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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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on which the russian state, russian civilization must rely, in order to confidently step into this somewhat frightening, but nevertheless very, i would say, promising future from the point of view of the transformation of humanity.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. donbass is a region that, well, is not just a depressed region, you understand, there is quite a large complex of such. apart from problems and headaches, for example, there is simply a wild number of absolutely unnecessary people there, from whom the brothers would bring a purely donetsk region, there are approximately 4 million people, which is no less than a million people, there are just amazing people, what i want to say is that we don’t need to understand donbass, we need to understand the ukrainian national interests, and donbass just needs to be used as a resource, which is required, obviously from the drive i mean to donbass, it seems to me that there is no clear recipe in me, that here you can earn a lot, and even more than you need to earn at this moment... how can it be cruel
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not to sound, this is a song, a song category of people, required just drive it in. 200 years ago, in the village of lugansk plant in the ekoternoslav province, the light of the most russian dagchanin on earth, vladimir ivanovich dal, appeared, the creator of an explanatory dictionary of the living great russian language, born on the land where.
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the name of this city and the river on which it stands, lugane, comes from the word onion. lugansk is endless meadows and steppes where the wind blows. previously, many hundreds of years ago, in addition to the wind, reckless
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nomads were also seen here, who gave the name to this area, a wild field. here was the polovtsian left, they have been here for more than 200 years lived, from here they...
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great and brought with them a certain contingent of hajduks of their soldiers, these are several hundred people, they settled in companies, well, in particular the city of lisechansk, which is now known in connection with the hostilities, our troops were removed last year, it was originally called the third
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company, and together with these settlers, outstanding figures of our history came into russian history in the future, but in particular military history, one... and the very name of slavic-serbia, on the basis of which a new one was created in 1764 province, which was called novorossiysk. this was the first use of this term; empress catherine herself
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wrote in a decree: to call the new province novorossiysk, so that the day this decree was issued, according to the new style, april 2, 1764, can be considered a birthday. they received in payment for their services so-called dachas, that is, settlements, and the main condition was that they inhabit these. the russian world, which was created in russia, into the russian world, which was visited
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by western europeans who came there. ez's center of slavic-serbianism became lugansk, the weapons capital of russia. the city grew up around the plant, which was founded in 1795 by decree of empress catherine ii. to governor general count zubov, about the establishment of a foundry in the don. district near the lugan river and about the establishment of lomka, found in that side of the coal. there is a legend that when tsar peter i was returning from the azov campaign, he passed through approximately these territories, they showed him coal and told him about its properties, to which he said this mineral, if not to us, then it will be useful for our descendants. that is, he seemed to have foreseen that coal would actually make, to some extent
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, a revolution in the industrial production of the russian empire. having learned about this, that coal had been found here, and needing that it was in close proximity, well, to the theater of military operations, that is, from the crimean peninsula, it was necessary to build a foundry that would produce weapons for... scottish engineer carl gascon. it is unknown whether the future founder of the lugansk foundry would have ended up in russia, scottish engineer carl gascoine. if not for the spy scandal, gascoin became famous for his invention of the rapid-fire coronada cannon, which many armies around the world dreamed of acquiring. i also ordered a batch of guns from gazkoin, but somehow, along with them, we also got
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the drawings of these same guns. gascoin was accused of treason, and the wise russian empress catherine immediately invited the talented arms maker to russia, concluding with him an indefinite contract for the construction of factories throughout the country. building a plant in a sparsely populated region was extremely risky, it was difficult and... karl gospoin understood this, he brought with him 12 english specialists who settled on english street, in addition they were transported to the future plant under construction, workers were transported from closed lipetsk, olonet factories and from kherson, they come here with their families, settle here, and start building a factory. the lugansk plant never changed its weapons specifications; during the patriotic
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war of 1812 it was one of the largest manufacturers of artillery pieces in the empire and ammunition. lermontov's famous lines about the battle were distorted, the salvoes of a thousand guns merged into a drawn-out howl, this is exactly about the lugansk cannons. about a quarter of all the artillery that took part in the battles came from lugansk. our guns from the lugansk plant naturally took an active part in all military campaigns of the 19th century in modern memorial complexes on the borodino field near moscow. the patriotic war of the twelfth year on the mamayev kurgan in sevastopol. the crimean war of 1855. these are the guns that were produced at our lugansk letiyny plant. if you carefully examine these exhibits, perhaps even the mark is still preserved. the gun that is installed in front of our museum, it was cast precisely at the lugansk foundry, that is, you can find the date
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there, respectively, 1814, which means that this gun is cast iron, such guns were intended for arming coastal fortresses, conventionally we call it a unicorn, but that the unicorn, which we know is of the shuvalov design, there , after all, the design of the gun was different, and the shuvalov unicorn is primarily an infantry a gun, there its main task was buckshot, but here it is standard for cannonballs that would fire at enemy ships, any war, it... has good properties, it ends someday, numerous russian-turkish wars also ended , the number of orders from the military was declining, and thus the plant was closed, and in a few years a cartridge factory would be built here. and in 1891, for the rearmament of the russian army, a rifle was adopted, invented by the guard captain mosin,
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called the “three-line rifle of the sample 1891", well, naturally, new live cartridges were required for the new rifle; there were only two cartridge factories operating in russia at that time, one was a state-owned one, a state-owned one, as they said then, in st. petersburg, and a private factory in tours, but a private one. naturally, taking the opportunity, he asked for a high price, so the government decided that it would be more profitable to build a new state-owned cartridge plant in the south of russia. a commission was appointed for this purpose, and this commission came to the conclusion that it was best to build a new plant. in lugansk. the imperial coat of arms of lugansk depicts a flaming blast furnace, and this is not only a symbol of foundry. in the fate of the city, as in a huge melting pot, the fates of thousands and thousands of people
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who came here from all over the world and became russians merged. the first specialists, craftsmen, were those who accompanied the state government to the english, therefore the first street of lugansk, which today is called dahl street, was called english, this is in fact the oldest street of our city, the city of lugansk itself began with it. and on this street in the house of the foreign doctor iagan christian dahl, a son, vladimir, was born, who later became an outstanding russian speaker, vladimir and...
