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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, change your voice, we will expose all the fakes. hundreds of houses remain flooded in the omsk region, and after a dam broke, rescuers evacuated people from the affected villages. let’s talk about the situation in the region.
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state duma committees today will consider candidacies for deputy prime ministers and ministers; each candidate must present their program on how the composition of the government will change. our group artillerymen are destroying the position of the ukrainian armed forces near kherson, new footage from the front line , the latest reports on the progress of a special military operation on our air. he's corrupt. he's corrupt, he's incompetent. a hail of accusations against biden, donald trump is outraged by the policies of the current american president and vows to expel him from the white house, as the election battle is going on in the united states. today in the state duma an extended meeting of relevant committees will discuss. and ministers. the list
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was sent the day before by prime minister mikhail mishustin. each applicant will present a program main areas of work. according to the presidential decree on the structure of the new cabinet, the prime minister will have 10 deputies, including the first deputy. denis manturov has been nominated for this post. for the first time, the position of deputy prime minister for transport development and logistics will appear. it is proposed to expand azam’s area of ​​responsibility for energy. he will supervise. the entire economic bloc. and now there is news about the progress of the special military operation. fighters and su-34 bombers attacked the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. on they were dropped by fap-500 aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. it allows you to hit targets from a safe distance. having completed the combat mission, the crews returned safely to base. and now the flood situation. in the omsk
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region, a state of emergency was introduced in tarskoye and tivristskoye due to flooding. previously, it was announced in ustishimsky, where the dam was washed away by water. the village of ashivany suffered the first blow of the disaster and people were evacuated. it is reported that livestock died on some farms. rescuers transported people to temporary centers placement. work is underway to strengthen protective embankments to prevent water from flowing further, including onto the highway towards tomsk. and the water level in the irtysh river exceeded the dangerous level.
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it ’s unbearable to look at how everything is developing, it’s injustice, spitting in the face of the world, it’s impossible to watch, but it’s also impossible to unsee, israel announced the october composition for participation in eurovision. which many noticed hints at the october hamas terrorist attack. they were all good children, each of them says in the text: broadcasting union in europe said: israel's war with hamas will not affect the country's participation in the competition. the title of the song was later at least changed, but the public demands more. for example, take russia, we treat it well, but it was sidelined, everyone is discussing it, condemning it for no reason, and israel bombs palestine every day, and this has been proven, the reasons are clear. this is genocide, but israel can do anything. the malmö arena's crowd of thousands is shaken by whistles. the winner of last year's eurovision song contest warns the organizers that if israel wins, she will break the protocol and will not hand over the main prize to a singer from that country from rub-ruka.
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the israeli performer is openly bullied by the participants. i'm crying, i don't want to see her. dozens of european journalists are complaining to the israeli. the delegation threatens them, the israeli representatives accuse them in return. we repeat once again, we bring love, only love, behind my back you see the flak, so they are real monsters. i'm here to do what i love, the main thing is music. to be languid, this competition stopped a long time ago, and even the european media disgustedly signed up for eurovision, a place for the little ones, screaming headlines, naked on stage and satanic dances are shocking, but more. the same cynicism of the european show organizers, streamlined formulations, total politics in everything. just before the final , the main favorite of the competition, a participant from the netherlands, was suddenly removed from participation. he allegedly hit a member of the film crew, she reported to the police in amsterdam, they made excuses, the singer
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did not hit anyone, but simply pushed him away harshly with his hand. the fans are shocked. i'm upset, he's my favorite. i think everyone is very disappointed because this man is everything. told the truth in everyone's face, but the truth is not a friend of eurovision. information appeared in the member media that a singer and producer from the netherlands could be punished for collaborating with russian artists now that the west has declared a total abolition of russian culture. after the exit of russia and a number of other countries and the composition of eurovision participants, the organizing committee of the competition is in every possible way dragging ukraine by the ears. eurovision 24 surpassed any orgy. funerals in western europe are taking place as usual without surprises, a russian representative wrote on social networks.
