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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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[000:00:31;00] mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals for appointments to the government tour; maria kudryavtseva will tell you who exactly was included in the prime minister’s list. president vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government; according to the decree, the head of the cabinet of ministers will have 10 deputies and retain 21 ministries. and mikhail mishustin has already submitted a new composition of the government to the state duma. the list of deputies includes the first deputy prime minister. with
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a new lineup. the cabinet of ministers proposed the candidacy of denis manturov for this position, as explained by the chairman’s press secretary government boris belyakov, increasing the status of the deputy prime minister in charge of industry is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership, as stated in the new may decree of president vladimir putin. also on the list of deputy prime ministers, the deputy prime minister is the plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern federal district, and it is assumed that he will remain in this position. and the position of deputy prime minister, head of the government apparatus, remains. the candidacy of dmitry grigorenko is proposed here. it is assumed that he will continue to oversee the financial, control and supervisory areas. in addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antitrust policy, under its coordination. given the importance of the further development of transport and logistics, the new government will include the position of a specialized deputy prime minister.
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as a candidate. vitaly savelelyev, who in recent years headed the ministry of transport, and before that, for many years, one of the largest domestic airlines, has been proposed for this post. in due to the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that before that he headed the ministry of agriculture, among other candidates for the post of deputy prime minister, those who previously held this position are tatyana golikova, including assumptions. alexander novak, however, in connection with the transition of andrei belousov to a new place of work, a candidacy has been proposed for the post of deputy prime minister in addition to the energy sector, he will oversee the economic bloc, it is assumed that in
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alexei's positions will be retained in the new government. year headed the group “safe and high-quality roads and road activities for the preparation of the presidium of the state council on transport. oksana lut was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture. let me remind you that she is now acting as the first deputy minister of agriculture. the candidacy of the governor of the kaliningrad region has been proposed for the post of minister of industry and trade let me remind you that he previously worked at the ministry of industry and trade and was also a member of the composition of the advisory council for industry at the eurasian collegium. economic commission. alexander kozlov, anton kotyakov and sergei krovtsov are expected to retain their posts in the new government. it is also expected that olga lyubimova, maxim reshednikov, anton syulanov and mikhail murashka will retain their positions. among the candidates from the previous government are erek fayzolin, valery folkov, alexey chikunkov and maksud shadayev. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, the final
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solution. the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers will be approved after consideration of the candidates of the state duma and additional consultations between mikhail mishustin and the president. december began to remove the fence around the monument to catherine ii. catherine herself is wrapped in a black bag. utility workers are gradually dismantling the wooden sarcophagus, after which it will be the turn of the monument. for safety, the square and nearby streets
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were blocked. the community voted in favor. society voted for demolition, so everything is fine, let them demolish it. it's high time to install it somewhere from the city center would be correct. and why? so that we don't repeat mistakes. and it's rich. ukrainian heroes, there are many ukrainian heroes who can be here instead of her. a native of feodosia, the world famous artist ivan aivazovsky, painted more than 6 thousand paintings. he could have settled in any country in the world, but chose to live and work in crimea, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty and strength of the southern russian land. his name glorified novorossiya, like hundreds of others,
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including the name of catherine the great. catherine the great was the august mother novorossiysk province by decree of april 2 , 1764. she, the empress, established a new region and gave it a name. the first governor-general of the vast and undeveloped region was his holiness prince grigory potemkin. as contemporaries recalled, he dreamed of turning the wild steppes into fertile ones. fields, build cities, plants, factories, create a fleet in the black and azov seas. all this was done in a short time. the cities of kherson, nikolaev, nikopol, novomoskovsk, pavlograd, mariupol were built. on the initiative of potemkin novorossiya