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having lived his entire life as a lutheran, before his death, vladimir dahl converted to orthodoxy, becoming russian not only by conviction, but by faith, because in the pre-revolutionary in russia, being orthodox meant being russian. 10 years after his death, in 882, emperor alexander ii ordered the founding of the city of lugansk on the basis of the village of lugansk plant. by the beginning of the 20th century it became the largest industrial center of the russian empire, but was proud not only of its factories and plants, and magnificent churches, its own miraculous icon of the mother of god and
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the holy elder in whose name the name of the city is immortalized, saint philip of lugansk. you and i are at the grave of our local revered disciple of faith and piety, the elder, deacon philip gorbenok, he was buried in the city cemetery, and after his death, when people began to come with reverence to his burial place, a chapel was built here over his grave, directly here on... his grave is under this cover, here deacon philip was born at the end of the 19th century here in lugansk, with his name... the appearance of the icon of the mother of god of lugansk in our city is associated. this happened in
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1905, when deacon philip worked as a watchman at the construction of gunpowder warehouses. he caught the workers stealing, for which they tried to kill him. when death seemed inevitable, the sky lit up with radiance. philip saw the mother of god walking towards him through the clouds. blinded by the light, the thieves fell on their faces, and the mother of god. blessed philip, predicted the city has a great future and promised to keep it from harm. the icon painted in memory of this event is located in st. peter's cathedral in lugansk and is a revered shrine, like the stone of the elders of philip, commemorating another miracle. when he was serving there in the park next to the temple, he was met by komsomol members. and they began to mock the old man, knowing that he was a believer.
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chapel, where the elder is buried, is open for this stone today is here for worship, deacon philip later said that this oak, this the tree will blossom and sprout before the second coming. the intercession of the mother of god and, of course, the courage of lugansk residents more than once saved the city, which over the past 100 years has repeatedly found itself at the center of hostilities . during the great patriotic war,
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lugansk, then voroshilovgrad, was under occupation. november 1, 1942 is a black date for us, the germans were outside the city, then it was like this, an anti-tank was dug there for defensive purposes. it was in this anti-tank ditch that the germans carried out mass executions. november 1st is the entire jewish population of the city of warshelova and the surrounding area was destroyed. this means that in the future the germans there will also shoot the civilian population of the city and the underground fighters and partisans. in september 1942, in the central square of krasnodon, a small town near lugansk, the nazis buried 20 miners alive. the public execution not only did not intimidate the local youth. but forced yesterday’s schoolchildren to unite to create the underground organization young guard. these boys and girls fought against fascism several months, then they were captured,
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severely tortured and shot. it was an immortal feat. you can call these youth whatever you like, soviet, communist, but they were people of steel. these were russian people, patriots of their homeland, who did not spare their lives for the sake of their homeland. and they became a lugansk legend. for example, this underground group, the young guard, is , well, the most striking manifestation of the feeling of freedom and the fight for this freedom. that is, well , in general, young people know. what is their fight mortally dangerous , they knew very well what this would lead to, nevertheless, they considered that it was necessary to fight for this in a variety of ways. the city was liberated in
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february 1943. finally , the nazis took revenge on the rebellious civilian population by bombing them for ten days. thousands of people became their victims. the population of lugansk, as well as donetsk, was mainly formed after the great patriotic war, it is international, therefore it, its self-awareness, how to say, is not national, but rather imperial, state, that is, the territory of novorossiya as a whole and the particularities of donbass is an imperial territory, an industrial imperial territory, the mentality of the population is not tied to nationality, to the state.
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so it was, and it’s not just a matter of language, but a matter of historical consciousness. memory, it remains that after a person’s life, after the life of a generation, memory, while future generations take care of memory, remember and study their history, no one will impose anything on them, they will be independent and will go on your own way. they will have their own story without any prompting from strangers, authorities and countries.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you no, get ready to blow on the mosk, we’re recording our brother as missing. it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, it looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope,
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there is always hope. passenger's call sign. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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odessa - that was.
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vladimir putin approved the structure of the government, mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals for appointments, he will tell you who exactly was included in the prime minister’s list.


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