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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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vladimir putin approved the structure of the government, mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals for appointments , maria kudryavtseva will tell you who exactly was included in the prime minister’s list. president vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government. according to the decree, the head of the cabinet of ministers will have 10 deputies while maintaining 21 ministries. and mikhail mishustin has already submitted a new composition of the government to the state duma. the list
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of deputies includes the first deputy prime minister. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers proposed the candidacy of denis manturov for this position. how explained the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov, the increase in the status of the deputy prime minister in charge of industry is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership, as stated in the new may decree of president vladimir putin. also on the list of deputy prime ministers is the deputy prime minister, plenipotentiary representative. president in the far eastern federal district , it is assumed that yuri trutnev will remain in this position; the position of deputy prime minister, head of the government apparatus, is retained; a candidacy has been proposed here dmitry grigorenko, it is assumed that he will continue to oversee the financial and control and supervisory areas. in addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antitrust policy, under its coordination. considering the importance of the further development of transport and logistics, the new composition of the ruler. the position
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of specialized deputy prime minister will appear. vitaly savelelev has been proposed as a candidate for this post. in recent years, he headed the ministry of transport, and before that for many years one of the largest domestic airlines. in connection with the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that before that he headed the ministry of agriculture. among other candidates for the post of deputy prime minister. who previously held this position is tatyana golikova, including, it is assumed that as deputy prime minister she will continue to oversee the activities of the ministry of health, the ministry of labor and social protection, the ministry of culture, also in her area the work will include the federal agency for national affairs. alexander novak has been proposed for the post of deputy prime minister, however, due to andrei belousov’s move to a new job, in addition to the energy sector, he will oversee the economic bloc. that
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alexey overchuk, marat khusnulin and dmitry chernyshenko will retain their positions in the new government. as for dmitry chernyshenko, his areas of activity include the supervision of the ministry of science and higher education, the ministry of sports and the ministry of economics in terms of development tourism, the ministry of education and rosmolodezh will be added. in addition, he will continue to coordinate in the field of media, periodicals and publishing activities. according to the presidential decree, the number of names of russian ministries in the new one. government remain the same, but there are new candidates proposed as their leaders. for the post of minister of sports, instead of oleg matytsin, who is moving to another job, the candidacy of the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, was proposed. sergei tsivilev has been proposed for the post of minister of energy, well, the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoyet, has been proposed for the post of minister of transport. as explained by the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov in 2012-2018. years roman
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storovoyd headed rosavtodor. in 2019 , he headed the group “safe and high-quality roads and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council for transport.” oksana lut was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture. let me remind you that she is now acting as first deputy minister of agriculture. for the position minister of industry and trade, the candidacy of governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov was proposed. let me remind you that he previously worked at the ministry of industry and trade and was also a member. the composition of the advisory council on industry at the board of the eurasian economic commission; alexander kozlov, anton kotyakov and sergei krovtsov are expected to retain their posts in the new government. it is also expected that olga lyubimova, maxim reshednikov, anton syulanov and mikhail murashka will retain their positions. among candidates from the previous composition government, erek fayzolin, valery folkov, alexey chakunkov and maksud shadayev. how.
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boris belyakov, press secretary of the prime minister, clarifies that the final decision on the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers will be approved after consideration of the state duma’s candidates and additional consultations. mikhail mishustin with the president. the government, even during this transition period, must work without any failures or delays. this was emphasized by vladimir putin at a meeting with the acting deputy prime minister, head of mimpromtorg denis manturov and general director of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov. elizaveta khramtsova knows what issues the president discussed. russian industry has been developing successfully for many years, even in the conditions. sanctions are constantly putting pressure on trading partners, and such a short but crucial period for the country as the time of government formation should not become a reason for any disruption in current work. with these words, vladimir putin began his meeting with the acting deputy prime minister and head of
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ministry of industry and trade denis manturov and rostec director sergei chemizov. in which denis valentinovich is involved in all industry, defense and civil. everything is concentrated here, a significant amount of work is going on in this direction within rostec, i would like to talk to you now about how this work is being built now and how we plan to launch it in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, established, everything is functioning, but there are issues that require special attention, here they are, uh let's stop today. the rostec enterprise today accounts for more than 80% of all weapons that are used in the zone of a special military operation. more than 660 thousand employees across the country sometimes work in two or three shifts. compared to 2020, last year
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rostec enterprises produced 10 times more units of self-propelled artillery, 20 times more mortars, and the production of multiple rocket launchers and infantry fighting vehicles increased significantly. and, of course, deliveries continue. advanced weapons. at a recent meeting with mikhail mishustin sergei chebizov said: last year , new serial fighters of the family were delivered to the army, including the multi-role su-57, ill-76 md-90a and yag-130 aircraft. and this year, the first batches of the latest aviation systems have already been delivered under the 2024 state defense order program. the supply of t-90m tanks, breakthrough tanks, self-propelled guns and other types of military equipment has been established. names like shell, iskander and dagger, do not give the enemy peace, again, confirming the glory of russian weapons, it is very important that you increase investments in scientific design work, it is new groundwork and new technologies that should become the prototype for future technological
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solutions that would be used in all areas, including in equipment that is supplied under state defense orders, including to the civilian sectors of the economy, and although... order turnover has increased significantly , rostec’s so-called civilian revenue turned out to be the same at about 35% or almost a trillion rubles. energy security is also in focus. state corporation specialists have developed and launched into mass production a large turbine power of the gtd-110m, which replaced foreign analogues. we are installing it at our shock station, which is being built on the taman peninsula, this is the first one.
