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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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for joe biden's dog to leave the residence and say hello to the cricket you killed. is this how you try to show your strength? do you still think you have a chance to become vice president? joe biden's dog attacked 24 secret service officers. how many of these attacks does it take to resolve the issue with the dog? in general, on the one hand there are a lot of events, on the other hand there is experience in assessing political events in the united states. the course of election campaigns indicates that the truly american voter wakes up only to autumn, at this stage any surprises are possible, it also happens that even presidents with very low ratings can still be re-elected for a second term, such examples happened relatively recently, as was the case with george w. bush or barack obama, but in any case there is a place. in any
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presidential race in the united states and the october surprise, this is an event that usually occurs immediately before the elections, in general we can say that on the one hand, we can already predict something regarding the outcome, the confrontation republicans and democrats for the white house, on the other hand, everything is just beginning. this was america, all the best to you. whoever is always in a hurry to help, target exactly the pain, my knee, pain in the back, in the neck, it doesn’t matter, it can retract the shoulder, we’ll call quickly, pentalgin, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation. in muscles and
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welcome to asia, this is the highest altitude episode of our program, 4,500 m above sea level, we are in kyrgyzstan, that’s where exactly we got here, we’ll tell you today in the program, as well as other most interesting events from the very center of the continent. whichever roads an immortal regiment was passing by, but this definitely had never happened before. from the picturesque aksai gorge in kyrgyzstan, the ascent begins to the highest point where the march of the immortal regiment has ever taken place. that majestic massif with a cap of eternal snow at the top is our goal, this is the same putin peak. the distance here is measured in hours of travel, from the base camp it is 4-5 hours of travel if everything goes well. putin peak is a peak in the tenshan mountains, height 4,446 m.
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​​the name appeared on maps in 2011. so members of the kyrgyz parliament decided to thank the russian president for his support. yes, guys. don’t relax, we still have a long way to go, from about this point the game began a sharp rise and now you understand that everything that happened before was such an easy walk. the peak is not easy to climb, the mountain, as they say, has character, it only really allows you to climb. such a picturesque view opens up and here our guides reported two news, as they say, one is good, the other is bad, the good is that we have passed 1/3 of the way, the bad is that this was the easiest part of the route, now the moment has come when it seems
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that climbing without preparation may not be such a good idea after all, are you ready? rested, let's continue moving. the so -called loose rock is here, very sharp, mobile, rocky stones, the main thing is that they are mobile, this is the main danger, you can easily twist or, worse, break your leg, that’s how it can all move, that’s how it can knock out - a strong stone from the rock and like a card house, this whole rock specimen has caused, but some part and how...
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died, so consider that i ended up with two dead people, then they simply dragged my mother away , not like they brought her there, because she already had a cold, it was 1942, it was a real winter, it turns out that - she brought it there and here we were on a kerosene stove
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, she was cooking something there to at least feed me, in the end you went to bed, everything was wheezing, in the morning i woke up, i was on the spot, i died at the defense of the city...
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when they started fattening them up, they couldn’t even give them a small teaspoon of milk, this the milk was diluted three to four times, then only little by little, over the course of about two months, we will return to the ascent, but for now let’s talk about other events of the past week. kazakhstan is tightening entry rules into the country for citizens of uzbekistan and tajikistan. astana warned tashkent and dushanbe that additional... checks at airports at land checkpoints are related to security requirements, with special
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attention being paid to possible violators of laws in russia, be it illegal migration or unpaid fines. them over time, the tajik authorities have formed special explanatory groups that should work at airports before the departure of labor migrants to russian cities. as noted, everyone is reminded of the importance of registration, and is also asked to respect the language and cultural values ​​of the receiving state. and these are the sensational ones. video from yekaterinburg, where a native of kyrgyzstan saved a man from a fire. noticing a fire in one of the apartments of a high-rise building, a taxi driver named babur climbed to the roof and lowered it from there. a fire hose that a tenant used to reach a window on the floor below. by the way, babur himself does not consider himself a hero, he says he just wanted to help, and is glad that it worked out. treacherous scree, deep. snow, difficult weather conditions, challenges for the
