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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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vladimir putin approved the structure of the government, mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals for appointments , maria kudryavtseva will tell you who exactly was included in the prime minister’s list. president vladimir putin
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approved the structure of the new government; according to the decree, the head of the cabinet of ministers will have 10 deputies and retain 21 ministries. and mikhail mishustin has already submitted a new composition of the government to the state duma. the list of deputies includes the first deputy prime minister. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers proposed the candidacy of denis manturov for this position. how explained the press secretary of the prime minister boris belikov, the increase in status. the premiere of the person in charge of industry is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership, as stated in the new may decree of president vladimir putin, also in the list of deputy prime ministers, deputy prime minister, plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern federal district , it is assumed that yuri trutnev will remain in this position, the position of vice-president will remain prime minister, chief of staff of the government. nomination proposed here dmitry grigorenko. it is expected that he will continue to supervise. financial
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, control and supervisory spheres, in addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antimonopoly policy, under its coordination. given the importance of the further development of transport and logistics, the new government will include the position of a specialized deputy prime minister. vitaly savelyev has been proposed as a candidate for this post. in recent years , those who headed the ministry of transport, and before that for many years one of largest from... in connection with the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that before that he headed the ministry of agriculture, among other candidates for the post of deputy prime minister, those who previously held this position are tatyana golikova, including, it is assumed that as deputy prime minister she will continue to oversee the activities of the ministry of health and the ministry of labor and social protection, the ministry of culture, also in the field. her work will be included
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federal agency for nationalities affairs. alexander novak has been proposed for the post of deputy prime minister, however, due to andrei belousov’s move to a new job, in addition to the energy sector, he will oversee the economic bloc. it is expected that alexey overchuk, marat khusnulin and dmitry chernyshenko will retain their positions in the new government. as for dmitry chernyshenko. his areas of activity include the supervision of the ministry of science and higher education and the ministry of sports. and the ministry of economics in terms of development tourism, the ministry of education and rosmolodezh will be added. in addition, he will continue to coordinate in the field of media, periodicals and publishing activities. according to the presidential decree, the number of names of russian ministries in the new government remain the same, but there are new candidates proposed as their leaders. for the post of minister of sports, instead of oleg matytsin, who is moving to another job, the governor of the khabarovsk territory has been proposed. mikhail dekterev.
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proposed for the post of minister of energy sergei tsovilev, well, the candidacy of the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoyet, has been proposed for the post of minister of transport. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explained, in 2012-2018 roman storovoyd headed rosavtodor. in 2019, he led the group on safe and high-quality roads and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council on transport. oksana lut was offered nadol. acting as first deputy head of the ministry of agriculture, let me remind you that she is now the minister of agriculture, for the position minister of industry and trade, the candidacy of governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov was proposed. let me remind you that he previously worked at the ministry of industry and trade, and was also a member of the advisory council on industry at the board of the eurasian economic commission. alexander kozlov, anton kotyakov and sergei krovtsov are expected to retain their posts in the new government. it is also expected that
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olga lyubimova, maxim reshednikov, anton syulanov and mikhail murashko will retain their positions, among the candidates from the previous composition government, erek fayzolin, valery falkov. alexey chakunkov and maksud shadayev. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, the final decision on the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers will be approved after consideration of the candidates of the state duma and additional consultations between mikhail mishustin and the president. the government, even during this transition period, must work without any failures or delays. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with the acting deputy prime minister. and general director of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov. elizaveta khramtsova knows what issues the president discussed. russian industry has been developing successfully for many years, even under constant pressure from sanctions on trading partners. and
