the enterprise in places where horses are kept, investigative actions are being carried out, and the owner of the enterprise seems to have disappeared. according to open sources, the office kanezavod is located directly in the village of novokavkazsky, in this building, right now we will go there and find out, maybe the director is there, we go inside and go up to the second floor, there is no one, but we definitely see that... that we have arrived that's right, it says limited liability company pkz stavropolsky. adel khamut owns large agricultural enterprises in the stavropol territory; the total value of his assets can exceed 2 billion rubles. in the alexandrovsky district he is known as a very wealthy man. well, in general he's in
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yesentukah lives. and in yesentuki? yes, he is here, you are unlikely to catch him. we tried to find adel hamoud in yesentuki, but there were no traces. even family businesses are under lock and key. wife adelya hamuda allegedly owns this beauty salon, which is located in yasentuki. now, as you and i can see, the salon is closed; whether this is connected with the scandal that erupted around konizavod is difficult to say. the administration of the aleksandrovsky district has heard about the scandal. what conclusions were drawn? can you voice them? at the moment visits to this company, there was no feed, the horses are really thin. the intensity of passions is falling, law enforcement agencies are now looking into this scandalous story, which is acquiring new details every day. the owner of the enterprise has so far managed to hide from journalists, but one way or another he will have to answer uncomfortable questions. investigators will find out why the famous terek horses were on the verge
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of extinction. alexander mostovay, anton fedotov, vadim klivanov, ruslan abubekerov and pavel alekseev. vesti, duty part from stavropol region. in astrakhan. is investigating a series of fatal poisonings for the second time in the last six months, and, judging by preliminary information, the scenario is repeated to the smallest detail. so, five people died, another 14 are in intensive care, doctors are fighting for their lives. apparently, all the victims took a huge dose of methadone, an extremely dangerous synthetic drug. the bodies of men and women ranging in age from 18 to 40 were found in various locations, including in a vehicle. in addition, to medical institutions with a diagnosis 14 residents of the city and surrounding areas of astrakhan were poisoned by a known substance. regions, eleven of which are in intensive care, in serious condition. investigators studied the victims' mobile phones and discovered the coordinates of caches with a psychotropic substance. after this, police officers studied the recordings of city cameras and found a trace of the alleged pawnbroker. he turned out to be a twenty-year-old newcomer. in which areas of the city of astrakhon did you
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make bookmarks? there are no comments yet from the regional ministry of health about the patients’ condition. it seems that officials are in no hurry to attract attention. to a new series of poisonings. meanwhile, the situation completely repeats the event at the end of november last year. then more than twenty people ended up in hospitals in astrakhan. three died. the victims received drugs through bookmarks, they were sure. who buy mephidrone, who received methadone, they cannot be distinguished externally, while even 50 mg of methadone can paralyze a person’s lungs. in both cases of poisoning, the police quickly found the pawnbroker, here is the manufacturer toxic synthetics are still unknown. this week, the court sentenced the owner of the capital's flower shop, where seven people died in a terrible fire. the fire broke out during welding work in the hangar. the flames quickly engulfed the huge room; there were no emergency exits. maxim will tell you what themis decided. shevchenko. behind a high fence, a step away from
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komsomolskaya square, there is a dump of construction waste. instead of hangars there is now a large wasteland. the area behind the square of three stations since the last visit of journalists here has undergone enormous changes. now this area is almost unrecognizable. all the warehouses that stood here have been demolished, excavators are working, but with the exception of misfortune. floral, both buildings continue to stand in their place. these buildings survived fires twice, which all of moscow was talking about. the first happened in 1812, when there was an artillery yard here, the second happened 210 years later. in november 2022 , a column of black smoke rose over the center of the capital, a flower storage facility and a wholesale warehouse burst into flames. firefighters fought the flames for 9 hours, almost everything inside burned to the ground. the remains of the family were found.
