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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin approved the structure of the cabinet of ministers. the prime minister will have 10 deputies, including one. first
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deputy prime minister, all ministries will remain the same, there are 21 in total, mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals for appointments, these candidates will now be considered by the state duma. maria kudryavtseva will tell you who exactly was included in the prime minister's list. president vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government. according to the decree, the head of the cabinet of ministers will have 10 deputies while maintaining 21 ministries. and mikhail mishustin has already submitted it for consideration. the state duma has a new composition of government. the list of deputies includes the first deputy prime minister. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers proposed the candidacy of denis manturov for this position. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belikov explained, the increase in the status of the deputy prime minister in charge of industry is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership, as stated in the new may decree of president vladimir putin. also on the list of deputy prime ministers. deputy prime minister,
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presidential plenipotentiary representative in the far eastern federal district, it is assumed that yuri trutnev will remain in this position, the position of deputy prime minister, head of the government apparatus is retained, the candidacy of dmitry grigorenko is proposed here, it is assumed that he will continue to oversee the financial and control and supervisory spheres. in addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antitrust policy, under its coordination. considering the importance of further development of transport. and logistics, the new government will include the position of a specialized deputy prime minister. in vitaly savelev, who in recent years headed the ministry of transport, and before that, for many years, one of the largest domestic airlines, was proposed as a candidate for this post. in connection with the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that before that he headed the ministry of agriculture, among other candidates for... those who previously held this
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position are tatyana golikova, including, it is assumed that as deputy prime minister, she will continue to oversee the activities the ministry of health, the ministry of labor and social protection, the ministry of culture, and the federal agency for national affairs will also be included in its scope of work. the candidacy of alexander novak has been proposed for the post of deputy prime minister, however, in connection with andrei belousov’s transfer to a new place of work, in addition to the energy sector. he will oversee the economic bloc, as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, alexander novyk has the necessary managerial experience, has been coordinating economic and financial issues for a long time, both in business and in municipal and public service, including holding the position of deputy minister of finance. it is expected that alexey overchuk, marat khusnulin and dmitry chernyshenko will retain their positions in the new government. concerning. chernyshenko, his areas
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of activity include the supervision of the ministry of science and higher education, the ministry of sports and the ministry of economics in terms of tourism development, the ministry of education and rosmolodezh will be added. in addition, he will continue coordination in the field of media and periodicals and publishing activities. in recent years, we have all achieved a lot in the digitalization of our country, all sectors of the economy and social sphere, and simply various aspects of life. rivok is perfect from the point of view of the development of digital government services. application portals have become an indispensable assistant for almost all citizens, where over 107 million people are already registered. the importance of digitalization and the ability to remotely receive government services has been clearly demonstrated by the covid-19 pandemic. but in order to use government services and online services they could maximum number of citizens of the country, it is necessary to consistently develop the digital infrastructure. the effectiveness of state policy in recent years in the field of science education cannot be overestimated. the key to this
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effectiveness is dmitry chernyshenko’s personal involvement in a huge range of tasks, from artificial intelligence and innovation to science and high technology. it is very important that the center of this policy is. man, his well-being and harmonious development of personality. concentration of the entire block of science education, areas of critical strategic importance for the future of our country, ensuring its economic and technological sovereignty is completely justified in the same hands. thanks to the priority 2030 program, dozens of leading universities have reached a new level of efficiency and competitiveness. according to the presidential decree, the number of names of russian ministries is new. government remain the same, but there are new candidates proposed as their leaders for the post of minister of sports, instead of oleg matytsin, who is moving to another job, the candidacy of the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, was proposed.
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sergei tsivilev has been proposed for the post of minister of energy, and the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoit, has been proposed for the post of minister of transport. as explained by the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov in 2012-2018. years he headed rosavtodor, in 2019 he headed the “safe and high-quality roads” group and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council for transport, and knows the industry from the inside. oksana lut was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture, let me remind you that she is now acting as first deputy minister of agriculture, for the post of minister of industry and trade, the candidacy of the governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov was proposed. let me remind you. he worked in the ministry of industry and trade, and was also a member of the advisory council on industry at the board of the eurasian economic commission. it is expected that alexander kozlov, anton kotyakov and sergei krovtsov. it is also expected that
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olga lyubimova, maxim reshednikov, anton selanov and mikhail murashko will retain their positions. among the candidates from the previous government are erek faizolin, valery folkov, alexey chikunkov and... maksud shadayev, as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, the final decision on the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers will be approved after consideration of the candidates of the state duma and additional consultations mikhail mishustin with the president. the government, even during this transition period it should work without any failures or delays. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with the acting deputy prime minister. and general director of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov. elizaveta khramtsova knows what issues the president discussed. russian industry has been developing successfully for many years, even in the context of sanctions and constant pressure on trading partners, and
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such a short but crucial period for the country as the time of government formation should not become a reason for any disruption to ongoing work. vladimir putin began with these words.