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grew with the crimea, instead of the village of khadzhibey , beautiful odessa arose, a pearl by the sea. odessa was a city that was founded by catherine. invited, therefore, the governor of odessa, which means duke dereshilye, actually a hadjibek, the village was not anything at all , he remembered this name odessa very well for everyone there, because at the entrance to odessa there was a post, well, quarantine, whatever you want, everyone who left asked where you were going, if he said in khadzhibey, then it immediately means there for him they hit one
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place with certain objects, if you are in odessa, please pass. “the creation of novorossiya and the annexation of crimea became the culmination of catherine’s golden age, the century of the great dreamers of the builders of the russian
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world. it was then that the greek project arose. he accuses him of confusing state money with his own money, as if he was taking from the treasury, but it seems to me that one cannot say that, on the contrary , he spent his money and government money primarily on state affairs, that is, he was the richest, and, probably, then a landowner of the country, since these lands are taurida, northern taurida, the pre-black sea steppes in russia, well, he has enormous wealth, but
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he spent everything on... where there is some kind of forest, so that this forest, well, from voronezh, like from other territories, it was delivered directly to kherson, piers were built there, houses were built there, stone was delivered, that is, titanic
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work was going on, for potemkin it was a project... on his family coat of arms it was written in latin: loyalty, unbreakable forever, aristocrat , an anglomaniac, and at the same time an ardent russian patriot, count varontsov, in the 19th century forever changed the face of new russia. varontsov’s century is, of course, a golden age for the region, and it is no coincidence that his contemporaries remembered for a very long time this period of urban development, the creation of cities, several cities were created with direct participation, for example, berdyansk, yeisk on the shores of the azov sea. and those cities that existed,
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kherson, nikolaev, odessa, the crimean cities, they, of course, received an impetus for their development, what is, for example, taurida, in stupidity, in general at the time of the visit, for example, catherine, she could not even visit the southern coast of crimea, since the southern coast was completely cut off from the rest of the territory, there were no roads, no ports, etc. none of this happened, this is where varantsov’s activities actually began, to create the necessary infrastructure, what is most important, a whole network of roads is being built, that’s... what practically did not exist under potemkin and his immediate successors appears under varantsov, and roads are the latest thing then, as it were, construction science, highways appear, in particular on the southern
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coast, instead of the paths that connected the mountainous coastal regions of crimea with the main steppe part of the peninsula, instead of these top real chassis roads, the construction of cities, roads, the opening of libraries, museums, schools, vorontsov invested in the development novorossia not only personal funds, but also his soul, but today he is most often remembered in the small kryvsk town of olubka, here the count built an unusual palace in the english style, surrounded by such an amazing park. why he organized the estate here, it is difficult for us, of course, to judge why he chose this place, for example, pushkin, alexander sergeevich,
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galloped past the lubok, did not notice anything, and the lubka was small, completely little-known trees, here is a village with such... this means that a place reminiscent of paradise is better on the southern coast, he invites a large number of artists, because at that time there were no photographs, so that they would depict these famous historical monuments,
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beautiful landscapes, then in lithographs, in. numerous, in hundreds, in thousands of lithographs, these images are distributed throughout
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russia, associated with drawing, but he drew from childhood, drew on pieces of paper, painted on wallpaper, painted everywhere, he always wanted to draw not people, but nature, because how - nature, i think that since childhood , he was generally lonely since childhood, it was in nature that he was in the nature of his small homeland, in the nature of mariupol, in the nature of feodosia, then where he walked on foot to
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get... its light fell on the canvas and before the astonished spectators were treated to a magical moonlit night on the dnieper. the moon in the painting shone with such a mystical light that visitors tried to look behind the painting to find the illumination there. of course, it’s an unusual picture, it’s still on all his booklets, everywhere, it’s a moonlit night, it’s really mesmerizing, and although he’s accused. the fact is that he made some special devices there so that this is all, but i can imagine what it was like then, because he and his friend mendeleev. they were looking for some kind of composition to make it flicker, well, unfortunately, over time it all
