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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, panic, let’s do without panic, there’s belaina’s internet, let’s go to motels, better, with belaina’s smart network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with the internet on your side, they’re silent about it men, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? cerisit grouts, wide palette flowers, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresidite is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ceresidit grout glue together. thanks to shopping at mega.
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if you top up your account regularly, you will save up 16% faster! great news: magnit stores offer free delivery, and also a 40% discount on popular products, order in the magnet app! what a corporate event! enterum for a hangover! a new generation enterasorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients! a smart solution against poisoning! benefit eldorado generator: super discounts, interest-free! we approve of everyone's smart split
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system for only 18,999 and this has never happened before in installments in emvidio and eldora. russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream, russian cold. great, incredible taste. america. intends to declare a major trade war on china. the biden administration is preparing to quadruple tariffs on electric vehicles. they also want to introduce restrictions on the import of devices with solar panels. well, what is washington trying to achieve? our correspondent in the states, dmitry melnikov, will tell you. the car war between the united states and china is moving from a cold phase to a hot phase. fourfold increase in import duties on chinese cars. biden's most powerful blow to... the economic
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confrontation between west and east. a 100% tariff instead of the current already high 25% will actually double for a buyer in the usa the cost of all electric cars produced in china and will close the american market for auto giants from the middle kingdom. share of chinese electric cars in american automobile imports now do not exceed 1%. however, few people in the united states know that popular european brands have long been owned by chinese... companies, for example, volvo electric cars, which are produced under the polstar brand, are manufactured by the gilly group corporation, and it is unknown whether the new tariff rules will affect these cars. the explosive growth of the chinese auto industry and especially the electric car segment poses a mortal threat to the american auto industry, they say in washington. therefore, not only the cars themselves are under draconian tariff increases also hit chinese batteries and components.
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for their production. beijing called the biden administration's decision a great insult and a violation of international trade rules. china vows to defend itself. the united states continues to politicize economic and trade issues and abuse the tariff review process. this is a great insult. we call on the united states to strictly comply with world trade organization rules and remove all additional tariffs imposed on china, not to mention raising tariffs. will take all necessary measures to protect its rights and interests. a frenzied campaign against chinese electric vehicles unfolded in the european union coinciding with the visit of chinese president xijen pingnya to europe. brussels is discussing not only raising tariffs, but also a complete ban on the sale of chinese-made electric cars. the us decision could speed up this process. we stand ready to make full use of our trade protection tools if necessary. for example, a couple of weeks ago we started. our first
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investigation within the framework of international procurement. europe cannot accept market-distorting practices that could lead to deindustrialization here at home. against this background , china is negotiating with the europeans, bypassing brussels. the third option could be a ban on the shanghai plant of the american company tesla to ship cars to the united states, the enterprises were built by the chinese and local laws allow beijing to regulate the export of products, including the future of its automobile factories in china.
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discussed in beijing by company owner elon musk, who was forced to admit that chinese electric cars have become the most competitive in the world. it's good to see that electric cars are developing in china.
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russia takes the place; over the past year , almost 850 thousand cars were delivered to our country from china, and it is no coincidence that biden made the decision to protect the american market from chinese electric vehicles six months before the elections, in the battle for swing pennsylvania and michigan, he promises to protect the industry usa, triple tariffs could be next for chinese steel and aluminum. chinese steel companies don't have to worry about making a profit. because the chinese government has subsidized them so much that they don't compete, they cheat, they cheat, and we've seen the damage here in america. the presidential administration itself doubts among automakers that this economic blow to beijing will be able to save the us auto industry.
