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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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the last time zenit won the championship title so late was in 2021, exactly this happened in the twenty-eighth round in the rest of the previous years, let me remind you 5 years later... zenit
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wins the national championship, the blue-white-blue won the title much earlier, but let me note , that a match between spartak and krasnodar took place in moscow, and krasnodar lost to the red and white and thus did not score points, and even in the event of a defeat today , krasnodar definitely does not bypass zenit in the standings, but immediately after this match there will still be a meeting of another third contender for the championship title of dynamo moscow. in kaliningrad, but we are watching the game, the end of this match, here, of course, at the st. petersburg arena. anton, yes, we’ll wait to see how it all ends. thank you, my colleague stas redekultsev is watching how zenit fights with cska at the gazpromine st. petersburg. ballas orbán, a political adviser and namesake of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, told tucker carlson why his country does not want to go against russia and why washington’s foreign policy is dangerous. see it all in our
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of the united states, a large, complex country that is difficult to govern, but it has certain advantages, a large population of 350 million, a huge country.
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the soviets invaded it more than once and were expelled more than 30 years ago, since then the hungarians have maintained their sovereignty quite well, despite for nato membership, the key to this is prime minister viktor orbán, but he is not the only orbán who keeps hungary hungarian, ballás orbán is his political advisor, he is a public intellectual in hungary, and also a major political figure and writer, his new book called the hussar way, the hungarian engagement strategy, i...
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that's an insult, not at all, thank you, it's wonderful, yes, it's like a time capsule, but i hear the diplomatic community and foreign policy thinkers in washington describe hungary as a horrific fascist, theocratic police state, and this is nothing like the hungary i saw, where does the contrast come from? well, you should understand them too, because... because hungary was occupied many times, now we have just regained our sovereignty, we have an old country, culturally it is an island in the center of europe, a very proud nation, we are proud of our history , language, geography, and
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we want it to continue to be this way, we like to remain a sovereign country to have the right decide who we will live with. and this is a completely new problem for modern liberal elites in washington and brussels, they are not used to it, but if you are serious about sovereignty, you need to practice it daily. i think that one example of misunderstanding or deliberate distortion of facts is the issue of relations with russia. my opinion, just as a guest. russia is not very popular in hungary because the soviets occupied your country and killed a lot of people, right, not that long ago, but in the western press, you know, hungary too needs energy from eastern europe, including russia, but in washington, hungary
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is often called a tool of the kremlin or they say that putin and orban are very close, why do you think people say that? russian hungarian history is extremely complex and intricate. it's full of events, full of suffering on both sides, and we attacked them on the side of the germans, they attacked us, occupied us, killed a lot of people, and... so it's a complicated story, but they are our neighbors, so we have to live together or live under one sun, we don’t want to live together, we respect their own political, economic system, culture, we have it different, we prefer another, but we live under the same sun, and i think that the proposal that comes from the liberal elite in washington is that we are countries of the center... of europe, we can become the tip of the spear against the russians, this should be our role.
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you are fighting against the russians, and we support you in this. we give you some weapons, some military support, investments so you can survive, but not so many. you don't want other countries not to use us. perhaps you shouldn't have joined nato. well, i, i. i think, i think nato is a very, very important instrument. this is not a goal, it is a tool for us that can ensure security in hungary now. but i think president trump correctly understands that, you know, if america protects europe, then the demand of the american country is: why do you want to have an independent foreign policy? "my people protect you, you do not want to protect yourself, so you shouldn't, you know, shout
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at every corner about an independent foreign policy, i protect you, i dictate to you what to think about the world, that's what we think about nata, it's a very good set of tools that helps you, but if you are not prepared to defend yourself, then you will be controlled by others, but if it..." this is not about the indo-pacific region, it is not about forming a group of strange
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attackers or doing something in the indo-pacific region. you will not like it , if someone appears on the shores of california and wants to occupy san francisco or los angeles, the nato agreement is about exactly this. we, hungarians and hungarian soldiers must come to help the americans defend their... country, but that’s all, there is no other priority in the nato treaty. all countries must have their own independent security strategy. obviously, we do not want confrontation between europe and russia. and this unfortunate, terrible ukrainian-russian war, the last 2 years , has proven that confrontation is extremely dangerous. we. we are in a circle of escalation where we could end up in a hot war between nato
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and russia, this is the worst possible scenario, and no one, no one wants this, but no one has the strength to stop it. let me ask you, how can this be stopped? this is so crazy, it's counterproductive, no one will benefit except maybe tony blinken, that is, from the war? yes, we are trying to do everything possible, we are trying to maintain communication channels, we are trying to explain to everyone that this is... a war that leads to nowhere, all possible outcomes are extremely dangerous, such as the collapse of the ukrainian army, this, this is dangerous for everyone direct confrontation between nato and russia, which western leaders are currently discussing. french president macron directly refers to this, so it is dangerous, na na... our position, i mean, the position of the west, is not improving because of the conflict. people, hundreds and
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thousands of people die every day for nothing, our conditions for peace and conditions for stability are becoming worse, not better, so our task now is to emphasize the fact that this war is contrary to our interests, so it should be stopped immediately, supported, preserved . channels communications, first discuss a short-term ceasefire, then try to negotiate a long-term ceasefire, and then begin a very difficult and painful negotiation process not only.
