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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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webmin , the candidacy of denis manturov was proposed for this position, as explained by the press secretary of the prime minister boris belikov, increasing the status of the deputy prime minister in charge of industry is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership, as stated in the new may decree of president vladimir putin, also in the list of deputy prime ministers , deputy prime minister, authorized representative of the president in the far eastern federal district, is expected to remain in this position. trutnev and retains the position deputy prime minister, head of the government apparatus. the candidacy of dmitry grigorenko is proposed here. it is expected that he will continue to oversee the financial and control and supervisory areas. in addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antitrust policy, under its coordination. given the importance of the further development of transport and logistics, the new government will include the position of a specialized deputy prime minister. as a candidate.
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vitaly savelev has been proposed for this post; in recent years who headed the ministry of transport, and before that, for many years, one of the largest domestic airlines. in connection with the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that before that he headed the ministry of agriculture, among other candidates for the post are deputy prime ministers, those who previously held this position, including tatyana golikova. ministry of culture, and the scope of its work will also include the federal agency for national affairs. to post the candidacy of alexander novak was proposed for deputy prime minister. however, in connection with andrei belousov’s transition to a new job, in addition to the energy sector, he will oversee the economic block. it is assumed that alexey’s positions will be retained in the new government.
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in addition, he will continue to coordinate in the field of media, periodicals and publishing activities. according to the presidential decree, the number of names of russian ministries in the new government remain the same, but there are new candidates. proposed as their leaders. for the post of minister of sports, instead of oleg matytsin, who is moving to another job, the candidacy of the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, was proposed. sergei tsovilev has been proposed for the post of minister of energy, and the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoyet, has been proposed for the post of minister of transport. as explained by the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov, in 2012-2018 roman storovoyd headed rosavtodor in 2019. he headed the group “safe
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and high-quality roads and road activities on the preparation of the presidium of the state council for transport. oksana lut was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture. let me remind you that she is now acting as first deputy minister of agriculture. governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov has been proposed for the post of minister of industry and trade. let me remind you that he previously worked at the ministry of industry and trade, and was also a member of the advisory council on industry at the eurasian collegium. economic commission. their positions in the new government are expected to be will be retained by alexander kozlov, anton katyakov and sergei krovtsov. it is also expected that olga lyubimova, maxim reshednikov, anton selanov and mikhail murashka will retain their positions. among the candidates from the previous government are erek faizolin, valery falkov, alexey chakunkov and maksud shadayev. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, the final decision. on the distribution of powers
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of deputy prime ministers will be approved after consideration of the candidates of the state duma and additional consultations of mikhail mishustin with the president.
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snowdrifts, victory and death in battle, melancholy without the initial rush, anxiety in the frosty nights, and the shine, dull shoulder strap, on the fragile shoulders of children, youth introduced us to the saber campaign. our youth threw us onto the kronshtat ice, war horses carried us away in a wide area and killed us, but we rose in feverish blood, but we opened our blind eyes.
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100 years ago, this land became the scene of the bloodiest civil war in russian history. it is still unknown exactly how many people died in the fratricidal massacre, but historians agree that there were at least 10 million victims. a particularly fierce struggle unfolded in novorossiya. whites, reds, petliurists, makhnovists, germans, austrians, whoever has not been here during the 5
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years of chaos and confrontation of all against all. features of the civil war on the territory of novorossiya. first of all , the donetsk-krivoy rog coal basin, ekaterinoslav province, northern taria was that there were a pair of each creature, as they say, because there were active hostilities there at the beginning of 1918 began not as a civil conflict at all, but as a struggle of the local population against the austro-german occupiers, which began on february 18. german-austrian intervention, a huge occupation corps, more than 3000 people poured into the territory of ukraine, and behind it in the convoy the central council with its decorative elements and attributes, each city first included ukrainian
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national syls, costumed haidomaks with cossack forelocks of the 14th century, only behind them the gray mass of germans is slowly being drawn in...
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ukraine, well, most vividly, this coloring was expressed in the famous soviet film smalinovsky's wedding. great, fellow countrymen, hurray, hurray, ladies, look, this is a rump, look how dressed up he is. have you become loopy? i’m my own petliura, you’re not kidding me here
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, i have an entire cavalry division in the monastery, tell me, gritsko, gritsko was gritsko, but he all came out, where is my first adjutant, papandopol, i’m here, grishko, turn to me , perhaps, 1919.
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an objective history of the civil war has not yet been written, and its participants are seen by some as heroes, by others as cruel enemies. a similar fate befell vasily chernetsov, the creator of the first white partisan detachment. the personality of this brave officer seemed to concentrate... the entire fading spirit of the don cossacks. chernetsov works in all directions, either dispersing the council in aleksandrovsky grushevsky, then pacifying the makeevsky mining district, or seizing the debaltseva station. success follows him everywhere. both their own and soviet reports talk about him. legends will be born around his name; the bolsheviks value his head dearly, anton wrote.
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27 years old at the time of his death, a hero of the first world war, he returns to the don when he gets the opportunity to form an atheet, this one is mostly young guys, there was even a platoon of seminarians, about them...
