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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

5:30 am
it was done very cool, it just went right in, i don’t know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you are so sensory, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, i’ve thought a lot over these years, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
5:31 am
sevastopol will, of course, have a different name, it will be called as before was called in crimean tatar, now this name will be, the name sevastopol will no longer be, so those who live there now, hurry up to rejoice in the name sevastopol for the last few months, you will not see this name on world maps anymore.
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he did not suffer a single defeat, did not lose a single ship, not a single one of his sailors fell into the blanket, admiral ushakov. holy warrior symbol of the russian black sea fleet.
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from the decree of empress catherine ii on the founding of the military port of sevastopol. as with the expansion of the empire's borders all-russian, it is necessary to understand and ensure that we declare our will to arrange the next fortification. the great fortress of sevastopol, where the akhtiar is now and where he should be. be an admiralty, a welf for the first rank of ships, a port and a military settlement. in 1787, empress catherine went on a tauride trip, visiting crimea, which had just been annexed to russia. the culmination of the trip was the presentation of the black sea fleet at the sevastopol roadstead. in inkerman, on a hill , a traveling palace was built for the empress. during lunch under
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the sounds of solemn music opened the curtains and a view of the sevastopol roadstead opened up, there were ships of the black sea fleet, they greeted the empress with a salute. catherine exclaimed: now i see with my own eyes that russia has a black sea fleet. akhtiyar bay was studied during the first russian-turkish war, measurements were made. the fact is that its location, its organization is so convenient for maintaining a harbor and a naval fleet there, because it is shot from both sides, blocked, there are convenient approaches, there you can block off and secure the depth of the bay, so it was studied back in 1771-72, then in 1700.
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his personal participation in the development of crimea, which is why he chose the place for sevastopol.
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russian sailors have repeatedly proven their fearlessness, so in 1829, during the next russian-turkish war, the world was shocked by the feat of the crew of the brig mercury. the small ship was attacked by two large turkish ships. the death of the brig seemed inevitable; there were only 20 guns on board, while the turks had more than 200 large-caliber guns. commanded brig mercury, brig mercury, then captain-lieutenant alexander ivanovich kozarsky, and he calls a meeting of officers, they call the company, invites everyone to speak out, on... this problem, what to do? according to the traditions of the wardroom of that time, the first word was given
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to the junior rank, and midshipman ivan prokofiev offers to take the fight. the wardroom supported him, it was decided to accept the fight, and once in such situations you accept the fight, then there is no way to give up, so flag and geus were nailed tightly to the matches , in the hook chamber in the storage room, was abandoned.
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fire, fire! by the beginning of the crimean war, the
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russian black sea fleet consisted of only 26 ships. in the summer of 1854, a fleet of the british military coalition, which included about 400 ships, approached sevastopol. this balance of forces forced the russian command to take extreme measures. the russian squadron was sunk in the bay of sevastopol, blocking the path. which menchikov represented, we thought that there would be a protracted war, there would be a siege of sevastopol, but we would withstand this siege, and
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somehow end this war, if not victory, well, at least we’ll come out of it somehow more nobly, that’s what happened, that is, these ships were sunk, one party started, then a little more, yes, this largely saved sevastopol from a quick collapse, because if the union. .. 349 days and became a legend, which is still remembered not only in russia, but in enemy countries, great britain and france. its commanders, admirals kornilov, nakhimov and stomin, who died on the sevastopol bastions, became legendary. being the first head of the sevastopol defense, vice admiral vladimir alekseevich kornilov held this
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position until that tragic day when, on october 5, 1854, he once again climbed malakhov-kurgan, going around the fortifications of sevostopol, this was a key position of our defense 100 m above the murya level, it was from there that a good view of the enemy’s positions opened up, but it was precisely this day in the history of sevastopol that became the first day of bombing of the city by opponents. having climbed malakhov-kurgan, it was at this moment that the bombardment continued alone. one of the enemy cannonballs hits the vice admiral kornilov with a checker. the fragments of this saber mortally wounded the admiral. his dying words, defend sevastopol, become a testament for the defenders of the city for all subsequent times. the fatal saber went to kornilov from the deceased adjutant. the vice admiral was warned that she had a bad
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reputation. all owners of these weapons were killed in the first battle. kornil. he laughed at superstitions and died during the first bombing of sevastopol, but nakhimov’s death is blamed on his flights. having received the rank of admiral, he categorically refused to wear them until emperor nicholas i, with a separate letter, did not force him to dress in uniform. the fact that naykhimov, the hero of the battle of sinop, wore epaulettes was also known to his opponents. and june 28, 1800.
