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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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elbrus has two peaks, western and eastern, usually tourists strive to reach the western one, because... it is higher - 5.642 m. they move out at night to meet the dawn at the top take beautiful photos as a keepsake. this time was no exception. the group started from base camp at 2:00 am. the tourists reached an altitude of 5,100 m by airotruck. continue on foot. the group overcame the so-called saddle, the space between two peaks elbrus. to the heights. the tourists
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reached 5,642 m by 10:00 am. our guide, twenty-eight-year-old ilya chuikov, told us what happened next. he led tourists to the top. now this young man is a defendant in a criminal case. in literally 20 minutes of descent, the group turned from a walking, adequately cheerful group into participants who absolutely physically could not control themselves. by that time, probably two people were able to walk with their own feet, as soon as the railings ended due to a strong snowstorm, and the guides tied up the participants, we they made two bundles of them, but they could not move away from the railing, probably ten meters, due to the same state of health and well-being, and both bundles broke, first the first one, then literally 10 seconds later the second one rolled off after it, rolled out onto the saddle and... during this roll, one of
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the participants tried to slow down with a cat, what to do, well, you can’t, let’s just say, we taught this, and as it turned out, well... below it was confirmed, he broke his leg in three places. judging by chuikov's words, panic began among travelers at the height accompanying persons. nobody knew how to act in an extreme situation. chuikov insists that he took all measures to save people. i had a satellite phone, all the guides had navigators, that is, technically the guides were provided with. the problem was complicated by the fact that in such a snowstorm, and indeed i am like that. i couldn’t see the body, but it was impossible to work, because the sensors stopped responding to icy fingers, i just shouted into this satellite, i shouted our coordinates, i shouted how many of us there were the person where we were and called the rescuers, that is, there was a satellite, we contacted it, successfully, unsuccessfully, at that moment we
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could not understand, but as it turned out, the rescuer did not confirm that some kind of signal was received, then i i decided to start the descent with... with rescuers, already from the section called the oblique shelf, this is the section from 5300 to 5.100. chuikov’s story does not sound very convincing; it is still unclear why it was impossible to sound the alarm immediately after the weather worsened, why did the guides stall for time? on those the accused ilya chuikov could not answer the questions. i am the person who took responsibility for this group, who... met them there in pyatigorsk, who, let ’s say, was supposed to return them to this pitegorsk, no one deliberately tried to harm, no one saved, deliberately exposing their lives there the lives of the participants,
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so well, it’s hard for me to say, that is, in any case, as a guide, as a person, bearing responsibility for this group, i feel guilty, here is my colleague ilya chuikova... private guide anton nikiforov, it seems there is no guilt feels he has also been charged, spoke to our film crew, only turning his face to the wall. the fact is that the person involved in the criminal case allegedly agreed with one of the federal channels to give an exclusive commentary for a fee. anton, well, it turns out that you made a mistake, now all the questions are for the guide, you are the culprit of all this, and the culprit, depending on what? but you didn’t bring the clients back alive, albeit frozen, but alive, well, most people, they came down alive, that is, that client who died, she died almost on in my eyes, starting from the top, according to
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my observations, swelling began, i’m not a doctor just to give recommendations, i ’m thinking about it now, yes, in principle there was a strong wind, and this was one of the reasons to turn around, although i... before that, i walked in bad weather, as if there were no more problems, this is where i part of myself, no matter how i remove the blame, yes, i was wrong in this. this is the position of the accused guides ilya chuikov and anton nikiforov. however, iska employees established that the problems began while still on the rise. to the top the group did not reach elbrus in full force. during the ascent, one of the participants, anni makarova, became ill. assistant guide igor dankov led the way.
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platoon to separate those who walk slower and those who walk faster, the wind is strong, they tried to spread these rapists there into just six people, now he says, six of you will carry me, that means they put me on this stretcher, spread me out, then i hear, listen , there they tell him, anton, damn it, we ourselves are walking, well, into the hog, dragging him, well, it’s completely unrealistic, there’s even a slope here, but it’s down it was necessary to essentially roll up, i understand them in principle, it’s really difficult to take two or three steps there, if they had the strength, they probably would have left with a guide, so well, in general , somehow i hear, so i’m starting here, and anton
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just scream at them, just scream, shouted, like, bring it all, like we won’t leave him here, i turn around on my stomach, start helping there with my hands, and i see, that means i’m raising my head, i see nastya behind us, the girl who died, she was already crawling on her little knees, and then she saw that everyone got up and let’s go. here right here in polish. according to denis venersky, at that time almost no one from the group could move independently. one of the guides, the same ilya chuikov, went for help. my group at that time, i led them to the pole on the saddle, contacted, well , before leaving, contacted anton, contacted taulan, clarified their location, they said that they were finishing passing the railing, and here’s mine. the group was right under the railing, accordingly, well, believing that they would go out on it in any case, it so happened,
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they seemed to be following you, yes, yes, yes, there was already a small gap there, so taulan and anton were with the group for a long time, and these are really heroes, well, in my eyes, taulan and anton are the heroes who gathered there the group who stayed with them until the end, who, well, really... taulan was found with pulmonary edema, practically blind, that is, these are people who, well, until the very end , could have stayed there forever, let’s say, the organizers of this ascent claimed from the very beginning , the cause of death the weather became bad, according to the guides, they did everything possible to save the tourists, but were powerless against the elements. the wife of the main accused director of the travel agency
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denis alimov, elena, tried to explain to our film crew how the events unfolded on elbrus. the storm came out of nowhere, hit with enormous force , and the pressure dropped very sharply. one of our guides said that his watch showed, well, the barome. the watch showed an altitude of 6.220, despite the fact that they were actually at an altitude of 5300, 5400, this tragedy is in many ways happened due to the fact that there was a quick, sudden, sharp and fatal change in weather conditions, they went to the top in excellent weather, calm, began to descend in the sun and a light breeze was blowing, and then terrible bad weather came and then they began ... to save the situation on their own and constantly contacted the ministry of emergency situations and there are
