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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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approved the structure of the cabinet of ministers. the prime minister will have 10 deputies, including one first deputy prime minister. all ministries will remain the same, there are 21 in total. mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals for appointments. these candidates will now be considered by the state duma. andrei belousov is moving to another job. denis manturov will replace him as first deputy prime minister. this is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership in all areas. the military-industrial complex can become a powerful driver of economic development. anton alekhanov, governor of the kaliningrad region, proposed as minister of industry and trade. previously, in this department he was the director of the foreign trade department. they want to retain the positions of deputy prime ministers for alexei overchuk, yuri trutnev and morat khusnulin. deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko will have expanded powers, in addition to the financial and control and supervisory spheres, he will now oversee digital development and communications.
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michel, and if he is in ukraine, then he melodiously calls himself mikhail . which one suits you better, mikhailik or misha? misha. oops, i’m asking this channel, again the doctor.
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on august 1, 1990, for the first time in the history of the ussr, the monument to lenin was demolished. this happened in western ukraine, in chervanograd. thus began the lenin fall, the destruction of monuments to the founder of the soviet union. behind for the last 30 years only in ukraine.
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june 1917. damned tsarism turned the great russians into executioners of the ukrainian people. in every possible way he nurtured in him hatred for those who forbade even ukrainian children to speak their native language to study. not a single democrat can denounce ukraine’s right to freely secede from russia. lenin decided that there would be more than just a ukrainian soviet republic.
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and the petty-bourgeois republic, says lenin, puts forward the following lo, that the russians, yes, the great russian, he has always oppressed the ukrainians malorosa, you can’t do this, but in order for... this to not be oppression, so that the powerful ukrainian soviet republic, the bolshevik republic, is now self-sufficient and stands for soviet power, it needs to be inoculated with the donbass, the working class. here the interests of nationalists, locals, the ukrainian central council, and the bolsheviks converged. in 1922 , the ukrainian ussr with the lands of novorossiya donated to it became part of the ussr. new socialist state, the soviet union. after lenin's death, the course towards
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stalin continued ukrainization. the party needed dedicated national cadres. the ukrainian nation exists, and the development of its culture is the responsibility of the communists. it is clear that if russian elements still predominate in the cities of ukraine, then over time these cities will inevitably belong to ukraine. when ukraine was created in the eighteenth year of the pobrez peace exactly according to the map of the german general staff, then these borders of the german general staff remained within the framework of the ussr, which was created in the twenty-second year, all of novorosiya, in fact, was, well, not occupied, but sort of arbitrarily annexed to ukraine, arbitrarily annexed, so it always felt like a stranger, especially donbass, donbass, as well as crimea within the framework.
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red ukrainization, on behalf of stalin,
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was carried out by lazar koganovich, and with an iron hand. during the census , russians and moloros were recorded as ukrainians, all office work, newspapers, education were translated into ukrainian, opponents of ukrainization were repressed, at least fired from work. someone asked then what the population was thinking about? no, of course not, so what started? newspapers, virtually all newspapers, even in the donbass, in russia in ukrainian, were made as the name of the newspaper in ukrainian, the title, the headings of the articles, the text itself was russian, just no one read it, it was attributed in mariupol and odessa, in kiev, in the donbass everywhere to study the ukrainian language, if an official, if a soviet party worker does not know the ukrainian language, everyone was simply kicked out. well, in the late twenties, early thirties it just went a hundred, that is, the soviet party workers themselves began
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to write where to go next, yes, that is, the factories will stop, people will not know what language and how to speak, that is, this is already dangerous purely technically, they pressed it a little, yes, that is, it’s like this the cavalry attack of ukrainianism and ukrainization was somewhat dampened, but still the seeds were already sown then. if for historical little russia, there the kiev region, poltava region, this was in principle normal, then for the territory of novorossiya and donbass, the introduction of the ukrainian language here was met quite strong.