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this was a separate heroic story of the city’s defense, the legendary military engineer eduard ivanovich totlebin distinguished himself in it,
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but the battle, which still remains an unhealed wound for the british, was a classic one, an attack. which is carried out in a direction that was not originally intended, he understands that an error has occurred, but without having time to report this information, he was struck, falling from his horse to death and became one of the first cavalrymen to die during this attack, and this mistake continues to develop, the attack of the light cavalry brigade lasted about 20
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minutes, initially about 600 cavalrymen, riders rushed in front of... with the intersecting fire of the russian artillery , things were gradually built and they arrived at the don cossack battery and the attack actually ended with frontal shots from the cossacks, a sad result for the arrogant british of the balaklava battle: out of 600 cavalrymen, 102 died. immediately, 128 were seriously wounded, many later died, 58 ended up in... for the british this became a reason to dub the balaklava valley the valley of death, but their unquestioning obedience to the received order is still a model of bravery and courage for the british, and one must understand that that this does not in any way negate the bravery of those defenders and
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military contingent of the russian army, whose merit was in this victory, this... is also a talent to take advantage of the enemy’s stupidity and turn his failures into your success, the british they lost all the light of the aristocracy, but this famous thin red line, i remember an english book that lay there under a balaclava, despite rifled weapons and everything else, it was a war where they first encountered a completely unusual thing, but with the fact that people will fight and fight to the last, which is called cartridges. the difficult crimean war ended for russia with the paris peace treaty, according to which our country was prohibited from having a navy in the black sea, but only 15 years later. when the ban was overcome, the black sea fleet re -emerged, and almost instantly. the secret is in a special operation to secretly revive the fleet, one of the authors of which was admiral
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arcas. he created robit, a russian shipping and trade society. these were dual-use vessels. the war ministry provided this society with its remaining ships. from the black sea fleet represented shops and warehouses for use, but they were all dual-use, everything was built with the aim that it could be redone at any time on military rails, the same steamships, special equipment was installed on them, which could immediately be placed there with artillery installations, ammunition, a large number of crew, there before...
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the new black sea fleet. the black sea fleet had to endure another tragedy: division and flooding during the civil war, 1918, 1920. but the soviet black sea fleet was revived, preserving the traditions of the russian imperial navy. but then 1941 happened, june 22. the great patriotic war began. sevastopol became symbol of resistance to fascism. his desperate
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defense lasted 250 days, and then there was the great day of liberation. very symbolic: on may 9, 1944, soviet troops liberated sevastopol from the nazi invaders. the city lay in ruins. but the feeling of victory overwhelmed all the survivors, and on may 9, 1945, nazi germany signed an act of unconditional surrender. the capture of sevastopol on may 9, 1944 was the prologue to our great victory. as time went. the nineties have arrived. soviet union gone. and one of the most tragic pages began: the split. after the collapse of the soviet union, they tried to take away the fleet from russia in favor of ukraine. through the efforts of our
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admiral kasatonov, the black sea fleet was saved. of the 800 ships, ukraine received only 138. most of them were cut into metal, and the russian black sea fleet today consists of 2,739 ships, on which 25 military personnel serve. here we are in the city of sevastopol, yes, that is, you know that catherine the great, catherine ii, proposed this name, translated from greek means sivastos, a city, a city, a city worthy of glory, a city worthy of worship, look, the only city, a medal not for taking, but for defense, which was established twice, the first defense was 349 days, the crimean company, the second heroic defense, this is already 250 days the great patriotic war, sevastopol fully justified its claim. the name really is the land where so much blood was shed by our ancestors, where you won’t go in the historical center, here is a bastion, and here is a mass grave, here
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battery, i think there is more of a similar example, even fortifications, yes, that is, in the defense of cities you will not find even in world military history.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are at the top peace.
5:58 am
on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6 , 1914 , a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk, russia, to protect the people of donbass. from the nationalist pro-fascist dictatorship, deputies decided to proclaim the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic. if we had not gone out to rallies and started resistance then, we would not have been able to remain ourselves. a war was organized against us by the ukrainian regular army, armed to the teeth. when they started issuing russian passports, my family
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received everything and i’m proud.
6:00 am
hundreds of houses remain flooded in the omsk region; after a dam broke, rescuers are evacuating people from the affected villages; we’ll tell you about the situation in the region. state duma committees today will consider candidacies
6:01 am
for deputy prime ministers and ministers, as... groups destroy positions in the ssu near kherson, new personnel from the front line, the latest reports on the progress of a special military operation on our air.


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