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its goal is to make life easier for participants in the film industry, the list of services includes rental of studio pavilions, organization of location filming, rental of costumes and equipment props. in all big cities it has long been the idea that the process of organizing film shootings should go through a specific one body, they called it the film committee. and gave this instrument, this institution, the powers that allow it to act as a bridge between filmmakers and various government bodies, being such
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a coordinator of the filmmaking process territory of the city. over six months, the services of the moscow digital cinema platform were used over 800 times. now this figure will only grow, according to. rules , not only organizations, as before, but also individual entrepreneurs will be able to submit applications for film shooting, but most importantly, the processing time for applications has been reduced from 7 days to three, that is, you leave an application, then it is already processed by the film commission service, this happens in a matter of days , this is of course much faster, because previously we waited several times for some approvals months. and most importantly, the digital platform of the moscow film commission will become a single point of access to the entire range of city services. for film production, from finding the right premises to coordinating street closures, the film industry has been waiting for such a service for many years. in cinema, as i understand, as you know, quite often you have to change some shooting locations, uh, conditions for shooting,
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cinema is an art of restrictions, into which we always have to fit, within the framework of these restrictions, it is certainly a platform it helps us a lot, because we can find out where we can get props, where we can... shoot, how we can get permission to film in places that, it would seem, were impossible to film just yesterday. new rules are born as a result of discussion of interaction with the industry, as a response to a request. and this means there is an understanding of how to make the path of the russian film industry easier and more ergonomic. ivan kudryavtsev, victoria perepechina, vitaly povetsky, inna zolotareva and olesya shempel. news. and again a frame of telegram channels, this volcanic eruption in guatemala. a thick cloud of ash can be seen rising from the crater, followed by lava. the santyaguito volcano is located just 200 km from the capital of the country. next is the exposure of ukrainian propaganda in aleksey kazakov’s stop fake program.
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unfriendly western countries obsessively provoke moscow and immediately accuse it of a nuclear threat, while the kiev regime continues to believe in nato handouts and shoots funny videos with tsypso actors posing as disgruntled russians. read more about we’ll tell everyone right now on the stop program. on russia 24. so, russia is blackmailing the whole world with weapons of mass destruction, and most importantly , it can use them without apparent reason. this is exactly how foreign propaganda interpreted the data from our ministry of defense on preparations for exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the headline of ininagent radio liberty is dedicated to some kind of simulation of the apocalypse. politico is publishing a paranoid article, according to which vladimir putin is unreasonably swinging the atomic saber. the european union - through the mouth of its foreign policy representative peter stan accuses the kremlin of, quote
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, “irresponsible behavior.” for some reason, ursula vonlein addresses china in the spirit that it should force russia to change its mind, and the ironclad garbage dumps are predictable in the trend. some people imagine nuclear blackmail, others try to make strained jokes about a nuclear stick. in general, the resonance is enormous, and the emotions are essentially hysterical. but, please note, in none of the cases is the prerequisites for maneuvers stated absolutely. nothing, no one understands in the west because in russia a nuclear weapons are a deterrent factor, they are not an offensive factor, in the west there are more and more voices that it is necessary to start negotiations, it is necessary to agree on peace, but everyone is already tired of military actions, everyone is already tired of losses, but for in order to silence these voices, the media in the west periodically throws out the narrative that russia, along with iran, along with north korea, is an axis of evil. but in fact, the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov gives an exhaustive answer,
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talking with the author and host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. and it is directly related to the latest threatening, provocative statements by a number of european representatives that are increasing tension on the continent. this is, of course, both president macron and the british foreign secretary. us senators joined these statements about their readiness to send military contingents to the territory of ukraine so that they take part in hostilities, these are hitherto unprecedented, unprecedented statements, they require very a responsible, prompt and effective reaction on our part to what is happening, including an explanation from the russian mine about the inadmissibility of certain actions by the west. including a promise to transfer f-16 aircraft to kiev, which can be carriers of nuclear weapons. moscow has repeatedly warned
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that it would regard the delivery of these fighters as a step towards a sharp escalation. yes, the defense forces, with whose statements the foreign attack of panic began, immediately explained that the exercises would be a reaction to the threats of individual officials in europe and america. context is extremely transparent, but for some it is more profitable not to notice it. it has gotten to the point where they are already talking openly to solve some of their own problems. internal political tasks, we will bring french troops there, let our fighters move in, and we will sort of fight openly there, they say that the f16 will fly in there , the atakams will fly in, and look where we can finish off, we can finish off there as far as kursk, to rostov, to belgorod, then we can go there towards kalugia, orel all the way to minsk, it’s not us who came to this rhetoric. at the same time, there is enough frank absurdity, for example, the guru of the terrorist budanov demonstratively puts nuclear exercises in quotation marks