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such a short but crucial period for the country as the time of government formation should not become a reason for any disruption in the current work. vladimir putin began the meeting with these words. rostec enterprises today account for
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more than 80% of all weapons, which used in the zone of a special military operation, more than 60 thousand employees throughout the country, sometimes working in two to three shifts, in comparison. in 2022, last year , roskekh enterprises produced 10 times more units of self-propelled artillery, 20 times more mortars, the production of multiple rocket launchers and infantry fighting vehicles has increased significantly, and of course, supplies of advanced weapons to the troops continue. at a recent meeting with mikhail mishustin, sergei chebizov said: last year, new serial fighters of the su family were delivered to the army, including multi-purpose su-57, ill-76 md90 aircraft. this year the yak-130 has already delivered the first batches of the latest aviation systems under the 2024 state defense order program. deliveries of t-90m tanks, breakout tanks, self-propelled guns and other types of military equipment have been established, and such names as armor, iskander and dagger do not give
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the enemy peace, again confirming the glory of russian weapons. it is very important that you increase investments in scientific design work, namely new groundwork and new technology. should become the prototype for future technological solutions that would were used in all areas, including equipment that is supplied under state defense orders, including to the civilian sectors of the economy. and although the state defense order has increased significantly, rostec’s so-called civilian revenue turned out to be the same, about 35% or almost a trillion rubles. energy security is also in focus; specialists from the state corporation have developed and launched mass production. high-power turbine gtd-110m, which replaced foreign analogues, we are installing it on our the impact station, which is being built on the taman peninsula, this is the first serial turbine, and now we can
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say with confidence that we can be independent, a very important milestone, because i know the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all analogues western ones, including turbines, now we can move away from siemens... we built three stations, this is the third, two stations were built in crimea, and one, on the taman peninsula, is a shock station, which we should already have this year run completely. less and less dependence on foreign developments in the field of medicine, the rostec enterprise today produces more than 150 types of medical equipment and medical equipment, the list is growing, it ended last year. the development of a russian ventilator; the first domestic medicine against hepatitis b for adults and children was registered; under government orders , rostec enterprises delivered more than 104 million doses of vaccine medications to the regions. elizaveta khramtsova, news. kiev militants shelled
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belgorod, as the governor reported, a woman was killed, another 29 people received shrapnel wounds injuries. according to the ministry of defense, air defense forces destroyed 12 shells. czech systems vampire. about the situation, igor pikhanov. ukrainian militants once again shelled belgorod and fired at the vampire from a multiple launch rocket system. was massive, now we are in a microdistrict, which is close to the border, it is considered the most dangerous here, this is a microdistrict that the locals call har gora, they hit it with vampire multiple launch rocket systems, shells fell in the middle of the residential sector, this is the place hit by one of the shells, it pierced the asphalt and after the explosion the fragments scattered throughout the area, there are residential buildings, shops here, there are no military installations here, in this store, this store came under fire at the very working moment, here
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was, here were, in including visitors, fragments pierced the glass, despite the fact that it was armored, it did not crumble, but was still hit, here, here is the warehouse of one of the enterprises, collections were made, including the victims, they are now working on site operational services, they are eliminating the consequences of... this shelling was a serious blow, the air defense unit shot down most of the shells that were flying towards the city, the day before ukrainian militants used against civilians, including cluster shells, explosions began where you were , where they were hiding, an entrance, someone else’s entrance, it’s standing there, there’s an entrance like this, they made it on the other side, they walk, it was open here, and we jumped in there, there were six of us there, and we stood there for now. crumbled just crumbled, you know how dark it was from the glass it’s scary to the point of horror what are you talking about we