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seems to have faded a little, but you still just approach it and it’s impossible to move away, the rich and picturesque land of southern russia gave birth to and inspired not only artists, but its small homeland thought many russian writers, musicians and scientists. in 1801, in the town of lugansk zavod , vladimir ivanovich dal, the future great surgeon, hero of several wars and compiler of the most famous dictionary of the living russian language, appeared in the family of a doctor. it was a man colossal knowledge, this is a sailor, a naval officer, this is a doctor of medicine, this is a statesman and public figure, also a famous writer of the 19th century, a compiler
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of explanatory. was awarded for courage, but most importantly, the love of his life always remained the great and powerful russian language. even in between battles , dahl questioned the soldiers, wrote down interesting words, expressions, songs and fairy tales. the result was a dictionary that immortalized him forever in russian history. shortly before... the duel, pushkin heard from dahl that the skin that snakes shed each year in the orenburg province it is called by such
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a word as crawled out, he liked it so much that he pointed to his new , freshly sewn frock coat and said: “look, dal, what a crawlout, i won’t crawl out of this crawlout any time soon, i’ll write something like this in it.” but unfortunately, all of alexander sergeevich’s plans were never destined to come true, and just... on january 28, 1837, at two o’clock in the afternoon, vladimir ivanovich learned from the publisher bashutsky that pushkin was mortally wounded in a duel. he immediately went to car wash 12 and spent about a day with the bed of a dying poet, trying to fight for his life. he tried somehow, yes, to save his friend. well, as we know, this
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failed and... the ancestors, the cossacks, the don, who, probably, 18 men of this generation, were all cossacks, from esaol to the colonel, this strong-willed character, it affected, of course, in the future , in his future profession, they were all famous, of course, for their bravery, courage, many participated in wars, so naturally, everything was passed on to the future heir alexander alekseevich. was admitted to the first don cossack regiment, took part in
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the russo-japanese war. in 1905, in chin near esaola, he retired to the reserve for health reasons, receiving a payment of 500 rubles. with this money he founded his own cinematographic enterprise in moscow. the first film that was a great success. in which khanzhonka acted for the first time as a director in collaboration with director goncharov, it was defense of sevastopol. the film defense of sevastopol was the world's first full-length historical documentary film, which involved a huge the number of battle scenes, and it must be said that khanzhunkov benefited from the officer’s bearing, yeah. the don cossack army, to lead and organize, that’s exactly the shooting
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of a large number of people, the fleet, the russian one. army part of the russian army, which was kindly provided by emperor nicholas ii. among the natives of voros there are those who became famous for their spiritual exploits, one of the most unusual saints of the russian orthodox church, archbishop luka voina jesenecki. a famous surgeon in the world, author of scientific works, laureate of the stalin prize. on his icons depicted with a set of surgical instruments. he healed people in word and deed, saving them like an enemy. their lives are on the operating table, and like a priest, their souls are in the temple. the last battles of the civil war took place on crimean soil, from here came the so-called russian exodus, or rather, more correctly, the tragic evacuation of that old christian russia, which was replaced, displaced, swept away by
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red russia, but again - fate would have it so that it was in this red russia, in the communist soviet union shone an amazing personality, who is now considered one of the greatest saints of all times, is st. luke, the warrior yesenecki, who became a bishop here in crimea, became famous as luke the crimean, and the whole world knows him precisely as a crimean saint. god wanted our future saint to be born here. in the crimea, in the city of kerch, and returned here just when he was already 69 years old, he returned from the tambov diocese to our simferopol-crimean diocese. it was in the year forty-six in the month of may. per share st. luke suffered glory and trials. in civilian life, he lost his wife and was left alone with four children. a surgeon and scientist, world famous, he was repressed three times,
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survived the torture of exile, but did not abandon his own. convictions from faith, even being practically blind, for the last three years of his life, archbishop luke served in the temple and healed people. he once said when i saw how they mock my god, my church, organize so-called komsomol christmases, break glass in churches. they kill priests, they laugh, are subjected to ridicule, everything that is dear to me is sacred, i said, i can’t be silent, this is him i can’t be silent, refuted, perhaps, such a widespread proverb, one in the field is not a warrior, but no,
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sometimes there is one in the field warrior. crimea once again becomes the point on which the russian state, russian civilization must rely, in order to confidently step into this somewhat frightening, but nevertheless very, i would say, promising from the point of view
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