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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the region has 10 years of struggle, large-scale construction and restoration lies ahead. programs are being implemented that did not exist at all in ukraine. a unique tourist cluster in russia is being created on the coast of the azov sea. we plan not only to reconstruct and improve the hotels that we have, but also to create new sports and fitness centers, centers and children's camps. the development strategy for the priozovye region is designed until 2040, and it also involves large-scale construction. thanks to federal programs, finally they began to update the fleet of equipment, the process of sowing and harvesting crops has accelerated; previously it could be completed in a couple of days; now it can be done in a day and a half. the capitals of the region are also coming to life. in the center, builders began work on the reconstruction of the main ilić avenue. industrial giants are planning to resume work. gorlovsky sterol found an investor. the main springboard for the development of production is the free economic zone. 42 enterprises have already received the status. and its participants, the region
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is destined for a prosperous future. vadim topalov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, viktor voloshin, lead donetsk. workers in the volgograd region are carrying out major repairs to the stanitsa-lugansk palace of culture, even on weekends and holidays. 2 years ago, more than 20 regions of the country took patronage over all regions of the republic. we have already had it restored since 1922. for about 170 objects in the stanichno-lugansk district, residents, naturally, are very happy about this, grateful for the renovation of schools, for the renovation of roads, for the renovation of the hospital, today the whole republic, the tenth anniversary of the fateful the referendum on independence of the lpr is met with the undertones of large-scale restoration work. the overhaul affected all critical infrastructure that had been in ruins for decades: power grids, roads, boiler houses and water supply systems. enterprises of the republic
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became participants in the free economic zone. after seven years of inactivity, the lugansk ozon plant is again accepting orders from all over russia for mine rescue equipment. there are imported things that were purchased before, now they are out of order, so our products now look very adequate in the field of import substitution. much attention is paid to children. over the course of several years , thousands of children went to new schools. this year , on september 1, severodonetsk school number 9 for the first time in 2 years. will accept children again, people come back, come, ask, houses nearby are being renovated, restoration is in full swing, as if we are waiting, more than ten companies are launching large-scale work on the construction of new housing this year, you can buy an apartment under the preferential mortgage program, the social sphere is also developing, today residents of the republic have the opportunity to quickly and efficiently process any documents in modern mfcs throughout the region, more than 80% of the region’s residents have already received citizenship.
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it’s an honor for me, because being a citizen of a big country is very good for me, i ’m very proud of it. a long-term plan for the revival of the region has been developed until 2030; it affects all areas from medicine and education to the improvement of streets and city parks. mikhail ermishkin, kirill gentser, ekaterina tehmanovich, vesti lugansk. to others topics, over 100 people are clearing away the rubble after the partial collapse of a five-story residential building in pechora in the republic. coma. this was reported in the main department of the ministry of emergency situations for the region. the prosecutor's office began an investigation. according to preliminary data, no victims. it is reported that this is a former hostel; the destroyed part of the building was non-residential. and the building itself is considered unsafe. the ministry of emergency situations reported that 14 people, including five children, were evacuated. temporary accommodation points have been prepared for them. the head of the republic, vladimir, flew to the scene. in omsk area storm warning in the north of the region, the water level in the rivers is rising.
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more than 400 people have already been evacuated from flood zones, more than 300 houses are flooded on five sections of highways, and traffic is limited. our correspondent tatyana surovaya will tell you the details. zarechnaya street, although small here, is a victory over the elements; thanks to the embankment, which was reinforced with bags of soil, it is possible to hold back the pressure of the water. meanwhile, the water in the river is growing rapidly in others.
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150 beds, pillows, mattresses, and bed linen were sent to ustishim. all this can will be needed in the near future, including for additional places. they were prepared in the elementary school building and sent off. even a special ferry to evacuate livestock, yes, i personally evacuated livestock from local residents, from those people who hoped that there would be no flooding, it was closed in the fence, they broke out the boards, that is, they let out the sheep, the cart, and the dogs. rescuers and the ministry of emergency situations are working in populated areas around the clock, patrolling is underway, as the governor noted in his telegram channel, the flood forecast disappointing, the water in the river continues to remain, due to...
