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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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today the state duma will hold extended meetings of relevant committees to discuss candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. the list was sent the day before by prime minister mikhail mishustin. each applicant will present a program of the main areas of their work. previously, the president signed a decree on the structure of the government, the number of ministries remains the same, 21. the prime minister will have 10 deputies, including. regions , the flood situation is worsening in the tomsk region, more than 20 settlements are flooded , in the omsk region, where river levels continue grow, a state of emergency was declared in two districts, tarsky and tevrissky. the day before , a dam broke in the ust-ishim region, water poured into the village of ashivany, and local residents were urgently evacuated. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are transporting people to temporary centers.
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warsaw: a powerful fire destroyed a large shopping center in the polish capital. the fire engulfed several hundred square meters, and videos like these are now being published on telegram channels. according to local polish media, the fire has already been localized, but it will take several more hours to finally cope with the fire. at this time there is no information about casualties or possible causes of the fire. artillerymen of the dnepr group of troops hit the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson region. completed the combat mission calculation of the reactive system.
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unfriendly western countries are now. provokes moscow, they immediately accuse it of a nuclear threat, and the kiev regime continues to believe in nato handouts makes funny videos with tsypso actors posing as disgruntled russians. more details about everything. we’ll tell you right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, russia is blackmailing the whole world with weapons of mass destruction, and most importantly, it can use them for no apparent reason. this is exactly how foreign propaganda interpreted the data from our ministry of defense on preparations for the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. the headline of the radio liberty intelligence agent is dedicated to some kind of simulation of the apocalypse; the politician publishes a paranoid article, according to which vladimir putin is unreasonably strumming from. saber. the european union , through its foreign policy representative peter stan, accuses the kremlin of
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quote “irresponsible behavior.” for some reason, ursula fondelein addresses china in the spirit that it should force russia to change its mind, and the iron-clad rubbish dumps are predictably in trend. some people dream of nuclear blackmail, others try to make strained jokes about a nuclear stick. in general, the resonance is enormous, and the emotions are essentially hysterical. but, please note, in none of the cases preconditions of maneuvers. absolutely nothing is said, no one understands in the west that in russia nuclear weapons are a deterrent factor, they are not an offensive factor, in the west there are more and more voices that it is necessary to start negotiations, it is necessary to agree on peace, everyone is already tired of military operations, everyone is already tired of losses, and in order to silence these voices , the media in the west periodically throws in the narrative that russia... along with iran, along with along with north korea, this is an axis of evil, and what in fact an exhaustive answer is given by
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov conversations with the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program pavel zarubin is directly related to the latest threatening , provocative and increasing tension on the continent statements by a number of european representatives, this is, of course, both president macron and the minister... the permissibility of certain actions of the west, including the promise to transfer f-16 aircraft to kiev, which can be carriers of nuclear
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weapons. moscow has repeatedly warned that it would regard the delivery of these fighters as a step towards a sharp escalation. yes, the names of the defense, with whose statements the foreign attack of panic began, immediately explained that the exercises would be a reaction to the threats of individual officials in europe and america. the context is extremely transparent, but for some it is more profitable not to notice it. it's gotten to the point where they're talking openly. in order to solve some of our internal political problems there, we will bring french troops there, let our soldiers move in and we will be like if we wanted to fight openly there, they say that the f16 will fly in there, the atakams will come in, look where we can finish off, we can finish off there to kursk, to rostov, to belgorod, then we can go there towards koluga, orel all the way to minsk , it’s not us who came. to this rhetoric, at the same time, there is also plenty of outright absurdity, for example, the guru