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the cossacks came from the don under the leadership, under the command of the famous a bandit, one might say, a white guard officer koledin, there is a village called nizhnyaya krynka, well , it is still called that, and there the so-called yasenovsky mines, koledin’s gangs attacked this mine, they were well-armed cavalry units. the gang distinguished themselves black hundreds, who, by the way, exterminated jews and gypsies, and under the command of chernetsov. the workers held out for 3 days, women and children brought them medicine, water, food, but the forces were, of course, not their own, when the workers were suppressed, the black hundreds killed 118
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people, 75 workers and military personnel. they didn’t even spare children, and it was from that moment that the civil war began in our donbass. real historical facts about some atrocities of this detachment, which operated as a partisan detachment at one time, here are real historical facts, confirmed there are no documents about the destruction of civilians, they simply don’t, uh, don’t exist. these are all inventions of soviet propaganda, which rewrote this entire history of the civil war for 100 years, creating various myths and legends. chernetsov, in the eyes of the cossacks then and now, is a hero. the main
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event of 1919 was the offensive. denekin’s army attacked moscow, they reached almost tula, this was, perhaps, the decisive moment of the civil war, when the scales of history could swing in any direction, events were shaping up for the whites very ambiguous, there was simply not enough food and weapons, they gradually rolled back towards odessa, novorossiysk, and then the main parts of the white forces of south russia closed in crimea and are called here the russian army.
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it must be borne in mind that there were very high hopes for help from the entente, the allies, not the interventionists, they were allies of the first world war, they are, as they say, brothers in arms, in quotes, yes, well, really take arms, the help was limited, only for that, only in those sizes that are white the army could exist, but not win. during the civil years, the bolsheviks managed to create a strong army, including through tough, total mobilization. by 1920 , its number was up to 2 million fighters. in addition, the bolsheviks had almost all the warehouses with
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deception weapons and ammunition at the disposal of the tsarist army, and also went over to the red side. many former officers of the tsarist army, captains, colonels and even generals, so- called military experts, this largely ensured the red victory, although of course not there were no personalities, it is no coincidence that lugansk under soviet rule was renamed oroshelovgrad, the legend of the lecherous red commander is still alive, his dashing raids. on the rear of the whites, his cavalry attacks, all this left a mark on the history of the civil war.
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even before the capture of the winter palace in st. petersburg , about 10 days later, varoshilov captured the city duma on kazanskaya street, so in principle, in our country, it was as if the bolshetsky degeneration occurred earlier even than in the capital, this was due to the fact that the local organization the bolsheviks, led by voroshilov , together with varoshil, begin the formation of the first detachments of the red guard, which means that starting from 1918, porkhovenko
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was actively involved in the civil confrontation on the territory of novorossiya, and fighting the germans, the austrians, the petliurists, and getmann’s troops skoropatsky, and then from belyakami. november 1920, the white army under the command of general wrangel is trying to defend the peninsula, but the reds are advancing in an avalanche, tenfold superiority, the forces are unequal, desperate resistance, stike attacks in full growth at the perekop, everything turned out to be even, the reds broke through the defense and... rushed onto the peninsula. a tragic outcome began, which had no equal in russian history. in view of
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the obvious futility of further resistance of your troops, i suggest you stop resisting and surrender. the revolutionary military council of the army of the southern front guarantees to those who surrender full forgiveness of all offenses related to the civil struggle. from mikhail's address.
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historical research, it’s just that some people, some people, are haunted by the victory of the workers peasant red army in the civil war, they want to rewrite history and...
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present the opponents of the bolsheviks as war heroes, but what kind of reconciliation with such people who destroyed russia? yes, this is our history, but we are historians, we always give an assessment based on our moral, moral and moral beliefs, guidelines, how can i come to terms with this, that it was right, it’s impossible, that they killed, god forbid . it’s impossible for them, yes, they , the poor ones, knocked them out, but there it’s also impossible by mistake, well, what about this when they destroyed my country, they destroyed my homeland, they destroyed russia, they deprived of the name, russia disappeared, can you imagine, the name of russia disappeared, how is this possible, how to come to terms with it, yes, it is a tragedy, but tragedy is the other side of greatness, finally, our history, therefore,
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of course, i fully support... i absolutely support our president, who laid flowers at the monument of reconciliation in sevastopol, because the red and white, they are all ours, these are our people, these are our fellow citizens, who, due to certain historical collisions, instead of creation, again, they exterminated each other for various reasons, but each of them fought for their russia, this monument, which in chersonesos is placed opposite the bay, the bay, here it symbolizes the motherland, in front of which stand the red commander, and the white officer, all the posts in a civil war of such a scale as we had, that is, the winners by and large, yes the red one won, but by and large everyone also lost, but one way or another we must be together today, monuments for the future, together with a new, new russia, where there won't be a civil war like this
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where we will learn our lessons. of the past, they shot at us and didn’t finish them, they beat us and couldn’t finish us off, these days.
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we walked in the dry dusty haze, along the hot crimean clay, bakhchesarai, like a khan in the saddle, dozed in a deep hollow, on this day in chefutkal, picking dry immortelle flowers. i
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scratched out on a rock, the twentieth year. goodbye russia.


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