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arrived at nekrasov there’s a rumble here it’s rumbled all over me and that we’re not the same word anymore we’re already in a state of hysterics i can’t sleep i’m leaving for the night to another apartment so that at least somehow i can sleep for an hour we physically can’t live or sleep or go to the store or to the market, well, the shells exploded in the middle of the residential sector... they hit the roofs of high-rise buildings, they hit parking lots, as a result of the explosions , cars that were parked near residential buildings caught fire, fires started, arrived on alarm emergency situations ministry employees quickly put out the fire, assistance is now being provided to all the victims, their exact number is now being clarified, as is the amount of damaged property during the years of aggression by ukrainian militants against civilians, doctors in the belgorod region have accumulated vast experience in treating injuries, people have shrapnel wounds. for explosion injuries, now everyone is receiving the necessary assistance, the authorities say that there are
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the necessary specialists and the necessary equipment for this, after sappers have examined the dangerous territory, they can go to work employees of municipal services will begin, now the dangerous area has been sealed off with tapes, they are guarded by police officers, people are asked not to approach, it is necessary to exclude the possibility that unexploded elements of shells remain here. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, khalettan kiev, conduct the belgorod region. the russian army liberated six settlements at once, five in the kharkov region, as well as the village of keramik in the dpr. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks were destroyed, including three german ones leopard, as well as 12 other armored vehicles. in addition, over fifty self-propelled guns, gaubes and multiple launch rocket systems, mainly american, french, british and polish-made, were eliminated. destroyed division. a warehouse for aviation weapons and a workshop for the production of combat
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drones. air defense forces shot down 46 drones with over 50 guided bombs and missiles, including atacoms. nato risks unleashing world war iii in ukraine, while at the same time lining the pockets of arms manufacturers. an article came out with such an unexpected headline for the united states. in the influential washington publication hill. it is emphasized that. not a single serious american expert believes in the possibility of kiev’s victory, but the goal of the united states and the eu is still to force ukraine to fight with russia for as long as possible. the reason for the desire of the military-industrial lobby to earn as much as possible. obviously, for a number of military contractors in our country in europe, the conflict in ukraine became a gift, a real cash cow. this endless flow of taxpayer funds suggests fraud. hundreds of millions of dollars. already disappeared into the rat holes of ukraine without any reporting, the billions of dollars that are pumped into ukraine are similar to
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the world's largest financial pyramid, like a ponzi scheme, this is a scam when money is raised by involving more and more new investors, but in our case funds are not invested of their own free will, the government simply transfers billions of hard-earned money to ukraine or possibly to criminal structures. it's high time to stop this scam, stop nuclear intimidation. start the negotiation process. in petersburg a suspect was detained in connection with the death of people when a passenger bus fell into the river. this is the head of the taxi company convoy, which was responsible for. this flight, he faces up to 10 years in prison. the investigation found that the company's management forced the driver to work manually from above for several days. the accident occurred on friday, the driver lost control, the bus broke through the bridge fence and fell into the water. seven people died. unfriendly western countries
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obsessively provoke moscow and immediately accuse it of nuclear weapons. the kyiv regime continues to believe in nato handouts makes funny videos with tsypso actors posing as disgruntled russians. we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, russia is blackmailing the whole world with weapons of mass destruction, and most importantly, it can use them for no apparent reason. this is exactly how foreign propaganda interpreted the data from our ministry of defense on preparations for exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the headline of the foreign agent of radio liberty is dedicated. some kind of simulation of an apocalypse, a politician publishes a paranoid article, according to which vladimir putin is unreasonably swinging the atomic saber. the european union, through its foreign policy representative peter stan, accuses the kremlin of irresponsible behavior. for some reason, ursula fondelein appeals to china in the spirit that it should force russia
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to change its mind, and harsh blakite garbage dumps are predictably in trend. some people imagine nuclear blackmail, others are trying to make strained jokes about... a nuclear stick, in general, the resonance is huge, and the emotions are essentially hysterical, but pay attention, neither in one of the cases, absolutely nothing was said about the prerequisites for the maneuvers, no one in the west understands that in russia nuclear weapons are a deterrent factor, they are not an offensive factor, in the west there are more and more voices saying that it is necessary to start negotiations, it is necessary to agree on peace, everyone is already tired of hostilities, everyone is already...