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the scale of chinese production is too large and chinese electric cars are too cheap. but it is clear that biden's decision is even greater will worsen relations with beijing, which were intended to be normalized. months were spent, which biden personally counted down after meeting with the chinese leader at the summit in san francisco. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. our planet was hit by the most powerful magnetic storm in 20 years. it will last two days and can provoke interference and failures in the operation of electronics and communication systems. alexandra perfeleva will tell you what other dangers such storms have. this hasn’t happened for 20 years; over the weekend, the most powerful magnetic storm, its level reached 4.5g, which means not just strong, but extremely strong. what happens in our country when a magnetic storm occurs, we have
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a change in the magnetic field, and an alternating magnetic field generates a current in the wires, telegraph lines showed already in the 19th century. this means that it was possible to disconnect the telegraph, the telegraph apparatus, from the battery, and the current that was in the wires was enough to allow information to be transmitted. according to experts, serious interference in communications may occur these days, they say out of service and starling space satellites. elon musk announced this on his social networks. there is a major geomagnetic solar storm happening right now, the largest in a long time. the starling satellites are under great pressure, but so far they are holding up. a stream of charged particles can also damage radio equipment, for example, it is especially not easy for pilots when landing a plane at night, small, so to speak, difficulties in determining the location left and right when along the horizon, but in altitude this is very serious, because we in height we
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we literally count there not a meter, a centimeter, noise appeared, this noise, i mean this radiomagnetic noise from the sun, when these flares occur, these... these noises appear that greatly affect communication. according to scientists, magnetic flashes affect the human body; they are literally attracted to iron atoms in our blood. with age , gradually with the accumulation of various pathological processes in the body, these adaptive properties change and worsen, he begins to feel changes in general weather, this can lead to an increase in blood pressure, a change in blood viscosity and a variety of events, we just have some incredible event, now it’s green, now it’s pink, then some stripes to the side, another consequence of magnetic storms - the polar lights that nature gave and the stronger the solar flares, the brighter and further away the colored flashes. look, look,
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little moths! this time the radiance extended to the southern regions of russia, and colored whirlwinds painted the sky of kaluga, kaliningrad, ryazan, leningrad and moscow regions, as well as in the urals, siberia and northern kazakhstan. according to meteorologists, the storm may last until the end of the weekend. alexandra perfileva and olga alyukhina. news. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners, a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket
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- the price is what you need. for back and joint pain. nice activegel is an active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation. nice active geal. reducing pain is his goal. not a video game, but a digital copy of one of the popular ones. places in moscow are the central distribution center, a platform where various events take place, repeats, this is a complete copy of the facade, interior, and there are more than a thousand such enterprises throughout russia. now i’ll tell you why this is needed. the prospect of a digital copy space on the market has already been appreciated by those who want to acquire one, many hundreds or even
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thousands of enterprises, regardless of profile, can be used for excursions, conferences, business meetings and... other things, the main advantage is the mobility of participants in such meetings, you can connect from anywhere in the world, the second is interactivity, business cards, price lists, documents, links, mostly active, that is, you can interact with them, there are three main types of metaverses, that is, this is consumer, which can be called video games and the entertainment market, that is, this is entertainment, where the main focus is only on users, they consume everything, but there is also... that is, this is where there is already a business segment, where you can not only spend, but earn, and there is also a market where we are now heading, these are industrial metaverses, where entire duplicates of factories gather, their internet of things, their personnel, business processes are collected, all this is connected into a single virtual space, and in order to manage this, a platform for creating
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virtual worlds was conceived as a startup that has already found its client. the company has taken off so strongly, a participant in the technology competition media industry started with investments of several hundred thousand rubles, today the capitalization is estimated at millions of dollars. all this not only looks futuristic, but is so, expanding the boundaries of reality. last year , one of the owners of a digital copy, with the capacity of his real enterprise up to 2.0 people, was able to hold a virtual meeting for 3.5 million users, and we we hold technology competitions six times a year, we have six topics, last year these topics were ecology, assistive technologies, sports, food and others, this year we also plan to hold six competitions, the first construction technology competition
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is already underway, and i invite everyone developers to take part in them, based on the results of competitions , there is usually... agreements between the corporate partner and the developer, based on the results of all competitions that have been held for several years, we have 236 developments were somehow purchased or piloted by partners. one of last year’s finalists and this company, its head a graduate student at moscow state university, has developed a unique filter that purifies indoor air better than any of its possible analogues using a biosorbent, the device is effective. air from toxic gases, and the design of such purifiers is also not quite ordinary, a planter made of oak wood with real plants inside. i found a unique composition, here are its components, these are mineral components and microorganisms that it effectively protects, well, it captures all the toxic gases, then we grind this mixture to get a granule, this is one of the variants of granules, that is
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, these are large granules, here is the second version of the granules that we press. it looks like this, and this is the first stage in air purification, the second stage is a hepofilter, the third is an antibacterial filter, and it is located in this part. the latest breakthrough ideas of young specialists are readily welcomed by the moscow government, helping them to be implemented, some of the projects that will prove their efficiency and attractiveness not only for business, but also for society, can become an integral part of metropolitan spaces, many would probably read about such a ubiquitous device, this is a robotic catering machine, this is a burger production machine, its producers produce 140 burgers per hour, and it occupies an area of ​​1 m2, and this is a prototype of an mvp, for which we are now actively looking for additional investments. the idea came from the engine
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of progress. one of the project participants was too lazy to cook lunch for himself. eventually. job transferred to a robot that will cut fresh vegetables, select the best products, prepare a delicious cutlet, the productivity is impressive up to 240 burgers per hour. suddenly moscow will see some great potential in this, for example, uh, at various ones, just at every, at any event large enough, it will look more profitable than some kind of food court, a small point with one person who is there in tears - in sweat preparing these burgers because... i have heard more than once that people at such large events expect the queue is more than 40 minutes, that is, they wait for their burger, here please, two minutes, each subsequent burger will be ready in 20-25 seconds. that's all, in fact , this is how all engineering things happen, it is possible, the fact is that you will never go to a store, buy something,
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participants of moscow technology platforms, real inventors, this company has become the only one in a country that was able to replace foreign equipment and even surpass it for filming car movie scenes in a pavilion, this process is not easy, in order to make the viewer believe that the car is moving along real streets, you have to work hard, the mission was to make it safe for the actors to drive, so that the directors could realize their creative ambitions, we filmed the scenes, we filmed film fans on the street beforehand, as we call them, and then we drove the car into the pavilion and it was absolutely convenient, comfortable for the entire film crew , they filmed a very long time in the pavilion and it was safe for the actors. the company is also among the winners of the technology competition. transferring the car scenes to the pavilion allows us not to interfere with the life of the megapolis by organizing the filming process.