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of the terrorist budanov demonstratively puts nuclear exercises in quotation marks and clearly wants to hint that there are neither tactical nuclear weapons nor a means of delivering them in russia, this, by the way, has long been a narrative in the knowledgeable , but here we will have to finally dot the dots and yes, it is truly known, at least about the existence of the iskander ems ballistic missile, for which a nuclear warhead is available , most of its flight takes place at an altitude of 50 k in the zone of weak reach of pro systems, and already upon approach to the target, the missile accelerates to five or six speeds, actively maneuvers, drops decoys , confusing enemy radars, but all this is coupled with an impressive range of up to 500 km, as for the warhead, its power is up to 50 kilotons, but even with an explosion of 10 a fireball with a radius of about 220 m is formed, meanwhile, at a distance of approximately 500 m from... the center, heavy concrete fortifications will be destroyed, a kilometer from the detonation point the shock wave will demolish ordinary
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buildings and cause severe fires . iskander missiles, they consistently hit targets on the territory of ukraine, and well, ukraine admits this, it does not hide it. russia is one of the largest operators of nuclear weapons in the world, if not the largest. and of course, well, adequate people in any country in the world there is no doubt about the ability of the russian army, if necessary, to deliver, including a nuclear strike. by the way, bandera’s voxans are skeptic about russian weapons. combined with blind faith in the west, the disappointing experience of using highmars, jewellins, leopards, abrams and other scrap metal is obvious, but the gang with the bank with amazing tenacity steps on the same rake. now they have decided to advertise for the german concern rhine metal, saying that square will receive from it unique artillery shells with a range of damage up to 100 km. it probably sounds impressive, but only if you don’t notice the word
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prototype. they treat these shells like pagan gods, so that they don’t send them, then there will be... disappointment, because they create such intensity, such an upsurge, as if now everything will be decided, every battle is like their last, because they don’t work for a long time, they solve some small tactical problems, they select something for a date, this is how to pump soldiers with drugs, this works in the short term, such an army cannot fight for a long time, like here not to remember that previous nato experiments like glsdb bombs in ukraine no longer took off, well, howitzer ammunition. if only they were not positioned as wunder waf, they risk becoming an even bigger disappointment. hypothetically, they can be either guided or unguided, both options must be admittedly very doubtful: the first are guided by a gps signal, which easily jams our electronic warfare radio device, without communication with the satellite, such shells turn into the most ordinary high-explosive fragmentation, and low-power, because due to their specific
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design they carry only 5 kg of explosives versus 10 kg for standard ammunition, but unguided... the version obviously sacrifices accuracy; for clarity, we will simulate a shot of m-795 shells from an m37 cannon. already at a distance of 22 km from the target, the circular probable deviation reaches 139 m. accordingly, the ammunition will fall into a circle with a diameter of almost 280 m; at a distance of 100 km , the dispersion will inevitably be so great that the chance of hitting will rush to minimum values. the rainmetal company, in general, is distinguishes.
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weapons, both western, well, yes, this has long been a fact, and besides, some ukrainian officials are proud of this and boasted about it, and if they give something, then who will use these gifts, the catastrophic shortage of personnel in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine has not been canceled, true, according to trukha, the regime will soon solve the problem due to a truly unprecedented influx of volunteers, supposedly hundreds of guys are standing in lines in front of the shopping center in the heat, just to leave for avdeevka, well, you can’t argue, there are really quite a lot of people, hence the question:
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but show me what’s happening in the neighborhood, how these men are then trampled into the ground in order to be taken to a mobilization point, then transferred to a combat zone, yet they know very well on the territory of ukraine that no one wants to go like that en masse, so the draft dodgers you can’t deny them the ability to surprise, let’s say, someone changed into a skirt, put on makeup and ran, intercepting his sister’s passport, but more often the news is tragic, what is the cost of another drowned person caught in... tisa, only according to the official according to calculations, this is already the twenty-fifth. and yet, tisa remains a very popular route for escape, or more precisely for a rescue swim from the ukrainian world of the dead to the world of the living, but there are other options in the area of ​​​​the city of mogilev-podolsky, vinnytsia region, near the border with moldova you can swim to the dniester , it’s not wide there, only about 200 m, and it’s overland. now broadcast
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from the state duma. apparently we just woke up recently, yes, yes, that’s it, yes, yes, that’s it. the norms of the constitution entered into force in 2020 at the proposal of vladimir vladimirovich putin, you know that our citizens have the opportunity to participate in the formation. the executive branch through its representatives, deputies of the state duma, and we, of course, have provided for a procedure that will allow