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climbers, and the strength to go give portraits of ancestors and heroes of the great patriotic war. today i decided to participate in the immortal regiment action, with the participation of an unknown soldier, that is, i am doing this in honor of the unknown soldier, why? because we all know heroes, and we do not know the exploits of unknown soldiers. i walked today, it was not easy, i understood how many people we don’t know about also put their part, their work into this great victory, i decided to take part in the immortal sex campaign to honor the memory of my grandmother, who i worked as a nurse in belarus in the gomel region, helped raise soviet soldiers to their feet, and today my great-grandfather, nikolai gerasimov, helped me on the climb. mikhailovich died near leningrad on the bridge to us minutes 20, you have at least 2 hours of reception, repeat,
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there was interference, base, i’m talking with peter now, while reception is in progress, that is, you still have about a kilometer to the right, yes, there’s no way for us to take a shortcut, no, the only way is along ours it’s all on the trail, you’re about two hours old, the weather suddenly started to deteriorate, this often happens in the mountains, you can see it. how the peaks behind my back were hidden by such clouds, snow began to fall, a strong wind, in general, the descent was not easy anyway, and now it is becoming even more difficult, we continue to go up our immortal regiment, it was impossible to film wind, helicopter, in short, it’s dangerous, and robert took off a little of himself, he’s dressed up with you, among the participants are not only professional
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climbers, but volunteers, public and government figures, the ascent was timed to coincide with the inauguration of the president of russia, the ascent is intended to emphasize the fraternal relations of the peoples of russia and kyrgyzstan . already at the very approaches to the top, the mountain again shows its tough character, not a damn thing is visible. in such conditions. the ascent would have had to be endured, but the vanguard of the daredevils decided not to retreat and still deliver the banner to the top, they flew, the party said, piping. heroically in bundles, the peak, this is the culmination, despite all the difficulties received from the veterans, the banner of victory was delivered to the peak. this year , the immortal regiment rose to a height of 4,400 m. we killed putin. this is yourself, here. happy
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victory day. division, the future legendary panfilov, 316 was formed here in the south of kazakhstan , and it was from here that it went to the decisive battle near moscow, in one of the most dramatic moments of the war.
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and our heroes must be honored, we, firstly, do not we have been going to such events for one year already, objecting to flowers, well, we are teaching the younger generation, my youngest granddaughter, three granddaughters, they come with pleasure every year, this is my holiday, if we had not won, then all this would not have happened at all, this my grandfather kurilo nikolai nikolaevich, was born near kharkov, went to war in 1942, went through the entire war, after which he was sent to almaty, all of us... living here all over the world in kazakhstan in particular, it’s almost a memory to be liberated by the war, this my dad, he left at the age of 17, a young man to go to the front, went through the whole war, baltic, ukrainian, we have four sisters, the youngest, i
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came almost as a memory. our father, all the warriors, liberators, it is our duty, those living always remember them, always remember, because this, this is exactly joy, this is life, today we will definitely tell you what victory day is for the countries of central asia, now about other events of the week, shrek was detained in osh, kyrgyzstan, this is the nickname of the leader of a large group of drug dealers who were involved in smuggling. psychotropic substances to neighboring countries. previously, the defendant was brought to justice in russia for the sale of heroin, but the first punishment apparently went in vain. the ministry of energy of kazakhstan has increased fuel prices for foreigners; now a liter of gasoline will cost them 245 tenge versus 205 for citizens of the republic itself. and the difference in the cost of diesel will be about 20 tenge. the measure was called
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necessary to combat overflows and gray exports of petroleum products. it took place in fergana. meeting of the heads of the state committees of national security of kyrgyzstan and tajikistan with head of the state security service of uzbekistan. the parties touched upon topical issues related to border demarcation. in addition, they discussed the prospects for a joint fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and illegal migration. on the walk of fame, the name of each of the twenty- eight panfilov heroes, regardless of nationality, who laid down their lives to defend their... common homeland, is immortalized. by the way, multinationality was an important feature of the division from the very moment of its formation. the soldiers later recalled that the wise general panfilov turned the compound into a real laboratory of internationalism. this is a quote from the hero of the soviet union baurzhan momushila. 42 nationalities, kazakhs, russians, kyrgyz, ukrainians, shoulder to shoulder for a common victory.