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which we should fully launch this year, there is less and less dependence on foreign developments in the field of medicine, rostec enterprises today produce more than 150 types of medical equipment and equipment, the list is growing, so last year the development of a russian ventilator ended, the first domestic medicine was registered against hepatitis b for adults and children, rostec enterprises delivered more than 104 million doses of medicines and vaccines to the regions under government orders. elizabeth. news. kyiv militants shelled belgorod. according to the governor, a woman died. another 29 people were injured by shrapnel. according to the ministry of defense, air defense forces destroyed 12 shells of the czech vampire systems.
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igor pikhanov about the situation. ukrainian militants once again shelled belgorod, using a vampire multiple launch rocket system. the shelling was massive. now we are. microdistrict, which is located close to the border, it is considered the most dangerous here, this is a microdistrict that the locals call khar gora, they hit it with rocket fire systems. vampire, the shells fell in the middle of the residential sector, this is where one of the shells hit, it pierced the asphalt and after the explosion the fragments scattered throughout the area, there are residential buildings, shops, there are no military facilities here, in this store, this store came under fire at the very working moment, was here, here were also visitors, fragments pierced the glass, despite the fact that it is armored, it does not crumble. but still was hit, here - here is the warehouse of one of the enterprises,
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there were also casualties in the city, now operational services are working on the spot, they are eliminating the consequences of this shelling, the blow was serious, the air defense unit shot down most of the shells , which were flying towards the city, the day before ukrainian militants used cluster shells against civilians, including the explosions started, where were you, where? they did it on the other side, they were walking around, it was open here, and we jumped in, there were six of us there, and we stood there until it was all over, it was crumbling, it was just falling, you know, how dark it was from the glass, it was terrifying, what are you talking about, we arrived at nekrasov, there is a thunderous thunderstorm, and the fact that we are no longer the right word, we are already... in a state of hysteria, i can’t sleep, i’m leaving for the night to another apartment, so that at least somehow for an hour
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sleep, we physically cannot live or sleep, don’t go to the store, don’t go to the market, well, nowhere. the shells exploded in the middle of the residential sector, hit the roofs of high-rise buildings, landed in parking lots, as a result of the explosions , cars that were parked near residential buildings caught fire, fires started, emergency workers who arrived on alert quickly put out the fire, and now assistance is being provided to everyone... their exact the amount is now being clarified, as well as the amount of damaged property over the years of aggression by ukrainian militants against civilians, doctors in the belgorod region have accumulated vast experience in treating injuries, people have shrapnel wounds, mine explosion injuries, now everyone is receiving the necessary help, the authorities say that there are the necessary specialists and the necessary equipment for this, after the dangerous territory is examined by sappers, employees of municipal services will begin work , now it’s dangerous... the territory has been sealed off with tapes, police officers are guarding them, people are asked not to approach, we need to exclude
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the possibility that there are still unexploded elements of shells left here. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, khalettan kiev, conduct the belgorod region. the russian army liberated six settlements at once, five in the kharkov region, as well as the village of keramik in the dpr. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks were destroyed, including. american, french, british multiple launch rocket systems, mostly made in poland. a destroyed division of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system, a warehouse for aviation weapons and a workshop for the production of combat drones. air defense forces shot down 46 drones over 50 guided bombs and missiles, including atakoms. situation on the front line anastasia panko. the central event
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in the zone was the start of the offensive operation of the north group of troops in the kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense, russian units liberated the settlements of borisovka, ogurtsova, pletenevka, and dusty strelechya. four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were hit by fire in this direction. enemy losses amounted to up to 170 military personnel. 34 people were taken prisoner. first day. assault passed, the guys showed their will, they personally surrendered, everyone is alive, and most importantly, it was possible to reduce the risk for the russian border area, since the armed forces of ukraine lost many artillery systems, which were used, as a rule, for terrorist shelling of populated areas on russian territory. according to the ministry of defense, high-precision strikes destroyed a multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle, bogdan and caesar self-propelled artillery units made in france, as well as several at once. vsushniki have already called for