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actions, the measure does not imply serious restrictions; he also participated in investigative actions. i remember exactly that fire extinguishers and fire extinguishers, evacuation plans. with signs, it was definitely all there, it was 100% there, but there was no fire alarm, it seems to me, different versions of what caused the fire were considered, up to arson, our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program managed to look at the investigators recordings from surveillance cameras, the last seconds before the fire, welder bekzad telchikbekov climbs up, he just starts the equipment when... a sheaf of isr immediately sets fire to dried flowers, covering everything around with thick smoke. chyuchebekov did not have the appropriate
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education and qualifications as a welder, and the welding work that he carried out in the organization did not initially meet the safety requirements. investigators also asked vladimir kanovalov questions about why the welder’s work was not properly organized. it was he who was responsible for fire safety in the warehouse and did not deny in interviews that important details were often overlooked. the investigation against anton mochalyuk lasted almost a year and a half. during the investigation , it was established that the head of the organization did not provide additional evacuation exits from the building. having violated fire safety requirements, the evidence was found by the court to be sufficient to render a verdict
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against the head of the organization nova flora llc. until recently, it remained unclear what the future awaited mochelyuk. on monday , the mishchansky district court of the capital announced solution. give him a punishment, imprisonment for a period of 3 years, to be served in a penal colony. we were able to listen to the entrepreneur's emotions and ask questions after the verdict in his criminal case. anton said that the feeling still doesn’t let him go. we worked to compensate all the victims for the harm, to make amends as much as possible, to make amends for what can be made amends, it is clear that you cannot bring back your loved ones, and i understand this, but in whatever way i can, this is money or this and some other actions, we paid ok to all the victims 10 million rubles, plus the children were taken, so i took it, well , i signed an agreement, took it for maintenance, i will pay a monthly allowance until i turn 18, i have to go to the colony in a few days on my own. vladimir kanovalov is still awaiting a verdict;
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only the fate of the old brick building where the terrible events took place remains unclear. inside the warehouse everything is still the same, almost nothing has changed since the fire rescuers worked here, there are still fragments of bricks, wood and empty pots from flowers, but to all this was also added garbage. either the bulldozers have not yet had time to attack the warehouse, or they are planning to... the president of the russian union of commodity producers, oleg soskovets, is celebrating the anniversary. he turns 75 years old. oleg nikolayevich has worked as the minister of metallurgy of the soviet union, people's deputy of the ussr, and minister of industry of kazakhstan. warm words addressed to the hero of the day were published by the honest detective telegram channel. our editorial team joins in congratulations. and
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now terrible footage of a fatal accident with participation of bikers. in the tomsk region, an accident was caught on a video recorder; you can see how a motorcyclist overtakes the flow of cars at great speed, at some point one of the car drivers turns left. the motorcyclist died on the spot from a powerful blow; as the media write, the deceased was a well-known surgeon in the city. the driver of the car explained to the police that he simply did not notice the bike. like, when i looked in the mirror, he was not yet in the reflection. the degree of guilt of each participant will now be determined. stop investigators. the warmer it is outside, the more motorcyclists appear on the roads, and the number of accidents increases. at the same time, in every tenth accident a biker dies. often it’s not just their recklessness, but the inattention of drivers, and also the lack of proper equipment for motorcyclists. report by alexander ostakhov. remember how to properly use the brakes on a dirt road, brush up on your
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high-speed maneuvering skills and successfully drive a figure eight. every year thousands take to russian roads for the first time motorcyclists, but after a long winter break, training is also needed by experienced bikers. in order to gain off-road skills and feel comfortable, including both on asphalt and off-road. have you ever had an accident, tell me? moving along the tram tracks, he began to change lanes to the right onto the asphalt, he rubbed himself against a curb stone, well, it turns out he lay down with the motorcycle, he himself got a little scratched. while some are at the site, others are already in the city. officially, the motorcycle season has not yet begun in moscow, yes, the weather is not at all like may, but many motorcyclists have already rolled out their bikes from the garages and flew out onto the city streets. we are now in the motorcycle column of the zbrothers club, the guys regularly gather like this and ride around the city. and some have already had dozens of accidents
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involving bikes all over russia. west of moscow, previously the motorcyclist was racing right when. the car made a u-turn to cut him off. in st. petersburg, two lovers of violations found each other. the car rushed through the double lane, and the bike flew into a red light. and this is buryatia gusinoozersk. a drunk biker without a driver's license put his motorcycle under an oncoming bus. in the khabarovsk territory, toyota caught up with an inconspicuous bike from behind. and for this, motorcyclists in the moscow region cost their lives. the patrol car jumped out onto the road and the pilot rammed it at speed. the blow was so strong that the victim ended up under the car. he died. statistics are merciless: last year alone , about 8,000 motorcyclists got into accidents on russian roads, every tenth died, and how many more survived but were injured? tens of horsepower under gas tank and love to turn the throttle all the way, the finish of such races, as a rule, is in an ambulance. young people often tell me that i can go 200-250 there, after which i