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because all our people instinctively felt that this is what would happen, this is not good, so the sooner we stop this, the better it will be for everyone, but although we are aware of this, many western strategic policy thinkers think differently, then we have invested a lot energy to try to try to understand them, their point of view, and... "we were able identify some motives, rational motives, because in politics you are always looking for rational motives, and there are some tactical advantages, especially for the us, for example, you are trying to weaken russia, which is always a priority for the us, you are trying to stop the german-russian
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energy cooperation, which is always a priority, you're looking, looking - export markets for lng, which is always a priority for the united states, it's a minor tactical advantage, but strategically, it's pushing the russians into the arms china, it destroys europe as an economic stronghold, it destroys its energy independence, and it only accelerates the collapse of the world order.
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is very insulting and it's viscerally offensive, it's irrational, and you know, i'll leave it to our viewers to think about what it might be, but it's clear that they're not pursuing america's strategic interests in their policies, it's only fair to say, yes, anyway, let me ask you, you can say that because you american, i am this true, if this helps in any way,
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do you need to find financial methods for this? yes, there is a way to pay, and it depends on the strategy how much to pay you. if you don't have a strategy, then why are you talking about numbers? so what is happening now in the us congress? and what is happening in europe regarding the budget discussions? this, this, this is not a financial issue, this is a civilizational, strategic issue, this is very important. to save his own civilization, he is trying to destroy it, in my opinion, this is suicide. i'll give you one example. nato, in my opinion, is terrible for the united states, we should disband it immediately, this is my personal opinion. it impedes sovereignty rather than enhances it. do you have the right to say that? i hope when i'm arrested, i hope you'll come and testify. but whatever you think about nato, the idea of ​​nato is for
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us all to work together on each other's behalf. we protect each other, as you noted. nato leader, the united states just destroyed the domestic power supply of the second the largest nato member, germany, it’s true that the united states was behind the destruction of the nord stream, period. and no one said anything about it, so how can germany and the us remain two key players in the alliance if we attack germany, which we did. it's, it's a good question, we keep thinking about it every day and we ask the same question, ask the same question in brcel, so i think everyone.
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that's why i hope in many ways that if president trump comes back, you know, the america first policy will change the way of thinking the united states, on the one hand, on the other hand, will destroy the connection between the european liberal elites and the american leadership, so the time will come when...
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and different types of expiration dates for your decisions. so, you make a decision today, it can affect the level of politics in
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the coming months or years, and then there will be new elections, and we will see what happens after them, but there are some, as it were , civilizational problems, the validity period of their solutions is much longer. so, if... you make a decision, it will affect the everyday life of the next next next generation. so, so, here, here, here's what we realized. many european politicians spoke in 2015 when 400,000 people wanted to march illegally in hungary. they, they, they said: “listen, there is a syrian conflict.” you know, in just one day. 2 days or 2 months it will be over, these people are good because we need manpower, let them in, so it was a tactical decision on their part, we want
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to be good people. we don't want to be bad, in fact it is difficult and painful to stop people at the borders, these people are really fleeing from bad conditions, but we understood from the very beginning that this is a civilizational issue, and we did not fight for our sovereignty in order to voluntarily give it up after a thousand years, we don't want to lose our language, we don't want to lose our culture, we don't want to lose our security...
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and our country will obviously never be the same, so it's probably because of hungarian history, as you mentioned, we've always been a crossroads or a highway between east and west. so we realized that if we couldn't gain control, hold our positions, you know, control the territory, protect the people, then we would lose. this, this, this, this is our civilizational experience over the last 1,100 years, and probably others have this experience. i'm glad you didn't listen to applebaum and the atlantic council, and i hope they get statues of your prime minister, thank you very much, thank you for this nice conversation, thank you very much, tucker, thank you.
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specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, amounts serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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