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an endless stream of people to the eternal flame in astana and other cities of kazakhstan. military parade in the space capital. kazakhstan made an invaluable contribution to the overall victory both on the battlefield and in the rear. about 1,300,000 kazakhstanis fought heroically on the fronts of the great patriotic war. raisa sofonnicheva now does not know exactly how old she is, but remembers well how she went to the front. when the war began, raisa was 16. she immediately went to the factory to paint guns and shells, and at 18 she went to the front as a signal operator. the fragile girl was given the call sign daisy, this is war and this is a great victory, our peoples are forever connected. on may 9, the presidents of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan were among the honored guests. and the parade on red square and, of course, took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the garden at the tomb of the unknown soldier in aleksandrovskoye. the day before, president shavkat mirziyoyev
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visited victory park in tashkent and laid a wreath at the water resistance monument. a parade of military units of the ministry of defense of the republic took place in the capital of uzbekistan. may 9 is a day of memory and honor. on the eve of the war in uzbekistan, ussr. on may 9, we come here because we honor our grandparents, with all my heart i sincerely congratulate all our front veterans, labor front veterans, all people, civilians, children, women, old people, regardless of what nationality, on the great holiday of the great victory. we thank our father for the fact that he went to work at a young age of 17 front. my father said it was still scary at the front, he said it was scary, but it had to
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be done, they did it. we come here every year already, well, for probably seven years, and honor the memory of the fallen, because this holiday, of course, we call it the day of remembrance and honor, i agree with this, because not everyone reached the end, not everyone , i always want to cry, though not all of the time. we saw that our world had become freed from fascism. and to other news. transit of russian gas to china via kazakhstan could reach 35 billion cubic meters annually, kazakh ambassador to moscow dauryaev shared forecasts. according to him, the republic will try to extract maximum benefit from the role of an intermediary; it plans to purchase part of the fuel for the needs of its citizens. negotiations on the price are already underway. the un supported the initiative of the speaker of the parliament of tajikistan rustam emmali, who proposed celebrating. world football day, the date will be may 25th. thus, the global significance and unifying role of the number one sport is officially recognized at the international level.
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and cyberpunk in tashkensk. the capital of uzbekistan is now patrolled by a robot policeman who monitors public order and transmits information to employees of the ministry of internal affairs. for now, the machine is operating in test mode, but later such robocops should appear at train stations in other crowded places. the memory of the great feat is sacred to the people of turkmenistan. more than 300,000 people from turkmenistan fought on the fronts of the great patriotic war and many were awarded the highest awards, including the title of hero of the soviet union and the order of glory. in the rear, women, children, and old people worked to provide the front with everything necessary. during the war years, for the construction of a tank column and combat aircraft. residents of the country donated more than 7 tons of gold and silver jewelry. in all corners of the country. victory day is a special day for each of us. 79 years ago, our
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fathers and grandfathers, at the cost of their lives, defended the peaceful sky above our heads. we will never forget their feat. i would like to tell young people to remember the feat of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, so that they carefully preserve peace, which our fathers conquered, so that they would learn from the mistakes of the past, so that they would not allow new wars. we must educate young people in the spirit of patriotism, love for the homeland and respect for the memory of the dead. traditionally, the procession of the immortal regiment in ashgabat is held on the territory of the pushkin school. eternal memory to those who fell liberating the world from fascism during the great patriotic war. eternal glory to the fallen soldiers who gave their lives during a special military operation. heroes don't die, they are forever. remain in our hearts, and for their sake we simply must win. well, in tajikistan on may 9, there was a full-fledged parade, military units of 201 russian bases and young army soldiers marched in parade formation and
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saluted the veterans. on may 8, president of tajikistan imam ali rahmon laid wine at the eternal flame in victory park in memory of all the fallen. and this is a requiem rally on victory square in the capital of kyrgyzstan. during the war , about 360,000 people went to the front from here. at that time, this was every fourth resident of the republic. and the family of veteran bi shimbayev met a personal parade in the courtyard of my house. the military orchestra performed songs from the war years. the veteran expressed sincere gratitude for the congratulations. the most important thing is to be friendly. remember that fascism was defeated thanks to the unity of the peoples of the ussr. we all fought together for the future. this is the real immortality of the great feat of our ancestors. eternal memory in the turkmen deserts, kazakh steppes, in each.
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uzbek mahala in the mountains of tajikistan and on the snowy peaks of kyrgyzstan. what if... we only have banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing extra.
9:57 am
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the state duma today is expanded. meetings of relevant committees will discuss candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. the list was sent the day before by prime minister mikhail mishustin. each applicant will present a program of the main areas of their work. earlier, the president signed a decree on the structure of the government. the number of ministries remains the same - 21. the prime minister will have 10 deputies, including one first deputy prime minister. denis manturov has been nominated for this post. in siberian regions it is getting worse flood situation. more than twenty settlements were flooded in the tomsk region. in omsk, where river levels continue to rise, a state of emergency has been declared in two districts: tarsky and tevrissky. the day before , a dam broke in the ust-ishim region and water rushed into the village of ashivany. local residents were urgently evacuated. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are transporting people to temporary accommodation centers.


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