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ask them, how will you stop at these speeds? car drivers are often the culprits in collisions. one of the most common road accident scenarios. the biker rides in a straight line, the car takes a left turn. trajectories inevitably cut each other. by the time the spring-summer season begins, drivers simply forget about what’s on the road. there are not only cars, but also motorcycles. and this is one of the main factors. analysts have calculated that riding a bike increases not so much the chance of getting into an accident, but rather getting seriously injured as a result of an accident. the motorist has it all around. metal, the motorcyclist takes the hit himself. the jacket with built-in protection is made to protect the pilot not only from falling impacts, but also when sliding on asphalt, so that it is the equipment that is worn out, not the leather. how the equipment can help is clearly demonstrated by footage of its crash tests. here testers drag along the asphalt in motorcycle jeans. we can see almost the entire working spot
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, it remains intact. these guys dropped a motorcycle helmet from a helicopter from a height of about 100 m. at least. guys, the shell remained intact, and during this test a multi-ton jeep ran over a so-called motor turtle without consequences. all this is at the discretion of the biker, the law requires wearing at least a helmet, however , some people forget about it, they catch such violators and remind motorcyclists of the rules too. traffic police officers on motorcycles have already opened their season. due to the cold weather there are certainly fewer motorcyclists on the roads in moscow than there could be. maybe, well, here’s another biker, the inspector has just stopped him, at least to check his documents, let’s see if everything is in order, his driver’s license was left at home, young man, well, it turns out you deceived him, they said don’t break it, but he doesn’t have a license , inspector. issued a fine of 500 rubles to the motorcyclist and released him, advising him to be careful, the weather is still unstable, when the temperature outside is less than 7 degrees celsius, the grip of the tires on the road is strong
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is getting worse, and you should think twice about whether to go out on the road and what maneuvers to allow yourself while riding a bike? alexander ostakov, vladimir shabarin, danilo klishchevsky, dmitry frolov, lead the duty department. the mystery of the poaching forest in the ryazan region , the deputy head of the regional criminal investigation department was arrested. his colleagues are confident that the policeman not only participated in an illegal hunt, but may also be directly connected with the murder of an employee of a local brewery. he disappeared during a poaching raid in company a policeman who knows exactly how to cover his tracks. from... the ryazan region , a report by andrey ivlev. deputy
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head of the criminal investigation department of the ryazan police, vitaly tsyplakov, in an unusual image in the courtroom in khaki trousers and a jacket, he seemed to be eagerly wearing a medical mask on his face, and such a disguise is from our television camera. the colonel was brought in to choose the end of the world. a high-ranking employee became a defendant in a criminal case about illegal hunting, and it’s also scary to imagine killing a person during it. before the beginning process is a mandatory procedure to establish the identity of the person involved. please submit to court for these please. what position do you currently hold? deputy head of department. illegal moose hunting with the participation of vitaly tseplakov, as it turned out, took place back in february of this year in the suburbs of ryazan. at that time, there was a ban on shooting artiodactyls in the region. the ryazan region is a tasty place for hunters. here they are rich in various game, roe deer, elk, wild boars, and it is in the ryazan region that a large number of so-called private hunting grounds, entry to outsiders
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is prohibited, but authoritative guests are always welcome, it was on such a hunting ground that a high-ranking police officer hunted, the exact place of that hunt has not yet been established, but it was then that sergei pentelin, forty-seven, an employee of the ryazan brewery he was listed as missing for months, although , according to his mother, there was no particular search, there were some oddities, the dog picked up the scent, and then they said that it had to be removed, because it is a guard dog. the grief-stricken woman says that she herself went to look for her son in the forest. time was lost, there was practically no search at all, and searching in the forest with wild boars together, you can imagine, i’m walking, there are wild boars behind me. knew that her son went hunting at the invitation of a friend, but she could not believe that he himself killed the animals. sergei allegedly always tried to hunt according to the law and categorically forbade everyone from shooting elk,
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forest cows, as hunters call them. he always said that a cow is still a child will bring it, this will be it if we kill everyone, then there will be no animals left at all, he was very honest and decent. as it became known, the fatal hunt was organized by the head of a local agricultural enterprise. sergei petin, it was he who invited his friend sergei pentelin and the current deputy head of the criminal investigation department, vitaly tseplakov, to rest. petin also appointed the meeting place. the village of morozovye barki is a 3- hour drive from ryazanie, there are several dozen houses here, many are destroyed, abandoned, there are practically no roads, it is not central street, but nearby there are forests where there is a lot of wildlife, which is what attracts hunters, including. here is the land of businessman petin; recently he has been actively engaged in breeding cows and meat breeds. in one of the interviews he directly said that slaughtering livestock is profitable.
