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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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next is eduard petrov’s investigation into the deaths of tourists on ilbrus in 2021. why is the number of tragedies in the mountains not decreasing? more about this after the advertisement. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. don't do fashionable haircuts, but help.
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hello in the studio eduard petrov. they said that nastya was listed as dead. the storm came out of nowhere, hit with enormous force , and the pressure dropped very sharply. the group, literally in 20 minutes of descent, turned from a walking, adequate group into participants who
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absolutely physically could not control themselves. the descent from the mountain can turn into an evacuation, let’s not talk about it now, let’s not participate in it. it was presented to him. for extreme sports enthusiasts in the area of ​​mount el brus, they lure clients in various ways, mainly via the internet, promising smooth acclimatization. a quick climb, life in the base camp, where there is even a cafe, gullible tourists buy into the advertising and come with money, but not everyone succeeds in getting to the top and going down safely. in the fall of 2021, a group of
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twenty people were caught in a snowstorm, five of them died. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. who is guilty? tourists, why the guides, despite the bad weather, took people to the heights, and how the illegal business works in the elbrus area. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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behind bars is denis alimov, director of the elbrus git company. according to investigators, he received more than half a million rubles from 16 amateur climbers. with private guides, alimov sent tourists to the top of the mountain in bad weather. he is accused of providing inadequate services safety, resulting through negligence in the death of two or more persons, but first things
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first. el brus is the highest point in russia and europe, 5.642 m above sea level. recently, after the closure of borders due to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of our tourists wanting to conquer it has increased significantly, and where there is demand, there is supply. they immediately appeared in the foothills of the caucasus. dozens of dubious companies and hundreds of guides offering to take anyone to the top, without unnecessary and supposedly useless preparation, moreover, it is relatively inexpensive, the average cost of climbing is 40,000 rubles,
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and what is very important for amateur climbers, the climb to the top takes about 7 hours. on the night of september 23, 2021, a group of tourists together with guides of only 20 people began climbing elbrus, everything went as usual, as usual, they set out in such a way as to meet the dawn at the top, but did not return back to the camp at the appointed time , was interrupted by a sudden storm. at the top of elbrus, wind gusts reached 40 m per second, which made it a frosty -20° celsius. fatal, nothing was visible beyond arm's length,
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it took rescuers more than 3 hours to get to the freezing climbers, they were all there, it was unclear with them, as soon as the signal came here, we gave the command, the first group moved out 20 minutes later, this is because there in these conditions, it is necessary to correctly select equipment, communication equipment, lighting; seven people were the first to leave there, then they arrived.
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falls exhausted, someone is transported to stretchers, a strong wind muffles the groans, well , they were in serious condition, well , we didn’t really talk to them, because we had to urgently evacuate them down, their ski masks were frozen, they had all the protection from the wind, from the cold, they had everything it’s frozen, the mittens are frozen, that’s it. unfortunately,
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it was not possible to save everyone; five tourists died, and 11 people, including several guides, received severe frostbite and were taken to hospitals in nalchik and petigorsk. all those arriving had colds. injuries, this is hypothermia, general hypothermia, and frostbite of an extremity, most of them had frostbite of the fingers of both hands, was of varying depths and varying degrees of severity. denis venersky from st. petersburg was among those who were rescued that terrible night. the tourist found it. on our feet in three places, denis told our film crew how
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the ascent went, it turned out that most of the way, all participants in the hike up the mountain were transported on snowcats, this is a kind of tracked vehicle for clearing slopes, it was not so that there was a strong wind, we climbed calmly , everything is fine, there the guys, the guides, helped with the backpack, the backpack just hangs on the front, so i sat on the floor and got up normally. they climbed for some time according to the feeling, well, about 20-30 minutes, that’s probably it, they unloaded, went out, we probably went out to the sidlovina, it was already getting light, the weather was just perfect, i liked it so much, here it’s even kind of... there was euphoria, i don’t know, maybe from hypoxia, but it was so great, it was so beautiful, it’s just beyond words, we climbed to the top, it was already quite light, according to venersky... problems started during the descent, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the three of us clung to
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the rope, then one is blown away, the very first one, which means that then the second one is blown away and accordingly the third one jerks me, i barely feel it, i hit my foot, well, the pain is so sharp, i think that’s it , he definitely broke his leg, denis received a very serious injury, a complex, comminuted fracture, the doctors were preparing. the patient for the worse, to amputation, but during the operation the surgeons managed to save his leg, there is a long rehabilitation ahead, from the first day denis has been supported by his wife. it was like that as if something was going to happen, well, the feeling was n’t very good, i just felt it the day before, when she called me, his eldest daughter said that a tragedy had happened, i don’t know how to explain what i felt then, it was just terrible , i burst into tears, i couldn’t speak, i bought a ticket at night and flew here, but there are also those
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for whom that night turned out to be their last, and...