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this year the yak-130 has already delivered the first batches of the latest aviation systems under the 2024 state defense order program. deliveries of t-90m breakthrough tanks, self-propelled guns and other types of military equipment have been established, and such names as kakpan, iskander and dagger haunt the enemy
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, again confirming the glory of russian weapons. it is very important that you increase investments in scientific design work, namely new groundwork and new... financial sectors of the economy, and although the state defense order increased significantly, rostec’s so-called civilian revenue turned out to be the same, about 35% or almost a trillion rubles. energy security is also in focus. state corporation specialists have developed and launched into mass production the high-power turbine gtd-110m, which replaced foreign analogues. we are installing it at our shock station, which is being built on the taman peninsula. this is the first production turbine, and now we can say with confidence that we
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can achieve a very important milestone, because i know the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all western analogues, including turbos, now we can leave, general electric, we built three stations, this is the third, two stations were built in crimea, and one here... on the taman peninsula, a shock project that we should fully launch this year. there is less and less dependence on foreign developments in the field of medicine. the rostec enterprise today produces more than 150 types of medical equipment and equipment, the list is growing. so last year the development ended russian ventilator, the first domestic medicine against hepatitis b for adults and children was registered, rostec enterprises delivered more than 104 million doses of medicine to the regions under government orders.
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igor, greetings, what is the situation at the moment, hello anton, ukrainian militants once again shelled belgorod, fired from a rocket system. fire vampire, the shelling was massive, now we are in a microdistrict, which is close to the border, it is considered the most dangerous here, this is a microdistrict that local residents they call it har gora, they hit it with a reactive vampire mortar fire system, the shells fell in the middle of the residential sector, this is where one of the shells hit, it pierced the asphalt and after the explosion the fragments scattered throughout the area, there are residential buildings here...
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that's the entrance, they they did it on the other side , they were walking, it was open here, and we jumped in,
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there were six of us there, and we stood there until it was over, it was falling, it was just falling, you know, how dark it was from the glass, it was terrifying, what are you talking about, we arrived at nekrasov, there it’s thundering here it’s thundering with me, but that we’re not even the right word anymore, we’re already in a state of hysterics, i can’t sleep, i’m leaving for the night to another apartment so that at least... at least an hour of sleep, we’re physically we can’t live, we can’t sleep, we can’t go to the store, we can’t go to the market, well, nowhere. the shells exploded in the middle of the residential sector, hit the roofs of high-rise buildings, hit the parking lot, as a result of the explosions, cars that were parked near residential buildings caught fire, fires started, and the ministry of emergency situations officers who arrived on alarm quickly the fire was extinguished and assistance is now being provided. victims, their exact number is now being clarified, as well as the amount of damaged property, local authorities
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say that all victims are receiving the necessary medical care, over the years of aggression by ukrainian militants against civilians, doctors in the belgorod region have accumulated vast experience in treating war injuries in people shrapnel wounds, mine explosion injuries, now everyone needs help, the authorities say that they have the necessary resources for this... igor pikhanov. the russian army liberated
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six settlements at once - borisovka, ogurtsova, pletenevka, pylnaya and... this is all in the kharkov region, as well as the village of keramik in the dpr. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks were destroyed, including three german leopards, as well as 12 other armored vehicles. in addition, over fifty self-propelled guns, howitzers and multiple launch rocket systems, mostly american, french, british and polish-made, were destroyed. destroyed division patriot anti-aircraft missile system, aviation warehouse. foreign mercenaries cannot provide significant assistance in the ssu, as reported by the american portal business insider. journalists spoke with foreign
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fighters who entered into a contract with kiev. they said that the ukrainian command does not take care. mercenaries plug the holes at the front with them. experts call zelensky’s assertion that 20,000 foreigners are fighting for ukraine as pure propaganda. the real number is several thousand, and kiev is forced to actively recruit latin americans, whom they were previously afraid to recruit, primarily because drug cartel militants are going to fight for vysa. the number of recruits has fallen by 2/3 compared to march 2022 levels. half of those who signed up now are from latin america, larson said, which was also a significant change. last fall, the foreign legion began accepting spanish-speaking applicants; many of them had previously been categorically rejected. europe lacks the means to protect itself, the french president said in time to communicate with social
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network users. and here’s how macron answered the question: will the french have to go to war? i hope with all my might that we don't have to go to war. france is not a military power, but a peace power, but must be persuasive with its opponents, telling them, if you go too far and threaten my interests and my own safety, then i will not rule out intervention. it was assumed that macron would answer unexpected questions on social networks bluntly, but there was a piano in bushes his role was played by the chancellor of germany. one of the spectators asked if there was friendship between paris and berlin, chancellor scholz immediately appeared in the frame, he said in french, long live friendship. the new nuclear icebreaker yakutia is undergoing mooring tests; this is actually the first test for the ship before going to sea. see how nuclear-powered ships are tested in a special report
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by natalia solovyova. each nuclear icebreaker is a complex system, the main criteria of which are reliability and safety. this means that every vessel will be subjected to serious examinations right at the construction stage, and the first of them is mooring tests. their yakutia will take place here, at the plant. at the superstructure embankment of the baltic shipyard of the united shipbuilding corporation, more than a thousand people board yakutia every day; it is prepared for going to sea long before the first voyage, consistently setting up the equipment, checking the operation of all systems and mechanisms.