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tatyana surovaya, leading omsk. a summer operational headquarters has opened in sochi; it coordinates the work of enterprises in all sectors of the city’s operational services. the main task during the holiday season is to ensure a safe holiday. monitoring groups conduct raids and monitor the quality of services in hotels and cafes at tourist sites. there are 3,700 video cameras installed in the city, which are connected to a single information control center. goes to all services city, to all divisions of the village block, thereby once again we are strengthening the logistics, making sure that the beaches and all places of mass gathering in our city are safe, how
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the goal of the events is to attract as many people as possible, this is primarily due to our great holiday victory day, we are holding a circle along the garden ring, then we go down to the embankment and then we finish at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill, where there will be an overview of the exhibits that are now exhibited as trophies; a large sightseeing tour of the victory museum itself reveals to us. among the participants in the race are not only classic cars, but modern ones, including the aurus commandant, but of course there are more retro vehicles, the car was a spare car for the commander of the kiev military district, and after the collapse of the union it was brought from ukraine to russia, nothing changed in the interior, everything was in original design, that is, armrests. and the upholstery, nothing was altered, nothing changed. and
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today a motorcycle rally was held in moscow, led by members of the night wolves club, it started from the bike center on nizhnyaya mnevnike street, the first stop at vdnkh. there was a concert and a motorcycle show there. and then the participants also went to the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. for the exhibition , they donated coins from which a symbolic monument will be cast. today is 85 years since the beginning of the armed conflict on the river. many historians call it a dress rehearsal world war ii, it was then that the talent of a commander was first demonstrated by the future soviet marshal georgy zhukov. report by sergei mengazhev. to get to khalkingol and zulanbater, you need to drive about 100 km to the east. the last 350 kilometer section takes 8-10 hours along a bumpy track in the mongolian steppe, where there is no one on the way except grazing horses. it’s better to leave after dark, then you’ll be there. you'll be there by noon. a huge black stella with a five-pointed star on top on the bank of
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the khalkingol river is a monument to soviet and to the mongolian heroes who defended these lands in the summer of 1939 from the japanese militarists. in japan itself , little is remembered about this episode of history. a small private museum in the town of nasu, 200 km from tokyo, welcomes guests with bravura military songs. shortly before the surrender of japan, which was essentially predetermined thousands of kilometers away on the border with mongolia 85 years ago. by the end of the thirties, the japanese empire was already at war in china. on the border with mongolia she had the puppet state of manjugo, and some of the militarists who were at the head was preparing to begin capturing the northern ones. followed by an attack on the soviet union. on may 11, a detachment of japanese cavalry with machine guns
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crossed the border and advanced 15 km deep into mongolian territory, attacking the nomonhan border outpost. the sudden superiority of enemy forces put the red army units stationed in mongolia in an extremely difficult situation. and these are propaganda illustrations from a japanese magazine, just in may 1939, you see, a japanese soldier with a samurai sword captures a soviet tank. a silver-plated bust of marshal georgy zhukov in ulanbater was placed on the boulevard named after him for the fortieth anniversary of the victory at khalkhengol. he was sent to the mongolian front as an inspector with the rank of kamdiv, with the task of correcting the difficult situation in which the soviet troops found themselves. the mongolian people will never forget the fraternal support that the soviet people provided in difficult times. we believe that zhukov, as an outstanding commander, was born on mongolian soil. the main difficulties of the soviet army were associated with... the lack of roads among the japanese the railway was laid all the way to the border, since then little has changed, even
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now along potholed potholes, every now and then going around the corpses of animals or crossing water obstacles at random, with the risk of getting stuck in the mud, getting there is not easy, then wheeled transport was technically even weaker, however , after the transfer of reinforcements and the arrival of new aircraft, and most importantly, zhukov’s assumption of authority as commander of the entire operation, the initiative gradually... the main city in the east of the country, choibalsan, is the name of the commander of the mongolian army, his an equestrian statue stands in the central square, the nearest settlement on the way to holhengol. the fourth largest in mongolia with a population of less than 50 thousand people, on the side of a hill overlooking the steppe city stands a monument to soviet pilots, their names are inscribed on the memorial wall with gold letters. in the sky above khalkingol, the first two-time heroes of the soviet union in history were born, here are their names: kravchenko, gritsevets, smushkevich. for example, sergei ivanovich gritsevets single-handedly shot down 12