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the evacuation of residents of the kharkov region, to cover their own retreat , the ukrainian military probably really needs a human shield. the danger of air strikes is heightened by the fact that ukrainian air defense forces have suffered significant losses. so, within 24 hours , two beech installations modernized by western countries were destroyed, and crossings used by the ukrainian military were hit. aerospace forces pilots contribute to the success of the advance of ground forces and are actively involved in other areas of special operations. gives goals, these goals are processed, then we analyze the possibility of using our weapons, we try to practice as much as possible against the enemy, targets for attack aircraft are given by advanced aircraft gunners, they also confirm the defeat of the enemy forces, the footage shows the combat work of the s-25 in the avdiivka
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direction. after the launch, we carried out anti-missile maneuvering, according to pan’s report, the target was hit, we are working for our intended purpose, supporting our comrades in arms, work, boys, the artillerymen of the center group are also working in the avdeevka direction, their fire the key to the successful advancement of assault groups, since the liberation of avdeevka, russian troops have been continuously storming positions in the ssu and are doing this successfully every day, knocking out militants from populated areas, so the day before the ceramics of the donetsk people's republic was liberated during... a dozen counterattacks, ukrainian troops in this direction we lost almost four hundred of our soldiers and a lot of equipment, we support the offensive of our guys, we always work out what targets come at night during the day, we usually work according to the bird, that is, when our guys are attacking, they get the bird, they see where our guys can’t get through, that’s it, and we practice a 100% hit there, in the orekhovsk
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direction, paratroopers from novorossiysk captured a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, uav operators accompanied the assault group from the air, they opened the enemy’s defenses, which was hit by accurate artillery and aviation fire. everyone is alive, that’s it, protect the village of the north. this is one of many examples of the daily combat work of the russian military in the northern military district zone. the work is difficult and dangerous, but thanks to the combat experience gained, feasible, despite the stubborn resistance of the enemy. anastasia ponku, lead. nato risks unleashing world war iii in ukraine at the same time. lining the pockets of gun manufacturers. with such an unexpected headline for the united states, an article was published in the influential washington publication hill. it is emphasized that not a single serious american expert believes in the possibility of kiev’s victory, but the goal of the united states and the eu is still to force ukraine to fight with russia for as long as possible. the reason for the military-industrial lobby's desire to
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earn money. obviously, for a number of military contractors in our country, europe is a conflict. it became a gift to ukraine, a real cash cow. this endless flow of taxpayer funds suggests fraud. hundreds of millions of dollars have already disappeared into the rat holes of ukraine without any accountability. the billions of dollars being pumped into ukraine looks like the world's largest financial pyramid, similar to the ponza scheme. this is a scam where money is raised by involving more and more new investors, but in our case the funds they do not invest of their own free will. government is simple. hard-earned money, billions to ukraine or possibly criminal structures. it is high time to stop this scam, stop nuclear intimidation and start the negotiation process. in st. petersburg , a suspect was detained in connection with the death of people when a passenger bus fell into the river. this is the head of the taxi company convoy that was responsible for this flight. he
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faces up to 10 years in prison. the investigation found that the company's management took several days. forced the driver to work overtime, the accident occurred on friday, the driver lost control, the bus crashed through the bridge fence and fell into the water, killing seven people. the current national football champion, st. petersburg zenit, was defeated and lost to the moscow army team on its home field. stas redekultsev knows what this can lead to. the three main contenders for the premier league title play on the same day. experienced zenit looks behind the other, the favorite of the race before the twenty-eighth round. krasnodar has never won the championship, dynamo was golden almost half a century ago, blue-white-blue are champions of the last five seasons. so late zenit was fighting for the championship title in 2021. then the blue-white-blue became champions in the twenty- eighth round. this season, under
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no circumstances will the fight for the championship in the russian championship end in the twenty-eighth round. paper seems like a convenient opponent, especially since on paper the red-blue starting protocol does not have igor akinfeev in goal, the army team has no chance of getting into the top three, and the main match with zenit is here for the muscovites in 4 days in the national cup, the hosts they quickly get the ball at their feet, but the army team themselves create the most dangerous moment at their goal. wendel hit empty-handed, where ivan oblekov came from and knocked the ball away. the army team endures and finds their chance by the end of the game. the penalty is scored by fedor chalov. zenit attacked the cska goal with its entire squad. the blows fly through themselves, under the crossbar, low into the corner, high into the top corner. twenty-year-old muscovites goalkeeper vladislav torob pulled out everything. slavi only 20.