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thanks to this, the budget for the films can be reduced. actors have fewer filming shifts, they can shoot more at one time, production has now increased by 300-400%, no joke. a technology competition is not only some kind of help from a financial point of view.
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can easily identify points of cafes, shops, atms, determine, of course, their operating modes, and, of course, information and information terminals are equipped with a special function for passengers with limited mobility, thanks to which passengers with limited mobility can build a barrier-free route for themselves using elevators, escalators or other specialized devices to access the train. for landing, or for movement through the vosal complex. in general , such terminals have already been installed at fourteen stations in the country. have passengers already appreciated their benefits? passengers of
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long-distance trains, of course, need to navigate at large metropolitan stations much more difficult than, well, say, local residents. it is for them that such electronic displays and navigators are installed here, on which you can find all the necessary information, for example, how to get from kaz. technology helps in many ways to monitor health; more and more companies are using new solutions, digitizing their processes. computer vision captures a person’s points, based on these points, it will build a digital twin of this person, after which
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, after a series of interpretations, it will reveal deviations or some violations already in the reference human musculoskeletal system. now the computer is able to determine the effect of incorrect posture or slouching, whether the joints suffer under constant load, and many other factors. after diagnosis, the system issues... the result will not only provide a diagnosis, but also provide recommendations. for one month, daily workouts are scheduled, for each workout there is a video instruction, and the system works not only in a specialist’s office, evaluate working conditions, predict the load, which muscle groups or joints are needed you can save or pay attention to warming them up before work and during the actual activity. at the first stage, we are conducting a pilot - at sites in moscow and yekaterinburg. based on the results, the pilot can be replicated across the entire group of companies. in general, in our company we actively use modern technologies, for example, we have been doing this
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for 5 years. at each of our facilities , automated systems are installed that allow us to assess the health status of an employee before the start of each working day. well, the most important thing in a prosthesis is safety, that is, this is a brace of stability, pay attention, i boldly stand on it, and it does not drop me, you see, it holds me. another company is now testing a new prosthesis, which is already in effect. the series will be finalized only in the process, the peculiarity is that inside the joint part of the device there is something similar to a gyroscope, which does not allow the user to deviate and saves him from falling. a gyroscope, yes, can you imagine what it is and several sensors that are responsible for certain evasion, that is, a certain one, let’s say you tripped, yes, the sensor goes off, indicating that you tripped; it blocks and prevents you
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from falling. allows your knee to bend, the same goes for slipping, it reacts the same way, that is, to some sudden movements, and it also blocks, doesn’t let you fall, so, but you also need to learn this, learn to trust the prosthesis, what the prosthesis can do catch you, considering that when the company was created, we were mostly all students, we did not have additional funding, we did not have the opportunity to simply buy a foreign analogue, take it apart and see how it was done. these are cool uncles and aunts abroad, and we slowly obtained a lot of information directly there at meetings with prosthetists, they explained how other prostheses work. the plans for this year are to produce 200 knee modules, next year 400-500, and this will cover almost half of the market demand. every inventor, entrepreneur, in general,
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any person has the opportunity to realize their ideas and projects. test it in action. the construction technology competition has already started, in two more will be launched in the near future: robotics and smart city technologies.
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