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japanese fighters when his plane the commander fell behind enemy lines, he sent his own. 16 at 60 km deep into the japanese defense, landed, took a comrade on board and returned to his own. all the main hostilities took place on the eastern bank of kholkhengol. now this is a restricted border area. we get there over rough terrain without any signs. the landscape here begins to change, trees appear, interspersed with dunes. the island of this downed japanese fighter has been lying in this place since july 1939, exactly. here major air battles took place. in general, the war on khalkingol went down in history as the largest in terms of the number of aircraft involved. on both sides , up to 800 fighters and bombers took part in it. on august 20, 1939 , the victorious offensive of the soviet-mongolian units began in all directions. in 4 days, the enemy forces were cut into several parts,
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surrounded and completely defeated. in ulaanbaatar , the victory on... is usually celebrated at the end of august; on anniversary dates, the holiday lasts several days, separate events take place in may, including at the zhukov monument in honor of our great victory, which soviet heroes began to forge on the mongolian-manjurian border in the summer months of '39. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichkov, east asian news bureau, nasu, japan, ulanbater, choibalsan, khelkhingol, mongolia. our planet has been hit by the most powerful disaster in the last 20 years. magnetic storm, according to scientists, it will last two days and can provoke interference and failures in the operation of electronics and communication systems. alexandra will tell you what else is dangerous about a magnetic storm perfilyeva. this hasn't happened for 20 years. over the weekend , the most powerful magnetic storm literally hit the earth. her level reached 4.5g, which
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means not just strong, but extremely strong. what happens to us when a magnetic storm occurs? we have it coming. changes in the magnetic field, and an alternating magnetic field generates a current in the wires. telegraph lines already showed this in the 19th century, that it was possible to disconnect a telegraph, a telegraph apparatus, from the battery, and the current that was in the wires was enough to allow information to be transmitted. by according to experts, serious communication interference may occur these days. starling space satellites are also failing. he announced this on his social networks. musk. there is a major geomagnetic solar storm happening right now, the largest in a long time. the starling satellites are under great pressure, but so far they can withstand it. a powerful stream of charged particles can also damage radio equipment. for example, it is especially difficult for a pilot to land a plane at night. small, so to speak, difficulties in determining the location left-right,
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when along the horizon, but in height, this is very serious, because we are in height... noise appeared, this noise, i mean this radiomagnetic noise from the sun, when these flares occur, these noises appear, which greatly influence the connection. according to scientists, magnetic flashes affect the human body; they are literally attracted to iron atoms in our blood, especially weather-dependent elderly people and newborns. with age, gradually with the accumulation of various pathological processes. body, these are the adaptive properties change, worsen, which begins to feel a change in the weather in general, this can lead to an increase in blood pressure , a change in blood viscosity and a variety of events, we just have some incredible event, then it’s green, then it’s pink, then some stripes aside. another consequence of magnetic storms is the aurora, which nature gave us. and the stronger
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the solar flares, the brighter and further away the colored flashes are. and to the southern regions of russia, also colored whirlwinds painted the sky of kaluga, kaliningrad, ryazan, leningrad and moscow regions, as well as in the urals, siberia and northern kazakhstan. according to meteorologists, the storm may last until the end of the weekend. news. the french authorities launched it. and says it's for safety reasons. however, despite the long preparation for the games, discussions about the security of objects do not subside. our columnist, emil mersaev, will tell you why. we will be glad when the olympic
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flame goes to our neighbors. these words were spoken by a municipal official of one of the cities on western france, convey as clearly as possible the stress and pressure faced by all levels of government in the fifth republic. getting games is not an easy task, but it is much more difficult. to carry them out, especially in a politicized country like france, which seems intolerant of centrism. the gendarmes will have to provide security for a national relay equivalent to the three-time tour de france, 12,000 km and 60 departments, each of which has radical activists. the ministry of internal affairs appreciated everything possible risks, there were barely 15 pages to fit them on paper, the verdict of the security forces. encouraging, i quote the absence of unrest, tantamount to a miracle, it has not happened yet, or rather, has not happened, the relay started this week in marseille, the ceremony on television