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the victim denis venersky tried to help anastasia zhigulina even before the rescuers arrived. it got really bad, she didn’t even remove the snow from her face anymore, he came up to her, i remove the snow from my face, opens my eyes, looks at me, who are you, i say, and denis, she, listen, i don’t see you at all, literally the girl
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didn’t wait for help at all, except for anastasia szhigulina that night on elbrus. four more people died, the artist anya makarova from yakutsk turned 36 years old, for her it was her first trip to the city, the woman worked in a museum, raising a child alone. a lawyer from yekaterinburg, irina golchuk, was thirty-three years old; this trip to the mountains was the first and last in her life. the idea to rise girl on elbrus.
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elena died of hypothermia, her husband ended up in a hospital bed. another deceased is vyacheslav borisov, he is from tyumen, the only one from the group who has already been to elbrus. on his second attempt to reach the top, this is what his wife, yulia, says. a few years ago, here he became interested in mountains, that is, not so much professionally, it was just that something pulled him there, attracted him, that is, he wanted, and for the mountain to allow him to conquer it, this was his second attempt, in
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february last year i also went too, here, but it didn't work out. the wind is quite strong, he says, he cancels the trip only at fifty, so he says, here’s what i hope will happen, what will happen for us. well, it turns out that on the 23rd there was no contact all day, then somewhere at night at 4:00 or 5 in the morning i called, there was trouble, no one answered the phone,
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then literally within half an hour i went to instagram, it was reported there that in my sadness there was a disaster, people were being rescued, well then i started calling the ministry of emergency situations, hospitals, so i don’t know, somewhere around 11 o’clock in the afternoon i probably found out. the employees of the tour operator company did not contact yulia; according to the girl, she herself called the company’s office, they only expressed words of sympathy, but did not offer her any help. so what kind of office is this that organizes dangerous trips, where no one is responsible for tourists? el brus git is an individual entrepreneur opened in the leningrad region, in the name of denis alimov, director and senior guide rolled into one.
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the office was founded in 2019, however, the website states that it operates successfully more than 10 years. a tour called “climbing elbrus” from the south became fatal for alimov. judging by the booklet, it includes rest in two triple rooms, smooth acclimatization, as well as hearty breakfasts and dinners from the group’s cook in a mountain shelter; for this trip , tourists paid 38,000 rubles each instead of forty at a seasonal discount. the payment procedure is simple: you need to transfer alimov’s account 10,000 rubles as an advance payment and indicate your details in the booking application. 45 days before the ascent, send the remaining amount. no medical certificates are required required. according to the contract, after payment
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the tourist agrees with the processing of personal information and, most importantly, releases the organizers from liability. this clause of the contract is described in as much detail as possible. essentially, the tourist agrees that. may be injured and even die during the tour, but for some reason he has no right to sue the organizer of the assault, although the organizer and director of the elbrus guide company, denis alimov, said in his blog that anything can happen on a hike. the weather really sucks changeable, this is such a long time ago, you just need to take it into account, and there’s no getting around it, there’s no weather, here’s a joyful evening. comes running and says: guys, in short, there’s a window tomorrow, but this window, damn it, i looked at the device here, my blood pressure is rising, but damn it, at exactly 11 o’clock or 12:00
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the same thing starts again, what should i do? you need to leave earlier, but the hat begins such that the trail may disappear; the descent from the mountain, i emphasize, the descent from the mountain can turn into an evacuation, and no one needs this, this is what in this case, 100% of the work is accepted. everyone chips in tens, saves at least 4 hours there, 3-4 hours of walking, everyone quickly, quickly gets to the oblique shelf, quickly, quickly walks to the core, climbs to the top, joyfully hugs each other and falls down as quickly as possible, so as not to become the hero of some regular news about ilbluz, that here is a group of tourists and blah blah blah and the like, all this, in short, evil spirits that sometimes pour into our ears and eyes from the media.
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in a criminal case demanded to be removed from the courtroom of all journalists, with great public response, i believe that pressure will be exerted on the means. denis alimov
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retracted his words quite quickly, the very next day our film crew went to the pre-trial detention center to meet with the arrested person, but alimov did not even leave the isolation cell, the organizer of the fatal ascent explained his position in detail only to the investigator, and he is not involved in this activity first year. he has a page called the elbrusgit website, where he publishes a schedule for climbing mount elbrus, also during therefore, he recruits guides and assistants, who directly take this group to the ascent; he has an office in the city of pyadigorsk.
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there is a guest house here, rooms are for rent, no signs and nothing resembling the office of ipguide alimov, our film crew did not find it, which means we are trying unsuccessfully to find the office of the elbruzgid company, which organized the ascent to elbrus, now we will try to call their office, good day.
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hello. please tell me where your office is located, we are trying to find it in pyatigorsk is your office and we got a little lost, it’s just that now there’s no one in the office to meet you, it’s just that the office is in a bit of an awkward position, well, we ’ve arrived correctly, sobornaya 20, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s right there he finds everything right simply.
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and denis alimova, two guides - ilya chuikov and anton nikiforov, and two more assistant guides, taulan kipkeev and igor donkov. they all considered themselves experienced climbers who had climbed elbrus more than once, and the route was familiar to them. retire profitable with sberbank, free sbercard for pensioners. favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. selfish, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have your food, heartburn. this makes it easier, heartburn from food, take it, it quenches. combat heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes. it extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes it. things have faded after washing,
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idigo, can i?


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