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attention post. the emergency diesel generator must start in a matter of seconds, there are three of these on the ship, each of them is checked first queue. if the emergency protection of the reactor installation is triggered, it will be they who will cover the ship’s electricity needs. in turn, backup diesel generators will help the nuclear-powered ship continue moving. during emergency operation, the icebreaker yakutia can develop a maximum power of six knots. this is on two generators. in principle, this is enough to... in some difficult situations, perform a maneuver, perform a planned shutdown, and begin some restoration work on the nuclear reactors themselves. with a capacity of 175 megawatts each, designed specifically for project 4.2.0 nuclear-powered ships is already on board, this is how some time ago they were installed in separate
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twenty-meter shafts. rhythm 200 is a third generation energy plant, considered the most productive in the world. there would be enough energy for an entire city, but the icebreaker needs it to navigate convoys of ships even through three-meter ice. yakutia. beyond the arctic, siberia and the urals , the soviet nuclear icebreaker fleet is being replaced. the first three as part of rosatomflot are already working on the northern sea route. this, in fact, practically ensuring the work of all enterprises in the mining industry, the transport system, the entire north of russia, and as we know, all of russia is getting used to the arctic oceans. these giants can keep watch for years. without entering the port, one load of nuclear fuel is enough for 7 years of continuous operation. nuclear icebreakers of project 4:2 are the largest and most powerful in the world. the length
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of the hull is 173 m, almost two football fields, width - 34. but most importantly, despite their impressive dimensions, they are real in all-terrain vehicles. thanks to their variable draft , they can work both at sea and in the mouths of northern rivers. 21 ballast tanks. located, therefore, from bow to stern, ballasting takes place within half an hour to an hour, which means it allows him to perform these tasks, the pressure is 8.2, the central control post has already acquired its features, the main equipment has been installed and now all the information flows here about each stage of mooring tests, atomoch itself is essentially a large computer, significantly. part of its systems digital. in this room it is still difficult to discern the wheelhouse, but this is exactly it,
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the bridge from which the entire icebreaker will be controlled. the installation of special equipment is about to begin here, consoles and a satellite navigation system will appear, well , someday, of course, the captain, first officer, and navigator will take their places, and behind these, still wired up about... there will no longer be a water area, no you, the real arctic. thanks to automated systems , the crew of yakutia will be only 54 people, the regular number on the icebreakers of the old guard twice as much. the icebreaker's engine room is the largest room. just imagine the height of a five-story building. now it looks more like a huge anthill; up to 150 people work here every day. roman mukharsky, a senior ship builder, followed in his father’s footsteps, he also works in the workshops of the plant and is very proud of this, he managed to work on every
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icebreaker of the new series, from laying to mooring and sea trials, it’s like giving birth to raising a child, like you i took the little one from the maternity hospital, and he is on your before our eyes, he grows and becomes an independent adult, and the feeling when we hand over the video recorder to the customer is as if you are giving away your son’s independence , we go around one tier after another, the specialist evaluates the quality of installation, the operation of all installations and components. the construction of yakutia is now exactly at the stage when installation work coincides with finishing work, you need to walk and even make your way along these corridors very carefully, dodging muddy cables, welding and warning signs, be careful painted. the walls are covered with endless cables, there are 1,300 km of them on an icebreaker, the same as the distance from st. petersburg, where the ship is being built to murmansk, the port of future registration, and there
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are over 60 thousand pipes of different diameters alone , welding is done almost everywhere, every part of the ship must be welded reliably, storm, pitching, after all, this is an icebreaker, when struck, it should fly around everything. secured, also on the equipment, you see the assault rails, which are so that even a person can wait. finishing work is underway in the future dining room crew, the galley and part of the cabins are ready, plumbing furniture has already appeared in them. any little thing that is taken care of on the shore can become decisive in the icy desert, which is why they pay such attention to detail here, taking a responsible approach to each stage of construction. this cabin is completely ready, it is intended not for crew accommodation, but for expedition members, for example, an intern, as you can see, it is a double room as close to home as possible,
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the only difference is. can't be done here rearrangement of furniture, everything is tightly screwed, screwed in case of a serious storm. as soon as the vessel completes mooring tests, it will be possible to begin sea and ice operations. this is another important and, one might say, final exam, after which the new nuclear icebreaker will first leave for its home port of murmansk, and then begin escorting ships in the waters of the northern sea route. icebreaker. already today the work schedule is practically written out, the work plans for the next year, we also have the last icebreaker, when it was delivered redokol ural, lokol sibir, they immediately after delivery were sent to work, to work, under additional contracts, agreements, to provide specific tasks, after the delivery of yakutia, the place of the outfitting embankment will be taken by the chukotka standing on the slipway, another nuclear-powered ship
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of the same series, on it ... sections of the hull are being assembled one after another and both nuclear reactors have already been installed in the leningrad line, it was laid down at the beginning of this year. leadership in the barctic is an ambitious task, but if anyone can solve it, it is our country, because only russia has a unique nuclear icebreaker fleet, which is regularly replenished. in the coming years , three more nuclear-powered ships of the latest design will go to work in high latitudes. four twos 0.
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