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looked magnificent, a concert on the water, a three-masted sailing ship of the 19th century, and the sky in the colors of the french flag, which, by the way, from some angles looked like russian. only the broadcast did not show several dozen people whom the gendarmes detained for drug use right in the city center. there was another loud scandal when the international olympic committee invited several transvestites to participate in the relay. this offended many spectators of the relay. they did not appreciate the philosophy of progressive france, calling the decision to quote an unscrupulous fiasco and evidence of the decline of civilization. the organizers justified themselves and noted that in this way they want to build a world with gender equality, inclusivity and diversity. sami'. artists believe that the torch should pass from hand to hand, regardless of sexual orientation, conservatives, in their words, have no right to a different opinion, but the most significant problems
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are still with security, so far, as local experts say with the guards of order, they have found some kind of compromise with the authorities, but there is a risk of a large-scale strike in the midst of the games still exists, security forces at rallies throughout the country, now and then threatening to paralyze work. confidential information from high-ranking officials. for the last time, for the third time , attackers gained access to the security plan for all olympic venues. games, they were stored on the
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logistics coordinator's laptop. but the main threat to paris is islamic radicals, the authorities believe; not long ago, police detained a teenager in the capital who joined isis, banned in russia, and wanted, quote, to die a martyr’s death right during the games. he is suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. the islamists have already become a classic for us: we prevent terrorist attacks every 3 months, the last eight have been prepared by the idil. i want to emphasize that the proportion of attackers among young people, 13, 14 and 15 years. fearing this, the gendarmes are protecting entire districts of paris, evicting all migrants directly onto the streets, they complain to the human rights organization. the largest operation recently took place, leaving 500 people homeless. it is a big problem that such shelters, as we call them, places of solidarity, are disappearing, because there are not illegal immigrants there, but migrants with documents who work, are employed in our economy, but face
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discrimination for the color of their skin, this does not make us any better. but it seems defenseless migrants in fact, this is not the main problem, security risks grow much more strongly due to incorrect technological decisions, as the british newspaper times writes, the national system for tracking drones is not able to protect the parade. from terrorist attacks, because it recognizes only one of the three drones at a distance of up to a kilometer, and generally confuses them with air conditioners, but the development cost an insane 350 million euros. it all comes down to the fact that the french authorities will have to further increase the budget for the olympic games, which already costs at least 9 billion euros. this will speed up high inflation, analysts are sure. prices in paris for food, transport, especially housing, etc. are growing at an accelerated pace, as a result, many city residents will prefer to leave the capital, and the rest of the french will not appear in it at all. i have always been a fan of the olympic
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games, but the way they... were organized by our country completely deprived me of motivation to go to paris, the prices for everything are too high, 400 euros to watch the competition for only half an hour, there is still a tv, and it’s a shame , it’s a shame that the organizers don’t care about the fans. thus, the main interest of the current olympics is president macron, for whom the opportunity to stroke his pride is higher than obvious problems. for the sake of a beautiful picture, in the absence of competent domestic policy , hundreds of thousands of people will be at risk this summer. already the third olympics in history in paris risks becoming a dark spot in the annals of the entire country.
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i hear a voice from the beautiful valley. awesome, very cool, energizing, cool, downright funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are just gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov in general, i really, really did this film, i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khabensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked key the most. yuri borisov is
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the best actor, it’s just that everything was done very cool, it really hit home, i don’t know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re so sensitive, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago forward, i thought a lot over these 100 years, i got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped working. install, open, look, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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it was you who stole a dagger from your grandfather at the age of 7, it was you, the men from the yard said, you are a fighter, it was you who was never afraid of a fight, it is with you, she is calm everywhere, it is on you, friends can always rely on you, it is you who cannot stay in
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aside, it's you! and here you are, among your own. great! mikhail mishustin submitted a new composition of the government to the state duma. we’ll find out from my colleague maria what changes the cabinet of ministers expects kudryavtseva, she introduces herself to us live. maria, greetings, let’s tell you again about the applicants and how.


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