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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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each nuclear icebreaker is a complex system, the main criteria of which are reliability and safety, this means that each ship will be subjected to serious tests right at the construction stage, and the first of them is mooring tests, their yakutia will take place here at the plant. on the outfitting quay of the baltic shipyard of the united shipbuilding corporation, more than a thousand people every day board yakutia, it is prepared for going to sea long before the first voyage, consistently setting up the equipment, checking the operation of all systems and mechanisms. attention, empty. the emergency
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diesel generator must start in a matter of seconds, there are three of these on the ship, each of them is checked first, if the emergency protection of the reactor installation is triggered, they will cover the ship's electricity needs. in turn, backup diesel generators will help the nuclear-powered ship continue moving. during emergency operation, the icebreaker yakutia can develop a maximum power of six knots, which is a two-generator generator. in principle, this is enough to ensure that in some difficult situations perform a maneuver perform a planned stop begin some restoration work. the nuclear reactors themselves, with a thermal power of 175 mw each, designed specifically for project 4.2.0 nuclear-powered ships, are already on board. so, some time ago they were installed in separate twenty-meter shafts. rhythm 200 - energetic. the third generation installation
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is considered the most productive in the world. there would be enough energy for an entire city, and the icebreaker needs it to guide convoys of ships even through three-meter-thick ice. yakutia followed the arctic, siberia and the urals are replacing the soviet nuclear icebreaker fleet. the first three as part of rosatomflot are already working on the northern sea route. in fact, this is practically security. the work of all enterprises in the mining industry, the transport system, the entire north of russia, and as we know, all of russia is getting used to the arctic ocean. these giants can keep watch for years without entering the port. one load of nuclear fuel is enough for 7 years of continuous operation. the project 4.2.0 nuclear icebreaker is the largest and most powerful in the world. length building 173 m, almost two football fields.
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width is 34, but most importantly, despite their impressive dimensions, they are real all-terrain vehicles, thanks to their variable draft they can work both at sea and at the mouths of northern rivers. 21 ballast tanks, they are located from bow to stern, ballasting takes place within half an hour to an hour, which means it allows him to perform this task. the central control post has already acquired its features, the main equipment has been installed, and now all information about each stage of mooring trials. atomoh itself is essentially a large computer, most of the systems are digital. in this room it is still difficult to discern the pilothouse, but this is exactly it, the bridge from where everything will be controlled. icebreakers,
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the installation of special equipment is about to begin here, consoles, a satellite navigation system will appear, well, someday, of course, the captain, first mate, and navigator will take their places, and behind these still-sealed windows there will no longer be a water area, not you , the real arctic. thanks to automated systems, the yakutia crew will have only 54 people. on icebreakers of the old guard, the staffing level is twice as large. the icebreaker's engine room is the largest room. just imagine the height of a five-story building. now it looks more like a huge anthill, here every day. employ up to 150 people. roman mukharsky is a senior ship builder. he followed in his father’s footsteps; he also works in the workshops of the plant and is very proud of it. managed to work on every icebreaker of the new series, from laying to mooring and sea trials. it's like
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giving birth and raising a child. it’s like you took him in when he was little, and before your eyes he grows and becomes an adult, already independent. and that feeling when we vidokol. we hand it over to the customer, it’s like you’re giving away your son’s great life, independent sailing. we go around one tier after another, experts evaluate the quality of installation, the operation of all installations and components. the construction of yakutia is now exactly at the stage when installation work coincides with finishing work, walking and even making your way along along this corridor, you need to be very careful, dodging power cables, welding and... underwriting inscriptions are carefully painted, the walls are sewn up with endless cables, there are 1,300 km on an icebreaker, as is the distance from st. petersburg, where the ship is being built to murmansk, the port of future registration, and some only there are over 60 thousand pipes of different diameters for various purposes, welding is done almost everywhere, every part of the ship
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must be welded securely, storms, pitching, after all. the floor during impacts must be secured, and you can also see the assault rails on the equipment, which, so that even a person can wait. finishing work is underway in the future crew mess; the galley and part of the cabins are ready. they already have plumbing furniture. any little thing that is taken care of on the shore can become decisive in the icy desert. that is why they pay such attention to detail, taking a responsible approach to each stage. construction, this cabin is completely ready, it is intended not for crew accommodation, but for expedition members, for example, trainees, you see, it is double the furnishings are as close as possible to home, the only difference is that it is impossible to rearrange the furniture here, everything is tightly screwed
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in case of a serious storm, as soon as the mooring tests are completed on the vessel, it will be possible to begin running and ice at sea. this is another important, and one might say, final exam, after which the new nuclear icebreaker will first leave for its home port of murmansk, and then begin escorting ships in the waters of the northern sea route. icebreakers are already practically are outlined in the work schedule, in the work plans for the next year. our last icebreaker, when the icebreaker ural and lokol siberia were delivered, they sent them immediately after delivery.