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statements by a number of european representatives, this is, of course, both president macron and the british foreign secretary, us senators joined these statements about readiness to send military contingents to the territory of ukraine so that they take part in hostilities, these are hitherto unprecedented, unprecedented statements. they require a very responsible, prompt and effective response on our part, which is what happens? here is also an explanation from the russian mine about the inadmissibility of certain actions by the west, including the promise to transfer f-16 aircraft to kiev, which can be carriers of nuclear weapons. moscow has repeatedly warned that the supply of these fighters would be considered a step towards a sharp escalation, and the names of the defense from
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whose statement a foreign panic attack began immediately explained that the exercises would be a reaction to threats from... officials in europe and america. the context is extremely transparent, but for some it is more profitable not to notice it. it has gotten to the point where they are already openly saying that in order to solve some of their internal political problems there, we will bring french troops there. let our fighters come and we will fight openly there. they say that f-16s will fly there and the atacams will come in. and look where we can finish, we can finish there to kursk, to... rostov, to belgorod, then we can go there towards kaluga, orel all the way to minsk, it’s not us who came up with this rhetoric. at the same time, there is also plenty of outright absurdity, for example, the guru of the terrorist budanov demonstratively puts nuclear exercises in quotation marks and clearly wants to hint that russia
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has neither tactical nuclear weapons nor a means of delivering them. this, by the way, is a long-standing narrative in svidomo, but here we have to finally set the record straight over i. yes, truly famous. at least about the existence of iskander m with a ballistic missile for which a nuclear warhead is available. most of its flight takes place at an altitude of 50 km, in a zone of poor reach of pro systems, and already upon approaching the target, the missile accelerates to five or six machs, actively maneuvers and drops decoys, confusing enemy radars. well, all this coupled with an impressive range of up to 500 km. as for the warhead, its power is up to 50 kilos, but... already with an explosion 10 a fireball with a radius of about 220 m, meanwhile, at a distance of approximately 500 m from the epicenter, heavy concrete fortifications will be destroyed, a kilometer from...
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russia is one of the largest operators of nuclear weapons in the world, if not the largest, and of course, well, adequate people there is no doubt in any country in the world about the capabilities of the russian army. the need to launch, including a nuclear strike. by the way, bandera’s skepticism about russian weapons is paradoxically combined with blind faith in western weapons. disappointing experience using highmars, jewellins, leopards, abrams and other scrap metal on the face. however, the bank gang with amazing persistence steps on the same rake. now they have decided to advertise for the german concern rhein metal, saying that the square will receive from it unique artillery shells with a range of up to 100 km. sounds impressive, perhaps, but only if you don’t notice the word prototype, they treat these shells like pagan gods, so that they don’t send them, then there will be disappointment, because such
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they create an intensity, such a rise, as if now everything will be decided, every battle is like the last for them, because they don’t work for long, they solve some small tactical problems, they select something for the date, that’s how it is drugging the fighters , this works in the short term, but in the long run this is how the army works. i can’t help but remember that previous nato experiments, like glsdb bombs in ukraine, no longer took off, well, howitzer ammunition, no matter how much they were positioned as wonder waff, risk becoming an even greater disappointment, hypothetically, they can be either controlled or unguided, both options must be admitted to be very doubtful: the first are guided by a gps signal, which easily jams our electronic warfare device, without communication with the satellite, such shells turn into the most ordinary fragmentation bomb. moreover, they are low-powered, since due to the specific design they carry only 5 kg of explosives versus 10 kg for standard ammunition. well, the uncontrolled version obviously sacrifices accuracy. for clarity
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, let’s simulate a shot of m-795 shells from a cannon m37. already at a distance of 22 km from the target, the circular probable deviation reaches 139 m. accordingly, the ammunition will fall into a circle with a diameter of almost 280 m; at a distance of 100 km , the dispersion will inevitably be so great that the chance of hitting will rush to minimum values. the rain metal company, in general, is distinguished by its loud statements around this conflict in ukraine, well, you can remember that they have already opened factories for the production of tanks and armored vehicles in ukraine about three times, well, now they are trying to somehow attract attention to yourself some mysterious... shells with a range of 100 km, whether they appear or not is the question, but the fact that ukraine has turned into a testing ground for both russian and
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western weapons, well, yes, this has long been a fact, and moreover, some ukrainian officials are proud of this and boasted about it, and if they give something, then who will use these gifts? the catastrophic shortage of personnel in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine has not been canceled, however, according to trukha, the regime will soon solve the problem due to a truly unprecedented on... a flood of volunteers, supposedly hundreds of lads standing in lines in front of the shopping center in the heat, just to leave near avdeevka, well, you can’t argue, there are really quite a lot of people, hence the question: has a so -called patriotic impulse suddenly emerged in ukraine, and the number of people willing to give their lives for zelensky has increased sharply, of course not, and the real reason for such a stir was clearly explained by the head of one of the acquisition centers. the number of those standing in line is important - these are people liable for military service who have grounds for a deferment. but show me what