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big cities of ukraine, they are only russian-speaking for a while, they are surrounded by villages, they are surrounded by villages speaking the ukrainian language, and the village will inevitably displace, will inevitably come to the city and displace the russian language, exactly the opposite, and i, as a resident of kiev, as if having lived all my life, born and lived all their lives in kiev, i testify that it absolutely did not work, iosifich was wrong if we talk about
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kiev, other cities, let’s say about kharkov, there in general. there is no dnipotrovsk, on the contrary, they came to the city and russified, the ukrainian language was perceived as a rural colloquial dialect, and as soon as a person moves to the city, from the very first day he switches to russian, to ukrainian and never returns, as if it did not exist, this, you know, this is 90% of people such people, and this also influenced the mentality, that is, there is a rural ukrainian language, and there is an urban russian language.
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yes, that is, in fact, distort the russian language into what can be called a little russian dialect, its more primitive version, and shove all this illiterate nonsense into russian children. twenty-third year, 1922, it was impossible to use either in textbooks, or in works, or in books, nowhere the word novorossiya could be said, either southern ukraine, or the northern black sea region, but you know what?
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he proclaimed the creation of the ukrainian orthodox autocephalous church, which the people immediately nicknamed the self-saints. not a single bishop took part in this meeting of impostors, and the patriarchal exarch of ukraine, metropolitan michael, accompanied his refusal with a sharp statement: i do not dedicate vipers to the bishop. what happens next is a comedy: a huge number of men who are there, they go, run up to this lepnitsky and begin to lay hands on him, this is an imitation of consecration, they lay their hands on him, these hands, calloused and not calloused, and announce that they have ordained him as a bishop , they
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illuminated themselves, and after that someone has some kind of audacity to say that... we immediately enter the space of lies and some kind of phyletonic space, you know, comedic, some kind of evil ballagan , what a bullshit and nothing more,
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and this only ballagan differs from the usual rural booth in that at one fine moment, at one terrible moment, the painted actors begin to shoot at each other in front of the audience, the blood flows in the most real way, they force or are forced to participate in this booth and.. .or they will kill you, now such a tent is unfolding on the territory of the former ukrainian. the history of church schism for ukraine is one of the key ones. in general , i believe that it is actually on the territory of the ossr, and now also ukraine, the main goal pursued by all the forces that have shown russophobia is the destruction of our orthodox faith. why? because kyiv. and the kiev-pechersk lavra, it is there that the umbilical cord of our russian civilization is buried, from there came russia, from there came holy russia, there prince
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vladimir, in the waters of the dnieper under the kiev-pechersk lava, prince vladimir baptized our entire russian people, yes, he was corrupted, from tribes that killed each other, we turned into one monolithic whole, thanks to which we were able to form such a great power, therefore of course, it is extremely important for the west to destroy it there in lonne.
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ukrainization came again to the territory of the former ussr, and in the most radical form, almost the same as it was in the twenties, language was again at the center of the struggle, and novorosiya, donetsk, lugansk, odessa, crimea, russia, russia became the center of resistance to ukrainization. russia in my museum forced us gradually, they forced us to switch to the ukrainian language, they forced us, we had to, when we have 99% of russian speakers,
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russian-thinking people, all of them spoke russian, everyone knew russian perfectly language, no, we were forced by force, okay, we obeyed, we switched to internal documentation, we did, wrote in ukrainian, but when you offered us...
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but as soon as crimean children, or rather their parents, got the opportunity to study in in russian, they stopped going to ukrainian classes; since 2016 , parents have not brought a single child in crimea to a single ukrainian class, not a single one. the same situation, by the way, is in the dpr, in the lpr, that is, you need to understand that as soon as you give people in ukraine a chance, the opportunity to choose between the ukrainian and...
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before god the salvation of peoples, here in christ, then the enemy of the human race, and naturally the enemy of christ, he wants this civilization to be destroyed, nothing is better than to inspire parts of this civilization that it does not belong to it belongs, moreover, that she hates the rest, the language here is used for this, you understand that when your native language, which you have spoken since childhood, is called their in-law language, well, language...
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all these desires to create some kind of then another, good ukraine, because ukraine is good cannot be by definition. you know, malarussia and novorussia can have only one future as part of russia.
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