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records of this in their phones that they made outgoing calls from a satellite phone, trying to call for help, but the investigation is sure that the organizers of the trip could not have been unaware of the impending storm, that's what assistant guide igor dankov spoke before the ascent; he published a video. on my social networks on the eve of the tragedy, good snowy morning everyone, tonight we are going to go to the top, the forecast is not very good, let’s see how it will be, but winter has already arrived , almost nalbrus, on the day of ascent september 23, 2021, in the area of ​​the western peak elbrus, wind gusts could reach 85
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km/h, despite alarming signals from the hydrometeorological center, denis alimov’s private guides still took the risk of leading people to the height. and here is the experienced guide karina mezova, who herself leads tourists to the mountains, assures that several of her colleagues refused to climb that day, precisely because of the bad things. early in the morning, there was a wind of 50, turning to 75-85 by lunchtime, what are we talking about, that is, it was impossible to go, yes absolutely no, absolutely no, of course, the head of a large travel agency that organizes the ascent to elbrus, zara marem, knows everything about a gray local business, he says that many
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colleagues only care about profit, and the safety of clients is the last thing they think about. this is basically, i think, the problem of our country, that someone has an individual entrepreneur, oo, there, registered as self-employed, someone just takes cash and drives, but now there is not a single law that would clearly regulate this area of ​​activity, the authorities have no right to prohibit climbing elbrus, the ministry of emergency situations can only warn of danger, and the police have the right to check the law. activity. here is one of the raids by employees of the tour organizers conducting the business department for combating economic crimes of the ministry of internal affairs of kabardino-balkaria. the police arrived at the azao clearing, from where most tour groups start. it is located at the foot of elbrus. there are many hotels, cafes, and
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equipment rental points. another group of tourists is preparing to climb. so the instructor is the guide, how long is the group of people going? 10 participants and two guides, two guides, so far the group has been prepared, well, yes, well, preparation will be in the process. david simonyan came from samara, until today he had not been involved in mountaineering, for david this will be the first ascent of elbrus. well, we have all the equipment, some were rented, some i start and finish mine. detailed, we tried everything, checked it, now we are climbing to a new height, david, like all other tourists, chose the climbing company based on reviews on the internet, paid for participation in the hike
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in advance, when he arrived at the company office in petigorsk, he signed a paper that in the event in case of emergency, he will not have any complaints against the guides and organizers of the tour, there are more and more such novice extreme sports enthusiasts every year, the director of the local market, rouzan guliyeva , says that after the pandemic, interest in this place has increased many times, the closure had an impact borders, this gave impetus to the development of local business, not only tourism, but also trade. everything is here for this.
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let's say, after the descent, the leader of the group must inform the ministry of emergency situations that all tourists completed the hike safely. if there is no such signal at the appointed time, it is not possible to contact the group, then rescuers have every reason to believe that an emergency has occurred, and they immediately move to help. according to the ministry of emergency situations of kabardino-balkaria for the season. 2,421 groups climbed, that's 19,528 people, 148 rescuers. had to go to help tourists, in 2021 , 23 people died on the mountain, six went missing,
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these are official figures, how many people are actually trying to climb the height is unknown, there are tourists who even climb elbrus alone, without warning anyone, such a desperate climber is ours the film crew met at the foot. look at the weather forecast, it’s cool. it’s not that simple, of course, well, there is a risk, there is always a risk, and you notify the ministry of emergency situations that you are going or sometimes like this, no, i don’t notify, you don’t notify, that’s it, if something happens to you there, you have
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there, well, i just have the contact number of the person who lives here, i’ll call you if there’s a connection, there’s a risk, it’s always there, although you can’t get away from it, that is, you’re deliberately going for this approach, well, probably yes, why, well, try going, you ’ll understand everything yourself, pick it up. up the mountain and you will understand this feeling when standing on the mountain, well, like on the mountain at the very top, i don’t say the feeling, the victory of the mountain cannot be defeated, it is invincible, defeat yourself, this feeling of your own importance, probably you is probably pushing there, our information is that the first climbers went to ilbruz in 1931, since then statistics on tragic incidents have been kept, according to... 121 people died on the summit, for comparison, victory peak, which is considered a more difficult mountain to climb above ilbrus, took 76 lives.
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the most massive death of tourists on elbrus was in may 2006, then a group of twelve people climbed to the top, due to a sharp deterioration in the weather, they had to stay for a cold night on the saddle, people buried themselves in the snow to save themselves, survived one man. guys, that's it. then everything and then the tragedy that occurred on september 23 , 2021 forced people to talk again about the need to regulate the field of extreme tourism at the legislative level. the investigation of the administration of the pokano-balkarian republic carried out an analysis of incidents in the mountains specifically related to the death of climbers.
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anna makarova and elena nesterova are really looking forward to the start of the trial and hope that the perpetrators will receive the deserved punishment, but for now the groups with new tourists continue
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climb to the top accompanied by private guides. as before, no one controls their initiative. climbing elbros is a dangerous activity, experienced rescue guides require professional training, and local authorities today have another task: to urgently restore order in this industry in order to avoid new tragedies. this was our investigation from the republic of kabardino-balkaria and from the stavropol territory. the conclusions of the cases are only for you. russia-24 channel.
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odessa was a city that was founded by catherine, a major role in the development of donbass played by the don and zaporozhye cossacks. russian language.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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region, after the dambai breakthrough, rescuers evacuated people from the affected villages. let's talk about the situation in the region.


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