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’s going on next door, like these guys later trampled into the ground in order to be taken to a mobilization point, then transferred to a combat zone, yet they know very well on the territory of ukraine that no one wants to go like that en masse, so the ability to surprise the draft dodgers is no less and... you can’t refuse , let’s say, someone changed into a skirt, put on makeup and ran, intercepting his sister’s passport, but more often the news is tragic, what is the cost of another drowning caught in the tisza river, only according to official estimates, this one is already the twenty-fifth, and yet tisza remains a very popular route for escape, or more precisely for a life-saving swim from the ukrainian world of the dead to the world of the living, but there are other options, in the area of ​​​​the city of magelev-podolsky, vinnytsia region, near the border with moldova, you can swim across the dniester, it is not wide there, only about 200 m, and... good swindlers are increasingly eager to join the moldavian fence. the fugitives are caught in the odessa region on a seven-kilometer section of the highway between the villages of mayaki and convenient and near the village of topaly, from where it’s literally a stone’s
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throw to moldami. which? it's 2.5 km through the fields, a little more difficult, the path to freedom is through the village of novopetrovka, there you need to take a car, drive 20 km to the village of velikoplosskoye and make a four-kilometer forced march on foot to the same moldovan territory. anyone can fact-check and open the telegram channel of the border service to see what a large number of arrests there are, what a large number of people are now trying to escape from ukraine, who are trying to cross at the risk of their own lives. trying to crawl through the barbed wires, but this information is published in the public domain and it speaks for itself, that there is no large number of people willing, no large number of pseudo-patriots who are lining up, it’s all a myth, it’s all fake. be that as it may, there is no doubt that the junta will do its best to ensure that its borders with romania and moldova become truly impassable, but it seems that it has taken a much less delicate approach to the construction of defensive lines in the donbass; on paper
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, the invaders have built powerful lines there. that there is, allegedly, they fulfilled zelensky’s promise to stop the advance of the russian army, in fact, look for yourself, here we were promised concrete, shelter, dugouts, instead of all this we have a bare ditch here, often separate units, well, they actually sabotaged this work, because that they don’t seem to have the means or desire for this, but some...
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they cook up content for him non-stop, but they don’t care about the quality at all. for example, an interesting case was highlighted by the adviser to the head of crimea oleg kryuchkov, who caught the eye of called the doctors' appeal to sergei aksyonov. it's pure hell going on here, we 're out of antibiotics and running out of painkillers. patients are rotting alive in hospital wards. the actors are so mediocre that they didn’t even bother to learn the text, they read from a piece of paper, and the props were noticeably let down. dressed in a women's medical gown with short sleeves, and his partner has disposable clothes for the operating room, finally, both are on the walls of the hospital, but they are simply nonsense, they are strictly prohibited by the russian sanpin. crimea for them, for the kyiv regime, is of course, such a red rag, they are trying to create, well, invent a problem, they are trying to throw it into the information space, as if into their own information space, in order to show, look, citizens of ukraine, in crimea, not everything is so good, there are
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problems there. the stuffing is clear that in the border region there are many opponents of the north military district, who have organized a pro-kiev underground and are engaged in sabotage to the best of their ability, however, the primary source was an unknown telegram channel that previously lied about the situation on the left bank of the dnieper and attributed imaginary successes of the ukrainian armed forces’ summer counter-offensive. but there are such anonymous channels there as airborne forces for justice and so on and other nonsense, of which there are very, very many, it starts from the ukrainian network, and there it is signed.
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feeds with these subscribers, by the way, they buy advertising from our channels, look, here they are telling the truth, like a patriotic channel, uh, they happily sell advertising right out of the blue, and then it turns out that there is such news they go, the left, not only do stuffing, and they also raise fees there, and these fees go to the ukrainian army, that is, there is funding in the ssu, and sometimes the fact of checking even requires the publication of seemingly serious and respected structures. the american space agency posted a strange post on the social network x dedicated to the anniversary of the mercury 3 mission, claiming that its participant, astronaut alan shepard, was the first to make a manned flight into space. employees of the russian embassy in south africa noticed the forgery and responded without further ado with the famous photograph of yuri gagarin. space is, therefore, a showcase of advanced achievements of science and technology and , accordingly, indicators of intelligence.


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