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candidates to be publicly discussed, but at the same time on a professional basis so that proposals are made from the candidates on how they will solve certain problematic issues, the main provisions of their... programs will be heard today at meetings of relevant committees, this is where the work on discussion will begin from 19:00 today, and somewhere until 18:00 meetings of candidates in committees with deputies will take place, then tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, because we won’t be able to do it within one day, we looked at the timekeeping, it turns out that in order to discuss candidacies of deputy and prime minister for the position of deputy prime minister - in
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the state duma it will take more than 6 hours of time, because each candidate will speak to deputies, then questions will be heard, speeches from the relevant committee, this procedure, starting tomorrow , candidates for the position of ministers will also be considered in accordance with a similar procedure, and today, within the framework of the relevant committees, they will talk about the problems that exist in the industry, in the area for which the minister or deputy chairman of the government is responsible, the deputies representing this committee will discuss these issues together with the candidate, because we have this profile, it corresponds, if we talk about the structure of committees, to the structure of the state duma the government, that is, the relevant committee and the relevant ministry, it is clear that where several ministries are in the area of ​​competence
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of the candidate for the position of deputy, chairman of the government, we have identified the main committee, and other committees will take part in the discussion of this issue. the procedure provides... once again i want to say that tomorrow there will be a permanent broadcast on duma tv and a connection via video conferencing with all regional legislative assemblies. we invite you to discussion of candidates for heads of trade unions, heads of federal public organizations, as well as representatives of the union’s business community. rectors of russia, in a word, we will try to approach this thoroughly, do everything to ensure that the conversation turns out
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professional, and of course, orders will be given, this is actually a dialogue with society, because deputies represent their voters, so problems and proposals will be voiced how to solve them will be discussed, such a serious conversation. and experienced people, on the one hand, you and i see, a systematic approach, look, where
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the result was from the relevant minister’s proposal to consider him for the post of deputy chairman of the government, this applies to patrushev, this concerns sovelyev, they worked as ministers, they is there a result. yes, it exists, we see achievements in this area, she, as the first deputy, has something to do with it. her candidacy has been proposed for the post of minister. everything is logical, but how...
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the work and time will add up later will show, but it is absolutely obvious, the result, merits, are appreciated, four governors, for us these are well-known people who have a serious professional path, knowledge, but also experience in the regions, it is important, because our country is huge and very good. when governors are considered for positions at the federal level, such a personnel lift also works, but it is also important for us that people come to the government who know how life works on earth, how problems are generally solved there, how the situation develops, we know them all , someone more, some less, but it is quite
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obvious that they all have... how much will it be in these positions for the candidates proposed, proposed for the position, what else i would like to note, because the approval procedure is new, and the dialogue that took place with the prime minister, it implied answers to a variety of questions, and at the same time... this is
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a conversation between partners who understand that the responsibility is shared, i must say, this is what can also be noted today, we see a conversation when discussing a candidacy for position before the government, his approval, he already has results. approval of the chairman of the government , a proposal was made by deputies that the first deputy and first deputy chairman of the government should be the deputy prime minister responsible for industry, defense issues, technology, and the chairman,
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a candidate for the post of chairman of the government.
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our country and see that in some area this approach may be better, this dialogue, it says a lot, so in general, what the norm now provides approval by deputies of the state duma, this, of course, obliges us to do a lot, and we are trying our best in this dialogue. approach the development of a decision, the approval of candidates scrupulously, i hope that this will affect, including the work of the cabinet of ministers, that the next question: the procedure for approving candidates, including providing for answers to questions by a deputy, which deputies have prepared questions and what tasks will be to decide the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, but the duma differs in that it is impossible
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to predict. eh, what questions, who?


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