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both nuclear reactors are in the pipeline in leningrad, it was laid down at the beginning of this year. barctic leadership ambitions. task, but if anyone can solve it, it is our country, because only russia has a unique nuclear icebreaking fleet, which is regularly replenished; in the coming years , three more nuclear-powered ships of the latest project 4.2 will be used for work in high latitudes.
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where from the eleventh b? neuret and i'm from eleventh b. we are also from the eleventh b. in the eleventh b. in the eleventh b. i only need one boy, here he is. i had to come all this way to watch this good film. why are you so lucky? i really liked the beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, they are amazing. all this, all these emotions, it was very cool. this was the first film that i was absolutely delighted with and the humor. good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but not yet
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scammed, i wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i got to you, how could i end up here, what a meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super , oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all fakes.
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not a video game, but a digital copy of one of the popular places in moscow, this is a central distribution center, a platform, where various events take place, he repeats, this is a complete copy, facade, interior, and there are more than a thousand such enterprises throughout russia, now i’ll tell you why this is needed. the prospect of a digital copy of space on the market has already been appreciated; many hundreds or even thousands of enterprises wishing to acquire such a space, regardless of their profile, can be used for excursions, conferences, business meetings and other things, the main advantage is the mobility of participants in such meetings, you can connect from anywhere in the world, the second is interactivity, business cards, price lists, documents, links, mostly active, that is, you can interact with them, three main types of metaverses, that is, this is the consumer one, which can be called video games and the entertainment market, that is
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, this is entertainment, where basically the bet is only on users, they consume everything, and there is also a corporate metaverse, this is the market we are in, that is, where there is already a business segment, where you can not only spend, but earn money, and there is also a market where we now we are striving for industrial metaverses, where entire duplicates of factories gather, gather... their internet things, their personnel, business processes - all this is connected into a single virtual space, and in order to manage it. the platform for creating virtual worlds was conceived as a startup that had already found its client, the list of customers included large state corporations, but even more potential partners, the company shot so hard, a participant in a technology competition in the media industry started with investments of several hundred thousand rubles, today's capitalization. already valued at millions of dollars, it all not only looks futuristic, but
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is so, expanding the boundaries of reality. last year, one of the owners of a digital copy, with a capacity of up to 2,000 people in his physical enterprise, was able to hold a virtual meeting for 3.5 million users. and we hold technology competitions six times a year, we have six topics, last year these topics were ecology, assistive technologies, and sports. food and others, this year we are also planning to hold six competitions, the first construction technology competition is already underway, and i invite all developers to take part in them. based on the results of competitions , agreements are usually reached between the corporate partner and the developers; based on the results of all competitions that have been held for several years, 236 developments were somehow purchased or piloted by partners. one of last year’s finalists and this company, its head a graduate student from moscow state university
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, has developed a unique filter that purifies indoor air better than any of possible analogues, using a biosorbent. the device effectively purifies the air from toxic gases, and the design of such purifiers is also not quite ordinary, a planter made of oak wood with a real plant inside. i found a unique composition, here are its components, these are mineral components and microorganisms that are effective. protects, well, locks in all toxic gases, then we grind this mixture to get a granule, this is one of the options for granules, that is , these are large granules, here is the second option granules which we press, it looks like this, and this is the first stage in air purification, the second stage is a hop filter and the third is an antibacterial filter, and it is located in this part. the moscow government readily welcomes the latest breakthrough ideas of young specialists and helps them to be implemented; some of the projects that will prove their
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effectiveness and attractiveness not only for business, but also for society, can become an integral part of the capital. many people would probably dream of something like this everywhere the device we encounter is a robotic catering machine, it is a burger production machine, its producers produce 140 burgers per hour, it occupies an area of ​​1 m2, this is a prototype of an mvp, for which we are now actively looking for additional investments. the idea came from the engine of progress, one of the project participants was. stump is preparing lunch for himself, as a result, the work was transferred to a robot, which will cut fresh vegetables, select the best products, prepare a delicious cutlet, the productivity is impressive up to 240 burgers per hour, suddenly moscow will see this some kind of great potential, for example, at different ones, just at every event, at any event large enough, it will
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look more profitable than some food court, a small point with one person who is there in tears and sweat... preparing these burgers, because i have repeatedly heard that people at such large events wait in line for more than 40 minutes, that is, they wait for their burger, here please 2 minutes, each subsequent burger will be ready in 20-25 seconds, that’s all really, that’s all the engineering things just happen that way, it’s possible, the fact is that such things will never happen, you won’t go to a store and buy something, participants of moscow technology platforms, real inventors. this company became the only one in the country who was able to replace foreign equipment and even surpass it for filming car movie scenes in the pavilion. this process is not easy; in order to make the viewer believe that the car is moving along real streets, you have to work hard. the mission was to make it safe for actors to drive to go so that directors can
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realize their creative ambitions. we filmed scenes on the street. we filmed film fans, as we call them, and then drove the car into the pavilion, and it was absolutely convenient, comfortable for the entire film crew in the pavilion, we filmed a very long time and it was safe for the actors. the company is also among the winners of the technological competition, the transfer of car scenes to the pavilion allows us not to interfere with the life of the metropolis in the organization of filming sites, thanks to this the budget of films can be reduced, shifts the actors have less filming space.