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and clearly wants to hint that there are neither tactical nuclear weapons nor a means of delivering them in russia. this, by the way, is a long-standing narrative in svidomo, but here we will have to finally set the record straight. yes, it is truly known, at least, about the existence of iskander m with a ballistic missile for which a nuclear warhead is available. most of its flight takes place at an altitude of 50 km in a zone of weak reach. systems about, and already with upon approaching the target, the missile accelerates to five or six machs, actively maneuvers, drops traps, confusing enemy radars, but all this is coupled with an impressive... range of use of up to 500 km. as for the warhead, its power is up to 50 kt, but even with an explosion of 10 a fireball with a radius of about 220 m is formed. meanwhile, at a distance of approximately 500 m from the epicenter , heavy concrete fortifications will be destroyed, a kilometer from the detonation point the shock wave will demolish ordinary buildings and will cause strong
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fires. iskander missiles, they consistently hit targets on the territory of ukraine, and... well, ukraine admits it, it doesn’t hide it. russia is one of the largest operators of nuclear weapons in the world, if not the largest, and of course, well, reasonable people in any country in the world do not doubt the ability of the russian army , if necessary, to deliver a nuclear strike. by the way, bandera’s skepticism about russian weapons is paradoxically combined with blind faith in the cause. disappointing experience using highmars, jewels, leopards, abrams and other scrap metal are obvious, but the gang with the bank is stepping on the same rake with amazing tenacity. now they have decided to advertise for the german concern rhein metal, saying that the square will receive from it unique artillery shells with a range of up to 100 km. it probably sounds impressive, but only if you don’t notice the word prototype. they
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treat these shells like pagan gods, so that they don’t send them, then there will be disappointment, because... they create such intensity, such a rise, as if right now everything will be decided, every battle is like their last, because they don’t work for a long time, they solve some small tactical problems, select something for the date, this is how to pump soldiers with drugs, this works in the short term, in the long run such an army cannot fight, how can one not remember that previous nato experiments like the bombi in ukraine no longer took off, well, galubnye ammunition, no matter how much they were positioned in quality. risks becoming even more of a disappointment, hypothetically they could be either manageable or uncontrollable, it must be admitted that both options are very doubtful: the first is guided by a gps signal, which easily jams our electronic warfare radio device, without communication with the satellite, such shells turn into the most ordinary high-explosive fragmentation, and low-power, since due to the specific design they carry only 5 kilos of explosives versus 10 kg for
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standard ammunition, but the unguided version obviously sacrifices accuracy. for clarity, let’s simulate a shot of m-795 shells from an m37 cannon. already 22 km away the probable circular deviation from the targets reaches 139 m. accordingly, the ammunition will fall into a circle with a diameter of almost 280 m; at a distance of 100 km, the dispersion will inevitably be so great that the chance of hitting will rush to minimum values. the rainmetal company, in general, is distinguished by its loud... with a range of 100 km, well, whether they will appear or not
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is a question, but the fact that ukraine has turned into a testing ground for both russian and western weapons, well... yes , this has long been a fact, and, moreover, some ukrainian officials are proud of this and boasted about it, and if they give something, then who will use these gifts? the catastrophic shortage of personnel in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine has not been canceled, however, according to trukha, the regime will soon solve the problem due to a truly unprecedented influx of volunteers , supposedly hundreds of guys are standing in lines in front of the shopping center in the heat, just to leave for avdeevka, well, you can’t argue, there really are quite a lot of people, hence the question, is it really possible that in ukraine there has suddenly emerged a so -called...
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it’s how these men are then trampled into land in order to be taken to a mobilization point and then transferred to a combat zone , they still know very well on the territory of ukraine that no one wants to go like that en masse, so the cloneists are no less capable of surprising them , let’s say, someone changed into a skirt, put on makeup and ran, taking his sister’s passport, but more often the news is tragic, what is the cost of another drowned person caught in the tisza river, only according to the official... this one is already the twenty-fifth. nevertheless, tisza remains a very popular route for escape, or more precisely, for a rescue swim from the ukrainian world of the dead to the world of the living, but there are other options in the city area. dolsk, vinnetsk region, near the border with moldova you can swim across the dniester. it is not wide there, only about 200 m. and land-based predators are increasingly breaking out in the moldavian backyard. the fugitives are caught in the odessa region
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on a seven-kilometer section of the highway between the villages of mayaki and udobnoye and near the village of tapaly, from where moldova is literally just a stone's throw away some 2-12 km through the fields. a little more difficult the path to freedom through the village of novopetrovka. there you need to take a car, drive 20 km to the village of velikoploskoe and make four. a kilometer-long march on foot to the same moldovan territory, anyone can do a fact-check and open the telegram channel of the border service to see what a large number of arrests there are, what a large number of people are now trying to escape from ukraine, who are trying to cross rivers at the risk of their own lives , trying to crawl through barbed wire, this one the information is published in the public domain and it speaks for itself that there is no large number of people willing, no large... the number of pseudo-patriots who are lining up, it’s all a myth, it’s all a fake, be that as it may, there is no doubt, the junta will devote all its efforts to making its borders with romania and moldova truly impassable, but it seems