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as soon as we re-form the batch, for example, there are 500-600 kg in live weight, then, accordingly , we will immediately sell it to a large enterprise , as meat, first of all, as meat today. these ponds with platinum are another business entrepreneur sergei petin, he started with small fish, then switched to larger ones, growing carp, hunting fish - petin’s two main passions, he often invited high-ranking police officers to his places and spent his free time with them. the farmer's business consists of several ponds with a total area of ​​about 300 hectares, here about 400 tons of carp alone are grown per year, and the company's head office is located next to the ponds. behind the high fence is the christian farm of sergei petin, he was considered one of the prominent agricultural industrialists of ryazan. in april this year, operatives came here and detained the entrepreneur. petin is now in pre-trial detention, he is charged with organizing illegal hunting, and
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according to some sources he could also be.
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my fun, only by invitation you can go hunting with certain people, but they don’t want to see others there and don’t let them in, the passion for hunting is one of the elite hobbies, everyone considers this to be a part of the hunter, this is something obligatory , status, so i think that those who want to go hunting in such... places there can organize a safari on a snowmobile, on an atv, i i think there’s plenty, but we ’re struggling with it in our own areas. a hunter with thirty-five years of experience, ivan larionov has been actively fighting against poachers for many years, he says everything as in the poems of yesenin, who was born in ryazan. yesterday i went hunting into this forest, enchanted by the fluffs of silver, with a loaded rifle. now hunting in the ryazan region is prohibited. the spring season is over, the summer season has not yet begun, but shots are still being fired, according to
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activists. hunting enthusiasts periodically sound, the results of bloody safaris are recorded by local residents, they killed a hair, they have already started cut it up. at the end of january last year, also in the ryazan region, a poaching hunt turned into a bloody massacre. several roe deer were killed. the mutilated carcass was discovered in the forest by a local huntsman. he also managed to identify the poachers, among whom was a law enforcement officer. after the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, drew attention to this story. the case went to court. all participants in the massacre were detained; as it turned out, they did not have permission to hunt, not a hunting license, they were killed with shot from a boat-barreled hunting weapon, the neck of one of the roe deer was cut, such vip hunts do not happen without incidents among people, often the participants themselves come under fire, if there is no discipline, it is possible just non-compliance with the technique safety when handling weapons or non-compliance with safety precautions directly during the hunt, people leave the room or...
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an accident or intentional murder, and did it happen? if not, then where did the local resident go? it is known that in addition to the current employee on vacation in the forest was another former policeman, a certain stanislav kostin. he was also arrested by the court. employees of the criminal investigation department of the ryazan police were involved in solving the crime. this is where their department is located, behind a high
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fence with barbed wire. iron gates, they followed the trail of future defendants for a long time, like hunters, not wanting to shoot, drove large game into a trap, in the end they found themselves, or rather their deputy chief, they say this happened only after the main directorate of internal security of the ministry of internal affairs and the central apparatus of the investigative committee of russia, the mother of sergei pentelin, who disappeared during the riot, got involved in the work, the case was sure to get under way... only the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , requested a report on the situation. if it weren’t for the investigative committee, i don’t know what would have happened next. many thanks to the guys who got involved. they are looking for my son. thank you very much, but it's still not there yet. there are no official comments on the criminal case yet. all participants of that fateful hunt in the pre-trial detention center. until the body of sergei pentelin is found, his mother cannot believe that her son is dead. and how will i live without him?


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