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russian railways has installed new information terminals at its stations, and this is also a project that came out of the innovation agency’s technology competition. using the terminal data, the passenger can find out about the services of the station complex, can easily determine the points of cafes, shops, atms, and naturally determine their
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operating modes. naturally, information and information terminals are equipped with a special function for small ones. mobile passengers, thanks to which passengers with limited mobility can build yourself a barrier-free route , using elevators, escalators or other specialized devices to get to the train for boarding, or to move around the bus complex. in general , such terminals have already been installed at fourteen stations in the country; passengers have already appreciated their advantage; passengers of long-distance trains, of course, have found their bearings. an example of how to get from kaz to path number eight, we are building a route, now the system literally needs to think there
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for two or three seconds, everything has already gone according to the little man’s route, of course, we won’t wait here, we scan the qr code and enter the route into the phone, technology helps to monitor health in many ways, more and more companies are using new solutions. its processes, computer vision captures a person’s points, based on these points , it will build a digital double of this person, after which, after a series of interpretations , it will reveal deviations or some violations in the human musculoskeletal system. now the computer is able to determine the effect of improper landing or stoop, whether the joints suffer under constant load and many other factors. after diagnosis, the system produces results, not only makes a diagnosis, but also gives recommendations, daily workouts are scheduled for one month,
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there is a video instruction for each workout, and the system works not only in a specialist’s office, assess working conditions, predict the load, which muscle groups or joints must be protected or attention should be paid to warming them up before work, and during actual activity. moscow and yekaterinburg. based on the results, the pilot can be replicated across the entire group of the company. in general, in our company we actively use modern technologies; for example, for the past 5 years , automated systems have been installed at each of our facilities that allow us to assess the health status of an employee before the start of each working day. well, the most important thing in a prosthesis is safety. this is a sway bar, pay attention, i boldly stand on it, and it doesn’t drop me, you see, it holds me, another company
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is now testing a new prosthesis, which has actually already entered the series and will only be finalized in the process, the peculiarity is that inside the joint part of the device there is something similar to a gyroscope, which does not allow the user to deviate and saves him from falling, a gyroscope, but imagines that it does not lets you fall, doesn’t let your knee bend, the same goes for slipping, he reacts the same way, that is, to some sudden movements, and he also blocks, doesn’t let you fall, so, but you also need to learn this, learn to trust the prosthesis , what here... maybe i’ll catch you, considering that when the company was created, we were mostly all students, we didn’t have additional funding, we didn’t have
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the opportunity to just buy a foreign analogue, take it apart, see how the cool ones did it there uncles and aunts abroad, and we slowly obtained a lot of information there directly at meetings with prosthetists, they explained how other prostheses work and are planned to be produced this year. 200 knee modules, in the next 400-500, and this will cover almost half market needs. every inventor, entrepreneur, in general, any person has the opportunity to implement their ideas and projects; you just need to apply to the moscow innovation agency competition with a working prototype and be ready to test it in action. a construction technology competition has already started, and two more will be launched in the near future: robotics and smart city technologies.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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odessa was a city that was founded by catherine, a major role in the development of donbass played the don and zaporozhye cossacks.
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may 12 is a memorable date in the military history of russia . may 12, 1944, the day of the complete liberation of crimea from the fascist invaders, the crimean offensive operation ended. at the beginning of the war, it took the germans 250 days to capture the heroically defending area. our troops liberated crimea in just 35 days, the chosen directions of the main attacks, good interaction between strike groups of troops, aviation and navy, a large enemy bridgehead on the black sea ceased to exist.
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vladimir putin approved the structure government, their proposals for...


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