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the red-whites do not lose under the bosnian specialist sliskovic. mysticism is no different - spartak fans decided. no, it’s magic, the guys do everything right on the field, they hear,
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when you have players like me, then it’s much easier to work. two rounds before the finish , dynamo seizes the golden initiative. in kaliningrad, as early as the ninetieth minute of the game , the score was 2:1 in favor of baltika, and after the final whistle it was 2:3, a victory for the blue and whites. for the second match in a row, the muscovites snatched three points in stoppage time and single-handedly top the table. this is what a championship game and championship luck looks like, without which there can be no gold. stasredikultsev, danilo makhalin, sergei velichko, nikolai purtov and karen melikyan, news from st. petersburg. french authorities have launched a mandatory qr code system. everyone who will be in paris during the olympics will need them, even local residents. this has already caused a storm... emil mirsaev will tell you why. we will be glad when the olympic flame goes to our neighbors. these words, spoken
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by a municipal official in a city in western france, perfectly capture the stress and pressure they face all levels of government of the fifth republic. achieving the games is not an easy task, but it is much more difficult to hold them, especially in a politicized country like france, which... does not tolerate centrism. gendarmes will have to provide security for a nationwide relay equivalent to the three-time tour de france. it is 12.00 km and 60 departments, each of which has radical activists. the ministry of internal affairs assessed all possible risks so that they could barely fit on 15 pages of paper. the verdict of the security forces is not encouraging. i quote: no riots - tantamount to a miracle. and it hasn’t happened yet, or rather, it hasn’t happened. the relay started this week in marseille. the ceremony looked magnificent on television. a concert on the water, a three-masted sailing ship from the 19th century, and the sky in
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the colors of the french flag, which, by the way, from some angles looked like a russian one. only the broadcast did not show several dozen people whom the gendarmes detained for drug use right in the city center. there was another loud scandal when the international olympic... committee invited several transvestites to participate in the relay race. this offended many spectators of the relay. they did not appreciate the philosophy of progressive france, calling the decision a quote: an unconscionable fiasco, evidence of the decline of civilization. the organizers justified themselves and noted that in this way they want to build a world with gender equality, inclusivity and diversity. the drakkuin artists themselves believe that the torch should pass from hand to hand, regardless of...
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their children, the olympics fell during the holidays, i do not have funds for private boarding houses, and at the same time i have to be constantly at work. the requirements for the authorities are simple: to provide a minimum level of social support, but for six months now those who are responsible for the security of the entire event have not been heard, which is why the work is careless. it is not surprising that the french press keeps reporting on the theft of confidential data from high-ranking officials. the last one, already the third. since the attackers gained access to the security plan for all the olympic games, they were stored on a laptop logistics coordinator, but the main threat
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to paris is islamic radicals who are confident in power. not so long ago, police detained a teenager in the capital who joined isis, banned in russia, and wanted, quote, to die a martyr’s death right during the games, he is suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. islamists have already become a classic for us: we prevent terrorist attacks every 3 months, the last eight have been prepared by the idil. i want to emphasize that the proportion of attackers among young people, 13, 14 and 15 years old, is growing. fearing it. gendarmes protect entire districts of paris, evicting all migrants directly onto the street, they complain to a human rights organization. the largest operation recently took place, leaving 500 people homeless. it is a big problem that such shelters, as we call them, places of solidarity are disappearing, because there are not illegal immigrants there, but migrants with documents who work, are employed in our economy, but face discrimination for the color of their skin, this does not make us any better. but it seems that
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without... protection migrants are not really the main problem, security risks grow much more strongly due to infidels technological solutions, as the british newspaper times writes, the national parade drone tracking system is not capable of protecting against terrorist attacks, because it recognizes only one out of three drones at a distance of up to a kilometer, and generally confuses them with air conditioners, but the development cost an insane 350 million euros. it all comes down to the fact that the french authorities will have to increase even more... the budget of the olympic games, which already costs at least 9 billion euros. this will accelerate high inflation, analysts are confident. prices in paris for food, transport and especially housing are already growing at an accelerated pace. as a result, many city residents will prefer to leave the capital, and the rest of the french will not appear in it at all. i have always been a fan of the olympic games, but the way our country organized them completely demotivated
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me to go to paris. prices. for everything , 400 euros are too high for watching the competition for only half an hour, there is still a tv, and it’s a shame, it’s a shame that the organizers don’t care about the fans. thus, the main interest in the foreign olympics is president macron, for whom an opportunity to stroke one’s self-esteem above obvious problems. for the sake of a beautiful picture, in the absence of competent domestic policy , hundreds of thousands of people will be at risk this summer. already the third olympics in history, the paris olympics risks becoming a dark blot on the annals. the whole country.
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