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that it has taken a much less sensitive approach to the construction of defensive lines in the donbass; on paper , the invaders have built powerful lines there, that is, they allegedly fulfilled their promise zelensky to stop the advance of the russian army, in fact, look for yourself, they promised us here, well, they actually sabotaged this work, because they seem to have no funds or desire for this, but individual administrations, local administrations there, military-civilian , the so-called, there ukraine is faced with its typical problem, which means, well... embezzlement of funds, theft, in general, corruption, in some areas these can simply be knee-deep trenches, which, as if by counting , exist when they are occupied by units
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it turns out that they are not there, then to the craft centers of information and psychological operations, they still cook up content non-stop, but do not care about the quality at all, for example, an interesting case was highlighted by the adviser to the head of crimea oleg kryuchkov, who caught the eye of called the doctors' appeal to sergei. we have a real hell going on here, we have run out of antibiotics and are running out of painkillers, patients are rotting alive in hospital wards, the actors are so mediocre that they didn’t even bother to learn the text, they read from pieces of paper, and the props are noticeably let down, the character on the left is dressed in a woman’s medical gown with short sleeves, and his partner has disposable clothes for the operating room, finally both are on the walls of the hospital, well, it’s just nonsense, they are strictly prohibited. crimea for them, for the kiev regime, is of course such a red rag, they are trying to create, well, invent a problem, they are trying to throw it into
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the information space, as into their own information space, to show, look, citizens of ukraine, not everything is like that in crimea ok, there it is problems, no, food, no medicines, no medicines, no nothing, ordinary, supposedly, in quotes, ordinary people, this is what they are telling you, it is necessary simply... to collect information from alternative sources, double-check it, these are fakes, they literally collapse in just a few minutes of checking the fact check, here is another vivid example of chick creativity: supposedly in the kursk region, pensioners treated russian paratroopers with bags of poison and instantly put dozens of soldiers out of action, the message of the stuffing is clear, they say there are a lot of opponents of the svo, who organized the kiev underground and are engaged in sabotage to the best of their ability, but the primary source was an unknown telegram channel that previously lied about the situation on the left bank of the dnieper and attributed imaginary successes to the summer counter-offensive in the ssu, these are the anonymous channels there airborne forces for justice and so on and other nonsense,
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which is very, very much there, it starts from the ukrainian network, and there it is fed by these subscribers, by the way, they buy advertising from our channels, so look, here they are cutting the truth, like a patriotic channel, advertising right away. they sell it right out of the blue, and then it turns out that there is such news going on there, the left, not only are they making stuff up, but they also raise fees there, and these fees go to the ukrainian army, that is, there is funding for the armed forces of ukraine, and sometimes it’s a fact -checking even requires the publication of seemingly serious and respected structures; the american space agency posted a strange post on the social network x, dedicated to the anniversary of the mercuri 3 mission, allegedly its participant, an astronaut alan shepard was the first to make a manned flight into space. employees of the russian embassy in south africa noticed the forgery and responded without further ado with the famous photograph of yuri gagarin. space is therefore a showcase of the advanced.
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space, well, they thus decided to somehow cheat a little, in short, the west does not abandon the course of rewriting history and tries to impose its interpretations of certain events wherever it reaches, the more important it is to maintain information hygiene and not fall into the traps of ridiculous fakes , which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 24 tv channel. may 12 is memorable. military history of russia.
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may 12, 1944, the day of the complete liberation of crimea from the fascist invaders. the crimean offensive operation ended. at the beginning of the war, it took the germans 250 days to capture the heroically defended sevastopol. our troops liberated crimea in just 35 days. selected directions of main attacks, good interaction between strike groups of troops, aviation and navy. large enemy bridgehead on the black sea ceased to exist. further. the world in the palm of your hand project, as an agreement between london and berlin, allowed nazi germany to revive the fleet and circumvent the versailles peace treaty. about this right now.
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on june 18, 1935 , a maritime agreement was concluded between great britain and nazi germany. hitler was officially allowed to revive the navy in violation of the treaty of versailles. thus , the mechanism of destruction created after the first world war by the status quo in europe was launched and another big one was made. step forward world war ii. the process of europe and the whole world sliding into the second world war was gradual and actually began , by and large, from the moment hitler came to power in 1933, who openly spoke
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about the need for revision. showed hitler that western countries were not ready to maintain the status of the international system, the versailles-washington system, which emerged after the first world war, they were ready to give hitler a free hand inside germany, and as events later showed in austria and czechoslovakia and beyond, that of course, the nazi leadership
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and the anglo-german agreement were encouraging. who didn’t want a new war, everyone wanted peace, everyone saw that hitler was violating the rules of the versailles treaty, that he was rearming , and so on, that he wanted something else, and the idea was that he needed to be thrown into his mouth, well, what -part to satisfy him, to shut him up and to ensure peace, thus not realizing that this will only provoke the fuhrer, based on...


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